2/3 CCQA3 Barry Brook on climate models and projections

Listen to Prof Barry Brook’s presentation on climate models and projections. This is the 2nd of 3 recordings from the 3rd seminar in the series entitled Climate Change Q and A: Sceptical Questions and the Scientific Answers. Subscribe for podcasts at bravenewclimate.com/feed or go to adelaide.edu.au/climatechange for complete details about the series.

1/3 CCQA3 Intro and Peter Hayman on climate variability and impacts

Listen to the seminar introduction by Barry Brook and the presentation by Dr Peter Hayman focussing on climate variability and its associated impacts, especially on South Australia. This is the 1st of 3 recordings from the 3rd seminar in the series entitled Climate Change Q and A: Sceptical Questions and the Scientific Answers. Subscribe for […]

Cartoon guide to global warming denial

As Tim Lambert recently remarked at Deltoid, global warming denial and political greenwashing is sometimes just so silly that even if you tried really, really hard, you just wouldn’t be able to make this stuff up. But plenty of talented cartoonists nevertheless give it their best shot. Here is a selection of some choice samples […]

Don’t be swindled

The psuedo-documentary by Martin Durkin, called “The Great Global Warming Swindle“, continues to get attention. Following a swag of complaints to the British broadcasting regulator, the Office of Communications (OfCom), it was found to have breached the broadcasting code regarding impartiality and treated interviewees unfairly. Yet the ruling was a fizzler, because of a bizzare loophole. George […]

Carbon targets II – first thoughts on the Garnaut Review emissions trajectories

The Australian report on the economic impact of global warming, known as the Garnaut Climate Change Review, has just released its supplementary draft report on targets and trajectories. I’ve provided some commentary for the Australian Science Media Centre. These are only initial thoughts based on a preliminary read, and I will to develop these ideally […]

Twisted – the distorted mathematics of greenhouse denial

Time for a book recommendation. To little fanfare, an important and highly revealing book was published in mid-2007 by an Australian climate scientist, Professor Ian Enting. Ian now works for the University of Melbourne, but for many years he was with CSIRO Atmospheric Research, where he worked primarily on modelling the global carbon cycle. He […]

Climate Change Q and A Seminar 3: Friday 5 Sept – what future climate change scenarios are possible?

Seminar reminder and Discussion Thread. Friday 5 September: What future climate change scenarios are possible? “Scientists can’t forecast what my local weather will do this weekend, how can they know what climates around the world will do in 50 years?” The earth is a complex system, as are the computer models scientists use to understand […]

A warning from the ghost of climate past

Records of abrupt climate events in the recent history of Earth suggest current emission reduction targets fall short of preventing carbon and ice/melt feedback loops and consequent runaway greenhouse effects Andrew Glikson (editing and hyperlinking by Barry Brook) Earth and paleo-climate research, Research School of Earth Science, Australian National University Summary: Current CO2 (carbon dioxide) […]

Spot the recycled denial III – Prof Ian Plimer

Update: Review of Plimer’s book “Heaven and Earth” is here: http://bravenewclimate.com/2009/04/23/ian-plimer-heaven-and-earth/ ——————————————- In this series, I aim to teach you to recognise the recycled denialism that is rife in the public arena these days. I don’t refute this nonsense by constructing a new argument each time which, point-by-point, shows why their claims are not supported […]


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