BNC Post List

All BNC posts, in chronological order.

Hyperlinked Title DATE AUTHOR


Welcome to A Brave New Climate 6/08/2008 Barry Brook
Geoengineering – damned if you do, damned if you don’t? 7/08/2008 Barry Brook
Climate Change Q&A Seminar 1: Is the Earth Warming (Discussion Thread) 8/08/2008 Barry Brook
How long will Old King Coal reign? Part I 9/08/2008 Barry Brook
Dr David Evans: born-again ‘alarmist’? 10/08/2008 Barry Brook
Tell us something we don’t know… 10/08/2008 Corey Bradshaw
Australia’s most powerful climate-forcing agent – it’s not coal 11/08/2008 Barry Brook
CCQA1 Presentations Available 12/08/2008 Barry Brook
1/3 CCQA1 Intro and Andrew Watson on climate records 12/08/2008 Barry Brook
Denial vs Good Science Part I 13/08/2008 Barry Brook
3/3 CCQA1 Barry Brook and Andrew Watson field questions on global warming 13/08/2008 Barry Brook
2/3 CCQA1 Barry Brook on how we know the earth is really warming 13/08/2008 Barry Brook
Will global warming cause a mass extinction event? 14/08/2008 Barry Brook
Spot the recycled denial I – Prof WJ Collins 15/08/2008 Barry Brook
Australia can be a clean energy superpower 15/08/2008 Stewart Taggart
Denial vs Good Science Part II 16/08/2008 Barry Brook
Two urgent climate statements – but no impact? 17/08/2008 Barry Brook
The Earth today stands in imminent peril 18/08/2008 Andrew Glikson
Irrationalism on climate change action 19/08/2008 Barry Brook
Spot the recycled denial II – 60 Minutes crunch time 20/08/2008 Barry Brook
Climate Change Q and A Seminar 2: Friday 22 Aug – natural vs human causes? 20/08/2008 Barry Brook
An iconic wetland at risk from sea level rise 20/08/2008 Barry Brook
The world’s largest fish is… shrinking 21/08/2008 Barry Brook
An unwelcome seachange 23/08/2008 Barry Brook
Dr Jennifer Marohasy ignores the climate science 24/08/2008 Barry Brook
CCQA2 Presentations Available 26/08/2008 Barry Brook
3/3 CCQA2 Questions from the audience regarding climate change causes 26/08/2008 Barry Brook
2/3 CCQA2 Barry Brook on human vs natural climate change 26/08/2008 Barry Brook
1/3 CCQA2 Intro and Bob Hill on natural climate changes 26/08/2008 Barry Brook
Make the switch to GreenPower and make (virtually) no difference to your carbon emissions 26/08/2008 Tim Kelly
A catastrophe in slow motion – sea ice updates 27/08/2008 Barry Brook
Carbon Targets I – Fermi Paradox solved? 28/08/2008 Barry Brook
Top 10 ways to reduce your CO2 emissions footprint 29/08/2008 Barry Brook
If you want a laugh… 30/08/2008 Barry Brook
Australia’s soaring carbon emissions put Kyoto out of reach 30/08/2008 Barry Brook
So just who does climate science? 31/08/2008 Barry Brook
Spot the recycled denial III – Prof Ian Plimer 1/09/2008 Barry Brook
A warning from the ghost of climate past 3/09/2008 Andrew Glikson
Twisted – the distorted mathematics of greenhouse denial 4/09/2008 Barry Brook
Climate Change Q and A Seminar 3: Friday 5 Sept – what future climate change scenarios are possible? 4/09/2008 Barry Brook
Carbon targets II – first thoughts on the Garnaut Review emissions trajectories 5/09/2008 Barry Brook
Don’t be swindled 6/09/2008 Barry Brook
CCQA3 Presentations Available 8/09/2008 Barry Brook
3/3 CCQA3 Questions from the audience regarding climate models and projections 8/09/2008 Barry Brook
2/3 CCQA3 Barry Brook on climate models and projections 8/09/2008 Barry Brook
1/3 CCQA3 Intro and Peter Hayman on climate variability and impacts 8/09/2008 Barry Brook
Cartoon guide to global warming denial 8/09/2008 Barry Brook
Spot the recycled denial IV – climate case built on thin foundation 9/09/2008 Barry Brook
Nitrogen, climate change and diet 10/09/2008 Geoff Russell
Spot the recycled denial V – Prof Bob Carter 12/09/2008 Barry Brook
What if the sun got stuck? 14/09/2008 James Hansen
Are voluntary actions meaningful where an emissions cap is introduced? 15/09/2008 Tim Kelly
