Nuclear Open Thread

Open Thread 21

The previous Open Thread has gone past is off the BNC front page, so it’s time for a fresh palette.

The Open Thread is a general discussion forum, where you can talk about whatever you like — there is nothing ‘off topic’ here — within reason. So get up on your soap box! The standard commenting rules of courtesy apply, and at the very least your chat should relate to the general content of this blog.

The sort of things that belong on this thread include general enquiries, soapbox philosophy, meandering trains of argument that move dynamically from one point of contention to another, and so on — as long as the comments adhere to the broad BNC themes of sustainable energy, climate change mitigation and policy, energy security, climate impacts, etc.

You can also find this thread by clicking on the Open Thread category on the cascading menu under the “Home” tab.


There are two very important articles now posted on The Guardian website. The first, by Duncan Clark, is titled New generation of nuclear reactors could consume radioactive waste as fuelThe new ‘fast’ plants could provide enough low-carbon electricity to power the UK for more than 500 years.

It talks about Britain’s options for plutonium (Pu) disposal, and the GEH proposal to build a pair of S-PRISM reactors (311 MWe each) to rapidly ‘spike’ the weapons-grade Pu inventory, and thereafter consume it and spent fuel for energy. The alternative option, a new MOX plant, is far less desirable.

Tom Blees wrote a detailed explanation of this plan on BNC here: Disposal of UK plutonium stocks with a climate change focus

To accompany this piece there is an excellent new essay by George Monbiot: We cannot wish Britain’s nuclear waste awayOpponents of nuclear power who shout down suggestions of how to use spent waste as fuel will not make the problem disappear.

As usual, George writes persuasively and gets to the heart of the matter. In this case, he poses a simple question for the critics:

So which of these options do you support? [IFR recycling, MOX fuel, or immediate deep geological disposal]. None of the above is not an answer. Something has to be done with the waste, and unless you have invented a novel solution, one of these three options will need to be deployed. But it is a choice that opponents of nuclear power are refusing to make – and that is not good enough.

The essay provides more details, and some examples of people who wish to shut their mind to reality. Which option would you choose?

By Barry Brook

Barry Brook is an ARC Laureate Fellow and Chair of Environmental Sustainability at the University of Tasmania. He researches global change, ecology and energy.

544 replies on “Open Thread 21”

UK has nearly 100 tons of reactor grade plutonium. Treating it as waste is a criminal waste.
Modular fast reactors (Prism) would be a good choice if they are part of an IFR plan for nuclear energy. Using them as a device for once through disposal of plutonium will only give a feel of a fast design for further consideration.
For once through use of plutonium, the Indian ideas are more cost effective:-
Thorium-RG Pu can be used as fuel in their existing gas cooled reactors or future EPRs.


Jagdish, yes I agree. The ideal is a three-step process: (1) spike the isotopic purity of the Pu, and (2) use it as startup for IFRs and (3) start recycling and using the DU for makeup. Only the first part is immediately on the planning table, but as you quite rightly note, it would be crazy to just build the PRISMs and not the pyroprocessing plant too.


I think you might mean the first article is by Duncan Clark, not Flinders University biologist, or Australian author, Duncan Mackay. ;)

It’s a good article all the same – as is George Monbiot’s. It really is a no-brainer. You cannot logically complain about nuclear waste and oppose fast reactors with fuel recycling. And you cannot seriously oppose nuclear development if you are genuinely concerned about climate change, even if you don’t see it as a main part of the solution.

Ed: Right, fixed.


Using sodium for cooling is very risky because of the reactivity of sodium. If there were no alternative nuclear technologies, perhaps the risk would be acceptable. Fortunately, there is an alternative technology which, in my opinion, would be far superior, i.e., the liquid fluoride thorium reactor. Potentially it could circumvent the problems associated with uranium reactors.

For more information, visit the following site:

Although thorium can be used in a reactor which is very similar to our current uranium reactors, that doesn’t appear to be the best approach since it would require forming the thorium into fuel rods thereby increasing costs and complicating recycling the spent fuel.


I tend to have a different view than the most of the contributors here, who are fast reactors enthousiasts.

There are in fact 3 sensible options a priori: moxing, building a fast reactor, waiting.

Waiting is another version of bulding one (or more) fast reactors. It’s waiting for the technology to mature and to make economical sense as a means of production of electricity.

Moxing allows to use in today’s reactor fleet, especially by the biggest customer of Areva, EDF, in a country just right over the Channel. Areva already owns a facility for mox production that is currently running. In other words, it can be a solution with little unknowns.

Building fast reactors means that the consortium led by GE will repay itself by selling electricity. As far as I know fast reactors do not make economic sense today, so when GE says it will not ask for any money if the reactors don’t work, that may mean it will ask for a feed-in tariff. So the british citizenry will pay in another way, which may or may not make sense.

I readily concede that I do not know the specific costs and exact conditions on offer to the UK government.

I know that using only 235U is not a sustainable way of producing electricity. I also know that if we wish to use fast reactors, moxing will have to stop in the future. One need 20t of plutonium to start a 1GW sodium cooled fast reactor. That’s about what is produced by the french fleet of PWRs in a year. Today’s french civilian Pu stockpile is about 300t, and for depleted uranium, it’s 300 000t.
(source: french parliamentary hearing: search for “Sylvain David”. Sorry it’s in french, but google translate may help you)

But today, fast reactors do not make economic sense, uranium is not expensive enough.


The following link points to a pdf of an article written by a Dr Gunther Keil . In it he shows why and how the shutting down of the nuclear industry in Germany is a total disaster.Also that wind and solar simply don’t cut the mustard.
This is a better attempt at citation but you should, in future, provide more of your own analysis to ant ref/link.


For both the MOX and IFR pathways I would like to know how many Mwh per tonne of original uranium can be generated until effective fuel exhaustion. Secondly what are the levelised costs associated with either pathway in terms of additional facilities needed.

Changing topic I notice Queenslanders are refraining from describing every recurring flood as once-in-a-hundred years. Their thinking requires them to disconnect the cost of weather woes from the profits of new coal mines.


But today, fast reactors do not make economic sense, uranium is not expensive enough.

Fast reactors and recycling is not only a substitute for uranium fuel. It is important
1. For long term energy sustainability.
2. Disposal of DU and LWR waste.
3. more compact reactors.
4. reactor core free of high pressure resulting in safety.
Use of highly chemically active sodium coolant is the only negative. It can be changed.



When we ignore the economics, we are spinning our wheels. The economic case has to stack up or the argument will go nowhere. The business case, with all the costs and benefits, has to be made. And it has to be made on reasonable, conservative grounds. The costs and benefits of the whole package, including the long term benfits you point out in your list, must be presented as a business case.


As invited in yoour introduction, Barry, I would like to suggest a thread. Would anyone like to comment on the two articles in The Australian this week (Feb 1) “Climate Change “heretics” refute carbon dangers”, many listed signatories including some important scientists, and (Feb 3) “Expertise a prerequisite to comment on climate” Kevin Trenbeth plus 38 unlisted signatories. (I have the impression the latter article has been edited by the newspaper to abbreviate it.) I would also like comments on the assertion by Vincent Gray in his Greenhouse Bulletin article ‘Atmospheric carbon dioxide” that despite the increasing rate of CO2 release into the atmosphere due to human activities, the average rate of CO2 increase in the atmosphere (in ppm/year) has remained constant for many years. Is he correct? I haven’t been able to check this with any precision because most graphs are pretty small scale. Also, I am finding it incredibly difficult to persuade my friends and relatives that climate change is real and worth doing something about. Just look at the current record low temperatures in Europe and the floods in NSW and Queensland. Don’t the scientists predict drought? – they say! So I would hesitate to argue in public when I cannot convincingly counter these simple objections. OK – I’ve shown my ignorance of the finer points, so I am looking forward to your comments, if any!


I don’t understand why there isn’t an intermediary neutral coolant loop between the water and sodium. CO2, Helium, molten salt if it’s hot enough. Anything will work, given the right engineering. Just get those two separated and the only layman-obvious safety issue in the PRISM is dead.


(Comment deleted)
BNC no longer publishes or discusses sceptical comments on the scientific consensus of AGW/CC.


More talk of a second underwater HVDC cable under Bass Strait
The converter at the Victorian end is actually at Loy Yang brown coal fired station. It seems wind developers are certain they will be getting RECs or the Greens proposed national FiT for the foreseeable future. There’s talk of 500 MW new wind build in nimby sparse Tasmania. Combined with a 20% RET for all Australia they know they could make money. I wouldn’t be surprised if soon to be heavily carbon taxed Victoria argues that they should somehow get extra credits for windpower imports.

