
Radiation – facts, fallacies and phobias

I note a recent article in Opinion Online by Dr Helen Caldicott was linked to in the Is Our Future Nuclear? comments thread, and this subsequently generated a fair amount of heated discussion. The focal claim from Caldicott in this piece is that it is dangerous to live near to nuclear power plants (NPP), because they supposedly increase rates of leukemia.

My basic response to such a claim is quite simple, and I think useful, because it cuts through the somewhat arcane and context-laden epidemiological arguments. It’s this: The additional radiation exposure of those living in the vicinity of NPP is ~0.0002 millisieverts (mSv), versus a background level of 2 to 4 mSv (depending on where you live) — the latter due to everything from cosmic rays, to ground-derived radon emissions, to eating bananas (this last one gives you more radiation than the NPP). So that’s 1/15,000 of your total yearly dosage coming from the ambient levels produced by nuclear power (in the US). Living near a coal-fired power station would give you 100 to 300 times more radiation exposure, and even that is trivial and not the reason coal burning is damaging to your health.

So, here is an apparently straightforward intellectual challenge. Can proponents of such an argument as Caldicott’s explain how something which adds 0.007% to an existing effect (background radiation) is somehow critically important, when adding 100 to 300% (or more) to an effect by simply moving from a house built on sedimentary rocks to one built atop granite, or moving from the state of New York to Colorado, is irrelevant? More here. Remember, radiation is radiation (principally alpha particles [helium nuclei], beta particles [high-speed electrons], x-raysgamma rays [high-energy electromagnetic radiation] and neutrons), whether it comes from exploding stars, naturally decaying heavy metal atoms, CAT scanners, fission reactors, bananas, granite boulders, whatever. There is no unique ‘signature’ to the radiation from NPP.

Indeed, the Caldicott argument reminds me of the one used by proponents of the theory that it’s the sun causing recent global warming. As I’ve pointed out here, for a solar explanation to work, you not only have to explain why a climate forcing agent would be exerting a directional effect on the climate system when it itself is NOT changing — you also have to explain how that stationary agent is also able to negate another climate forcing agent that IS changing. It’s basically the same deal with the claimed link between NPP and radiation — what’s ‘special’ about its radiation from the background, and how is its effect amplified when that of other sources is not? I’ve never yet seen an answer (even an unsatisfactory one!) — to either of the above critiques, grounded in Socratic logic as they are.

But getting back to some of the statistical detail, if you want to understand more about the epidemiology of radiation exposure, I find it hard to go past recommending the huge body of work on this subject compiled by Prof Bernard Cohen, who summarised it extremely well here: “How dangerous is radiation?”, “Risks of nuclear energy in perspective” and “Plutonium toxicity“. The other recent review you should definitely read is “Radiation: Facts, fallacies and phobias” by Prof David Wigg, a clinical radiobiologist at the University of Adelaide. This is a 5-page review article published in 2007 in the peer-reviewed journal Australasian Radiology, but it is available free online (see link) and was written quite deliberately for a general audience. Here is the abstract:

There is frequent debate in the media and the scientific published reports about the use of radiation for diagnosis and treatment, the benefits and risks of the nuclear industry, uranium mining and the storage of radioactive wastes. Driving this debate is increasing concern about reliance on fossil fuels for power generation for which alternatives are required. Unfortunately, there is generally a poor understanding of the relevant basic sciences compounded by widespread irrational fear of irradiation (radiation phobia). Radioactivity, with special reference to uranium and plutonium is simply described. How radiation affects tissues and the potential hazards to individuals and populations are explained. The origins of radiation phobia and its harmful consequences are examined. Whether we like it or not, Australia is heavily involved in the uranium industry by virtue of having one-third of the world’s known reserves, exports of which are worth approximately $470m annually. As this paper has been written as simply as possible, it may also be of interest to readers who may have had little scientific training. It may be downloaded from the web using references provided in this article. It is concluded that ignorance and fear are major impediments to rational debate on radiation issues.

And his conclusion:

Over the last 100 years or so, the growth in understanding of radiobiology, radiation physics and many scientific disciplines associated with the nature and effects of radiation have been profound and continues to proceed rapidly. One example is the demonstration of the relatively harmless effects at low doses, doses that are most likely to be of interest to the general population and radiation workers. Failure to adapt to this knowledge by institutions, including the media, has led to many unfortunate consequences, one of which is widespread radiation phobia and its effects.

