Open Thread

Open Thread 18

The previous Open Thread has gone past 550 comments, so it’s time for a fresh palette.

The Open Thread is a general discussion forum, where you can talk about whatever you like — there is nothing ‘off topic’ here — within reason. So get up on your soap box! The standard commenting rules of courtesy apply, and at the very least your chat should relate to the general content of this blog.

The sort of things that belong on this thread include general enquiries, soapbox philosophy, meandering trains of argument that move dynamically from one point of contention to another, and so on — as long as the comments adhere to the broad BNC themes of sustainable energy, climate change mitigation and policy, energy security, climate impacts, etc.

You can also find this thread by clicking on the Open Thread category on the cascading menu under the “Home” tab.


Some possible conversation starters:

  • Here is an interesting lecture on the theory behind nuclear fusion — short, and interesting for a scientifically literate audience
  • A provocative article by John Cameron from University of Wisconsin Madison, entitled: How to ignore data that contradict the LNT hypothesis (on radiation health physics)
  • A comment made on an energy mailing list to which I subscribe, talking about technosolar:

    I am reminded of a Johnny Carson show many, many years ago when he had Dixie Lee Ray as a guest. I think it was around 1973, and she was the new chairman of the US AEC, and Carson engaged her in a discussion about energy. Carson clearly favored solar and wind. She posed a question to him about the value of nuclear energy which went something like this—If you had several hundred freshly cut very tall and heavy trees at the top of a mountain, and you needed to get them down to the river, what would rather have: a couple of bull elephants or several million ants? Which would you chose? He was nonplussed as I recall to say the least. I never forgot that story. For small jobs, the solar/wind sources can be useful. For the really heavy lifting—nuclear is your winner. There simply is nothing else waiting in the wings.

  • The previous quote reminds me of the PBS TV Frontline interview with Dr Charles Till:

    Q: What will be our energy source, then? 

    A: I think that many engineers would agree that there is limited, additional gain to be had from conservation. After all, what does one mean by “conservation?” One simply means using less and using less more efficiently. And there have been considerable gains wrung out of the energy supply and energy usage over the past couple of decades. We can probably go somewhat further. But you’re talking, you know, 10% or 20%. Whereas over the next 50 years, it can be confidently predicted that with the energy growth in this country alone, and much more so around the world, it would be 100%, 200%, or some very large number.

    And so what energy source steps in? There is only one. It’s fossil fuel. It’s coal. It’s oil. It’s natural gas. Some limited additional use of the more exotic forms of things, like solar and wind. But they are, after all, very limited in what they can do. So it will be fossil.

    Now the question, of course, immediately becomes, well, how long can that last? And everyone has a different opinion on that. One thing that is certain, and that is that the increase in the use of fossil fuels will sharply increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Another thing is certain. You will put a lot more pollutants into the atmosphere as well, in addition to carbon dioxide, which one could argue the greenhouse effect exists or doesn’t exist. One can point to natural gas. Well, natural gas has fewer pollutants, and it gives you some considerable factor of perhaps two–more energy for the amount of carbon dioxide put into the air than does coal. But if you’re increasing the amount of fossil fuels by a large number, like five then the use of natural gas is not any long-term answer. It simply somewhat reduces what may be a very serious problem.

    Q: What about Solar and Wind?

    A: No. Small amounts. Small amounts only. The simplest form of pencil calculation will tell you that. But you know, energy has to be produced for modern society on a huge scale. The only way you can do that is with energy sources that have concentrated energy in them: coal, oil, natural gas. And the quintessential example of it is nuclear, where the energy is so concentrated, you have something to work [with]. With solar, your main problem is gathering it. In nuclear, it’s there. It’s been gathered.

    Q: What about the rest of the world? What will it do for energy?

    A: Well, parts of the rest of the world are very much powered by nuclear electricity today. France, of course, is the principal example. But all of the Western European countries. Japan will continue an orderly increase in the amount of nuclear power. There’s no question about that. There will be a tremendous increase in China and in Asia of both the use of coal and the use of nuclear energy. I hope that most of it’s nuclear.

I happen to think Ray and Till are fairly close to the mark, but you may well disagree. Either way, I look forward to the always entertaining conversation that ensues.

By Barry Brook

Barry Brook is an ARC Laureate Fellow and Chair of Environmental Sustainability at the University of Tasmania. He researches global change, ecology and energy.

653 replies on “Open Thread 18”

“Japan will continue an orderly increase in the amount of nuclear power.”

Bwahahahaha. When was this interview? 1970?

The comments about efficiency are staggering for someone based in the US. What is the comparative carbon intensity of that country compared to say, Germany. Carbon intensity is a good proxy for WASTE.


> “Japan will continue an orderly increase in the amount of nuclear power.”

Actually this may no longer be true. The Japanese PM made a public statement a few weeks ago Financial Times July 14

“Our nation should aim to become a society that can manage fine without nuclear power,” Mr Kan said on Wednesday.

Also from the same article:

Seiji Maehara, one of the most popular figures in the ruling Democratic party, said construction of new nuclear reactors should “basically be stopped”.

In typical Japanese fashion though these statements are rather fluffy and the implications unclear, but given the majority in Japan are now against nuclear power, favouring either abolution or reduced use, it seems pretty clear there has been a change in direction that will only be announced when the required “consensus” has been reached. ie. when the change is well under way.


And the announcement from yesterday which has been anticipated for several weeks now: Japan PM ‘sorry’ over Fukushima no-go zones

Japan’s outgoing Prime Minister Naoto Kan on Saturday said he was sorry that some areas close to the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant will remain uninhabitable for a long time.

“In reality, I cannot deny the possibility unfortunately for residents not being able to return and live in some places for a long time even after taking decontamination measures,” Kan told Fukushima governor Yuhei Sato.


And while the Fukushima evacuation announcement makes headlines, nearly a thousand children died in India today because they don’t have access to electricity. And it will happen again tomorrow, and the next day, and the day after that. And these children will not make news headlines. And they will continue to die until something is providing them and their families with energy.

Wind and solar won’t be providing a nation of a billion people with sufficient energy. Coal and other fossil fuels probably could, but at a huge cost to the planet. So where’s the energy going to come from?

(And before someone labels me insensitive for trivialising Fukushima, I am just trying to provide some perspective).


What will be the future of nuclear in the US???

It depends a lot on the review of existing Nuclear plants design level of earthquake resistance relative to a new awareness that there is a potential for earthquakes that exceed the design value for existing reactors.

There is currently some very interesting data being reviewed relative to the magnitude that Virginia’s North Anna reactor actually received compared to it’s design value.

Quote from:

“The NRC requires each nuclear reactor to be able to shut down safely if it experiences a certain level of ground motion, known as peak ground acceleration. At North Anna, a rocky part of the site is built to withstand 0.12g and a softer part of the site is built to withstand 0.18g, according to the NRC.”

