This is a short post to alert BNC readers to a couple of important things.
First, Tom Blees has now generously released the full text of his book “Prescription for the Planet” — it is available for free download here (or click image).
So, if you own an iPad or other tablet, or just have a PDF reader on your notebook computer, then you can comfortably read and search the entire contents. Spread the word — more people NEED to read this. (I’ve previously reviewed the book in 4 parts on BNC).
Second, Robert Hargraves was kind enough to post me a pre-publication hard copy of his new book “THORIUM: energy cheaper than coal“. It will be released for sale on 1 September 2012. Its fundamental axiom — that we need (and can have, via advanced nuclear technologies) energy that is cheaper than coal, even without carbon taxes, subsidies etc., is enormously appealing as a ‘saleable message’, and I think right on the money if we are going to allow the world to phase out fossil fuels in time to avoid major environmental problems.
Anyway, I’m currently part-way into reading it in detail (amongst a hundred other things on the go, alas!). From what I’ve absorbed so far, it is excellent — comprehensive but easy to digest, logically structured, attractively presented, and approachable for a non-technical audience (without excessive ‘dumbing down’).
You can find many more details on the book’s website. Here are a list of the book’s chapters, to give you a taste of the content:
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