
Ian Plimer – Heaven and Earth

Update: Prof Ian Enting from University of Melbourne has provided a detailed, point-by-point critique of Heaven and Earth. You can download the 46-page PDF here (version 2.0). Edit: The Australian newspaper has published an article on Brook vs Plimer (see here). Today I attended the formal launch of Professor Ian Plimer’s new book “Heaven and […]


Spot the recycled denial III – Prof Ian Plimer

Update: Review of Plimer’s book “Heaven and Earth” is here: ——————————————– In this series, I aim to teach you to recognise the recycled denialism that is rife in the public arena these days. I don’t refute this nonsense by constructing a new argument each time which, point-by-point, shows why their claims are not supported […]

Impacts podcast Sceptics

Twitter Plimer on ice

Okay, so the title of this blog post is rather cryptic, but that’s because I want to quickly talk about three different things. Twittering BNC. Brook v Plimer report back. And the famous disappearing Arctic sea ice. First then, BraveNewClimate is now producing tweets. You can start following here: I’ve also fed the latest […]


The great climate debate 2009 – Brook vs Plimer

A quick post to let you know that I’ll be ‘debating’ Ian Plimer of Heaven & Earth ‘fame’, tomorrow, in North Adelaide. The event is hosted by ‘Engineers without Borders‘. Details below: ——————————- Climate change debate! Barry Brook will be going head to head with Ian Plimer on the topic “Climate change is man made”. […]


Updated top 10 posts on BNC and some site stats

This is an update to alert readers that I’ve updated and expanded the ‘Top 10’ list of posts on BNC. Below are the listings, broken down by category. But before that, here are some general site statistics that regular readers might find interesting: ‘Birthday‘:  7 August 2008 (with Welcome to a Brave New Climate) Total […]