However, a request for a 3rd yet to be built reactor resulted in a NEW design value of almost twice that:

“Experts hired by Dominion for the proposed North Anna project pegged the peak ground acceleration that should be factored into a new reactor’s design at 0.535g”

In another article contained here:

An interesting thing to note is that this (and probably other reactors) have “scratch plates” located in various part of the plant that record the magnitude that the plant actually received.

“Once the Unit 1 reactor was shut down, the utility sent in workers, wearing gloves, who carefully removed special “scatch plates” that record earthquake data. That process took eight hours. “We had guys up all night extracting them,” said Mr. Heacock.

Dominion was so eager to get the plates analyzed that it flew the first batch “to California on a private jet,” said Dominion’s Mr. Heacock.”

So we are eagerly awaiting the results from these “scratch plates”

1)Did this reactor go thru an earthquake significantly higher magnitude than it was designed for??

2) What kind of “fixes” will be required to upgrade all these reactors to be able to withstand the higher design level requirements??

and thirdly:

3) How large of an earthquake above its design value does it take to cause a failure of the control rods to insert????….and ,what is the failure scenario when the control rods fail to insert for the following cases: a) backup power comes on line successfully and b) backup power fails as in the case of Fukushima.



George Bower, on 29 August 2011 at 12:32 AM said:

“3) How large of an earthquake above its design value does it take to cause a failure of the control rods to insert????….and ,what is the failure scenario when the control rods fail to insert for the following cases: a) backup power comes on line successfully and b) backup power fails as in the case of Fukushima.”

In that case soluble neutron absorbers are injected in the cooling water. Took this information from Wikipedia:

“In the PWR, these neutron absorbing solutions are stored in pressurized tanks (called accumulators) that are attached to the primary coolant system via valves; a varying level of neutron absorbent is kept within the primary coolant at all times, and is increased using the accumulators in the event of a failure of all of the control rods to insert, which will promptly bring the reactor below the shutdown margin.
In the BWR, soluble neutron absorbers are found within the Standby Liquid Control System, which uses redundant battery-operated injection pumps, or, in the latest models, high pressure nitrogen gas to inject the neutron absorber solution into the reactor vessel against any pressure within. Because they may delay the restart of a reactor, these systems are only used to shut down the reactor if control rod insertion fails.”

Then you can always come up with an even WORSE scenario and all that fails to. Well, then the water would soon boil off, moderation would stop and the reactor will shut itself off. I guess this would mean some release of radioactive steam though, and a fuel melt down if the decay heat can not be taken care of.


This recent article by John Peterson discusses how non-ferrous technology metals are far more volatile in price than energy, and that the limited supply of these materials will prevent the deployment of batteries for vehicle electrification, as well as solar and wind production at any kind of relevant scale. It is fascinating that these alternative energy industries are proceeding gung-ho powered by government subsidies and investment capital in the billions, yet are incapable or unwilling to see the brick wall of rare earth constraints looming ahead. The author speaks of investors not thinking critically, and being affected by their “hopium induced hallucinations.”

While this topic is fascinating in and of itself, I am mainly interested in the vehicle electrification conundrum for this post. Let’s assume that Peterson is right, and battery technology will never be able to scale adequately. What about the boron energy carrier fuel concept explored by Tom Blees in his book “Prescription for the Planet” ? Is anyone privy to recent developments in this technology? Venture capitalists and automakers should be all over this.


I would like to poll people here if they believe that the prohibited zone around Fukushima is total BS or if there is some validity to it based on the high(er) levels of Cesium found around the area in the soil.

Are people saying it’s *totally safe* and that only the area OF the plant is dangerous?


good question, dave. I don’t know how to answer it. It would help if BEIR would deal honestly with criticisms from radiation experts who questions its omissions and distortions.

One problem here is that the “consensus” around LNT is not analogous to the consensus around climate change. this puts ordinary people in a bind. The consensus is supposed to stand for the opinion of peer reviewed science. Yet, according to its critics, BEIR leaves out much peer reviewed science.

You get some sense of this from the Cameron article linked above, but there are better rebuttals than his. Still, explaining away the DOE nuclear workers study by attributing the superior health of nuclear workers to the healthy worker effect is sickening. Sanders has a nice chapter in his book on the use of the HWE to “explain” evidence inconsistent with LNT.

John Morgan: thanks for Jackson link.


I would like to poll people here if they believe that the prohibited zone around Fukushima is total BS or if there is some validity to it based on the high(er) levels of Cesium found around the area in the soil.

Are people saying it’s *totally safe* and that only the area OF the plant is dangerous?

Living in an adjoining prefecture to Fukushima, and thus being a wee bit interested in the situation there I’d have to say that there is little way of knowing, based on the lack of reliability of government statements. The Japanese government, which is actually the bureaucracy is compartmentalized, with heavy ties to industry – to which the bureaucrats look to for post-retirement jobs. Reports tend to be vague, and will not incorporate much in the way of original work from the ministries – and most importantly will not incorporate much, if any work from related Ministries.

Case in point: The Ministry of Education and Science have a computer system called SPEEDI (System for Prediction of Environment Emergency Dose Information). This provides for quick predictions of the dispersion of radioisotopes into the environment in case of an accident. However, the Nuclear Safety Commission ignored the data it generated – leading to evacuees being directed into areas of possible high contamination.

Another case: The Farm Ministry instructed beef farmers to stop using hay to feed their cattle. They were unaware that rice straw can also be fed to cattle, and thus radioisotope contamination entered that particular branch of the food chain. Apparently none of the agricultural organizations or farmers queried this.

Other sources of information are, of course, the press – but much of what is out there is either tabloid, or rehashed anti-nuclear activist material.


David Walters, on 29 August 2011 at 1:51 AM — The probited zone is ultra-conservative; in place until thorugh radaition monitoring is finished, I think.

As best as I can tell, there are only a few so-called hot spots which cannot quickly be remediated.


@David Walters: Pasted from my blog (22 August):

Yomiuri says the government plans to uphold parts of the evacuation orders for a couple of decades.

That is because recent measurements found dose levels of up to 508.1 millisieverts per year, based on the assumption that people spend 8 hours a day outside.

Under a reasonable standard of 100 millisieverts per month this is of course still less than half of what would be needed to cause even a slight increase in cancer risk.

But since the government is following the bogus benchmarks of the ICRP, which at 20 millisieverts per year are too low by at least one order of magnitude, we might well see another involuntary natural park as around Chernobyl, where wildlife will be thriving in the absence of humans driven out by irrational fear.

While that would be good news for plants and animals in the area, it would seem to be a significant victory for the irrational fear campaigns.


David: Evacuation is a serious business. Why evacuate an area when the risk of cancer from contamination is still very much less than that due to average consumption of alcohol or red meat? Possibly one could include tobacco. With 36% of Japanese men still smoking (Wikipedia), it might be reasonable to mandate no evacuation until risks equal those of tobacco. Assessing the risk to children is obviously best. My understanding of the data available is that this criterion would imply no evacuation areas.