Target atmospheric CO2 levels, not vague emissions reductions 16/09/2008 Barry Brook
Climate Change Q and A Seminar 4: Friday 19 Sept – Are the impacts of climate change being overstated? 17/09/2008 Barry Brook
Grim scenarios on a 2 to 6 degrees celsius hotter Earth 18/09/2008 Barry Brook
How long will Old King Coal reign? Part II 21/09/2008 Barry Brook
Ethics and climate change 22/09/2008 Barry Brook
Climate change and human health – inequities demand win-win solutions 23/09/2008 Barry Brook
CCQA4 Presentations Available 24/09/2008 Barry Brook
3/3 CCQA4 Questions from the audience regarding the impacts of climate change 24/09/2008 Barry Brook
2/3 CCQA4 Barry Brook on the impacts of climate change 24/09/2008 Barry Brook
1/3 CCQA4 Intro and Corey Bradshaw on marine impacts 24/09/2008 Barry Brook
Paying the climate change piper 24/09/2008 Tony Kevin
Ongoing rise in global carbon emissions and the lazy audience 26/09/2008 Barry Brook
Garnaut Climate Change Review Final Report – open thread 30/09/2008 Barry Brook
Climate ripe for transformative change 2/10/2008 Barry Brook
How much warming in the pipeline? Part 1 – CO2-e 6/10/2008 Barry Brook
Climate Change Q and A Seminar 5: Friday 10 Oct – Will it cost the earth to avoid climate change? 8/10/2008 Barry Brook
The global food system and climate change – Part I 9/10/2008 Geoff Russell
Thinking big and fast on renewable energy 13/10/2008 Barry Brook
Two denialist talking points quashed 14/10/2008 Barry Brook
CCQA5 Presentation Available 14/10/2008 Barry Brook
3/4 CCQA5 Barry Brook on the economic costs of climate change 14/10/2008 Barry Brook
2/4 CCQA5 Davide Ross on carbon abatement 14/10/2008 Barry Brook
Devouring the pale blue dot 20/10/2008 Andrew Glikson
Nine policies to drag ourselves out of the climate change mire 22/10/2008 Barrie Pittock
Climate Change Q and A Seminar 6: Friday 24 Oct – The popular media debate on climate change and peak oil 23/10/2008 Barry Brook
Off to China 24/10/2008 Barry Brook
Olduvai theory – crackpot idea or dawning reality? 28/10/2008 Barry Brook
CCQA6 Presentations Available 28/10/2008 Barry Brook
3/3 CCQA6 Questions from the audience regarding peak oil and greenhouse denial vs good science 28/10/2008 Barry Brook
2/3 CCQA6 Barry Brook on greenhouse denial versus good science 28/10/2008 Barry Brook
1/3 CCQA6 Intro and Michael Lardelli on peak oil 28/10/2008 Barry Brook
If attitudes can change on water conservation, then why not renewable energy! 30/10/2008 Barry Brook
The global food system and climate change – Part II 31/10/2008 Geoff Russell
Earth as a magic pudding 2/11/2008 Michael Lardelli
Do most scientists really believe in global warming? 6/11/2008 George Marshall
Response to a wine industry climate change skeptic 11/11/2008 Barry Brook
Interview with Prof Stephen Schneider 14/11/2008 Corey Bradshaw
What Bob Carter and Andrew Bolt fail to grasp 23/11/2008 Barry Brook
Hansen to Obama Pt 1 – the Now or Never plan 24/11/2008 James Hansen
Hansen to Obama Pt II – Carbon tax with 100% dividend 27/11/2008 James Hansen
Hansen to Obama Pt III – Fast nuclear reactors are integral 28/11/2008 James Hansen
Hansen to Obama Pt IV – Where to from here? 2/12/2008 James Hansen
The smokescreen of outdated emissions reduction targets 4/12/2008 Barry Brook
Managing catastrophic climate risk – the six step plan 7/12/2008 Ian Dunlop
Squeezing the marine nutcracker 10/12/2008 Barry Brook
Integral Fast Reactor (IFR) nuclear power – Q and A 13/12/2008 Barry Brook
Time to stop pretending on emissions reduction 16/12/2008 Barry Brook
Beyond peak oil – will black gold turn green? 18/12/2008 Barry Brook
Renewable energy cannot sustain an energy intensive society 21/12/2008 Ted Trainer
Calls of urgency from climate scientists 24/12/2008 Barry Brook
Save a bit here, ship a whole lot there 26/12/2008 Barry Brook
Blame perversity for the worst kind of climate change denial 31/12/2008 Barry Brook