A business model would have to incorporate hydro balancing that lowers water levels harming more lucrative spot sales, low power price contracts for smelters and the likelihood of Tasmanian wind while parts of the mainland are becalmed. My prediction is it will never happen unless the Feds see it as a German style vote winner.


Commentators above have made several assertions which may not be correct:

1) IMO, absenting FOAK issues, it is not obvious that the IFR will produce power more expensively than existing designs – the reverse could ultimately prove to be the case.

2) The suggestion that one requires 20 tonnes of fissile to start a IGW IFR is, I think, a very significant overestimate.

3) I know that it has been reported that the UK’s plutonium stockpile costs £2 billion/annum to store, I have also read that this is orders of magnitude too high.


@Douglas Wise,

the 20t (or rather the estimate was 16-20t) for starting a GenIV sodium cooled 1GW reactor was given by a representative of a french research agency on the subject. I guess he knew what he was talking about.

I agree it is surprising, old designs could start with between 4 and 5t per GW (that was the case at superphenix). I do not know the reasons for such a dramatic increase. The GE reactors should be able to start with the smaller figure of 5t/GW as it is an existing design.


I agree fast reactors have many advantages. However, the reactor core is likely to be bigger because of lower cross sections for fast neutrons compared to thermal neutrons.


The amount of initial core inventory (fissile) for an IFR depends on the reactor size, as described on pg 316 of Till & Chang 2011. For the PRISM design (MOD B, 311 MWe), the actinide inventory is a little under 10t/GWe. For a reactor of 600 MWe, this is reduced to 6t/GWe. See Fig 14-7 and related text for further details.


The design of Indian PFBR is given at the link

Click to access design.pdf

The core is more compact than thermal reactors. Only the fissile feed is higher and is 2 tons for this reactor. I think it is typical of fast reactors and increases less than proportionally with size.


This is good thread to publish my reaction to the book: : “Plentiful Energy” by Till and Yang.

Great book. it brought up a lot of emotions for me as I kind of started in the same “lab test” and “report” environment but it was gas turbines starting in 1972.

Here’s what I got from the book (so far).

Please remember it is written by a retired engineer that has a BSME and worked his career in GT’s as opposed to someone w/ experience in the NUCLEAR profession/ industry..

1) I did not know that Eisenhower did the “Atoms for Peace ” program w/ Nuclear power production. This makes me respect the man even more.

2) I did not know that Rickover basically side tracked the IFR program to Oxide fuel and “non pool” vessel geometry.

3) I had forgotten that Clinton killed the program…Very disappointing.

4)) We should just get moving on 20 years of research that has already been documented. It is a horrible waste to do otherwise

5) We need LCOE numbers for IFR in production, of course they will be difficult to interpret since there is no production experience, plus you have to put the value of the recycling into the analysis in order to make a good comparison.

6) I hope the UK goes ahead w/ Prism..

Maybe someone from the UK could update on PRISM project.


What I have a hard time grasping is how Biomass electricity generation is classed as a renewable, it’s just subbing out one fuel for another that happens to be a waste by-product. Which ties in nicely with this current discussion; If Biomass is considered a Renewable generator, then so must Gen IV Nuclear reactors as they can chew through Nuclear waste. If it’s good enough for effectively a gas turbine, then it’s good enough for Gen IV nuclear.


@ GeorgeS- I agree with your points.

I purchased Plentiful Energy and Prescription for the Planet recently and chose to start with the former because I wanted the comprehensive historical background before reading the rest.

I’ve only read up to the history part of Plentiful and agree that the on-again off-again directions the IFR took from various directors and politicians must have been very frustrating!

A pity that such a promising technology was so constrained by silliness. But, then again, hindsight….


Barry – Maybe you could give some thought to John Patterson’s suggestion that we might need a thread on the current sceptical articles doing the rounds – European weather, Australian floods, CO2 levels etc. I see that you have linked via Twitter to many articles covering these topics so – John – please check those out. However, we haven’t had an up-date on BNC on the state of climate for a while.


Thank you Barry. I have added my name to Hansen’s updates list. I think a visit to the Hansen website would help JP to answer his friend’s questions .


@ Irregular Commentator Biomass is classified as renewable because the plantmass being converted into energy, in its previous incarnation as a living plant, converted co2 into a form of carbon.So it is a virteous circle if you like. (And if I understand correctly) As for your comment on nuclear reactors, personally , I continue to be amazed what e=mcc actually means for the production of electricity.


In the case of wood products the sustainability depends on the logging rotation (80 years is better than 40 years) and the durability of the product with furniture timber locking up carbon longer than paper pulp and of course direct burning of offcuts or sawdust, The issues are discussed here for example

Click to access Forests,Wood&CarbonBalance.pdf

However a curious omission seems to be the large amounts of diesel used by machines and trucks. The major impact could be we must start thinking long term
1) the person who plants a tree won’t be cutting it down 80 years later
2) oil var. diesel will be gone in 80 years
3) concentrated phosphate will be gone in 80 years
4) the climate may no longer suit that tree species 80 years later.

Forget oilseeds they are a niche. That’s for transport energy but the same goes I think for stationary energy using bagasse or straw. If algae based lipids don’t work then synfuel will have to be made from trash bio-carbon and nuclear hydrogen. E=mc^2 once again. Think dollars per litre of synfuel which will make the EU airline fuel tax look like a pittance.


The IFR wiki could do with some work. The section on Proliferation risks sounds far too negative compared to what I learned here. EG:

Because reactor-grade plutonium contains isotopes of plutonium with high spontaneous fission rates, it is more difficult, though not impossible, to produce nuclear weapons from high-burnup spent fuel. This also could be circumvented with isotopic separation, but this is more difficult than uranium enrichment due to the high radioactivity of the plutonium.

Proliferation risks are not eliminated. “The plutonium from ALMR recycled fuel would have an isotopic composition similar to that obtained from other spent nuclear fuel sources. Whereas this might make it less than ideal for weapons production, it would still be adequate for unsophisticated nuclear bomb designs. In fact the U.S. government detonated a nuclear device in 1962 using low-grade plutonium typical of that produced by civilian powerplants.” [9] “If, instead of processing spent fuel, the ALMR system were used to reprocess irradiated fertile (breeding) material in the electrorefiner, the resulting plutonium would be a superior material, with a nearly ideal isotope composition for nuclear weapons manufacture” [10]


The Grattan Institute has just produced a large and detailed report on Australia’s clean energy generation options, rather grimly titled

No easy choices: which way to Australia’s energy future?

I’ve just had a quick flick through it, and I think this is a pretty good bit of work. I have some issues with it in places but on the whole I think it is well informed and without obvious bias for or against any of the clean energy generation technologies it covers. There is a lot of data in it, and I think Peter Lang will find many useful reports referenced.

In particular, it includes an analysis of nuclear that is unbiased and seems reasonable. I could quibble with parts of it but I think the authors are to be applauded for doing their research. It is aware of gen IV nukes and their role in the fuel cycle and as the ultimate means of dealing with nuclear waste. The key issues for nuclear deployment in Australia are the high upfront capital, which puts it out of reach of private companies here, and the long lead time – they estimate a lead time of 15-20 years, ignoring the sociological dimension. They do take as the basis for a lot of their analysis just Western regulatory institutions and downplay the Chinese and other asian processes, unreasonably in my opinion.

The report examines:

Solar PV
Transmission infrastructure

Definitely worth a look.


An excellent article by George Monbiot. In only one major area do I disagree. That is the feeding of hysteria over the “waste problem”, kicking the can down the road and rush to fixes. Not only is the waste not really waste – almost all of the isotopes are very valuable with various industrial and medical uses – it is also not a problem to store the stuff 10 or 100 years. Immediate geological disposal is in fact not even possible, since the fission products make too much heat and the ground is an excellent insulator. After 100 years the activity of the “waste” is about 1000x less than the moment the reactor stopped. That factor of 1000 is very helpful. Why rush into some expensive geological repository when waiting rationally reduces the activity orders of magnitude? Even if we decide on geological disposal we’ll first have to wait for several decades using above ground storage.

As for reprocessing, this does not make the fission products go away, and they are too hot for quick geological burial. So again this does not mitigate the need for above ground storage such as dry storage. If done well it gets rid of the need for long term storage but you still have a century or two at least needed for the fission products, and geological storage isn’t optimal for this (likely unfeasible altogether due to the heat load).

What’s wrong with a cask sitting in a concrete pack, losing heat to the air passively? Why does everyone feel the need to exaggerate this “problem”? For those who think it is a problem, I suggest visiting a dry storage facility – you’ll wonder what you ever worried about, just a bunch of concrete casks that sit there, losing heat, becoming ever less radioactive. The cost of doing this 100 years is not much bigger than doing it 10 years – and we need to do this anyway because fresh fission products can’t be buried.