The technical answer to the question lies in measurement. It is easy to measure and map the distribution of caesium using low-flying aircraft. The resulting map (on p4 of link) is a rough guide to where the particles of dust landed. Cesium itself is not particularly threatening to health, however it is relatively long-lived and the most easily detected of the fission products. What we have yet to see is detailed ground monitoring. Depending on how big the particles were, the areas of deposition may well be quite localised, and such concentrations therefore locally hazardous. It would then be cleaned by shovels or bulldozers or isolated with fences, as the surveys indicate. Areas in between could then be declared safe for normal business.

However it is easy for technical people to forget the overwhelming political imperative here. All of these orders were given not by the Japanese health or civil emergency departments, but by the Prime Minister himself. Even the most frightened or mis-informed of Japanese citizens would have to admit that there have been no more tsunamis since the Prime Minister’s evacuation orders showed him to be decisive, knowledgeable, powerful and effective. It might be seen as weakness if he were to allow people to return to their homes.


David Walters: the prohibited zone around Fukushima is total BS. Google “Natural Background Radiation.”

Is there anybody out there who could translate into Japanese and send information to Japan? Translate and send them the following, please:


contains Japan’s “funniest” “home” video. The Japanese are trying to reduce their exposure to radiation to LESS THAN THE NATURAL BACKGROUND!!!!!!!   You did know that there is natural background radiation didn’t you?   How else would we date Egyptian mummies with the radioactive carbon they ate thousands of years ago? Of course it is not possible to be exposed to less radiation than the natural background where you live.

Since they did not check everywhere with geiger counters before the tsunami, they don’t know how much radiation was always there. Mothers are panicking because, naturally, the geiger counters find radiation everywhere. Here are some natural background readings:
Guarapari, Brazil: 3700 millirem/year
Tamil Nadu, India: 5300 millirem/year
Ramsar, Iran: 8900 to 13200 millirem/year
Denver, Colorado 1000 millirem/year

A not entirely natural reading:
Chernobyl: 490 millirem/year

Some background reading:

62% of Japan’s electricity comes from coal fired power plants. Coal contains so much uranium and thorium that we could get all of the uranium we need from coal cinders and ash. Coal fired power plants put all of it either up the stack or into the solids that are hauled away.


Read it and weep, from today’s Independent.

I couldn’t help myself, and let fly with the following (yet to clear moderation, if ever):

Disgracefully tendentious scaremongering. Why compare the radiation from Fukushima with Hiroshima (an invalid and misleading comparison in any case) when the point of the article is ‘worse than Chernobyl’? Could it be because TEN TIMES MORE terabecquerels (I131 equivalent) were released at Chernobyl ( Moreover, most of what was released at Fukushima went offshore, where it is being diluted and dispersed to the point of harmlessness.

“Some scientists”? Helen Caldicott has not been a scientist for decades. A well-known hyperbolist (, she has zero credibility (see also among many other examples.)

The mention of “hundreds of animals have died and rotted in the sun” mischievously left hanging by the author leaves him enough room to deny the intention, but I’ll bet a large proportion of readers took this to mean they were killed by radiation. They have nothing to do with radiation, and everything to do with running out of water and food after being unattended.

“still boiling its radionuclides all over Japan” is utter tosh. There has not been a significant release of radionuclides since March 19 (

Apart from Mousseau’s bird study being highly suspect (, “we don’t have sufficient data to provide accurate information on the long-term impact” isn’t true. 25 years on, the data are coming in, and have been sufficient for the the likes of the World Health Organisation and the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation ( to pronounce the radiation effects on human health to be not even a thousandth of the numbers claimed by Greenpeace, who have as much credibility as Helen Caldicott.

Finally, people shouldn’t get fixated on radii, much more meaningful to look at actual maps of the fallout such as the one at

And that’s just a selection of what I could have taken issue with in this egregious piece.


I’ll eat spinach grown in the Fukushima district anytime, but what would I know about radiation anyway ? The bard as usual says it best : ” Much ado about nothing”


@ quokka

Probably bad news for the fish. Proabably no amount of radiation could compete with man’s capacity to deplete populations by overfishing.


>…Probably bad news for the fish.

Godnose what rubbish and toxins were deposited on the seabed by the retreating sea. What chemicals do any of us accumulate in our back yards and cupboards? Let alone in the shops, warehouses and depots. Swept away to join the fishes. Minamata Bay would be clean by comparison.

We could guess where they will lay the blame. After all, the journos have yet to find a reason why they call the tsunami “a nuclear disaster”.


Hmmm, there seems to be a view that the only problem with these accidents is media scaremongering?

Let me ask a question. Do you remember the Soviet Union? Do you remember Chernobyl?

Did the Soviet Union have a free press? No.

When were the people in the region evacuated, before or after the release of news of the accident? Before.

So my question is this:- where was the media scaremongering?

What led the government to evacuate the people if it was not prudent policy?


Gary Kahanak, on 29 August 2011 at 1:30 AM

Let’s assume that Peterson is right, and battery technology will never be able to scale adequately.
Gary why assume Peterson is right? from his own words:

So with the exception of lithium, which is a plentiful resource that only represents 5% or 6% of the metal content in Li-ion batteries, the world cannot produce enough technology metals to permit a widespread transition to alternative energy or electric drive.

So why assume battery technology will never scale? What other limitations are there for Li batteries?

His major argument against PHEV and EV’s is that ICE vehicles are less expensive at gasoline prices below $6/gallon! I for one are prepared to risk prices not rising above $6/gallon, come to think of it in Australia they are already at $6/gallon, who really thinks prices of a rapidly depleting resource are going to decline.

His links to the article “Chinese wind stalls..” are even stranger, Chinese wind growth ONLY increased by 37 % in 2010 while in previous years it was >100%.! If nuclear could ONLY grow at 37% in 2010 or 2011..


David B. Benson, on 29 August 2011 at 11:26 AM :

What happens when one moves from NPPs to LNG + coal in Japan:
The rate hikes don’t seem to be due to FF costs, which are automatically adjusted, but to compensating victims of the nuclear accidents. From the link you provided:

Tepco eyes 10% rate hike for springAlthough utilities have a system that automatically adjusts monthly rates based on fuel costs, Tepco’s plan represents a full-scale revision of its pricing regime, which will require government approval, the sources said.


Asteroid Miner, on 29 August 2011 at 1:55 PM :

62% of Japan’s electricity comes from coal fired power plants.

I think that’s close to the total of all fossil fuel plants in Japan, Coal sits at around 27%.


Neil Howes, on 29 August 2011 at 8:02 PM said:

The rate hikes don’t seem to be due to FF costs, which are automatically adjusted, but to compensating victims of the nuclear accidents.