Spot the recycled denial VI – Chris Kenny 1/01/2009 Barry Brook
Cartoon guide to global warming denial II 4/01/2009 Barry Brook
Prescription for the Planet – Part I 6/01/2009 Barry Brook
What we’ve learned about climate change in 2008 8/01/2009 Barry Brook
How to make voluntary carbon offsets a reality 12/01/2009 Tim Kelly
Prescription for the Planet – Part II – Newclear energy and boron-powered vehicles 13/01/2009 Barry Brook
Put all energy cards on the table to fix climate change fully 16/01/2009 Barry Brook
Ranking geo-engineering options for mitigating climate change impacts 19/01/2009 Barry Brook
What will Australia’s renewable energy amendment bill actually deliver? 23/01/2009 Tim Kelly
Prescription for the Planet – Part III – Renewable atoms and plasma-charged waste 25/01/2009 Barry Brook
A sketch plan for a zero-carbon Australia 29/01/2009 Barry Brook
Is there a link between Adelaide’s heatwave and global warming? 3/02/2009 Barry Brook
How hot should it have really been over the last 5 years? 8/02/2009 Barry Brook
Heatwave update and open letter to the PM 10/02/2009 Barry Brook
Integral Fast Reactors for the masses 12/02/2009 Barry Brook
Carbon tax or cap-and-trade? The debate we never had 14/02/2009 Tim Kelly
Global warming strains at species interactions 17/02/2009 Barry Brook
Response to an Integral Fast Reactor (IFR) critique 21/02/2009 Barry Brook
Climate futures 25/02/2009 Barry Brook
Prescription for the Planet – Part IV – Show me the money! 28/02/2009 Barry Brook
Could UHVDC be a “killer app” for solving climate change? 3/03/2009 Stewart Taggart
How much warming in the pipeline? Part II – it’s as tricky as ABC 6/03/2009 Barry Brook
Total energy independence in 12 years 10/03/2009 Barry Brook
Did climate change kill off woolly mammoths and giant wombats? 14/03/2009 Barry Brook
The Solar Fraud 18/03/2009 Barry Brook
Fast Reactor Radio 22/03/2009 Barry Brook
Six degrees of separation 26/03/2009 Barry Brook
Some new climate and energy blogs and resources 28/03/2009 Barry Brook
CPRS vs carbon tax: Senate Inquiry 30/03/2009 Tim Kelly
Mosquito outbreaks rising with the tide 2/04/2009 Barry Brook
Carbon footprint of the Olympic Dam uranium mine expansion 5/04/2009 Barry Brook
Climbing mount improbable 11/04/2009 Barry Brook
The war against science while Rome is burning 16/04/2009 Andrew Glikson
Towards climate geoengineering? 19/04/2009 Andrew Glikson
Ian Plimer – Heaven and Earth 23/04/2009 Barry Brook
More ice, flat temperatures – what does it all mean? 27/04/2009 Barry Brook
Rethinking nuclear power 30/04/2009 Geoff Russell
Admiral visions of a future now past 3/05/2009 Barry Brook
Has Kevin Rudd taken “a significant step forward on climate change”? 6/05/2009 David Spratt
Discussion Thread: Should Gen III nuclear power precede Gen IV in Australia? 7/05/2009 Barry Brook
Australia will break the world’s carbon budget 11/05/2009 Barry Brook
Climate change items in the 2009 Federal Budget 13/05/2009 Barry Brook
Voluntary Actions and the Rudd Government’s changes to its proposed Carbon Pollution Reduction System 15/05/2009 Tim Kelly
Climate Denial Crock 18/05/2009 Barry Brook
Al Gore’s blind spot on nuclear power 22/05/2009 Barry Brook
P4TP chapter 4 – everyone can now read Blees on IFR 25/05/2009 Barry Brook
Another hockey stick fabrication! 30/05/2009 Barry Brook
SA sets a 33% renewables by 2020 target 3/06/2009 Barry Brook
“Spooked” by IFR on TV 4/06/2009 Barry Brook
Memo to Stephen Fielding: It’s not the sun 8/06/2009 Barry Brook
An inconvenient solution 11/06/2009 Barry Brook
Solar Credits – just bad policy! 14/06/2009 Tim Kelly
Steel yourself – a clear role for hydrogen 16/06/2009 Barry Brook
Why is the US ignoring the Integral Fast Reactor? 20/06/2009 Steve Kirsch
Lovelock’s dire vision 23/06/2009 Tim Flannery
Discussion Thread: Is the EIA forecast of 2016 energy prices realistic? 27/06/2009 Barry Brook
Brave new power for the world 1/07/2009 Steve Kirsch