It is curious that people talk about the “long term waste problem” and how it will be solved by using the transuranic wastes as fuel. The truth is, the waste is only an issue when it is fresh since it has sufficient self-heating to push radionuclides into the environment. Transuranics just don’t make enough heat to destroy the containers they’re in (ie fully passive simple cooling). If there is a waste problem, then it is a short lived one, and even then, only with insufficient design (Fukushima being a recent case in point).

What really makes the long lived transuranic waste interesting to me is the fact that it is such a good fuel to startup gen IV reactors – IFR, LFTR, insert your favourite. Does this however warrant hysteria over the “waste problem”? Can we lie about a non-problem being a problem in order to get the public support and justification to use this – yes, granted – excellent startup fuel ASAP? Climate change might justify it, but keep in mind that mined low enriched uranium can also be used to startup IFRs…. And that’s likely a faster and bigger startup resource.


Because reactor-grade plutonium contains isotopes of plutonium with high spontaneous fission rates, it is more difficult, though not impossible, to produce nuclear weapons from high-burnup spent fuel. This also could be circumvented with isotopic separation, but this is more difficult than uranium enrichment due to the high radioactivity of the plutonium

1. No one has ever made bombs with plutonium with less than 85% Pu239. Reactor grade plutonium has much lower Pu239 content (50-70%).

2. No one has ever succeeded in isotopically seperating plutonium. This is because plutonium has no stable volatile compounds so you can’t make a gas out of it. (isotopic seperation requires a gas – liquids and solids interact too much, making isotopic enrichment impossible). National labs including US national labs have tried, using lasers, and billion dollar budgets, and failed.

3. IFRs keep the plutonium with the minor actinides americium and curium. TThese are horrible materials to have in a bomb, making lots of heat and spontaneous neutrons, and being difficult to seperate chemically from plutonium.

On the con side: plutonium can’t be isotopically downblended as easily as uranium. With uranium you can just add a lot of U238 that makes it unsuitable for weapons. However, it is possible to add thorium to the IFR fuel cycle, which makes three things that resist proliferation further. These are U233 bred fissile that is downblended instantly with all that U238 in the fuel, U232 that makes hard gamma rays hurting would be bomb builders, bomb electronics, and sending off signals to sattelites, and Pu238 formed from neutron captures, that acts as “spike” for Pu239, like Pu241 having a lot of spontaneous neutrons. In fact Pu238 makes a lot of heat making weapons manufacturing even more difficult. So a combined U238-thorium cycle would be even more proliferation proof.


The point on bombs is that one ‘can’ take 50%-70% Pu239 and make >85%. Anyway…

Barry…or anyone part of the IFR community…what ARE the costs for an IFR? I know that some, not all, fast reactors were very, very expensive to not only build but to operate. The French closed theirs *in part* because of costs. What advances have been made to IFR techonlogy that has lowered costs? Also, are the Russian reactors the Chinese are building “IFRs” or something other form of fast breeder?



Here is a presentation put together in 2003 on GE Prism reactors being used to ‘burnup’ the US commercial nuclear waste stockpiles.

it has some interesting figures and time frames for a ‘cost effective’ rollout. I.E. for the fuel reprocessing facility to be financially viable there needs to be a large stockpile of waste and a matching 25 year ‘build rate’ commitment for IFR reactors.

Click to access pad0305dubberly.pdf


The point on bombs is that one ‘can’ take 50%-70% Pu239 and make >85%.

Any reactor can be modified to have depleted uranium blanket fuel elements added. This then makes very pure Pu239 – easily >95% Pu239. However this requires a difficult change in the reactor fuel layout and refuelling, that is easily detected (lots of shutdowns, suspicious). Though an IFR with a blanket would be more readily adaptable to make this pure plutonium, the fuel processor technology that is available in the plant can’t make pure uncontaminated plutonium. It’s actually much easier to take some graphite chunks and some mined natural uranium and make a small weapons production reactor (plutonium).

That’s actually the main problem with the nuclear power increases proliferation argument: it’s actually very easy for a country to make a nuclear bomb, with or without power reactors. It’s important to distinguish between national and subnational groups. Subnational groups such as terrorists don’t have power reactors handy, but they could build small graphite moderated natural uranium fuelled plutonium production reactors if they are well funded.

If we close all reactors today, we don’t solve the proliferation problem. If countries need a fig leaf, they’ll have other options than power reactors, notably research reactors (“science is important”) and medical isotope reactors (“we must be able to cure our people of cancer”). You don’t need a big reactor to make a bomb; that’s just an inconvenience.


The point on bombs is that one ‘can’ take 50%-70% Pu239 and make >85%. Anyway…

Please say how. My first impression is that if one can do that, one is amazing enough that one might better just make a magnetically contained antihydrogen bomb using energy from wind turbines. Easier to smuggle to a target, too, because antihydrogen is not at all radioactive, and per megatonne of yield, it is much, much lighter than plutonium.


I have no idea. I was being somewhat obtuse. We can get into the silly proliferation discussion. There is no doubt that a reactor can be built and reprocessing established to out put exactly what one wants in terms of WMD. . .

. . .so what?

My answer is, “then don’t do that”. It’s all about policy. We get the same sort of “issues” that popup in the LFTR community as well with U233. The answer, always, is a political, not technical one. Ugh.

Thanks for the links on costs. I’d still like to see some discussions on costs for the IFR.


Well there are some things we can do in the design of the reactor and fuel cycle that make weapons production unplausible. That’s when it is much more difficult to use the power reactor to make bomb grade material than to just build a small plutonium production reactor.

For example deep burnup results in poor plutonium isotopic quality. Keeping the plutonium with americium and curium in the reprocessor unit by selecting reprocessing steps that intrinsically keep these together is another example. We can do lots of these things that actually don’t hurt economics but improve on them (deep burn makes it more economical, less clean reprocessing is cheaper, etc.).

Deep burn U233 results in considerable U232 buildup, especially in a fast reactor. Thorium also has lower reactivity swing. I’m thinking a hybrid Th-U238 cycle would be economically attractive and higher performance than U238 only fuel (slightly lower breeding is offset by lower fissile startup).


unclepete wrote:

The following link points to a pdf of an article written by a Dr Gunther Keil . In it he shows why and how the shutting down of the nuclear industry in Germany is a total disaster. Also that wind and solar simply don’t cut the mustard.

This appears to be a link and little else (which is not particularly helpful to readers on the site). Care to provide some analysis for this lengthy article? Such as … what are the stated goals of Germany’s energy policy, and how do results presented in the paper contradict or confirm these goals? I took a quick look … the article claims: “The fundamental claim used to legitimize “renewables” is the replacement of coal-fired plants, mainly with wind and solar plants.” According to this source, between 1990 and 2010, coal use in Germany decreased from 131 million tonnes of oil equivalent (MTOE) to 76 MTOE (for a 58% reduction in coal use). During the same time period, energy use from nuclear decreased slightly as well (40 MTOE to 37 MTOE), but renewables increased and appear to be filling in the gap (rising from 1 MTOE to 32 MTOE). Data includes all inputs for both imports and exports. If Germany isn’t retiring these old and obsolete coal power plants, are they running them at much lower capacities for significantly less (58%) coal consumption, and associated emissions from coal. Is this operational and energy consumption data mentioned in the article?

In addition, does Germany “legitimize” it’s commitment to domestic renewable energy goals on any other basis besides reducing coal consumption (where it has already achieved significant results): how about economic competitiveness; global manufacturing of wind turbines and solar equipment; regional economic benefits in jobs, skilled trades, and taxes; less long-term radioactive waste; research and development (and any associated spin-offs); leadership in energy storage technologies (such as adiabatic CAES), leadership in smart grid technologies, increased public attention (and global environmental negotiations); coalition building and democratic leadership (by pursuing energy choices that are attractive to local constituents); and more. Has Dr. Keil deliberately overlooked some of these concerns and national policy outlooks in his analysis, or does he intend to look at them elsewhere (and with relevant new insights, data, and analysis)?


Further to John Morgan’s comment on the just released Grattan Institute report, I wrote the following before reading John’s comment:

An interesting and comprehensive report was published last week by the Grattan Institute “No easy choices: which way to Australia’s energy future?” by Tony Wood et al.

I haven’t read it but after a quick initial scan of the first few pages I have these comments (scattered thoughts in no particular order):

Lead author, Tony Wood’s background is

Tony joined Grattan Institute after two and a half years as Program Director of Clean Energy Projects at the Clinton Foundation. Before that he spent 11 years working at Origin Energy, which included a secondment to the first Garnaut review.

That raises alarm bells warning me his work may be influenced by alliances and, therefore, not entirely objective.