We’ll probably be able to work out some cost for switiching to FF once we hear what Tohoku Electric charge for next year is. They also have NPPs that are offline.


The nuclear shipyard worker study is interesting, as all of the dose is from cobalt-60 in steel, a high energy gamma emitter. Basically external, whole body radiation dose. Just like the Taiwanese apartments, that contained steel contaminated with cobalt-60. And just like the shipyard worker study, the Taiwanese study found very large reductions in cancer incidence.

This is also relevant for Fukushima, as almost all of the dose is from cesium, and that is almost all external gamma radiation (even if you ingest the cesium it is flushed through the body at a rate that is 100x faster than the radiological half life). Basically almost all the dose from the Fukushima areas is external gamma dose.

Linear no threshold is just silly. The effects are never linear and the idea of no thresholds ignores simple biological protection systems (immune system). The idea that the dose rate is not dominant is absurd. Dose rate is everything. You can take 52 aspirins at once and almost certainly die, or take 1 aspirin a week for a year and have no health effects (possibly even beneficial health effects) at all.


Not sure if this is correct place to bring up this question but recently it came to my attention that Mark Jacobson was able somehow to get his infamous Wind, Water, and Solar (WWS) plan published in Energy Policy as was his plan.

It appears the article was published in March 2011 so I am a little late in bringing this up.

My question is if there will be, or has there been, an updated critique of the recent WWS plan posted here on BNC?

Here are the links for the reports:

Part 1:

Click to access JDEnPolicyPt1.pdf

Part 2:

Click to access DJEnPolicyPt2.pdf

Have been a long time reader but have been wrapped on projects lately. So if an updated critique has already been posted and I missed it can someone point me towards the link?



harvey: I was pretty excited about EESTOR about 5 years ago. They are now the butt of a lot of jokes. Capacitors would be great, if they can get them to work. In the meantime there are also a ton of ideas being discussed out there regarding battery improvements (LG Chem, A123, Prof Cui at Stanford, Planar Technologies, etc., etc.). Given the impetus of electric cars, batteries are going to finally see rapid improvement. Capacitors might see some use as an addition to batteries for transient high-power needs, but it’s beginning to look like the batteries won’t need the help.

Nuclear Energy + Electric Cars = Future


Electric car enthusiasts might not be encouraged by last week’s ‘Top Gear’ program in which the hosts had to interrupt their journey for a 13 hour recharge. They concluded that hydrogen cars were the way to go.

If natural gas cars (e.g. Honda Civic NGV) become popular that will place further cost pressure on gas as a stationary electricity fuel along with its vital role in load balancing. In simple tonnage terms oil is already twice as big as gas so the shift could have major implications. The days of happy motoring could be fading fast.


The risk from radiation exposure is highly age dependent; therefore mandatory evacuation zones should be age dependent. There would be a very small evacuation zone for seniors, a larger zone for middle aged folks and a much larger zone for infants and children.

In fact I think adults should be able to decide what level of risk they take, so the only mandatory evacuation zones I support would be for infants and children.

In this way nearly all the land around the Fukushima plant could be occupied and maintained. The value of the land would be reduced, and that could be measured by market prices as property is bought and sold, but the value of the property would not go to near zero as happens with a total evacuation.

Colorado has the lowest obesity rate. The low cancer rates in the Rocky Mountains could be a function of obesity as much or more than radiation. The suggestion to do a double blind study of low level radiation using volunteer seniors is a good one that should be funded immediately.


It is worth keeping in mind that the Fukushima accident is not the only reason that agricultural land will be unproductive for some time. The inundation from the tsunami has done widespread damage. The Japanese government has announced a recovery plan with a target of three years for restoration of agricultural land:

Also, the agriculture ministry has released a map based on soil surveys showing locations outside the 20 km zone where Cs contamination of soil exceeds regulatory limits. I haven’t been able to find the map on the web, but the NHK report is here:


A comment from a colleague on the comparison between Fukushima and Hiroshima:

They are comparing Cs-137 release numbers. Once I estimated that in Fukushima about 3-4 tons have fissioned to give the fission products inventory. Hiroshima bomb may have fissioned 50(?) kg. Most of Cs-137 released from Fukushima would still be tied up in the contaminated water and a very small fraction would have been airborne. I don’t know how they estimated 15,000 tera Bq, but it is consistent with earlier reported values. Several percent of the entire Cs-137 had to be released airborne, which seems a pretty high fraction, but then I am not sure what the correct estimate should be. The report says Cs-137 release from Hiroshima bomb was only 89 tera Bq. Since 100% was airborne, this number seems to be at least a factor of 50 too low. The real damage from the bomb was due to heat waves, neutrons, and very strong short half-lived fission products. Cs-137 would have inconsequential impact. So this comparison is meaningless and most misleading.


That comparison is meaningless anyway, since we don’t measure impact on humans in Hiroshima Bomb Equivalents (HBEs), but in sieverts, or rather microsieverts in this case.

Who cares how much was released? The question is what is the dose rate right now, and where.

On the other hand, mixing up nuclear power and nuclear weapons is an obviously effective method to drum up fear, so it is no surprise that the professional radiation fear campaigners are using it all the time.

Our side should learn from this. One recent example is this:

“And the radiative forcing of the CO2 we have already put in the atmosphere in the last century is a staggering 13 Hiros. The equivalent in energy terms to almost half a billion Hiroshima bombs each year.”

Mike Sandiford, 16th June 2011,


Uranium bombs only fission a few percent of their fissile mass, was that accounted for?

My readings leave me the understanding that the fireball initially flashed ultraviolet as the only ionising radiation to penetrate 2000 feet plus of atmosphere, causing the ugly sunburn wounds we still see in photographs. The impulse from the expanding fireball delivered the blast that flattened wooden walls and tatami onto the lunchtime stoves. Persisting infrared radiation from the cooling fireball ensured that flammable surfaces became tinder-dry to sparks. The resulting firestorm was then driven by the burning city rather than the fading fireball.

Atmospheric turbulence arising may well have brought fission products down to ground level, but they would have to have landed downwind of the burning area.


Don’t hot spots in the fallout zone present an opportunity to increase the bang you get for each buck invested in decontamination efforts? By hitting the most radioactive areas, you’re getting rid of the maximum radioactive material as quickly as possible. They’re pointers as to where to concentrate first and get the radiation levels down more rapidly than could be done if it were all evenly distributed.


@Finrod “hot spots in the fallout zone

Quite! It isnt as though the FPs were volatilised. As I understand it, they travelled from the sweating fuel on steam – water droplets – to accumulate on the outer walls of the building in a damp film. The hydrogen explosion would have fragmented the wall panels and then scraped them off the fragments as turbulence sheered the boundary layer above them.