Yet Helen Caldicott continues to perpetuate long-discredited myths, despite knowing full well that her extreme views are contrary to all relevant evidence. A good summary of her recalcitrance on the matters of science and evidence is provided here, in a series of exchanges — again, this is well worth reading. The conclusion from Dr Michael Baker was particularly apt:

Her book, Nuclear Madness, is so full of half truths and blatant lies that it is hard for a scientist to read. You will note that her references include very few peer reviewed scientific papers and when they do they frequently do not support her conclusions. I believe that she hopes the reader will not take the time or have the resources to look up the scientific papers. I would conclude by encouraging the people that read her book and papers to do just that.

Gee, now, what does that remind me of?

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By Barry Brook

Barry Brook is an ARC Laureate Fellow and Chair of Environmental Sustainability at the University of Tasmania. He researches global change, ecology and energy.

388 replies on “Radiation – facts, fallacies and phobias”

Luke (17 Oct) Can you please indicate in which section I may find the reference to the Kodak film issue in the document. I do not have the time to wade through the complete entry. In my own contributions, I have included either chapter or page numbers to assist readers. Thanks.

Jim Brough (15 Oct) Yes the 0.0002mSv figure is of considerable interest. Unfortunately, your web link doesn’t produce anything, after trying on several public computers. All I was asking earlier from Mr Brook was how that value was obtained. He finally pointed out a source for the figure but still no indication how it was derived. Dr Ian Fairlie has recently indicated however that this low value was not an actual measurement at plant sites (see Uncertainties in Dose Effects at link (a) below), but an estimate based upon complex modelling with suspected understatement. This becomes more obvious when comparing actual environmental releases claimed in impact statements from US reactor sites to the NRC. Even a NRC deputy director conceded in 1980 that routine releases could reach 1,000 curies a month. This was not including their other category of accidental releases. There is additional evidence available implicating nuke plants & their effect on surrounding nearby residents being made more obvious when they shut down (see link (c) below). So the public are supposed to be grateful for nuclear’s large energy potential & to accept all the radiation releases as being negligible. Even existing issues with suspect chemicals isn’t being handled well or with honesty. Recently, DuPont was fined $16.5 million for failing to notify the EPA of the effects of PFOA on its workers. How can the industry be trusted? Even the Japanese Government failed to deal with the confirmed methyl mercury poisoning 50 yrs ago. We cannot afford to unleash additional dangerous technology when we have already demonstrated that we cannot handle it safely. At the very least the TMI accident readily shows they couldn’t cope with its demands. The best compromise is for all the nuclear advocates to live near the reactors while those who have no faith in pro-nuke claims can live well away from the plant. Geoff Russell’s attempt to explain the German reactor study isn’t convincing (see links (a, b & c) below). Statistics done over the long term show a meaningful correlation with observed health effects of susceptible people. The low fig of 0.0002mSv cannot explain such effects, therefore it looks unbelievable since the health effects are real enough. But of course, other people prefer to ridicule the researchers & their findings rather than actually explain clearly & fairly why they cannot in their view be correct. Please be reminded that in 1983-84, Metropolitan Edison was fined for falsifying documents related to the TMI accident and reactor safety. Recall the views of Henry Myers mentioned in my earlier comment (2 Oct above) of significant issues of honesty & competence. So efforts from some people to imply that nuclear critics are lying (such as Geoff Russell’s OnLine Opinion article canning Helen Caldicott) is not acceptable in view of the established poor behaviour of some nuclear proponents.

a) (

b) 250609/ian-fairlie.pdf)


d) (


Corrections for above entry at 1.53pm

There is additional evidence available implicating nuke plants & their effect on surrounding nearby residents being made more obvious when they shut down (see link (d) below).

Link (b) failed to activate:

Click to access ian-fairlie.pdf


Further to the discussions on this post I will quote from James Lovelock’s new book “The Vanishing Face of Gaia” 2008,
giving an example of the hysteria promoted by the anti-nuclear brigade.