Seems to believe renewables will have more of a role to play than I believe is likely (on a purely economically rational basis).

Realistic about the costs of nuclear and impediments to nuclear given existing government policies (See Table 3.1). But does not draw the conclusion that we need to focus on removing the impediments to low cost nuclear if we want to reduce GHG emissions by the amount being advocated by the Australian government.

Without government support beyond a carbon price, none of
the technologies is likely to be developed to be commercially
competitive, demonstrated, or deployed in Australia.

CCS and nuclear are unlikely to be demonstrated in Australia
in the near future unless government takes on most of the
material risks of the project.

I don’t understand how so many of these reports come up with a low LCOE for ‘Hot Rock’ geothermal when it has never been successfully demonstrated anywhere (by which I mean commercially viable at scale and the transmissions costs for Australia would be very high).

Wants government to intervene. Government intervention is unquestionably good if it applies direct action to remove the impediments that have been built with 50 years of bad energy policy (i.e. bad direct actions). But intervention to pick winners is fraught with problems as demonstrated by the government picking:

• the $50 to 80 billion NBN project
• the ‘pink bats’ home insulation program
• massive and ongoing subsidies and protections for the car industry
• $10 billion clean energy fund for the Greens to subsidise their technologies (nuclear and CCS are banned)
• green car subsidies
• subsidies for transmission to support renewable energy projects

There is no end to the political intervention and pork barrelling when governments get involved in committing taxpayers funds to their pet projects (mostly in marginal seats to win elections).

It is not easy for governments to steer a course between, on the one hand, inadequate support for low carbon technologies, and on the other, picking winners or favouring one technology over another.

True. It is virtually impossible.

At present low emissions electricity costs significantly more than current electricity market wholesale prices. The estimates shown in Figure 2.3 range from three to five times the current wholesale price for electricity in Australia of between about $30 and $40 per megawatt-hour.

This is not quite a fair comparison. Any new generation capacity, even black or brown coal without CCS, will cost at least twice the current whole sale cost of electricity.

In Climate Spectator yesterday, Tony Wood wrote: “The carbon price is a good start but it is not enough.”

I am far from convinced of this. Is this rational? I am not sure? I have not seen a reliable analysis that has properly evaluated the costs and benefits of the carbon price. I have not seen a risk analysis that has properly evaluated the risk that the carbon price will not achieve what it is supposed to achieve (reduction in global emissions and measureable change in the climate), versus the costs to societies of imposing such a government intervention (wealth redistribution to penalise the most productive and reward the least productive). For one thing, raising the cost of electricity in the western democracies is exactly the wrong policy; we need to reduce the cost of low emissions electricity if we want developing countries to take up low emissions technologies instead of fossil fuels. Raising the cost of electricity in the western democracies is exactly the wrong policy, IMO.


harrywr2, @ 7 February 2012 at 3:11 AM

Thank you for the link to the cost estimate for the processing facility.

The total cost per kW is about 1/3 the cost of an OCGT plant, so obviously not the whole plant. Furthermore, the costs are in 1997 $ so too far out of date to be useful. Escalating using inflation would be a serious underestimate.

Are there any recent, authoritative estimates for the cost of a complete IFR plant?


EL, here’s some analysis for you.

Germany’s coal production decreased in the early 90s, very little afterwards. That is to say, not due to wind and solar, which were insignificant even in the 00s. The biggest growth in that period was seen in natural gas – far bigger growth than all the wind turbines solar panels and geothermal wells together. More recently we can see that higher energy prices have chased away industry out of the country and forced people to conserve, reducing primary energy demand. Even today, those costly sources deliver very little energy; it is a mere sliver in the total primary energy supply pie. Most of the “green” energy is actually from burning trash and agriwaste, and ecosystem gobbling biofuels. Oil use is barely reduced at all, those nice efficient cars are not really that efficient when driven on the Autobahn at 200 km/h, stuck full of gadgets. In two words, I’d describe the German energy history as forced paralysis. Fossil lock-in would perhaps be two better words.

Click to access DETPES.pdf

By the way, Germany is the world’s biggest user of brown coal – the dirties type of coal if you recall.


Source for the higher electricity prices (to support my contention that this forces conservation and expensive energy efficiency measures that would not otherwise have been taken). This matches beautifully with the dip in the iea reference above.


Regarding the Grattan Institute report, look at Figure 7.3 here:

It shows:

1. Overnight capital cost of nuclear in USA is about twice what it is in Asia.

2. The enormous variation in the overnight capital costs, even within a region

3. The larger range of costs in Asia and Europe than in Asia.

The text states:

Each project is unique, being exposed to local factors, such as political and planning processes, environmental conditions, project management, local labour and regulatory requirements. The closest analogy may be a coal power-plant with CCS capability. But the construction time for a CCS plant is likely to be lower, and safety/quality regulations less stringent, which substantially reduces the project’s financial exposure.

Such conditions can vary significantly between countries with different political systems or standards for labour and environmental protection. In fact, the estimated costs of nuclear power vary significantly by location, as IAEA figures show

Recent experience building nuclear power plants is particularly limited in North American and European countries, where the economic and regulatory conditions for nuclear power projects are closest to what they might be in Australia

A point I’ve been making for a long time is, if we want low cost nuclear in Australia, we will have to investigate what are all the impediments that are making it higher cost than in Asia.

7.6 What are the obstacles to the large-scale roll-out of
nuclear power in Australia?

Uncertainty is set to continue until there is a weight of practical project experience deploying current reactor designs

Those who believe IFR and PRISM can be rolled out commercially any time soon should take note of this last sentence. Even Gen III costs are highly uncertain and that is after 50 years of evolutionary development of LWR’s. Why should we believe the IFR will be much faster to reach the same level of maturity, reliability, average life time capacity factor, etc?

See the components of capital cost and Owners Costa at top of page 7-11, followed by this statement:
Published cost estimates for nuclear power do not always make
clear which factors are included in their assessment.

That is for sure! What an understatement.

I’ve only had a quick look at the section on nuclear. It looks good and realistic at first glance.


I have to agree with Peter Lang’s observation that they can find the money if they really want to. Some of the green car funding went on the Holden Commodore… possibly that was for more efficient ash trays to offset the V8 engines. The Feds will put up nearly half the money for the solar flagships but I’m fairly sure the spot for the Moree PV farm is currently under flood water. I’m sure the sun will shine one day.

I’m on capital cost subsidised satellite internet (thanks Kevin07) yet they still had the cash to put a fibre optic cable through the scrub nearby. Minister Conroy found $36bn for this extravagance but somehow because his uncle works at Sellafield there will be no money for nuclear.

Australia’s high emissions high cost energy system is the way it is because the powers that be can’t see much wrong with it. At least nothing that can’t be PR managed with a few solar panels and windmills here and there.


Bio energy

No mention of “gas turbines running on biofels”. The technologies mentioned are steam plants and reciprocating engines.

Maximum potential 10% of electricity generation by 2020

For Bioenergy to provide 10% or more of Australia’s electricity needs it will have to use the large amounts of energy embodied within cereal crop residues

<blockquote For a 30MW power plant at a 70% capacity factor the land area would be around 240,000 hectares and involve nearly 500 average sized wheat farms. </blockquote

Here we go again (as in ZCA 2020) we’d need electric trains running all over our wheat growing areas picking up wheat stalks and taking them to the local generator unit. I can just see it. Any day now :)

Many barriers to making it commercial in Australia at the scale that would be required

Capital cost estimate: $5,500/kW for 5 MW plants, $3,500/kW to $4,000/kW for 30 MW plants.

Fuel costs about $100/tonne.

Conventional steam turbine combustion power plants can be used to generate power from cereal crop residues and from crops grown on marginal land or for salinity mitigation such as eucalypts. Analysis suggests that such plants could generate power at less than $150 per megawatt-hour, with a capacity factor higher than 70% and fuel delivered on a secure and reliable basis for around $5 per gigajoule). A review of a range of studies and discussions with Bioenergy experts suggests that there is potential to realise large quantities of cereal crop residues and energy crops at this cost, but vastly improved supply chain capabilities will be required.

Note, these plants have to be run with capacity factors of around 70% to be economically viable. They are certainly not ‘peaker’ plants.



I certainly did not mean to imply I support the view “they can find the money if they want to”. The decisions should be made on an economically rational basis (alone)
Please leave your personal opinions about other’s ideologies out of your comments or expect them to be edited out.