That argument does allow for fine aerosols, but a weak surface may have sheered off with them, as dust particles. Bigger particles have faster terminal velocities, so would have formed “sheets” of falling dust that would reach the ground as hot spots. Heck, in the TV’ed footage of the explosion/s, we see sheets of crap falling out of the dust cloud. It must have continued to drop out in finer and finer sheets as the dust cloud travelled.

A sufficiently hot patch of ground of 50 -100 m would be detectable (Cs137 emits 660 keV gammas) from the air, and mappable on the ground using hand-held gamma spectrometers.


The killer from the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs was the direct energy release from the bomb itself. Fission product contamination isn’t an issue. The amounts are small (“little boy” fissioned 1 kg which gets you only 70 grams of radiocesium) and anyone close enough to them to worry about it is dead in just seconds from the nuclear blast.

This is like comparing the CO2 emissions of a cruise missile to burning coal in a coal plant and then trying to estimate how many would die due to the emissions. Its the bomb blast itself that kills, of course!


It has started, folks.

Surprise, surprise, Germany is now a net importer of electricity and some of the effects from abandonment of half of the nation’s nuclear power generation capacity are becoming clear, in the form of unemployment, power insecurity, threatened industrial disruption and cost.

Let’s hope that the German Experiment leads to a more measured and rational response to fears of nuclear power, worldwide and very soon.


I also hope that the soft energy innumerati such as Germany and California would become examples of “how not to reduce emissions at vast cost” but so far it seems the are celebrated by others that want to follow in their footsteps. The more expensive and ineffective their schemes are the more they are lauded.

The world’s gone mad.


From the NY Times article John Bennetts posted:

New coal and gas plants will use the cleanest technology available and should not aggravate climate change, government officials said, because they will operate within the European carbon-trading system in which plants that exceed the allowed emissions cap have to buy carbon credits from companies whose activities are environmentally beneficial, thus evening out the environmental ledger.

The mind boggles how anyone, let alone a government, can think that it works like this. “Don’t worry about all the new dirt burners we’re building, they’re being offset!” Er.. did you pass primary school maths?

I’m horrified.


The EU is emitting just as much carbon as it did decades ago so it does not appear to be very effective. After all that effort, no reductions. Meanwhile the rest of the world has increased its CO2 emissions, so the clean development thing doesn’t seem to help CO2 emissions much either.

A major problem in deception seems to be that many advocates and politicians like to talk about reductions of CO2 this and that, but these are compared to the ‘business as usual’ scenario which involves a bigger growth in CO2 emissions. So emissions still grow, just slightly slower.


John Newlands, on 30 August 2011 at 7:38 AM said:
Electric car enthusiasts might not be encouraged by last week’s ‘Top Gear’ program in which the hosts had to interrupt their journey for a 13 hour recharge. They concluded that hydrogen cars were the way to go.

I think these guys are well-known for hating electric vehicles. I can’t seem to find the article now, but I believe that prior to the test you are referring to the Top Gear guys drove the EV around in circles to run down the battery before they took off.

It’s become an open joke. Here is a video you might want to watch that spoofs their anti-EV bias.


One other comment. ‘Hydrogen’ has been, is now, and always will be one of the dumbest ideas ever. Most articles 10 years ago made it sound as if hydrogen were a source of energy. Even publications like C&E News used to make this blunder. It is merely an energy transmission system. One with no infrastructure. We have an infrastructure for delivering energy. It is called the electric grid. The car companies have finally figured this out, but apparently the word hasn’t reached ‘Top Gear’.


Zvyozdochka (@Zvyozdochka), on 30 August 2011 at 5:17 PM said:

Open Thread, I guess this is OK to go in here??

“Quake-prone Japan looks at geothermal energy”

Another figure being bandied about is 23.5 GW of Geothermal Power being available (a third of the 80,000 MW figure in the article you linked) . The former does have a reference: “2010 Country Update for Japan,” by H. Sugino and T. Akeno, presented at the 2010 World Geothermal Congress. The dose of reality in the paper is usually ignored, where they they identify many problems with accessing this geothermal potential, including lack of techniques for fully identifying the geothermal structure in the exploration phase; the time and investment needed to bring a geothermal development to fruition; and the fact that the easiest areas for geothermal power development have already been developed. They say a technical breakthrough to develop unused geothermal potential is necessary.

The fact is that Japan has never developed large-scale geothermal power plants, and adding that to the list of problem Sugino and Akeno identify makes a commitment to rely on Geothermal for a large slice of Japan’s energy needs seem very risky.


I love Top Gear. Its entertaining. Its science value is near zero, and everyone knows it. That’s one of the things that make Top Gear so funny – you have these arguing pedants living in their own little world, and they get all sorts of bizarre things to do, it is very much entertaining.

Rest assured that no one takes them seriously when it comes to clean transport or any sort of realistic energy analysis.


What about the boron energy carrier fuel concept explored by Tom Blees in his book “Prescription for the Planet” ? Is anyone privy to recent developments in this technology? Venture capitalists and automakers should be all over this.

So they should, but venture capital isn’t available for research.

I was involved for a while with a venture capitalist who was inspired by Blees to try to get some money for me, but this proved impossible. The difficulty, he concluded, is that — in the opinion of all the potential investors he talked to — an alternative fuel, even one with safety advantages, no emissions at point of use, and no compromise in on-board raw energy cannot be much more expensive than gasoline, and there’s no way for it to be anything else at the outset.


@G.R.L. Cowan, thanks for your remarks. This points out so well that entrenched industries want nothing to do with disruptive technologies. The cost and risk are too large for private interests to take on. Despite the fact that $600 to $700 billion can leave the U.S. economy annually for oil, as an example, there does not seem to be funding, interest or incentive to explore an alternative that might actually be a real solution.

So what will it take, a protracted global oil supply disruption, or oil creeping up to $300/barrel? At that point, economies may be less able to respond and commit the resources necessary to develop truly alternative technologies such as boron for vehicles.


Batteries again: The proof will be in the pudding, but I think momentum behind batteries is huge now and electric cars will be practical before people expect (that is with adequate charging times, and total storage). Maybe in as little as 10 years.

I really admire the engineering design and the amazing speed of development of the Chevrolet Volt which is a concept that will be practical (average fuel savings versus up-front cost) within another couple of years. The presence of the on-board generator is what makes this work, but it is expensive and complicated. This will be an important transition to a full battery electric vehicle.


There appears to be an earlier comment relying on today’s front page TNYT article (by Rosenthal) on Germany’s electrical power situation. I recommend it, if only for the change in international power flows. Well, also the cost of building north to south transmission capacity in Germany.


SteveK9, on 31 August 2011 at 4:39 AM said:

Batteries again: The proof will be in the pudding, but I think momentum behind batteries is huge now and electric cars will be practical before people expect (that is with adequate charging times, and total storage). Maybe in as little as 10 years.

I really admire the engineering design and the amazing speed of development of the Chevrolet Volt which is a concept that will be practical (average fuel savings versus up-front cost) within another couple of years.