In July 2007 an earthquake in Japan shook a nuclear power station enough to cause an automatic shutdown ; the quake was of sufficient severity-over six on the Richter scale-to cause significant structural damage in an average town. The only “nuclear” consequence was the fall of a barrell from a stack of low-level waste that allowed the leak of about 90,000 becquerels of radioactivity. This made front page news in Australia, where it was said that the leak posed a radiation threat to the Sea of Japan.The truth is that about 90,000 becquerels is just twice the amount of natural radioactivity, mostly in the form of potassium, which you and I carry in our bodies. In other words, if we accept this hysterical conclusion, TWO SWIMMERS IN THE SEA OF JAPAN WOULD MAKE A RADIATION THREAT

Really – how can you believe what the anti-nuclear actvists say with this level of deceit being peddled.


Another quote from the same book, this time illustrating the huge real and potential threat to life using coal as fuel.

Coal is the truly dirty fuel. From the marital discord caused by a miner who leaves his carbon footprint on his wife’s new carpet to the London disaster of 1952 when more that FIVE THOUSAND died from coal-smoke poisoning IN ONE NIGHT. Countless numbers still die and are made ill by coal smoke worldwide especially in China and Mongolia

I have personal knowledge of the devastation wrought on coal-mining communities. My grandfather died of “black lung” at 64 and to demonstrate the heartless attitude of mine owners, his widow did not receive any pension, as he died three weeks before the official retirement age of 65. How can you trust the fossil fuel lobby?


Jim Brough (15 Oct)

I will answer your small challenge about why life on Earth exists (with regards to radiation) if you can show me first where I have actually written the words you have used – when he claims “all radiation is dangerous”.


Allan, if you subscribe to the linear no threshold hypothesis, as you appear to do, then you axiomatically support the view that “all radiation is dangerous”. It can be no other way.


To Allan Mckay, 0f 5 Nov
I know a lot about radiation because I worked with it for its use in the diagnosis and the treatment of cancer.
My very Scottish mother was diagnosed as having a rare bone cancer [details on application].
She used to upset her grandchildren because she said it was time to take her rat poison. With a twinkle in her eye.
The chemotherapy was not working, but simple radiotherapy took her to the age of 94 , after 9 doses of radioactive injections, over 34 years. My father died of a heart problem, 34 years before.

Is there a safe dose of radiation?
There must be for the simple reason that all life on earth started and evolved on Earth in a radioactive and radiation-bathed environment.

Marine life, whales and dolphins thrive in oceans containing 3 tonnes of deadly uranium per cubic km



I will also answer the very recent entries shortly. But for now I’ll have to assume for the moment the kodak film story is correct as Luke has not narrowed down the reference for us in his very large document yet. Some extracts have been provide below to illustrate there are alternative forms of evidence suggesting there were greater releases in 1979. My own brief comments are in (…).
(From all the available written sources so far, there is a good enough case to support the view that the majority of gaseous radiation released was dependent upon the atmospherics present during that period. A map suggesting the likely paths of the plume (predominately Nth & Sth directions) can be seen at ( This being the case, then it is hardly likely any film fogging would occur with such low levels assigned to the large eastern & western areas, especially if the film was still inside the camera or in some sort of enclosure. We really need to known the areas the film was collected from for more accuracy & how they were being stored. Other references show examples of different tests either not being done, discontinued, results not being made available & even falsifying results. With this sort of behaviour how can we be sure film from the hotter Nth & Sth areas was honestly assessed anyway?)

In 1983-84, Metropolitan Edison was busted for falsifying documents related to the TMI accident and reactor safety. They pleaded guilty to six, and no contest to one, of the 11-count indictment.
The NRC relies upon self-reporting and computer modeling from reactor operators to track radioactive releases and their projected dispersion. A significant portion of the environmental monitoring data is extrapolated — it’s virtual, not real.”
At several locations, the General Accounting Office complained that “facilities’ operators were reluctant to provide public information for fear of creating public alarm that could result in new or prolonged current protest activities.”
In 1975, for example, excessive strontium 90 radiation was found in milk at a farm near the Shippingport plant. The following year, monitoring at that farm was discontinued.
The NRC eliminated the requirement that utilities collect strontium 90 data after Dr Ernest Sternglass’s findings in October of 1977 at the Millstone Nuclear Power Station at Waterford, Connecticut.
In 1981 the Reagan administration drastically cut the EPA’s radiation monitoring program well below the levels cited as inadequate by the General Accounting Office.

