

Brave New Climate, a blog on global change and technology futures, is run by scientist and university professor, Dr. Barry W. Brook.

Barry is a leading environmental researcher, modeller, data analyst and author, in the fields of ecology, conservation biology, palaeoenvironmental reconstruction, and sustainable energy systems. He is a ARC Australian Laureate Professor at the University of Tasmania, where he holds the Chair of Environmental Sustainability. He has published five books, over 300 refereed scientific papers and is an ISI highly cited researcher.

He has received many distinguished awards for his research excellence and public outreach, including the Australian Academy of Science Fenner Medal and the 2010 Community Science Educator of the Year. His research interests are climate change impacts, species extinctions, simulation and statistical modelling, energy systems analysis (with a focus on modelling future nuclear and large-scale renewable energy scenarios), technology options, space science, and synergistic human impacts on the biosphere.

Author of a popular book on sustainable nuclear energy, Barry has been an International Award Committee member for the Global Energy Prize (2012-2016) and a 2012 Senior Fellow at the Breakthrough Institute. He considers himself an Ecomodernist who is motivated to promote real-world, high-capacity and cost-effective solutions to 21st century global environmental challenges – such as nuclear power, offworld resources and other techno-fixes – or related options that history has shown to be reliable and timely. He is also a pragmatist, and seeks effective trade-offs when difficult choices must be made.

A short (2 min, 35 sec) animated video explaining the themes of the BNC blog:

Comments and informed debate are welcome, provided they are logical and evidence-based. For the BNC comments policy, read this.

Disclaimer — The views expressed on this website are my own or my contributors’ and do not necessarily represent those of the University of Tasmania or any other organisation.

145 replies on “About”

Hi Barry,
Have you any opinion on decentralised power (EG Fuel cells) versus Nuclear or maintaining centralised power generation in any forms?

If not, are you able to point me in the direction of any literature that does study it’s potential?



[…] Barry Brookin hieno “Brave New Climate” sivusto pitää sisällään valtavasti asiallista keskustelua ilmaston muutoksesta ja energiapolitiikasta. Mm. tämä Peter Langin kontribuutio (ja sitä seuraava keskustelu) kannattaa kaikkien niiden lukea, jotka haluavat nähdä vertailuja erilaisista vakavista skenaarioista päästöjen vähentämiseksi. Paperi perustuu lukuihin, jotka ovat relevantteja Australiassa, mutta monin paikoin ne ovat varmasti suuntaa antavia myös muualla. (Alussa energiapaletissa on toki suuria eroja maiden välillä.) Kaikki oletukset on selkeästi dokumentoitu niin, että kiinnostuneet voivat toistaa laskut, jos siltä tuntuu. Share this:TwitterFacebookLike this:LikeBe the first to like this. Blogroll […]


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