Australia can be a clean energy superpower

A guest post by Stewart Taggart Imagine a world in which Australia becomes a ‘clean energy superpower’ exporting huge volumes of clean, green, zero-greenhouse gas electricity to Asia, powering homes, industry and electric vehicles. It requires vision. It requires will and leadership. But it’s not that farfetched. If we’re willing to dream a little… TREC/DESERTEC-Australia […]

Spot the recycled denial I – Prof WJ Collins

UPDATE: Detailed response from Dr Andrew Glikson (PDF) can be downloaded here: gliksondetailedresponsewjcollins Each week, seemingly without fail, a new Opinion piece appears in some Australian media outlet which is sceptical about aspects of mainstream climate science. Sometimes they are in the form of Editorials or Viewpoints, sometimes as Letters to the Editor. Some are […]


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