El Niño and sunspots return, sea ice doesn’t 5/07/2009 Barry Brook
Climate update – ongoing decline in South-East Australian rainfall 10/07/2009 Barry Brook
Counterpoint – nuclear power and the low carbon economy 14/07/2009 Barry Brook
We need a real global plan for carbon mitigation 19/07/2009 Barry Brook
Science Show – Nuclear power plants – now safer and cheaper 22/07/2009 Barry Brook
The great climate debate 2009 – Brook vs Plimer 27/07/2009 Barry Brook
Twitter Plimer on ice 31/07/2009 Barry Brook
Power to the People – Nuclear energy in South Australia 4/08/2009 Barry Brook
Does wind power reduce carbon emissions? 8/08/2009 Peter Lang
GreenPower claims and merits – clearing confusion 12/08/2009 Tim Kelly
Wind and carbon emissions – Peter Lang responds 13/08/2009 Peter Lang
Solar power realities – supply-demand, storage and costs 16/08/2009 Peter Lang
Classifying ‘belief systems’ in sustainable energy and climate change 20/08/2009 Gene Preston
Recent nuclear power cost estimates – separating fact from myth 23/08/2009 Barry Brook
Climate crisis update and cash for coal clunkers 27/08/2009 Katherine Wells
Solar thermal questions 31/08/2009 Ted Trainer
Australia’s weird winter 3/09/2009 Blair Trewin
Is Our Future Nuclear? 7/09/2009 Barry Brook
Solar realities and transmission costs – addendum 10/09/2009 Peter Lang
Science Council for Global Initiatives 15/09/2009 Barry Brook
Radiation – facts, fallacies and phobias 19/09/2009 Barry Brook
A necessary interlude 24/09/2009 Barry Brook
Thinking critically about sustainable energy (TCASE) 1: Prologue 27/09/2009 Barry Brook
TCASE 2: Energy primer 29/09/2009 Barry Brook
Q and A responses to climate skeptics’ arguments 2/10/2009 Brett Parris
Remote solar PV vs small nuclear reactor – electricity cost comparison 4/10/2009 Gene Preston
Backstory – Barry Brook on 4th Generation Nuclear Power 7/10/2009 Barry Brook
Germany – crunched by the numbers 9/10/2009 Tom Blees
TCASE 3: The energy demand equation to 2050 11/10/2009 Barry Brook
Life and death on Earth – the Cronus hypothesis 14/10/2009 Corey Bradshaw
The Integral Fast Reactor – Summary for Policy Makers 16/10/2009 Steve Kirsch
TCASE 4: Energy system build rates and material inputs 18/10/2009 Barry Brook
Danish fairy tales – what can we learn? 22/10/2009 Tom Blees
TCASE 5: Ocean power I – Pelamis 25/10/2009 Barry Brook
Crunch Time: Using and abusing Keynes to fight the twin crises of our era 27/10/2009 Tony Kevin
Energy dialogue, Green debate, Blog updates 29/10/2009 Barry Brook
Red Necked Aussie Greenies 31/10/2009 Geoff Russell
Critique of ‘A path to sustainable energy by 2030′ 3/11/2009 Barry Brook
Carbon emissions and nuclear capable countries 6/11/2009 Barry Brook
Fee-and-dividend is superior to cap-and-trade for effective carbon emissions reductions 9/11/2009 Steve Kirsch
Follow Britain’s nuclear lead 10/11/2009 Barry Brook
Two years, three record heat waves in southeastern Australia 14/11/2009 Barry Brook
Forget the quality, it’s the 700 million tonnes which counts 17/11/2009 Geoff Russell
TCASE 6: Cooling water and thermal power plants 20/11/2009 Barry Brook
Key concepts for reliable, small-scale low-carbon energy grids 22/11/2009 Gene Preston
Open Thread 1 27/11/2009 Barry Brook
The Nuclear Economy 27/11/2009 Barry Brook
IFR FaD 1 – Context 29/11/2009 Barry Brook
Copenhagen reality check – what’s really coming 1/12/2009 Barry Brook
Clean future in nuclear power 4/12/2009 Barry Brook
TCASE 7: Scaling up Andasol 1 to baseload 6/12/2009 Barry Brook
Mind the gap – distant climates and immediate budgets 10/12/2009 Barry Brook
IFR FaD 2 – fuel use 13/12/2009 Barry Brook
A LFTR deployment plan for Australia 17/12/2009 Alex Goodwin
Temperature of science – never give up 21/12/2009 James Hansen
Unnatural gas 24/12/2009 Tom Blees
Open Thread 2 28/12/2009 Barry Brook
Energy and climate books I read in 2009 31/12/2009 Barry Brook