(There is no cause to think that reported cases of medical effects on some residents are in any way false, despite efforts of some critics to ridicule their claims & regard their cause as psychological).

A general practitioner in Middletown, said “We’ve had a real run on unusual rashes, allergic reactions, dermatitis, skin lesions, itch, and people complaining of a funny taste in their mouths,” Leaser told us in 1980.
He also wondered about an uncommon aberration he had noticed among his patients. “We have found abnormal counts of eosinophils–that’s a type of white blood cell–in what I would say is a significant number of patients,” he told us. “It isn’t a scientifically controlled study. But I’d say that when I review blood smears, it seems to me I see more.” A high count of eosinophils, he added, was a “well-known symptom of excessive radiation exposure.”
He added that during the fall 1980 venting of krypton gas from the TMI-2 core, “a number of patients who didn’t know it was happening came in independently complaining about the funny taste in their mouths. I hadn’t heard of that since the accident, and I haven’t heard any of it again since the venting.”
Dr Stephen Wing and his colleagues subsequently documented among people living near TMI symptoms consistent with acutely high levels of radiation exposure–skin rashes, hair loss, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, even pet deaths. Those symptoms indicate exposures of 50 rems or higher, far more than the 100 millirems the NRC estimates was the maximum dose at the site’s edge. The researchers also found lung cancer and leukemia rates two to 10 times higher downwind of TMI.
Inside the (containment) building readings showed a minimum of a million millirems per hour, a lethal dose. On site, the day of the accident, monitors 1000 feet from the vent stack showed levels of 365 millirems of beta and gamma rays per hour. A helicopter directly over the vent stack measured emissions three times as high.
“They were getting 63 curies per second, which would put us in the 1200 millirems per hour.”
These were truly enormous release rates of fresh fission gases, since in a single hour (consisting of 3600 seconds) there would be 3600 times 63 or some 226,000 curies being released in an uncontrolled manner without detailed analysis or significant hold-up to allow the most dangerous short-lived isotopes to decay.
Under the NRC’s own rules an evacuation should have been ordered on the disaster’s first day, when calculated radiation exposures in the town of Goldsboro, Pa. were as high as 10 rems an hour compared to an average cumulative annual background dose of about 0.125 rems.
The commission’s own Technical Assessment Task Force, in a separate volume, had concluded that iodine accounted for 8 to 12 percent of the total radioactive gases leaked from Three Mile Island. “The actual figure for Iodine release would be over 1 million curies” — a much more substantial public health threat.
Metropolitan Edison’s own readings indicated a finding of 105 picocuries per litre in goats’ milk at the Louise Hardison farm, less than two miles from the plant. And The (Baltimore) News-American reported that an independent survey conducted by an associate professor of nuclear engineering at nearby Pennsylvania State University produced seven readings of twelve hundred picocuries or more per litre. The findings led Thomas Gerusky to tell The News American that “there might have been more iodine out there than we thought.”
We know for certain that large amounts of radioactivity escaped from TMI, but the nuclear industry & the government didn’t collect release estimates for specific isotopes. An FDA report dated 6 April 1979, showed milk from 15 surrounding farms were found to contain elevated levels of iodine 131 & 12 samples had raised cesium 137 levels. If radioiodine & cesium 137 escaped it’s very likely various quantities of strontium 90, plutonium, americium & other isotopes did too. What were the ground measurements of these long-lived elements, & why haven’t they been released?
Based on radioactive iodine measurements in nearby animals, some experts felt the nuclear industry’s estimates were grossly understated. Also the notes of Dr Karl Morgan for 24 March 1982, estimated 45 million curies of noble gases & 64,000 curies of radioactive iodine were released, resulting in a likely thyroid dose to the population of at least 100 times the NRC estimate.
Dr Carl Johnson MD an expert in radiation illnesses, estimated that very likely other elements (plutonium, strontium, americium) escaped from the reactor core due to the molten fuel. When he asked the NRC & the DOE to do a survey looking for these elements in the respirable dust around the TMI plant, they refused.
The greatest dose arose not from the external gamma radiation measured by a survey meter or a film badge, but from the internal beta radiation from the inhaled fission gases and particles in the lung, the thyroid, and the other critical organs that concentrate the different substances according to their various chemical properties. So when the external gamma-dose rate on the ground was of the order of 1 to 2 millirems per hour, the true dose rate to the lung (inhalation) and other critical organs could be as much as 50 to 100 times greater.
The U.S. Bureau of Fish and Wildlife at Harrisburg also conducted a survey and reported levels of I-131 in rabbit thyroids considerably higher than what had been previously recorded.
In fact, Takeshi added, based on an August 1979 study by the NRC, as much as sixty-four thousand curies of I-131 had been released, a figure four thousand times what the public had been told, and a dose capable of endangering the health of the local population.
Meanwhile an article in Science indicated that extraordinary readings had been registered as far away as Albany-Troy (375km). Two independent techniques identified xenon-133 in ambient air at concentrations as high as 3900 picocuries per cubic meter. Another independent monitor noted high readings in Maine following the accident.
A station 96 miles to the northwest of TMI had comparatively high readings. It seemed to indicate an abnormal radiation level in Harrisburg confirming that the radiation from the plant had not spread evenly over the area, but had in fact blown in a narrow path to the northwest, toward Harrisburg–ten miles away.
Noble gas releases pouring out of TMI on Thursday, the night after the accident began, were so heavy that radiological experiments being conducted at a building in Harrisburg had to be discontinued because of radioactive interference.
Meanwhile news continued to surface of abnormal radiation levels in test wells around the TMI plant site, and in area groundwater.
The loss of coolant led to an estimated release of 43,000 curies of radioactivity, US Nuclear Regulatory Commission calculations acknowledge. But independent analysts have put that figure as high as 150 million curies.