“Maybe in as little as 10 years”… “within another couple of years”

I hope you’re right Steve, but this “10 years from now” happy talk has dominated the “alternative” energy dialog for… umm… decades upon decades.

Personally, I think the obvious and current (technologically speaking) solution to transportation fuels is nuclear/H20 derived hydrogen as a feedstock to manufacture portable synthetic fuels. There will be a carbon price, but it can be reduced with hybrids, or perhaps it can be made neutral (10 years from now? ;o). At the end of the day, this ever repeating mantra for non-existent techno-solutions is tiresome and prone to wasting precious time.


@ Graham Palmer, on 31 August 2011 at 6:25 AM:

Many thanks for that link. It is far and away the best explanation of the limits of battery storage that I have ever seen.

The takeaway message seems to be that the best that can be expected from batteries is one or two percent of the energy density of liquid hydrocarbons, ie the mass of batteries needed to equal 60 litres/50kg of liquid hydrocarbons is of the order of several tonnes.

Anyone in favour of three tonne battery powered cars with 1000km range? My wife and I regularly drive 700km in a day on one tank of fuel to visit my daughter. Such a trip in a car with 100km range would take a week (6 recharges), so I guess that batteries will never be up to this challenge.

Does anybody see a pathway to a battery powered car with 500+ kilometre reliable range and capacity for two adults plus luggage?


@ Tom Keen derides “Don’t worry about all the new dirt burners we’re building, they’re being offset”

These guys know their arithmetic alright – and the complicity of their audience. They reassure their sinners that they can emit as much as they darn well want , as long as they buy a balancing quantity of negative emissions from a nice man in a foreign country. Hey presto! The balance sheet is even, our sins are forgiven and we can all lie to our grandchildren that we did our bit when we should have.
This is exactly where we need the environmental zealots to do their bit for the world. If every claim to have purchased negative emissions (“offsets”) is checked out and identified as fraudulent, excessive emissions remain exposed to judgement.


John and John: I think most of the ‘happy talk’ on batteries is fairly recent. Companies like LG Chem and A123 are not selling ‘non-existent’ pipe dreams.

A Tesla Roadster will go 400 km miles on a charge, and this is really a crude initial effort (and very expensive). I’m aware of the 10-years-away promise on a variety of ‘techno-wonders’ that did not pan out. It’s just my judgement (I’m not in the field, but I am a scientist) that battery technology is very close to being practical whereas transporting hydrogen around the country is not — by the way a friend of mine was working on hydrogen-storage technology in grad school, in 1977.


So-called spent nuclear fuel [its not spent and its not fuel, doesn’t burn to produce heat] contains enough palladium, rhodium, ruthenium and maybe even silver, platinum and gold that DoE awarded chemistry researchers here funding to simulate extraction techniques. Don’t expect industrially viable methods for some years.


John Newlands & German synfuel:

Nice video, but it answers one question (Electricity into synfuel? Yes.)

Left undiscussed are a huge number of elephant sized issues, including:
Given that solar and wind are, in Germany, good for one fifth or one sixth of the time (ie capacity factors 16 to 20%), the inference is that for a given load, 5/6th of the solar and wind energy is flowing towards the synfuel plant over the cycle, for conversion into synfuel. The remainder of the time, the synfuel must provide a flow back to the consumer.

The transmission link to the synfuel plant will need to be upgraded to carry this peak load. I understand that transmission constraints have already emerged in Australia, resulting in electricity retailers refusing to connect additional PV to existing distribution systems. A limit will be reached.

The energy efficiency of conversion of CO2 plus H2O to synfuel is not stated – I suggest that a loss of 30% would be a very generous assumption in the absense of real figures.

Energy losses due to transmission and stepup transformers, etc to the synfuel plant will be another 10% or so.

The energy cost of compression of the synfuel as it is pumped in to the storage vessel needs to be considered. Is 15% reasonable?

The energy losses as the synfuel is used in either a CCGT or an OCGT will again be significant. Round figures: CCGT returns say 66%, OCGT 40% to the grid.

The energy budget starts to look very sick, because on these admittedly wild guesses, each kWh of surplus electricity will be diminished by the above factors, which compound to 29.6% to 17.1%.

The renewables overbuild needed to provide a steady kW of power is thus only 17 to 30 percent effective, say 25%. We need to multiply the initial figures of 5 or 6 by a further factor of 4 to supply continuous power feed back via the synfuel process… an amazing 20 to 24 times factor for the PV collectors.

The rooftop PV installations of German homes supplied by this process will need to be huge. Instead of say 10 sq.m of panels for a 5kW nameplate system, the actual panel area required to supply 5kW average will be in the range 100 – 150sq.m, which is several times the total roof area of most free-standing homes.

Put another way, there simply aren’t enough roof-acres in Germany to support a synfuel operation at the required scale, even if every roof was fully covered with PV panels.

Two final points:
1. The synfuel will still be contaminated with unconverted CO2, so this is a pathway for CO2 to enter the atmosphere.
2. The CO2 feedstock comes from somewhere, presumably FF plant fitted with CCS. Is this whole project simply a trojan horse for FF?

Note: The synfuel plant will only be operational for a fraction of the time, due to intermittency. There is no guarantee that it will ever, at large scale, be able to get fully warmed through and operational within the small windows available for PV and/or wind to provide power to run the process. I guess that the proponents will rely on non-existent pumped hydro (and its 30% energy loss penalty) to provide security, but isn’t security what this synfuel story is all about? Add a couple of dams, more hydro generators and so forth to the cost estimates.

I have not considered the costs of this immense overbuild of transmission systems, renewable generation plant, chemical engineering works, gas pipelines and storage, CCS and more. The proposal seems to be to start with extremely expensive power (renewables) and then to add a multiplier to that cost, simply to provide another fig leaf for FF via CCS.

It is one thing to install PV or wind as an opportunistic (parasitic?) energy source within an existing power system. To propose add-on systems such as the synfuel transformation process in an attempt to use the very highly variable peaks only of PV or wind to feed a baseload via two further stages of generation (hydro and then GT’s) is simply ludicrous. Perhaps, a niche exists somewhere, but as base load? They must be kidding.


SteveK9 the Germans are at pains to emphasise that synfuel, in the Youtube clip it is synthetic methane made from CO2 and H2, can be used in existing supply networks and vehicles.

Another consideration is that western countries could face large numbers of working poor. Low paid shift workers who live way out of the business district can’t afford $40k battery cars that need a workplace recharge to get home. I just can’t see pure battery cars becoming more than a few percent of road traffic. That’s why I think we should prioritise natural gas for transport not for burning in power stations.


Correct me if I am wrong, but while you can make H2 by electrolysis, making methane will be relative high temperature continuous process chemical engineering for which you need reliable uninterrupted energy input. Is powering this from solar/wind in any way feasible?


