Advanced nuclear power systems to mitigate climate change (Part III)

This is a modified version of the full conference paper. This is the most up-to-date executive summary available, written for a general — albeit technically conversant – audience, of the Integral Fast Reactor. You can download the 16-page printable PDF version here. 91st American Meteorology Society Annual Meeting, Jan 23-27, 2011, Seattle, WA Second Conference on Weather, […]

Open Thread 9 – technosolar catastrophe?

This is the first Open Thread of 2011. The Open Thread is a general discussion forum, where you can talk about whatever you like — there is nothing ‘off topic’ here — within reason. So get up on your soap box! The standard commenting rules of courtesy apply, and at the very least your chat should […]

Safeguarding the nuclear fuel cycle

Guest Post by Dr. William Hannum. A member of the Science Council for Global Initiatives, Bill worked for more than 40 years in nuclear power development, stretching from design and analysis of the Shippingport reactor to the Integral Fast Reactor. He earned his BA in physics at Princeton and his MS and PhD in nuclear physics at […]

Gas aplenty, but UAE opts for nuclear – a lesson to be learned?

Dr Ziggy Switkowski (former CEO of Telstra, Optus and Kodak, recently retired Chairman of ANSTO, and now Chancellor of RMIT University) recently had an excellent article published in the Australian Financial Review. Unfortunately, there is no online version available, so for those who missed the print edition, bad luck… Well, that is until I emailed […]

Climate Change – it’s complicated, but it’s real

I was recently invited to provide a response to an opinion article on climate change that was offered to “The Punch” website. The lead article can be read here: It’s just too hard to understand climate change. My response, reproduced below (original here), should be read with this context in mind. It seems that many of […]

ABC Counterpoint radio on nuclear costs, and new talks

Many have seen/listened to this already, but for completeness, here are the details of my recent interview with the ABC Radio program Counterpoint on the cost of nuclear energy. It is based on a discussion of the recent Energy peer-reviewed paper authored by Nicholson, Biegler & Brook. Should Australia go nuclear? Barry Brook argues that […]

Keeping solid information on nuclear energy on the ALP’s discussion agenda

Guest Post by Luke Weston. Luke is a Melbourne-based physicist and occasional freelance electronic engineer, with a strong interest in educating the community about nuclear energy and related issues. Just this week, Martin Ferguson has been actively stepping up his efforts to keep nuclear energy as a topic on the ALP’s discussion agenda, which is great […]

An environmentally sound, energy-rich future (Part II)

Here is a blog-post version of the poster to accompany the AMS paper discussed in the previous post. You can download a printable, high rez (11 MB) version of the poster here, or a low rez (1 MB) version here. —————————

IFR: An optimized approach to meeting global energy needs (Part I)

A few days ago, an important poster and written paper were presented at the 91st American Meteorological Society (AMS) Annual Meeting, 23-27 Jan 2011, Seattle, WA; Second Conference on Weather, Climate, and the New Energy Economy. The Integral Fast Reactor (IFR): An Optimized Source for Global Energy Needs Charles Archambeau (1), Randolph Ware (2,3), Tom Blees (1), […]


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