The most important investment that we aren’t making to mitigate the climate crisis 2/01/2010 Steve Kirsch
Burning the biosphere, boverty blues (Part I) 5/01/2010 Geoff Russell
Emission cuts realities for electricity generation – costs and CO2 emissions 9/01/2010 Peter Lang
From nuclear sceptic to convert 13/01/2010 Haydon Manning
Hypocrisies of the antis 17/01/2010 Marion Brook
Real holes in science 22/01/2010 Barry Brook
Nuclear safeguards and Australian uranium export policy 25/01/2010 Jim Green
Tom Blees in Australia 28/01/2010 Barry Brook
Alternative to Carbon Pricing 31/01/2010 Peter Lang
Burning the biosphere, boverty blues (Part II) 4/02/2010 Geoff Russell
Monckton vs Brook debate – the video 8/02/2010 Barry Brook
Human consequences of climate change – is private property the solution or part of the problem? 12/02/2010 Paul Babie
IFR FaD 3 – the LWR versus IFR fuel cycle 16/02/2010 Barry Brook
IFR FaD context – the need for U.S. implementation of the IFR 18/02/2010 Barry Brook
Do climate sceptics and anti-nukes matter? or: How I learned to stop worrying and love energy economics 21/02/2010 Barry Brook
After Copenhagen – James Hansen in Adelaide 22/02/2010 Barry Brook
Would 10,000 nuclear power stations cook the planet? 26/02/2010 Barry Brook
Cheap, green nuclear power? 1/03/2010 John Rolls
Climate debate missing the point 3/03/2010 Barry Brook
Open Thread 3 5/03/2010 Barry Brook
TCASE 8: Estimating EROEI from LCA 8/03/2010 Barry Brook
Hansen: Climate and Energy Leadership 11/03/2010 James Hansen
How to get rid of existing coal? 15/03/2010 Barry Brook
Britain’s energy future – political and technical considerations 19/03/2010 Douglas Wise
The problem with ‘Generating the Future: UK energy systems fit for 2050′ 22/03/2010 Barry Brook
The gentle art of interrogation 25/03/2010 Barry Brook
Globally warned – review of Hamilton and Hansen 28/03/2010 Tony Kevin
Nuclear century outlook – crystal ball gazing by the WNA 1/04/2010 Barry Brook
Pumped-hydro energy storage – cost estimates for a feasible system 5/04/2010 Peter Lang
TCASE 9: Ocean power II – CETO 11/04/2010 Barry Brook
Analysis of the 2010 Nuclear Summit and the obsession with highly enriched uranium 15/04/2010 DV82XL
Prospects for coordinated global action on climate change 18/04/2010 Barry Brook
IFR FaD 4 – a lifetime of energy in the palm of your hand 22/04/2010 Barry Brook
Santos chief’s gassy vision Part 1 – Australian natgas reserves 25/04/2010 Barry Brook
Santos chief’s gassy vision Part 2 – is gas almost as good as nuclear? 28/04/2010 Barry Brook
Why vs Why: Nuclear Power – new book by BNC author 1/05/2010 Barry Brook
An informed public is key to acceptance of nuclear energy 4/05/2010 DV82XL
Open Thread 4 6/05/2010 Barry Brook
Venus syndrome – the Claron’s despair 9/05/2010 Barry Brook
Pamphlets, talks and tweets on nuclear power and climate change 13/05/2010 Barry Brook
Learning the truth about energy 17/05/2010 Barry Brook
Counterpoint ABC radio debate – Does being green mean going nuclear? 19/05/2010 Barry Brook
TCASE 10: Not all capacity factors are made equal 22/05/2010 Barry Brook
Trawling for snake oil 25/05/2010 Geoff Russell
Replacing Hazelwood coal-fired power station – Critique of Environment Victoria report 29/05/2010 Peter Lang
OZ-ENERGY-ANALYSIS.ORG – open science for the new millennium 1/06/2010 Barry Brook
Public advocacy on nuclear power and climate change 5/06/2010 Rob Parker
Updated top 10 posts on BNC and some site stats 7/06/2010 Barry Brook
IFR FaD 5 – the Gen III and Gen IV nuclear power synergy – why we need both 10/06/2010 Barry Brook
Sea level rise – it’s still happening, isn’t it? Part 1 14/06/2010 Barry Brook
The 21st century nuclear renaissance is starting – good news for the climate 18/06/2010 Barry Brook
Take real action on climate change – Part 1 21/06/2010 Marion Brook
Take real action on climate change – Part 2 – the FAQ 25/06/2010 Marion Brook
Thinking Critically about Sustainable Energy (TCASE) – the seminar series 29/06/2010 Barry Brook
OzEA modelling – large-scale wind power using a bucket storage model and gas backup 30/06/2010 Barry Brook
What is risk? A simple explanation 4/07/2010 Peter Lang
Open Thread 5 7/07/2010 Barry Brook