Nissan Leaf: Official range 117km (what about with the air conditioner or heater on??)
Cost : Australia?, but USD 50-60,000 elsewhere (without subsidies)
Battery life : warrantied for 8 years, cost USD 18,000

Even if fuel cost $3 per litre (assume $250 to $300 per barrel at USD/AUD parity), assume equivalent small vehicle, say a Ford Focus diesel or Peugeot 308 1.6 XS HDi of 5 l/100km, over 100,000 km, equals $15,000 of fuel, for a vehicle with a 800 to 1,000 km range for a AUD 30,000 vehicle

On these quick calculations, the EV battery replacement is going to exceed any fuel cost savings. By my reckoning, the battery density is going to need to be tripled together with a halving of cost to enable these to be anything other than an interesting niche.


Thanks for those calculations on the Nissan Leaf, Graham. That’s pretty depressing. I was thinking of getting one at some point (I hadn’t got to the step of actually working out its value for money etc. yet). But based on what you’ve back-of-the-enveloped above, it’s just not viable.


Even so, enough of the gammas reached the ground to give significant doses to survivors at Hiroshima and Nagasaki:

In a review of mortality vs acute dose of bomb survivors: including an exercise in vanishingly small but real effects:
“excess solid cancer risks appear to be linear in dose even for [small] doses in the 0 to 150-mSv range.”
“There is no direct evidence of [noncancer] radiation effects for doses less than about [500 mSv]”

Dose rates revisited;
Fig 2 shows neutron vs gamma dose as less than 1 %.
Fig 4 shows measurements of patient doses up to 2000 mSv


Graham – you’re just making me feel even better about buying a diesel-powered car! :-D

Financially, anyway (and it *does* use about half the fuel of the petrol-powered car I had previously).

I assume the cost of the battery pack for an EV would come down substantially with mass production, but that may still not come close to offsetting the cost difference.

GHG-wise, what’s the difference in lifetime emissions? The EV obviously has the battery pack, but it also doesn’t have the big & heavy cast-metal ICE. After that, it comes down to overall fuel efficiency, so I think the EV would win by a hefty margin, even if recharged from brown coal derived power.

On the other hand – if the game becomes all about GHG emissions, then the additional cost may be just something we have to wear, although there would be plenty of incentive for people to come up with low- or zero-carbon alternative fuels. EVs also have the side benefit of reducing atmospheric pollution – especially when combined with clean electricity generation such as nuclear.


Roger Clifton – if I’m reading the tables from that paper correctly, it seems that even for people exposed to ~100 mSv of radiation within just a few seconds (the prompt radiation from the bombs), the increased risk of cancer is less than 1.5%. Over a 50-year period.

Not insignificant, but it doesn’t seem to deal with the difference between acute and chronic exposure (i.e. how does 100mSv over a year compare to 100mSv over a second?) (didn’t have time to read the full paper, unfortunately).


@Bern, re EV’s

I ran the numbers for the Chevy Volt a couple of years ago on Wikipedia with the following (the page has since changed)

Assume greenhouse intensities:
Victoria: 1.22 kg-CO2e/kWh, NSW 0.890 kg-CO2e/kWh, Tas. 0.120 kg-CO2e/kWh.

Assuming a charge requires 8.8 kWh allows 64 km (Chevy Volt); 167 g-CO2e/km for Victoria, 122 g-CO2e/km for NSW, and 16 g-CO2e/km for Tasmania.

For comparative purposes Toyota Prius 115 g/km (5.1 l/100km combined cycle), Toyota Yaris 1.3 manual is 141 g/km (6.0 l/100km combined cycle), and the BMW 120d is 162 g/km (6.1 l/100km combined cycle)

Therefore, unless you live in Tasmania, the greenhouse implications may actually be worse. Of course you could pay for “green energy” but you are still completely dependant on coal fired power although you are encouraging the build of more renewable energy. I’ve heard of people in the US actually going off-grid with older EV’s but this would cost big dollars – feasible in a sunny climate, but not economic.

I drive a family-sized Passat wagon diesel and fill up after 800 kms for a mix of city/suburban/freeway.


The calcs on the Nissan Leaf are actually quite encouraging, me thinks. EVs are getting cheaper fast. EV1 had a price tag of a million dollars, Tesla Roadster is 10x cheaper and has 2-3x the range and performance. A factor of two reduction on a Roadster like sports care (50k) and the small practical urban car model (25k) is quite reasonable, almost business-as-usual I would say, during this decade.

However this also shows the merit of the serial plugin-hybrid. Chevrolet’s Volt (it is called Ampere here) is cheaper than the Nissan Leaf and is a bigger car without the range anxiety.


As for the German PV capacity factor, 16% is impossible. In Southern Germany an optimally installed and maintained system gets 12%. Northern Germany, optimally installed and maintained, 10%. It is a hugely generous assumption to think all systems will be optimally installed and maintained.

11% capacity factor for a German PV average fleet performance is realistic. In the future it might be 12% averaged due to improved efficiency in the inverters and better diffuse light harvesting cells etc. And that’s all you can ever hope to get for a PV fleet average in Germany.

For some reason, the Germans keep believing that they can power their country with non-dispatchable energy sources that are not there 88% of the time.


@Bern pointed out that the relationship above doesn’t say much about chronic exposure.

Hiroshima survivors’ linear relation between solid cancers and low (acute) dose may simply be that ~100 mSv of cellular damage was inflicted in the space of a single heartbeat. And as Bern implies, only statistically significant in such a large sample and time span. Low, too. I for one have little knowledge – or worry – about the risks that I face at the 1.5% per lifetime level.

For the protection of nuclear workers, considerations of acute dose would be over minutes, or hours, time for a healthy metabolism to kick into shock recovery. So the correlation has rather academic interest. However the fact that the correlation has been known for many years may have given rise to the LNT. The LNT or linear non-threshold hypothesis is the basis for the tight standards currently held against the nuclear industry.


Yes the LNT is based on mostly bomb survivors and medical procedures, both groups, though doses vary, are all high dose rate type of exposures.

The supposed mechanisms for radiation hormesis all have to do with stimulating the immune system and the capability of the body to repair damages. With the above bomb survivor and medical exposure statistics, the immune system and repair capilities are completely overwhelmed by the high dose rate, whether the total dose is high or low.

This is such an obvious and serious flaw that the LNT doesn’t even try to adress in any scientific way. Yet it is absolutely relevant, in fact critical, in cases such as land contaminated with radiocesium (Fukushima, Chernobyl, Hanford etc).

A decent compromise would be to use LNT or LT (linear-threshold) for high dose rate exposures such as atomic bombs and try to see how hormesis fits with low dose rates & high total dose exposures (low dose rate, low total dose exposures such as regular background radiation can be safely ignored altogether).


cyril: not sure you are exactly right about LNT and high doses, in the medical context.