The Grattan Institute Report, section 7.7 (p7-24) says:

7.7 Implications for Australia

Australia should wait and watch the economics of new-build nuclear power in other countries

Click to access 125_energy__no_easy_choices_detail.pdf

I think they present a strong case for this. I believe this is correct advice. The first we step we need is education on nuclear (especially on the costs of nuclear power, and the consequences and likelihood of accidents). I also believe we need funding for research, much of which should be aimed at investigating how we can reduce the costs of nuclear. To me that means, what do we need to do to remove the impediments that would prevent Australia implementing low cost nuclear generation in Australia. I want nuclear at a cost similar to in Asia, not similar to in USA and Europe. What do we have to do to achieve that. That seems to me to be a task the universities and CSIRO and other research organisations should be funded by government to tackle.

We need to educate the public and get strong support before we should risk money on investment, subsidies, or anything else to do with building nuclear in Australia (or CCS, or solar thermal or any other major winner picking exercise by governments).


Cyril R, on 6 February 2012 at 11:43 PM

Can we lie about a non-problem being a problem in order to get the public support and justification to use this – yes, granted – excellent startup fuel ASAP?

I don’t think it’s a matter of lying. It’s a matter of being pragmatic and accepting that there are many people out there who view spent fuel as waste. Some view it as a dangerous problem, others view it as an opportunity (e.g. ‘Australia can benefit financially by taking the world’s radioactive waste and storing it geologically here’). Either way, both mentalities advocate the view that there is no further use for it – which is incorrect and wasteful.

And whether it’s a technical problem or not isn’t really the point. It’s definitely still a sociopolitical problem (did I read £2 billion per year to store plutonium stockpiles in the UK?).

Also, I think the ‘yesterday’s waste; tommorow’s clean energy’ type lines are quite effective. This could also be applied to plasma arc converters.


Are there any recent, authoritative estimates for the cost of a complete IFR plant?

The most recent LCOE estimate I’ve seen for fast reactors w/ indefinite fuel recycling is an MIT study, here:

8.7 c/kWh (in US$), compared to 8.4 c/kWh for a new LWR with once through fuel cycling.

I note that Tom Blees pointed out that this estimate is higher than GE’s estimates for mass-produced fast reactors, and that cost of the pyroprocessing facilities are speculative.


Peter Lang, chapter 13 (page 274-299) of Till & Chang 2011 is devoted to the economics of the IFR (capital costs of fast reactor and fuel cycle costs). I’d strongly encourage you to read this. This includes a discussion of prototype FBR costs, a generic comparison with LWRs (see Table 13.2), and detailed FC analysis (recycle with pyroprocessing vs once through).


In 2000, Germany introduced the Renewable Energy Act (EEG). The Act mandates utilities to purchase renewable energy, pay above market rates and apportion this additional cost to all consumers.
Under this Act, Germany added 25GW of wind, 25GW of solar and 3GW of biomass, a total of 53GW by the end of 2011. In 2011, 62GWs of renewable energy produced just 20% of Germany’s electricity or 120TWh out of a total of 610TW.
A significant amount of this electricity, about 45% was generated by 4GW of hydro and 5GW of biomass due to high capacity factors of 50% and 70% respectively.
It took 29GW of wind and 25GW of solar to generate 55% due to the low capacity factors of just 20% and 10% respectively.
The capital cost of this renewable energy installation is $150B, plus feed in tariff subsidies of almost $100B accumulated to the end of 2011, a total of $250B.
The 2011 subsidy payment was $20B, as a record number of solar panels, were installed in 2010 and 2011, most imported from China.
For $250B, 50 GW of nuclear power could be installed. With a capacity factor of 80%, 50 GW of nuclear could potentially produce 350 TWh of carbon free electricity or 60% of Germany’s annual requirement of 620TWh.
Germany’s electricity charges are the second highest in Europe, after Denmark and are twice those of France.
Germany’s annual CO2 emissions from energy generation in 2000 and 2010 are the same at 10 tonnes per capita.
The lesson to be learned for Australia is that renewable energy means very high electricity prices for no reduction in carbon emissions.
Data obtained or extrapolated from and


I don’t think it’s a matter of lying. It’s a matter of being pragmatic and accepting that there are many people out there who view spent fuel as waste. Some view it as a dangerous problem, others view it as an opportunity (e.g. ‘Australia can benefit financially by taking the world’s radioactive waste and storing it geologically here’). Either way, both mentalities advocate the view that there is no further use for it – which is incorrect and wasteful.

Tom Keen, I’m in two minds in this issue. Yes I realise that it is good public relations to take a waste product and make something extremely useful out of it. At the same time I also get the impression that the ignorance of nuclear technology and what is a real risk or not (what makes nuclear risky and what is not relevant) is an important contributor to the lack of support for nuclear technology. Looking at a dry storage cask for spent fuel assemblies, its just a chunk of concrete that sits in a parking lot. This is clearly not a “problem”. It’s jokingly easy to do. Any other technology than nuclear waste storage is more complicated and more difficult. Not addressing this simple fact means continuing the ignorance on the risks of nuclear power.


Cyril R, David Walters, G.R.L. Cowan,

The argument against proliferation risks from reactor-grade uranium assumes that a would-be proliferator would not accept a weapon that won’t reliably deliver a desired yield. This is probably correct as far as national actors are concerned, but it does not mean that reactor-grade Pu is unusable for bombs.

For example, J. Carson Mark’s 1990 paper “Reactor-Grade Plutonium’s Explosive Properties” (available from e.g. states that even with simple designs, the isotopic composition of Pu does not have any great effects to the minimum fizzle yield. Other reports I’ve been able to find agree.

A fizzle wouldn’t be a “successful” nuclear weapon if the benchmark is a full-yield explosion. But we shouldn’t forget what the “fizzle” actually means: even relatively simple designs would very reliably yield a kiloton-class explosion from reactor-grade uranium. Such an explosion – 1000 large truck bombs going off simultaneously – in any major city center would very likely be the worst terrorist attack ever in terms of casualties and damages.

For this reason, I think some of the concerns about the security of the Pu supply are well warranted, if separated plutonium exists in larger quantities. (Having the terrorists clandestinely acquiring Pu-containing fuel elements and then equally clandestinely processing them seems to me a rather remote possibility.)

Note that I don’t know enough about IFR design (or about nuclear engineering, for that matter) to be able to say very much about potential loopholes in the system – just wanted to clear this proliferation issue.

As for this,

That’s actually the main problem with the nuclear power increases proliferation argument: it’s actually very easy for a country to make a nuclear bomb, with or without power reactors. It’s important to distinguish between national and subnational groups. Subnational groups such as terrorists don’t have power reactors handy, but they could build small graphite moderated natural uranium fuelled plutonium production reactors if they are well funded.

I heartily agree. For scientific interest, I actually sent a RFP for reactor-grade graphite in sufficient quantities for a Hanford-style pile. Got the quote from a Chinese supplier in 10 hours; the price would have been $4022/ton + freight. According to the supplier, there would be no need for any special paperwork or anything.


J.M. Korhonen – thanks. Good points. The plutonium in the IFR fuel cycle is kept with the transplutoniums and some fission products, which provides very good protection against proliferation. The plutonium from the thorium cycle is mostly Pu238, which makes so much heat it will fry any bomb, including the explosive charges, even if they manage to actually build one.

I think we should also explore processes that keep all actinides together – including the fertile Th232 or U238. Possibly distillation (the actinides in metal form are all extremely high boiling).

BTW nuclear grade graphite for $4/kg is really cheap. Those Chinese are so cheap!


Mark Duffet, I saw Mark Diesendorf’s comment on that New Matilda article:

Current simulation modelling at UNSW indicates that 100% renewable energy could have supplied the National Electricity Market during 2010 with the same reliability as the existing polluting supply mix. The modelling is based on actual hourly electricity demand and hourly solar and wind data.

Watch this space.


It would be good to have complete details on the modeling.

Exactly how did they determine how much electricity would be available at all possible instants if it were derived exclusively from renewable sources? Was the “modeling” based on assumptions or was it based on actual data collected on a CONTINUOUS basis from all locations where it would be practical to instal renewable sources of power? And over what period of time was it done? Six months? One year? Three years? What?

It is common to find errors in studies in multiple fields of endeavor. So, unless modeling, surveys, and studies are carefully reviewed by a number of qualified people, I am inclined to question them. Probably the public would strongly express its displeasure if for a month or so, because of unusual weather conditions, the power fell 25% below demand.


John, yes, I toyed with the idea of responding to that as well in my New Matilda comment, even had a paragraph written but decided it was better to stay focused on Eltham’s egregious statements. It was getting very late, but even my only-half-functioning-at-that-hour brain was able to identify half a dozen serious shortcomings in the Elliston et al paper referred to by Diesendorf, in about five minutes.


John Morgan wrote:

Germany’s stated policy goal is to build as many new coal plants as fast as it can, plundering its previous commitment to domestic renewable energy to fund them.