TCASE 11: Safety, cost and regulation in nuclear electricity generation 8/07/2010 DV82XL
TCASE 12: A checklist for renewable energy plans 12/07/2010 John Morgan
BNC community analysis of the Zero Carbon Australia 2020 Report 14/07/2010 Barry Brook
Vote for Brave New Climate! 14/07/2010 Barry Brook
Climate change basics I – observations, causes and consequences 18/07/2010 Barry Brook
Climate change basics II – impacts on ice, rain and seas 21/07/2010 Barry Brook
Travels to US and China: ecological models and the Argonne National Laboratory 23/07/2010 Barry Brook
Walk Against Warming in a city near you on 15th August 2010 26/07/2010 Rob Parker
Nuclear Power – Yes Please! (why we need nuclear energy to beat climate change) 28/07/2010 Barry Brook
Balancing carbon with smoke and mirrors 31/07/2010 Geoff Russell
Energy in Australia in 2030 3/08/2010 Barry Brook
US Travel update, ‘Argonne West Diaries’ upcoming 7/08/2010 Barry Brook
Nuclear Power or Climate Change: Take Your Pick – a BNC business card and printable FAQ pamphlet 10/08/2010 Barry Brook
‘Zero Carbon Australia – Stationary Energy Plan’ – Critique 12/08/2010 Martin Nicholson & Peter Lang
Science Educator award, Sydney talk, BNC 2 years old 15/08/2010 Barry Brook
Climate change basics III – environmental impacts and tipping points 19/08/2010 Barry Brook
Accuracy of ABARE Energy Projections 22/08/2010 Peter Lang
Pebble Bed Advanced High Temperature Reactor at UC Berkeley – low cost nuclear? 25/08/2010 Barry Brook
Peak Oil Discussion 29/08/2010 Dave Lankshear
Does wind power reduce carbon emissions? Counter-Response 1/09/2010 Michael Goggin
Open Thread 6 4/09/2010 Barry Brook
IFR FaD 6 – fast reactors are easy to control 7/09/2010 Barry Brook
Another ZCA 2020 Critique – will they respond? 9/09/2010 Ted Trainer
Do the recent floods prove man-made climate change is real? 12/09/2010 Barry Brook
Fast reactor future – the vision of an atomic energy pioneer 14/09/2010 Len Koch
IFR FaD 7 – Q&A on Integral Fast Reactors – safe, abundant, non-polluting power 18/09/2010 Barry Brook
TerraPower’s Travelling Wave Reactor – why not use an IFR? 22/09/2010 George Stanford
Kakadu – a climate change impacts hotspot 25/09/2010 Barry Brook
Scenarios for nuclear electricity to 2060 – Context 28/09/2010 Barry Brook
SNE 2060 – thermal reactor build rates, uranium use and cost 29/09/2010 Barry Brook
Challicum Hills wind farm and the wettest September on record 3/10/2010 Barry Brook
IFR FaD 8 – Two TV documentaries and a new film on the Integral Fast Reactor 6/10/2010 Barry Brook
Discussion Thread – can nuclear be kick started at lower cost? 9/10/2010 Barry Brook
TCASE Video – Interactive discussions about the future of nuclear power 11/10/2010 Barry Brook
SNE 2060 – are uranium resources sufficient? 14/10/2010 Barry Brook
Who crippled the Murray Darling Basin? 18/10/2010 Geoff Russell
Book review: The Flooded Earth – Our Future in a World without Ice Caps 21/10/2010 Barry Brook
SNE 2060 – can we build nuclear power plants fast enough to meet the 2060 target? 25/10/2010 Barry Brook
Open Thread 7 29/10/2010 Barry Brook
Of brains, biceps and baloney 31/10/2010 Geoff Russell
Two nuclear-solar dialogues in Melbourne next week 2/11/2010 Barry Brook
Electricity costs exhibits 7/11/2010 Barry Brook
CO2 rising – the science of global warming 10/11/2010 Barry Brook
SNE 2060 – assessment of energy demand 14/11/2010 Barry Brook
Systems modelling for synergistic ecological-climate dynamics 18/11/2010 Barry Brook
SNE 2060 – a multi-source energy supply scenario 21/11/2010 Barry Brook
The effect of cutting CO2 emissions to zero by 2050 24/11/2010 Tom Wigley
Nuclear is the least-cost, low-carbon, baseload power source 28/11/2010 Barry Brook
The arithmetic adds up to nuclear 30/11/2010 Barry Brook
Media reactions to the Energy paper – part 1 4/12/2010 Barry Brook
Monthly Argument debate: climate change – is nuclear power the answer? 6/12/2010 Barry Brook
Idea: financing large capital cost electricity projects without raising rates 9/12/2010 Gene Preston
Media reactions to the Energy paper – part 2 13/12/2010 Barry Brook
OzEA – The second story 17/12/2010 Barry Brook
Energy and climate books I read in 2010 21/12/2010 Barry Brook
Open Thread 8 – BNC Christmas and New Year 2011 24/12/2010 Barry Brook