In April of 1979, the NRC’s Harold Denton said that at one point at least twenty stack filters had been removed without being replaced. In other words radiation escaped because the filters were not there to stop it.
Research done by volunteer canvassers, working with Drs. Carl Johnson & Bruce Moholt, determined the cancer rate around TMI was 7 times that of similar rural areas. Mutations in plants were also found. A 1990 Columbia University study found no association between cancer & the proximity to releases from the 1979 TMI accident. Once again, faulty assumptions & legal constraints led to underestimation of effects. More recently, Dr Wing & his associates has found an increase in all cancers, particularly lung & leukemia.
But the University of North Carolina’s Steven Wing in 1997 presented evidence in a peer-reviewed study showing that lung cancer and leukaemia rates down wind of Three Mile Island are 10 times higher than upwind, and that animals and plants suffered chromosomal damage.

They also report that when readings from the dosimeters used to monitor radiation doses to workers and the public were logged, doses of beta radiation were simply not recorded. Beta radiation represented about 90 percent of the radiation to which TMI’s neighbours were exposed in April 1979, which means an enormous part of the disaster’s public health risk may have been wiped from the record.

(Surely all these additional effects support the claim of significant concentrated releases from TMI. Why do we have to rely just on the lack of film fogging for evidence of radiation levels?)
Main Sources:
Nuclear Power is not the Answer Chap 3 (H. Caldicott)