Fractionated doses (often significantly higher per dose than 100 millisieverts) for tumor treatments are distributed in time the way they are with repair mechanisms in mind. and distributed spatially with repair mechanisms in mind: which is why, in a non-linear picture, there is a difference between high (with higher local energy deposition) and low LET doses, characterized by greater spatial uniformity of dose.

The high/low LET distinction is itself a breach of linearity, btw.

Allison says this about medical dose for cancer treatment: the success of dose targeting “relies essentially on the non-linearity of the dose-damage curve–while the difference in dose between the tumour and healthy tissue may be less than a factor two, the ratio of cell mortality is much greater….”

Linearity does not make sense for higher doses either.


another quote from allison: “without the non-linearity of the dose-response curve, radiotherapy would not be effective.”


SteveK9, on 30 August 2011 at 10:36 PM said:

Even publications like C&E News used to make this blunder. It is merely an energy transmission system. One with no infrastructure. We have an infrastructure for delivering energy. It is called the electric grid.

The electric grid is not very good at delivering portable energy. The amount of energy expended in ‘suburban’ driving is almost totally a function of the weight of the vehicle. (Highway driving is a function of aerodynamics). A 1985 Chevy Sprint/Suzuki Swift which was priced as an ‘entry level’ automobile got almost the same MPG as a ‘Top Tier’ Toyota Prius does now, about 50 MPG.

The Sprint/Swift weighed in at 1,500 pounds and a Prius weighs in at over 3,000 pounds as does the Nissan Leaf and Chevy Volt.

The attractiveness of Hydrogen is in how much energy can be stored per pound.


Gregory, while what you say is true, I prefer to not use irradiative cancer treatment as an example of beneficial or zero health effect!

While I am glad that irradiative treatments such as boron neutron capture therapy exist (my uncle is still alive because of it), its effects on a persons health are severe. Nausea, vomiting, and of course the stereotypical hair falling out, all signs of bad health effects. (though often the chemical treatments accompanying the radiation treatment can be worse).

These are clearly bad health effects, and are only acceptable because the alternative is dying due to cancer!

More interesting to us is the case of contaminated areas, where much lower dose rates, but possibly very high total person doses (if you live for decades near Fukushima for example). I don’t want people to live in areas that would make their hair fall out!

We are in particular concerned with the exact dose response curve for cesium-134 and 137. It seems to me as not much worse than cobalt-60 (cesium doesn’t bioaccumulate and actually has a lower energy gamma than cobalt-60 and no alphas). If it is not much worse than cobalt-60 then 99% of the evacuated area around Fukushima makes no sense at all.


right, cyril. I wasn’t actually making a point about zero health effect but about whether medical radiation treatments “totally overwhelm” the immune system. small point allowing an additional way of seeing the invalidity of LNT.

The linearity assumption is breached as a matter of course in radiation treatments.


SteveK9, on 31 August 2011 at 4:39 AM said:

I really admire the engineering design and the amazing speed of development of the Chevrolet Volt

38% of the powered vehicles in the US were electric in 1900.

I really admire the determination of the folks who believe the future will belong to battery powered cars. 100 years of failure and they are still cheering.


Battery powered cars failed because they couldn’t cut it in range and general performance (long charging etc.).

Plugin hybrids are a different story. They don’t have the range anxiety issue or long charging issue (just charge overnight whenevery you can and if you can’t, you still get to drive efficiently on a serial electric drive) Combined with better batteries such as lithium-iron-phosphate it is looking pretty good. A bit on the pricey side yet (IIRC 25-30k for the Volt) but not by a large factor.


Cyril R., on 1 September 2011 at 4:27 AM said:

A bit on the pricey side yet (IIRC 25-30k for the Volt) but not by a large factor.

In the US the Chevy Volt is $43,000 before Tax incentives.
Individuals making less then $50,000 a year don’t make enough to take full advantage of the tax incentives.
The median personal income for persons aged 18 and over in the US is $25,000 according to Wiki.

A Mercede’s C300 at $38,000 costs less then a Chevy Volt.

According to Motor Intelligence there have been 138,000 Mercedes sold in the US in 2011 thru July.(Not including 2,000 Smart cars)

There have been all of 2,000 Chevy Volts sold.

It would appear that people with $40,000 to spend on a car prefer a gas guzzling Mercedes Benz to a battery powered econo-box.



Sobering statistics for the Volt and GM – I would have thought they would have sold at few more. But even more sobering is the Beyond Zero Emissions plan which wants to force Australians to buy and build EV’s and plug-in hybrids and ban the entire current fleet of conventional vehicles by 2020.

page 16, replacement of the present petroleum-fuelled fleet with electric vehicles, comprising ‘plug-in, battery swap’ models and plug-in hybrid-electric vehicles, using liquid biofuels to extend the driving range;’

page 17, At the beginning of World War II, Holden was transformed from a struggling automotive manufacturer to a producer of high volumes of cars, aircraft, field guns and marine engines. Increased production to 900,000 vehicles per annum across the three existent auto plants is certainly achievable in the twenty-first century, and would allow the production of six million plug-in electric vehicles by 2020.

Click to access ZCA2020_Stationary_Energy_Report_v1.pdf


harrywr2, on 1 September 2011 at 10:09 AM said:
There have been all of 2,000 Chevy Volts sold.
If you read some of the comments to the article you quote from “thenewamerican ” you will find this comment:

A few other facts:
1. So far, the Volt has been sold in only 6 out of 40 states. In the next few weeks the Volt will be sold nationally as a 2012 MY vehicle. For most of the US, the car is just now being made available. We just now at the STARTING LINE for EV sales nationally.

2. The GM plant has been shut down for 5 weeks to retool. They did this to ramp up to eventually get to 5K units per month starting in January. Obviously, if they are shutdown, there are no cars to sell, so no cars will sell.

3. GM has publicly stated that they intend to sell 10,000 Volts in 2011 and 45-60K in 2012. There is nothing in the data so far to refute that claim. They will likely hit the 2011 number easily.


Graham Palmer, on 1 September 2011 at 12:56 PM said:
But even more sobering is the Beyond Zero Emissions plan which wants to force Australians to buy and build EV’s and plug-in hybrids and ban the entire current fleet of conventional vehicles by 2020.

If the world starts to run out of oil what other options are available? Conversion to CNG,vehicles? expanding mass transit ?, bicycle to work?, car pool.? For a lot of Australians living in cities, EV and PHEV looks like a good option, but the others will also be needed. If petrol is selling for >$10/liter I dont think much “force ” will be required for Australians to move away from the current fleet of conventional ICE vehicles.


it appears that hydrogen can substitute for natgas in a gas turbine [although possibly some exhaust gas recirculation would be required]. So assuming nil cost for the hydroysis, LCOE for a CCGT fired that way would be about US$0.031/kWh. SO there is room to pay for the hydrolysis equipment and the wind power to energize it.

Might work. First halfway practical use for excess wind energy I’ve seen.


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