No (statistical) warming since 1995? Wrong 2/01/2011 Barry Brook
BNC as a resource – call for help 5/01/2011 Barry Brook
Government intervention on fossil fuel pollution 9/01/2011 DV82XL
QLD floods highlight the cost of climate extremes, and may be a spur to action 12/01/2011 Barry Brook
Livestock and Climate Change … Status update 17/01/2011 Geoff Russell
The cost of ending global warming – a calculation 21/01/2011 Chris Uhlik
New BNC podcast series and predict millionth page view 26/01/2011 Barry Brook
Two countries, two paths, one crucial lesson learned 28/01/2011 Barry Brook
IFR: An optimized approach to meeting global energy needs (Part I) 01/02/2011 Barry Brook
An environmentally sound, energy-rich future (Part II) 04/02/2011 Tom Blees & Barry Brook
Keeping solid information on nuclear energy on the ALP’s discussion agenda 07/02/2011 Luke Weston
ABC Counterpoint radio on nuclear costs, and new talks 10/02/2011 Barry Brook
Climate Change – it’s complicated, but it’s real 12/02/2011 Barry Brook
Gas aplenty, but UAE opts for nuclear – a lesson to be learned? 14/02/2011 Barry Brook
Safeguarding the nuclear fuel cycle 18/02/2011 Bill Hannum
Open Thread 9 – technosolar catastrophe? 20/02/2011 Barry Brook
Advanced nuclear power systems to mitigate climate change (Part III) 24/02/2011 Barry Brook