Looking at this a little closer, the actual policy commits 5% of climate change funds to replacing older and dirtier power plants with more efficient coal plants. The government estimates this will result in a total emissions reduction of 14% (here). In addition, 95% of the remaining funds are still going towards “reducing carbon dioxide emissions from buildings, developing renewable energy sources and storage technologies,” which is hardly a plundering. Do we want all these coal plants taken off line, yes. But coal politics in Germany are very complex, especially in the east. This looks to me to be a middle ground proposal, one looking at achievable goals and provides for some heavy lifting from energy efficiency and conservation programs in replacing energy from nuclear phase out and meeting Germany’s ambitious goal of 40% reduction of GHG emissions below 1990 levels by 2020). What else is in the mix … lots of CHP, biomass, wind and solar, new production processes in industrial sector, building retrofits, transportation (biofuels, CO2 emissions vehicle tax, expansion of rail), limits on future power plants without CCS, off sets where emissions can’t be improved, new research and development, and each with it’s own carbon budget attached to it (here).


EL, if Germany can do all those things you list, it can do them without turning off its reactors!

The bar by which we should judge Germany is not “did they manage to offset the CO2 emissions from their reactor closures?”. And its not “did they achieve their goal of a 40% reduction by 2020?”. Its whether they could have achieved much more but chose not to. If they really can achieve 40% GG reduction by 2020 even if they close their reactors, they should be condemned for not achieving so much more by keeping them running, and further, improving their renewable and efficiency contribution with the money that will otherwise be wasted decommissioning the reactors and building new coal plants.

So I stand corrected and amend my previous statement as follows:

Germany’s stated policy goal is to burn as much additional natural gas and build as many new coal plants as required to cover their reactor closures, using only as much of their climate change funds as necessary to do so.


Tom Bond, @ 7 February 2012 at 8:24 PM

That is a very informative comment. Thank you for assembling those numbers and presenting the case so clearly. I’ll be keeping a link to your comment for future use.


What would it take to get real price reductions with electricity?

The nominal retail price of ADSL broadband fell by 69 per cent between 2005 and 2010, according to figures compiled by the OECD [6]. Between 1997-98 and 2008-09 inflation-adjusted prices fell 34 per cent for fixed-line telephone services and 49 per cent for mobile services, according to the ACCC [7].

Wouldn’t it be great for Australia if we could achieve even half these sorts of price reductions with electricity? What would that do to productivity and Australia’s international competitiveness? If that was done with low emissions electricity generation – e.g. with nuclear – imagine how quickly low emissions electricity would replace fossil fuels in non electricity applications – like transport and heating. And imagine what a boon Australian consulting organisations could get from assisting developing countries – such as in Africa – to implement low cost low emissions electricity instead of fossil fuel generation.

What is the key to doing this? This article explains it very well. The key is to facilitate competition and remove the regulatory and policy impediments to low-cost, low emissions electricity generation.

The key is certainly not to continually add more and more regulation, taxes and carbon prices, and the massive regulatory and compliance costs that will come with such government mandated schemes.


Regarding this comment;

“even relatively simple designs would very reliably yield a kiloton-class explosion from reactor-grade uranium.”

Are you saying 5% uranium 235 can produce a 1kt explosion? I do not believe that. Perhaps you meant “even relatively simple designs would very reliably yield a kiloton-class explosion from reactor-grade plutonium.”

The Mark paper claims claims that reactor grade plutonium substituted into the fat man design would produce a minimum yield of about 700 tons TNT. That assumes no deleterious effects from the high heat and radiation of the reactor grade plutonium (a poor assumption).

The fat man design compresses a sphere of plutonium to about twice normal density while maintaining spherical geometry. Any design that does that cannot be described as “relatively simple.”

My guess is that a simple design using reactor grade plutonium would have a yield much lower than 700 tons, but still enough to do a lot of damage and kill a lot of people.


What will be the real cost of CO2 tax and ETS compliance? What will emissions monitoring, reporting, analysis, and updating systems and legacy data cost?

Last year the USA EPA said they would have to increase their permanent staff members from 17,000 to 250,000 at a cost of $23 billion per year for full time staff to comply with the existing requirements for monitoring CO2 emissions. I expect the cost to industry to collect and report the data could reasonably be assumed to be at least ten times as much as it will take for EPA to stamp it as received and write letters to those who have not performed the way EPA judges they should.

What does this mean for Australia? Well, initially Australia does not intend to monitor or measure its emissions. It will simply estimate them. The system set up by AEMO to estimate electricity system emissions is very crude. It is nowhere near the standard the USA or even the Europeans are doing. I am sure we will have to get up to best practice eventually. That means big increases in compliance cost as time goes on.

There is also the issue of the carbon cops, and then the court cases, lawyers, accountants, consultants, trainers, OH&S and everything else that grows exponentially once started.

Today’s Australian reported:

The [ANAO] report found that costs associated with NGER reporting were higher than originally anticipated and that one company was spending up to $1.5 million a year on compliance.

If that is the average cost for 500 companies required to report compliance, the annual cost of this totally unproductive exercise is $750 million per year. But that’s just the start. The number of companies required to report will grow. The complexity of the requirements and demands will grow forever. The regulation will be continually changing, just as they do in the USA EPA every few years. The number of carbon cops will grow. As the numbers grow they will become more officious. Over time they will become like the ATO tax audit teams.

The ANAO found that the Climate Change Department had completed its first pilot audit program two years later than the scheduled date of August 2009.

“This delay has meant that the department has not been able to obtain a reasonable level of assurance over compliance with certain requirements of the NGER Act or the integrity of NGER data behind the reports submitted by registered corporations,” the ANAO found.

It’s going to costs us a bundle. It will keep growing. It will sap the strength out of our businesses and our economy.


Reactor grade plutonium has a considerable heat profile. Pu238 in particular generates lots of heat. In quantities sufficient for a fizzle bomb of hundreds of tons of TNT, it makes enough heat to melt the plutonium (which has a low melting point) when it is assembled. That’s excellent proliferation protection – and it almost certainly kills the bomb builders as a bonus. Also the minor actinides provide further proliferation protection, increasing spontaneous neutrons and also providing further heat sources. This method can be used for the U-Pu cycle which has less Pu238 protection than the U-Th cycle.

Click to access 32_sagara.pdf

The easiest way to increase the amount of Pu238 is of course to add thorium to the fuel. Thorium is, today, popularly associated with the LFTR, but is also quite attractive as an IFR fuel, having a much higher melting point (no need for zirconium additions) and greater chemical and swelling stability than uranium. The best way to go would probably be a reactor grade plutonium startup fissile charge, and thorium as the main fertile (with enough U238/depleted uranium to dilute the U233 fissile bred from the thorium). Such a hybrid fuel cycle has superb design proliferation resistance.


The ‘key’ is right-wing market principles? Too simplistic. Which country is *actually* building AP1000’s? That would be China.

The ‘key’ is the right technologies, however they are funded and whatever the context of of political economy.
Your sarcastic comments have been edited out without changing the substance of the post.


Eclipse Now, on 8 February 2012 at 8:38 PM said:

Wow, the ‘key’ is right-wing market principles? Too simplistic. Which country is *actually* building AP1000′s? That would be China.

As a rule of thumb Nuclear is ‘cost competitive'(not considering externalized costs) in a ‘new build environment’ with coal at $4/MMbtu and Natural Gas at $6/MMBtu.

Those conditions exist in China and the US Southeast. That is where AP1000’s are being built. Those conditions also exist in the UK where the government position is ‘nuclear without subsidy’. They also exist in a good many other places in the world.

Australia and the US West have considerable quantities of coal that can be extracted and delivered a reasonable distance to market for well under $4/MMBtu. The discussion as to how to make cleaner technologies financially competitive with coal is therefore a much more difficult discussion.
The quote has been altered to reflect the editing of EN’s post.


Cyril R,

Vogtle 3 & 4 has not received it’s combined operating and construction license yet. It should receive it… uh… today.


If we want to keep aluminium smelting in Australia the only way we could do it would be with cheap nuclear power.

MANUFACTURING unions are urging the federal government to fund an automotive-style bailout of the aluminium industry to save Alcoa’s Point Henry smelter from closure.

Australian Workers Union … said while Alcoa must reinvest in its 49-year-old Geelong plant to make it globally competitive, there was a strong case for federal and state assistance to ease what he described as a short-term crisis. “It is an ageing plant but it had been making money until six or seven months ago,” he said. “It is not a chronic problem. It is a matter of weathering the storm.”

But this is nonsense. Aluminium needs cheap electricity. With government intent on shutting down brown coal power stations in Victoria, replacing them with gas and imposing a carbon tax on top of electricity prices, there is no way aluminium smelting can remain viable in Australia. It will have to move to countries where electricity is cheap.

