Global warming strains at species interactions

Climate change is like a stalking predator, a threat that first crept up, and then swiftly leapt out at the ecological science community. There is no doubt it was an issue around which there was a simmering awareness for decades. However, recent detailed multidisciplinary studies, which have pored over numerous long-term datasets (most compiled for […]

Is there a link between Adelaide’s heatwave and global warming?

Adelaide is the hot place to be right now. We’re in the middle of an extreme, enduring heatwave, and the city’s residents are suffering. Indeed, we’ve had rolling blackouts as the power system fails to meet peaking loads, and more people are suspected to have died from heat stress over the last week than were […]

Ranking geo-engineering options for mitigating climate change impacts

I recently came upon this interesting mini-review in Nature Geoscience which looked at the cost-effectiveness of different geo-engineering options for mitigating climate change impacts (for an earlier discussion on BNC, see here). The paper is entitled “Ranking geo-engineering schemes“, by New Zealander Philip Boyd. A full-text PDF version of the article is available here for […]

What we’ve learned about climate change in 2008

There is a great overview now available in Nature Reports Climate Change, which discusses how far our scientific understanding of climate change has come in the last 12 months. It is available free online or for PDF download. Written for the non-specialist, it is readily intelligible (much in the New Scientist style), but goes into […]


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