Denial vs Good Science Part II

The next part in the Denial vs Good Science story comes from an exchange between Andrew Bolt and me in the Melbourne Herald Sun. Both articles appeared originally in the print version of the paper, but are now available online. This is what Mr Bolt said: Evidence doesn’t bare out alarmist claims of global warming […]

Australia can be a clean energy superpower

A guest post by Stewart Taggart Imagine a world in which Australia becomes a ‘clean energy superpower’ exporting huge volumes of clean, green, zero-greenhouse gas electricity to Asia, powering homes, industry and electric vehicles. It requires vision. It requires will and leadership. But it’s not that farfetched. If we’re willing to dream a little… TREC/DESERTEC-Australia […]

Spot the recycled denial I – Prof WJ Collins

UPDATE: Detailed response from Dr Andrew Glikson (PDF) can be downloaded here: gliksondetailedresponsewjcollins Each week, seemingly without fail, a new Opinion piece appears in some Australian media outlet which is sceptical about aspects of mainstream climate science. Sometimes they are in the form of Editorials or Viewpoints, sometimes as Letters to the Editor. Some are […]

Will global warming cause a mass extinction event?

Originally posted on Skeptical Science… A related post can be found here. Human are transforming the global environmental. Great swathes of temperate forest in Europe, Asia and North America have been cleared over the past few centuries for agriculture, timber and urban development. Tropical forests are now on the front line. Human-assisted species invasions of […]

Denial vs Good Science Part I

Earlier this year I was asked to write a ConScience opinion piece for Australasian Science magazine (one of the two popular science mags in Oz, along with COSMOS). It was entitled “Make a stand for good science”. Here is the first part: “Don’t feed the troll!” This is a common admonition in the expanding science […]

3/3 CCQA1 Barry Brook and Andrew Watson field questions on global warming

Listen to Barry Brook and Andrew Watson respond to questions from the audience at the 1st seminar in the series entitled Climate Change Q and A: Sceptical Questions and the Scientific Answers. Subscribe for podcasts at or go to for complete details about the series. Please note this recording contains some silent sections […]

2/3 CCQA1 Barry Brook on how we know the earth is really warming

Listen to Barry Brook explain the science behind global warming. This is the 2nd of 3 parts from the 1st seminar in the series entitled Climate Change Q and A: Sceptical Questions and the Scientific Answers. Subscribe for podcasts at or go to for complete details about the series. Share this: Facebook Email […]

CCQA1 Presentations Available

The PowerPoint presentations from the first of the Climate Change Q and A seminars are now available as PDF files. The presentations by Barry Brook and Andrew Watson provide the scientific answers to sceptical questions about whether the earth is really warming. Please see at or for details. Efforts have been made to […]

1/3 CCQA1 Intro and Andrew Watson on climate records

Listen to the seminar introduction by Barry Brook and the presentation by Andrew Watson from the Bureau of Meteorology on the accuracy of weather records. This is the 1st of 3 parts from the 1st seminar in the series entitled Climate Change Q and A: Sceptical Questions and the Scientific Answers. Subscribe for podcasts at […]

Australia’s most powerful climate-forcing agent – it’s not coal

I recently had an Opinion Editorial published in The Age, with two co-authors, which discussed something most people don’t think a whole lot about – how their diet affects their carbon footprint. It was a response to the draft Garnaut Review on the economic impact of climate change on Australia. Here is a snippet. PROFESSOR […]

Tell us something we don’t know…

This article in New Scientist is both disturbing and relieving at the same time. It is relieving in the sense that the US government has finally, under the burden of massive empirical evidence, capitulated that humans are causing the planet to heat up. If Australians could wake up finally and oust John Howard partially on […]

Dr David Evans: born-again ‘alarmist’?

A few weeks ago, self-proclaimed “rocket scientist”, Dr David Evans, wrote an Opinion Editorial in The Australian, which was widely circulated across various email distribution lists (I got send the link a couple of times, asking whether what he was saying was valid. I passed them on to these two pieces from Deltoid). But it […]

How long will Old King Coal reign? Part I

The arguments around carbon capture and storage (CCS) as a way of producing so-called ‘clean coal’ (low emissions baseload energy) have, to date, focused on its technical feasibility. I’ll talk more about that in another post. But first, let’s consider a more fundamental question. Just how much of the black stuff is there? Here is […]

Climate Change Q&A Seminar 1: Is the Earth Warming (Discussion Thread)

DISCUSSION THREAD: Please post your questions or comments here. 8 August: Is the Earth really warming? “It’s so cold! How can the earth really be warming?” Statements such as these get in the way of climate action as they call into question whether there’s a problem to address. We might hear that surface temperature is […]

Geoengineering – damned if you do, damned if you don’t?

We’ve overshot the ‘safe’ level of atmospheric greenhouse gases are are going to be forced to look for ways to artificially cool the planet, or alternatively, to rapidly drawn down free-air CO2. Most geoengineering solutions look to do the former. For instance, the ‘simulated volcano’ (stratospheric sulphates) or ‘sunshade world’ (mirrors in space) are intended […]

Welcome to A Brave New Climate

This is the blog of Professor Barry Brook, Director of the Research Institute for Climate Change and Sustainability at the University of Adelaide. We are working to promote interdisciplinary research into climate change mitigation and adaption, but we’re also engaged in reaching out to our community to educate and raise awareness about these important issues. […]


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