If we want to keep industries like aluminium smelters – or many other industries for which energy is a significant cost driver – AND we want low emissions electricity, the only way it can be done is to allow Australia to have low cost nuclear power.

Victoria should take the lead and say: “OK, we’ll ensure you, Alcoa, can get long term, low cost electricity contracts but only if we can get agreement from all levels of government to allow Victoria to build a nuclear power station near Geelong, and only if we can remove all the impediments to low cost nuclear electricity generation so that the contracted prices will be competitive with coal fired generation.



The discussion as to how to make cleaner technologies financially competitive with coal is therefore a much more difficult discussion.

I certainly agree with that statement. It is a subject that is far too hot to handle, not just in Australia, but in most of the western democracies.

But if we want to cut world GHG emissions, then one day we will have to tackle it.

It is not about changing the designs of the Gen II, Gen III, Gen II+ plants. It is about changing the regulatory environment and the investor risk premium that make them far more expensive than they could and should be. For Gen IV ist is about changing the focus from excessive safety (excessive compared with other industries) to one of least cost.

I know that sends many readers here ballistic, but that is the reality we will have to face eventually – just as aircraft industry has faced it and improved safety by building lots because costs are cheap enough to allow people more travel. We need to get the costs down to what they could be, not keep pandering to the anti-nuclear crowd. I posted a comment up thread a couple of days ago in reply to the Grattan Institute report. My comment accepted that nuclear is too expensive for Australia for now and pointed out the way to get over this is for government to fund education and research into how to implement nuclear in Australia at least cost.


My reading of the business press is that 4 of the 6 aluminium smelters are thinking of closing. A tonne of aluminum ingot requires 15 Mwh energy input, I presume that’s just at the smelter not mining and transport. I think it would be insane if other countries picked up the slack using Australian bauxite or alumina and Australian thermal coal.

Perhaps the smelters politely refer to ‘input costs’ as a catch-all for wages, electricity and carbon taxes which will include perfluorocarbon emissions (PFC) as well as coal fired electricity. This is where the carbon tariff comes in. Suppose an Australian smelter generates 15 tonnes of CO2 or equivalent per tonne of aluminium. That’s 15 X $23 = $345 hardly a trifling amount on top of recent raw aluminium prices of $850 a tonne. Suppose the alternative supplier (not mentioning China by name) has a $10 carbon tax and uses coal fired electricity. The import tariff should be the difference of $195 per tonne. If they use hydro or nuclear electricity the tariff would be less but an administrative headache to calculate.

I think for security reasons Australia should have at least one aluminum smelter using low carbon electricity. After all we’ve got the most bauxite; it would be like teetotallers owning a vineyard but not the winery.


Aluminium smelting is so energy intensive that even captive nuclear power plants may be worthwhile. There was once a report of Russians setting a NPP for a new aluminium smelter. Australia, rich in uranium as well as bauxite should produce and sell aluminium as a value-added product using both.
Most cost effective reactor for Australia right now may be Indian PHWR. It uses natural uranium as fuel.
Another path, also leading to an integrated nuclear fuel cycle, could start with Russian SVBR fast reactors using enriched uranium as fuel. Enrichment could initially be in Russia and later set up in Australia.. Either could be followed by an integrated fuel cycle.
The effect of CO2 as a greenhouse gas is widely accepted but still debated. Ill effects of suspended matter and other poisons released by coal burning are beyond controversy but quietly accepted. Coal use should be curbed in major industrial activities like power production, aluminium smelting (through use of fossil fuel power) and, to the extent possible, in steel smelting.


I’d argue that aluminium smelters already have captive power plants, either covert or overt like Anglesea power station fuelled by brown coal. Even the smelter with nearby hydro seems to have plenty of nearby gas fired capacity for backup. The smelters which seem safe for now have NG or CSG fired generation close by, coincidentally less vulnerable to carbon tax.

I agree about Australia value adding here not sending all our best rocks overseas if it can be avoided. On the weekend I met some visiting German scientists who made the same point but I wish they’d tell politicians.


It is now looking increasingly likely that the world has peaked in the total amount of energy provided by all three fossil fuels. Especially when declining EROEI is taken into account. The Patzeck study predicted peak coal for 2011, worldwide. Growth has now ended.

Conservation will be key for decades to come as the transition is made to fuel efficient breeder reactors. We will need Integral Fast Reactors and/or thorium reactors after 2020. They are unlimited by fuel supplies, but the rare 235 isotope is finite, and subject to the Hubbert peak logistic distribution phenomenon.

So, we are running out of coal, oil, gas, and uranium 235, but uranium 238 and thorium 232 are unlimited. Especially uranium 238, since it can be extracted from seawater.


I certainly agree with that statement. It is a subject that is far too hot to handle, not just in Australia, but in most of the western democracies. But if we want to cut world GHG emissions, then one day we will have to tackle it. It is not about changing the designs of the Gen II, Gen III, Gen II+ plants. It is about changing the regulatory environment and the investor risk premium that make them far more expensive than they could and should be.

Or we could just use a carbon tax.


Bill Hannahan, Cyril R:

Regarding this comment;
“even relatively simple designs would very reliably yield a kiloton-class explosion from reactor-grade uranium.”

Are you saying 5% uranium 235 can produce a 1kt explosion? I do not believe that. Perhaps you meant “even relatively simple designs would very reliably yield a kiloton-class explosion from reactor-grade plutonium.”

my apologies, I obviously had a slip of mind – should read “plutonium” of course.

I absolutely agree that even duplicating the Fat Man with reactor-grade Pu is no small undertaking, and I’m not losing any sleep over the minuscule chance of some fanciful terrorist scenario out from a Tom Clancy novel. But the Fat Man design is quite well-known and even its exact dimensions are public, and I would say it’s certainly doable.

What’s more, if the Nuclear Weapons Archive’s remarks on bomb design are good (I’m basically taking them on faith), even simpler linear compression – perhaps achievable with explosive welding equipment even – might be good enough to produce tremendously large (100 tons or so) explosions. The operative word here is “might,” naturally.

The point about heat generation is a good one. I cannot seem to find the relevant papers, but I distinctly remember arguments claiming that there are workarounds to that problem, though. Active cooling and storing the pit in a separate cooled compartment and inserting it just before detonation are perhaps the most obvious.

Radiation from unwanted isotopes is another problem, and another reason why I’m not actually worried. But I wouldn’t say a reactor-grade Pu bomb is impossible or unfeasibly difficult, either.

The problem here is that those who know, cannot talk. So the subject will probably remain controversial for the foreseeable future. I would however take the arguments of real bomb designers such as J. Carson Mark and Richard Garwin quite seriously – I find it hard to believe they’d be “coming out” in this matter unless they had a reason to think reactor-grade Pu is indeed usable in some manner. They very likely know something we don’t, even if they are restricted in what they are able to say.


Eclipse Now, on 9 February 2012 at 9:51 PM said:

Or we could just use a carbon tax

That is one approach.

Scana(South Carolina Natural Gas) which is building the VC Summer nuclear plant recently offered some debt with a yield of 4.3%

The concerns of investors as to ‘financial risk’ appear to have been assuaged without a ‘carbon tax’.

I find the idea that a ‘carbon tax’ is somehow a ‘free market’ approach somewhat puzzling. If we put a ‘punitive tax’ on a product or service we are ‘regulating via taxation’. Why not just ‘regulate’ directly?

One could simply say ‘30% of the electricity’ on the grid needs to be CO2 free by 2020 or some other arbitrary date or percentage or a have a CO2 grams per Kwh standard by some arbitrary date.


Zachary Moitoza writes,

So, we are running out of … uranium 235 …

Necessarily true, but its truth is not demonstrable in any currently very impressive way, such as one year’s “Red Book” uranium reserves estimate’s exceeding the estimate of two years earlier by less than a million tonnes, or prospecting costs exceeding a penny per barrel-oil-equivalent, or more than a fifth of average continental crust’s 235-U being required to pulverize the hard parts of said crust.

In short, not true from a thousand-year sustainability point of view. Far from it.


Contrasting views on how Germany has weathered the recent cold snap. This normally pro-renewables site said they paid through the nose and it will get worse

Re-Evaluating Germany’s Blind Faith in the Sun

This article says it can’t have been too bad as Germany won some military contracts

That article fails to mention the German economy shrank in the 4th quarter of 2011 and 2010 emissions were higher than 2009. That is both a weaker economy and higher emissions, not a good trajectory. I’d say Germany has one or two years left to sort it out.


Implementing good energy policies may first require extreme financial disasters to occur. Until people are hit hard in their banking accounts, those insisting on impractical “solutions” to our energy problems will have undo influence. Too many people are swayed by emotional appeals rather than by sound science and economics.

