Vote for Brave New Climate!

Brave New Climate, has been listed as one of the 10 finalists

for ‘Australia’s best science blogger 2010‘.

If you think I deserve to win, vote now!

The winner of The Big Blog Theory, as determined by public vote, will be named the official National Science Week 2010 blogger and will receive a four-day blogging trip to their choice of events during National Science Week (14 – 22 August) and a Huawei U8230 Android Smartphone with $100 prepaid credit.

As the official National Science Week 2010 blogger the winner will have the opportunity to blog about the events they attend, the people they meet and some of the interesting things they learn. The tour prize will include travel, accommodation and entry to events during the four-day tour

Thanks to the esteemed panel for their choice!

So, if you feel inclined, click here and lend BNC your support. You need to provide your name and email address, and then reply with a confirmation email (to check you’re not a bot).

In related news, BNC has now passed 700,000 hits and 19,000 comments since launching in Aug 2008, and my Twitter feed has 600+ followers. Thanks for all your ongoing support.

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5 Responses

  1. Well done on the nomination Barry. I’m generally a lurker, and I post under different pseudonyms on various forums, but I find BNC to be an incredibly useful resource that has massively shifted my thinking on sustainability and energy.

    I was once a 100% renewables guy (after spending a few sad years as a Olduvai/peakist doomer), but now I’m strongly behind your push for pragmatism, and I see nuclear energy, both Gen III and Gen IV, as a major part of this. Perhaps THE major part (I don’t know), but it must be able to compete on a level playing field. Peter Lang taught me that 🙂

    Anyway, enough from me, I’ve registered my vote for you over at The Big Blog Theory website, and I hope all the other regular readers of BNC, both lurkers and regular commenters, also do. Let’s give BNC the recognition it truly deserves, and give Prof Brook a chance to sell his wares in Canberra on National Science week!

  2. Rapid Rabbit, I voted too and I expect just about everone else has too.

    Perhaps THE major part (I don’t know), but it must be able to compete on a level playing field. Peter Lang taught me that 🙂

    Thank you for that encouragement. I only wish we could get the point through to the politicians and the NGOs that are driving bad policy.

    Perhaps EclipseNow can find a way to communicate this critical point to the masses and the pollies.

  3. Thanks RR, nice to have your comment/support.

    I see that voting ends 23 July.

  4. Good luck Barry – you deserve to win not least because you give up so much of your own time to produce this most worthy and stimulating blog – of course you have my vote:)

  5. Today is the last day of voting, so if you haven’t got your vote registered yet, go and do it now!

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