Here are some extracts from indicated sources suggesting that even low radiation exposure should be kept ALARA. If we assume they are based upon true accounts, then surely we have to act promptly in finding a better form of energy generation. In view of the amazing achievements in the electronics industry, the electrical power industry improvements are pretty tame by comparison. Furthermore, the bar-chart shown in Al Gore’s new book (Our Choice p165) shows comparable carbon footprints for the main generating sources. Nuclear has a range of up to about 75% of the carbon footprint for Gas, using the once through method of fueling. It doesn’t seem practical or economical to pursue this nuclear route for only a small carbon gain, when there are several other significant disadvantages with nuclear generation. I personally feel there is a better way.
My own brief comments are in (….)
Extract from Radiation Roulette (Rob Edwards) (Suggest copy & paste full web link into firefox) ( (Tricky weblink, but needs to be read in full)
Alternative reference if Radiation Roulette cannot be opened:
Radiation, they say, may cause a much wider range of diseases than epidemiological studies predict. Even levels of exposure below I millisievert a year could be harmful, and thousands of people could face early death as a result. Worst of all, the small doses of radiation that millions habitually receive could be poisoning the human gene pool, wreaking damage on future generations. “It is a horrifying concept,” says Eric Wright from the Medical Research Council at Harwell in Oxfordshire. “But we now have early indications that it may be happening.” Conventional wisdom says that when ionising radiation hits a living cell there I are three possible outcomes. Either the cell is unharmed, or it is killed, or it survives with its DNA damaged. If the DNA is not mended by the cell’s repair enzymes and the cell divides, the damage will be passed on to its daughter cells. Depending on the type of cell and which genes, if any, are damaged, the result could be uncontrolled growth and eventually cancer. But Dr Eric Wright, who is head of experimental haematology at the MRC’s Radiation and Genome Stability Unit, has found a fourth possibility. Radiation can also, he says, inflict damage on cells that at the moment can only be detected after they have divided several times. He calls this radiation-induced genomic instability. The eventual effects of the instability include broken or misshapen chromosomes and mutated genes, and early cell death. Research from around the world has shown that it can be produced by neutrons, X-rays, gamma rays and alpha radiation. In the laboratory, a dozen cell divisions over a couple of weeks are enough to generate chromosomal defects in up to 30 per cent of an irradiated cell’s progeny. “I regard the phenomenon as established,” says Dr Wright. “There is no doubt that genomic instability is a real consequence of radiation exposure.”
Extract from Life’s Delicate Balance by Janette D. Sherman M.D. 2000 Chap 6 p 59-60
Gamma radiation emitted by unshielded sources can be of great danger. In Taiwan, around 1983, more than 100 buildings were constructed with steel rods contaminated with gamma emitter cobalt 60. The source of the radiation was not discovered until 1992. By then, some 6,000 citizens had been exposed in residential & school buildings. Taiwanese researchers reported that persons chronically exposed to the low-level gamma radiation developed significantly more abnormalities in the nucleus of their white cells than did two control populations. What this means for their long-term health is unknown at this time. Fortunately, 95% were relocated.
(Comment – This seems to be the same incident mention in ‘Terrestrial Energy’).
Extract from Killing Our Own chap 14 (The Taste of Tragedy) A general practitioner in Middletown, said “We’ve had a real run on unusual rashes, allergic reactions, dermatitis, skin lesions, itch, and people complaining of a funny taste in their mouths,” Leaser told us in 1980. He also wondered about an uncommon aberration he had noticed among his patients. “We have found abnormal counts of eosinophils–that’s a type of white blood cell–in what I would say is a significant number of patients,” he told us. “It isn’t a scientifically controlled study. But I’d say that when I review blood smears, it seems to me I see more.” A high count of eosinophils, he added, was a “well-known symptom of excessive radiation exposure.”
(Comment – Surely these blood readings support a genuine physical effect rather than a psychological one as suggested by Luke earlier).
Extract from The People of Three Mile Island Chap 28 Virginia Southard
Before the accident at TMI, from time to time they would have a number of unplanned releases, in addition to their regular, smaller planned releases. These plants always have unplanned accidental releases, they even work them into their dose assessment for the population living next to them. I moved to Harrisburg fifteen years before the accident, long before the plant went in. After the plant was built, I stayed because my job was here. Since I lived ten miles north of the plant, I assumed that the planned normal releases would not be great enough to cause me physical damage. But I really didn’t know. Nevertheless I would have a slight irritation of the skin on days that, as it turned out, there had been larger accidental releases. When I was working in Minneapolis in Oct 79, I came home from work one evening, as I got out of the car, I experienced a burning, prickly sensation on my skin. That evening on the news there had been an accident at the Prairie Island plant 25 miles south of Minneapolis where they had a release earlier that afternoon.
(Comment – Virginia appears to be one of the susceptible people who are more readily affected by radiation exposure. She also related how she had to undergo an earlier mastectomy).
(The main requirement is for the 10-16bn curie reactor inventory to be well contained & isolated from organic life. There is sufficient evidence over the whole 50 year nuclear age, that this still cannot be done adequately. In a 1980 interview(1) with NRC’s John Collins at TMI, he stated, “we’ve always said that there’s a probability of accidents. Nobody ever went around saying you’re never going to have an accident”. So after conceding the obvious, they still then minimize the effects. A US nuclear engineer has recently also added: ‘In the 1970’s BWR’s used to routinely emit one curie of noble gases every ten seconds from their 100 m stacks because of poor fuel design and poor operating cycles (PWR’s were also experiencing fuel failures. …. things have improved much since then and I have not seen a 1,000 curie plant recently unless you include solid waste too’. So approximately 360 curies every hour were being released into the environment. No wonder Dr Ernest Sternglass was able to find a correlation with some mortality rates in nearby residents back then. I hope no-one is going to try & claim that only 0.0002mSv of radiation was released from those earlier plants. Nuclear power isn’t really looking like a great saviour).
(1) The People of Three Mile Island, chap 35
Note – The claimed reference to the Kodak film issue in Luke’s weblink has been found (chap 5). It appears possible the released plume contained the bulk of the concentrated radiation as mentioned in the earlier 8 Nov posting.