If Germany and / or other countries demonstrate, by unarguable example, that solar and wind power are not practical, then we in the U.S. may be able to avoid, at least partially, the same mistakes, provided that the mistakes receive sufficient publicity.

This does not mean that wind and solar power should be completely abandoned; there are places and situations where they are the best sources of power, but not as a primary source of power for large countries. Solar power can significantly enhance the quality of lives for people in small remote African villages and in small Pacific Island countries where connecting to the grid is not practical.


harrywr2, on 10 February 2012 at 3:28 AM said:

“I find the idea that a ‘carbon tax’ is somehow a ‘free market’ approach somewhat puzzling. If we put a ‘punitive tax’ on a product or service we are ‘regulating via taxation’. Why not just ‘regulate’ directly?”

The attraction of a carbon tax, according to economists, is that it should be more cost-effective than regulation.

Here’s Milton Friedman, writing in 1980:

“Most economists agree that a far better way to control pollution than the present method of specific regulation and supervision is to introduce market discipline by imposing effluent charges.” Free To Choose, p. 217.


I agree with the late Milton Friedman regarding effulent charges. The fact that Friedman suggested them is not a valid reason to oppose them. Moreover, he is not the only economist to assert that that is the most efficient way to control pollution; many other economists have made the same suggestion. The idea is to increase the pollution tax gradually until the amount of pollution is reduced to an acceptable level.

Perhaps even before 1970, economists generally agreed that the most efficient way to control pollution is to tax it. Controlling pollution is not free; it costs money. It can be shown that if it is controlled via taxation, and people behave rationally, the money spent to control pollution will be spent more efficiently. Even if people do not behave entirely rationally, the money spent to control pollution will be spent more efficiently than if regulations require all sources of pollution to be reduced by the same amount.

The objection to a pollution tax is largely emotional; people claim that it is a license to pollute and object to it on that basis.


Frank R. Eggers — This is an open thread but the question of whether (or even just extent to which) economic theory has any bearing (or the degree thereof) seems increasing remote from what I take to be the purpose of Brave New Climate. So I’ll simply note that there are serious obbjections to your analysis, none original with me. I’ll not persue this further except to note that AFAIK no society today allows paying (a tax) as penance for intentional homicide; that seems to have gone out with the vikings.

I do pay attention to estimating the costs of various forms of energy generation. First of all, these are generally acceptable and offer persuasive argument. Second, such estimates seem to me to fairly well grounded in physical reality and so I find such to be rational starting points; only actual experience with one or another generation method offers reliable data.


I have a new article on Energy Bulletin showing that peak oil is very imminent. That same is true for coal. Natural gas may be the one wild card thanks to shale, but I am still skeptical. Robert Bryce strongly believes in “N to N,” natural gas to nuclear, but I am still skeptical. Nat. gas may be able to help a little, but not much, and the fugitive methane emissions are disturbingly high for shale gas. Even u-235 is peaking. It really is just IFRs, thorium, or conservation.


Hi Zachary,
Great to have another peaknik on board!

You’re convinced we’re already passed peak coal? I didn’t even think Heinberg was at that point. Or has he shifted?

If we are, will geological limits enact a ‘carbon price’ of it’s own in time to stimulate new thinking about ‘unreliables’ and good reliable GenIV power?


John Newlands;
I would not refer to those links as containing contrary, or even related, views. The Euro ties Germany’s currency to less productive countries, which keeps their currency from finding the higher value a market would put it at, and the burden of renewables is primarily spared industry, who are exempt from the surcharge that pays for the tariffs.
According to ENSO, France is an importer during the cold spell, and Germany is an exporter – but Germany hasn’t taken any coal/gas capacity away during the renewables build out, so this could indicate massive use of coal and gas. A link I found interesting has a prominent UK renewables advocate arguing:
“It’s not accurate and I think it stems from a misunderstanding about what wind energy is for. It’s better to think of wind as the back-up for gas, allowing us to make much better use of our existing fossil fuel power plants than relying on gas alone.”
Which seemed to me refreshingly honest


John Newlands, something else that latter article about the European cold snap failed to mention was that, as can be seen here (, French peak demand was at 7 pm. So of the electricity imported from Germany, you can be sure exactly none of it came from their much-vaunted gigawatts of PV capacity. Not that author Matthew Wright didn’t do his level best to imply otherwise (“the country with the fastest growing renewable sector was propping up nuclear powered France”).


Ah, political economy, something that will always divide our ‘community’ here. No great industrial project was ever accomplished without massive gov’t intervention. No nuclear plant, no dam project, no nothing. The US’s still going strong and massively big aerospace industry, like Airbus in Europe, were all essentially massive gov’t projects. Boeing is an invention, essentially, of the US Army Air Force.

Free capital (investor owned capital) always flows to the investments with greatest returns in the quickest amount of time. This is why the western economies are essentially speculative in nature, far profit is to be had pushing paper than milling it and producing it.

For nuclear power plants to proceed, major degrees of costs, since return on the dollar is a minimum of 48 months, have to be assumed by the tax payer. I think this is a good thing, not a bad thing.


Eclipse Now, on 10 February 2012 at 8:57 PM said:

If we are, will geological limits enact a ‘carbon price’ of it’s own in time to stimulate new thinking about ‘unreliables’ and good reliable GenIV power?

I also subscribe to the theory we are on the cusp of ‘peak coal’.
Geologically we couldn’t burn all the coal in the ground if we tried.

Here is a 1997 report on US Coal mining productivity

Click to access RFF-DP-97-40.pdf

Key sentence –
Labor productivity in U.S. coal mining increased at an average annual rate of slightly over four percent during the past 45 years.

Here are the latest figures. Productivity is going backwards. More miners producing the same amount of coal.

Click to access c_trends_mining.pdf

Then some interesting facts on Chinese coal

Click to access coal_bohai_report.pdf

The average depth of China‘s coal mines is 456 meters. Whereas northern China has the most abundant and highest quality coal, Xinjiang province (in far western China) has more than half of coal reserves located less than 1,000 meters below the surface. Only 27% of northern Chinese coal is located less than 1,000 meters below the surface, compared to 40% of total Chinese coal.8 Mines in eastern China are particularly deep, with an average depth of 600 meters.


Chinese AP1000 at Sanmen Behind Schedule

A miss-titled article really says that the AP1000 is behind schedule –

China AP1000 nuclear plant on track after delay-Xinhua

“Construction slowed following the tsunami, to allow for design adjustments and “stricter construction requirement for endurance concerns”, the Xinhua news agency said, citing remarks by Wang Binghua, board chairman of the State Nuclear Power Technology Corporation (SNPTC) on Saturday.

The tsunami badly damaged reactors in Japan and led to questions over the safety of China’s ambitious nuclear plans. China plans to start building new capacity almost equal to Japan’s entire nuclear power sector by 2015, to reduce its dependence on coal.

“Both the SNPTC and Westinghouse have agreed that the new reactors are able to survive the same shock experienced by the Japanese plant,” Wang said.

The two companies are still mulling over further efforts to ensure nuclear safety, he added.

Wang said an optimized construction schedule would allow the No.1 unit of the Sanmen nuclear power plant, in east China’s Zhejiang province to begin operation in 2013.”

The first four pumps were originally scheduled to ship to eastern China in November. Making the change and retesting will delay that until the second quarter of 2012, Benante said. I’m not sure whether the pump delay cause the build delay or just added to a bunch of other problems. Here is what the pump maker says, ”

Read more: Nuclear plant equipment to get revamp – Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

The most visible mile stone is the dome of the containment vessel scheduled for Dec 2011. It is not there yet. If it is placed in June 2012, the project will be 6 months behind the original schedule.

It is irritating that the Chinese press and Westinghouse say, “Sanmen #1 is on schedule”. What they mean is that Sanmen #1 is on a new schedule.


SL on wind as backup for gas or perhaps a gas saver this is where we have to assess the cost of CO2 avoided. By comparing emissions and cost of the wind-gas combination with gas alone we get (Δ cost)/ (Δ CO2). Peter Lang has done this exercise (Link) concluding that windpower costs from ~$100 to $1000 per tonne of CO2 avoided.

However as gas depletes towards mid century that could seem like a bargain. A follow up exercise might be how much of already installed wind capacity can be used as gas depletes. For example South Australia has 1100 MW of wind capacity but perhaps 10 years of reliable gas supply left.

Re China coal peaking note Clive Palmer’s new mines in the Galilee Basin Qld will be called ‘China First’, totally immune to carbon tax. I see new coal loaders approved for the US Pacific northwest coast. Maybe China is running out. Quoted in TOD the BP Energy Outlook 2030 says China will burn 3 Gtpa of coal until 2030 at least. Thanks for cooking the planet.


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