So just who does climate science?

Once someone begins to comment on climate change in the media (television, radio, newspapers, etc.) and establishes a public profile, it is only a matter of time before questions are asked about whether they are qualified to express an informed opinion. So, who is? A very readable and detailed exposition on the nature of scientific […]

If you want a laugh…

… then head over to this thread on Jennifer Marohasy’s blog and read the comments, starting from #1 [warning, not suitable for the kiddies, and be prepared to sip a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster after the experience]. Me – I’m barracking for Luke, SJT and PeterW. You’ll find similar stuff in the comments at half […]

Australia’s soaring carbon emissions put Kyoto out of reach

The Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC, an organisational unit of the US Department of Energy) has released it’s latest figures for Australia’s carbon emissions from fossil fuel consumption. Due to the complexity in collating emissions, the current reporting year is 2005. The figures certainly leave a bitter taste in the mouth. Already among the […]

Top 10 ways to reduce your CO2 emissions footprint

Solving climate change is a huge international challenge. Only a concerted global effort, involving the governments of all nations, will be enough to avert dangerous consequences. But that said, the individual actions of everyday people are still crucial. Large and complex issues, like climate change, are usually best tackled by breaking down the problem into […]

Carbon Targets I – Fermi Paradox solved?

This is the first in a new series I’m starting, which will look at the problem of what carbon emissions reductions and atmospheric CO2 targets are need to circumvent global climate disruption. I’ll consider this topic from many angles, and propose what I think is the only workable solution! [hint: it’s not an ETS or […]

A catastrophe in slow motion – sea ice updates

The summer sea ice in the Arctic continues to melt at an alarming pace. It now stands at the second lowest point since records began (just above the exceptional melt of 2007). What is more, the rate of melt at this point of the decline season is greater than for any other year since the […]

CCQA2 Presentations Available

The PowerPoint presentations from the second of the Climate Change Q and A seminars are now available as PDF files. The presentations by Professors Barry Brook and Bob Hill provide the scientific answers to questions about human versus natural causes of current climate changes. Please see at or for details. If you believe […]

3/3 CCQA2 Questions from the audience regarding climate change causes

Listen to Barry Brook respond to questions from the audience at the 2nd seminar in the series entitled Climate Change Q and A: Sceptical Questions and the Scientific Answers. Subscribe for podcasts at or go to for complete details about the series. Please note this recording contains some silent sections where audience members […]

2/3 CCQA2 Barry Brook on human vs natural climate change

Listen to Prof Barry Brook explain the science showing that current climate changes are attributable to human activities. This is the 2nd of 3 recordings from the 2nd seminar in the series entitled Climate Change Q and A: Sceptical Questions and the Scientific Answers. Subscribe for podcasts at or go to for complete […]

1/3 CCQA2 Intro and Bob Hill on natural climate changes

Listen to the seminar introduction by Barry Brook and the presentation by Prof Bob Hill focussing on how we can distinguish between natural and human-induced climate change. This is the 1st of 3 recordings from the 2nd seminar in the series entitled Climate Change Q and A: Sceptical Questions and the Scientific Answers. Subscribe for […]

Make the switch to GreenPower and make (virtually) no difference to your carbon emissions

There was a story in today’s Adelaide Advertiser about GreenPower. This is a catch-all word to describe the option to buy your energy from renewable sources (aka ‘green energy‘), or purchase offsets, rather than simply source it from fossil fuel-fired power stations – all by simply choosing to pay a bit extra per kilowatt hour […]

Dr Jennifer Marohasy ignores the climate science

Jennifer Marohasy’s article in the Weekend Australian newspaper (23/8/2008) is yet another installment in the ongoing saga of Australian non-greenhouse theorists (‘sceptics’) attempting to discredit, at least in the eyes of the general public, the conclusions of Australian climate science. But one wonders why Institute for Public Affairs supporters choose to give their imprimatur to such […]

An unwelcome seachange

First published in the Adelaide Advertiser, 1 degree series, August 2007 – updated and hyperlinked. One of the clearest and most worrying signs that something odd is happening to Earth’s climate is that sea levels are rising steadily. Records of long-term tidal gauges show that sea levels were 17-20 cm higher at the start of […]

The world’s largest fish is… shrinking

As Monty Python would say, now for something completely different. Here is a report by Jennifer Viegas from Discovery Channel in the US, who recently reported on a paper co-authored by Corey Bradshaw (of ConservationBytes fame) and me on the problem of… shrinking fish! Specifically, a decline we had documented in the body size of […]

Spot the recycled denial II – 60 Minutes crunch time

In this series, I aim to teach you to recognise the recycled denialism that is rife in the public arena these days. I don’t refute this nonsense by constructing a new argument each time which, point-by-point, shows why their claims are not supported by the evidence. This is pointless, since the majority of non-greenhouse theorists […]

Climate Change Q and A Seminar 2: Friday 22 Aug – natural vs human causes?

Seminar reminder and Discussion Thread. Friday 22 August: Can we distinguish between natural and human- induced climate change? It’s true there are lots of factors that can contribute to a warming planet, and it’s also true that the earth’s climates have been all over the map (literally!) during its 4.6 billion year existence. We hear […]

An iconic wetland at risk from sea level rise

Originally published in the Adelaide Advertiser, 1 degree series, August 2007 – updated with hyperlinks A RICH diversity of unique plant and animal species live in World Heritage Listed Kakadu National Park. These include vast flocks of magpie geese, which congregate in millions to feed on water chestnuts growing on the floodplain of the South […]

Irrationalism on climate change action

Originally published in the Independent Weekly newspaper (Adelaide), March 2008 Last year, the socio-political terrain surrounding climate change shifted dramatically. The clarion call for urgent action to slow global warming was sounded loud and clear by the scientific community. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fourth Assessment Report stated bluntly that without a rapid […]

The Earth today stands in imminent peril

Guest Post by Dr Andrew Glikson (former Principal Research Scientist, AGSO; Visiting Research Fellow, Australian National University) and Dr Barrie Pittock (Honorary Fellow, CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research; former leader, Climate Impact Group, CSIRO). THE GLOBAL VIEW In a recent published statement (18 May, 2007) Professor James Hansen, NASA’s Chief Climate Scientist, states: ‘The Earth […]

Two urgent climate statements – but no impact?

In the last year, two different groups of Australian scientists have released joint statements, urging a more rapid and meaningful response from our society if we are to avoid global climate disruption. The first was called the Bali Declaration: UNSW climatologists are leading a consortium of more than 200 leading climate scientists who have warned […]


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