6 Responses

  1. Gas Extraction
    Submitted by Stewart Little on Mon, 2011-02-28 12:46.

    I was most concerned to read this article, –

    because of the extraction of gas projects that are commencing in Australia.

    This obviously has a greater potential for harm to the community than a properly managed, latest technology nuclear power generator.

    Australia must seriously consider going nuclear if we want to reduce carbon emissions in the foreseeable future.

  2. Dear Barrry,

    I spoke with you after you gave the lecture on Nuclear Energy at the Alternative Technology Association at Goodwood last month. Could you please send me a hyperlink to information about Plasma Arc Incinerators as discussed.


  3. Dear Barry,

    I am investigating a slightly different solution to the climate change problem. The gist of my proposed approach is to follow the lead of the Design Science Revolution promoted by the late R. Buckminster Fuller and develop environmentally benign energy sources that are more cost effective than coal, oil, or natural gas. Success in this venture would cause the climate change controversy to quietly and quickly disappear from the face of the earth.

    I incorporated the Dirigo Energy Institute (DEI) in 2007, set up a web site, and will publish a book – with a working title of Power Without Borders – in early 2012. I will then update the web site to highlight two energy supply systems as follows:

    1. Volume producing floating modular nuclear power plants in shipyards followed by subsequent towing or movement by heavy lift ship to any location in the world accessible by a navigable waterway. There the plants will be operated in the floating condition for an extended time without refueling after which the complete plant will be moved to a remote facility for periodic refueling and eventual decommissioning. The same navigable waterway will provide an easy route to dispose of radioactive wastes from plant operation with minimal general public impact.

    Fuel for these plants can be derived in perpetuity from the four billion plus tons of uranium suspended in equilibrium in the ocean. Thus, the energy source for fission nuclear power plants can be fuel extracted from the sea and then sub seabed burial can be used to return the waste products to the sea from whence they came.

    Types of nuclear power plants that can be investigated for use in this manner include, but are not limited to an integral fast reactor, the TerraPower plant promoted by Bill Gates, a Hyperion plant designed by Los Alamos National Laboratory, and MIT’s design for a pebble bed reactor.

    2. Combining an ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) plant operating in equatorial waters and a solar power satellite in geostationary earth orbit (GEO). The OTEC plant would be covered with an “umbrella” doubling as a receiver to accept energy beamed down from solar satellite. The energy from both sources would be transformed into an energy carrier such as methanol for transportation to customers around the world.

    A DOE study in the 1980s established that microwave transmission from a solar satellite would not be a safety hazard for humans or birds. The problem that prevented DOE from proceeding with development at that time was financial – photovoltaic cell production and launch costs were prohibitive. Given the dramatic reduction in the cost of solar cells and the prospects of much less expensive launch methods (electromagnetic, laser, phased microwave) solar satellite power might now be competitive with natural gas, coal, and oil.

    In the September/October ’89 issue of the Humanist magazine, the science fiction author Isaac Asimov presented a scenario in which a network of solar power satellites in GEO would provide the world with safe, environmentally benign, perpetual, and cost effective energy. He suggested that this should be undertaken as a global mega engineering project to join all nations in the pursuit of a common goal.

    One thousand equally spaced satellites in GEO (the 1,000 points of light referred to by the first President Bush?) would have satellites at 164 mile intervals. If now, over time, each satellite and OTEC combination would be expanded into a 100 gigawatt source, then the system would be producing 100 terawatts – enough to provide for nine billion people using energy at the rate of the average U.S. citizen.

    A completed network would realize the dream envisioned by Peter E. Glaser (invented the solar power satellite concept in 1968), Gerard K. O’Neill (recommended their volume production to fund space settlement construction), and Isaac Asimov (called for their implementation to promote world peace under an international construction program).

    I would be happy to respond to any comments, questions, or concerns you might have with this approach.


    Leon Neihouse
    Dirigo Energy Institute
    Leon – your comment may be lost on this page. I do not have the facility to re-post on a more pertinent thread so suggest that you re-submit it to the TCASE 13 thread and/or email Barry direct.

  4. Where can I find the remainder of the post list, ie after Feb 2011?

  5. John, I haven’t done it. I plan to catch up on this list, and do some other site overhauls, during the upcoming long Xmas break.

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