I can’t deal with the all distortions of reality you posit but I will deal with one:

“Furthermore, the bar-chart shown in Al Gore’s new book (Our Choice p165) shows comparable carbon footprints for the main generating sources. Nuclear has a range of up to about 75% of the carbon footprint for Gas, using the once through method of fueling. It doesn’t seem practical or economical to pursue this nuclear route for only a small carbon gain, when there are several other significant disadvantages with nuclear generation. I personally feel there is a better way.”

Goodness, quoting Al Gore. Now, Nuclear’s range is not “up to about 75%” of gas. This is absurd. There is no reliable statistic or analysis that shows it more than 10% of gas and often LESS than wind.

The US EPA here:

Shows the true carbon out put of various forms of generation. Nuclear isn’t even mentioned as it’s statistically irrelevant. The overwhelming majority of studies that are not attached to advocacy groups show nuclear and wind CO2 to be almost identical.

THUS nuclear replacement for coal and natural gas…both…would be a huge aid in lowering GHG emissions. Just the opposite of what you allege.

This makes me doubt the rest of your post but I’ll leave it to others parse this out.


Parsing out the ramblings of Allan McKay in the above posts would be fool’s errand. There is nothing there in the way of hard evidence for anything he mentions. Anecdotes, hearsay and opinion from sources like Caldicott and the like, do not an argument make. Attempting to make an case by verbiage is an obvious attempt to bury opponents with volume when you are not that sure of the quality of information presented.

In fact both comments are little more than a rehearsal of all the misinformation and outright dissemination that a Google search on radiation might turn up, without any effort to put it in context. If McKay want to carry on a conversation on this topic, I suggest he limit his remarks in each comment to two or three point at a time. Then, I am sure, he will receive considered replies.


Yes, its a load of subthreshold tosh. Alan, take your aches and pains and rashes and funny tastes in the mouth away and come back with some epidemiology.

Comment – Surely these blood readings support a genuine physical effect rather than a psychological one ..

No, they surely don’t.


Luckily the ramblimgs of Alan McKay are such that most, except the most devoted anti-nuclear proponent, would not bother to read all the way through! Don’t you know Alan ,that the best way to impress is to “stand up, speak up, shut up” As DV82XL said – we can all “Google” radiation – you don’t have to paste all the misinformation here!


David Walters – 10 Nov 09
All my included extracts are from genuine researchers & not ‘distortions of reality’. If there are any wild distortions present, they are not coming from me. Checking again, however, I have made a small typo error with the 75% figure. To promote nuclear plants as having a total carbon footprint less than wind power (which has been done for a while) is ridiculous when it is now better known that the mining & processing of uranium alone incurs significant amounts of CO2 release. Where on your EPA web link ref does it say the complete fuel cycle is considered? If it is important enough to factor in methane from animal belching for climate change data, then all sources of CO2 related to the nuclear cycle have to be accounted for as well. When the Olympic Dam project is up to full speed, about 25% of the state’s electricity output will be used there. I have used the bar-graph from Al’s book because it is a recent, fairer assessment from an expert source (given on the same page). If you do not have the time to follow up references, but rather engage in unsubstantiated ridicule, then your opinion will be regarded as worthless & not part of a rational debate. I have also indicated that Al Gore’s nuclear bar-graph is depicted as a range, due to the different variables affecting plant types, where the worst case is approximately equal to 65% of a gas plant footprint . No doubt you will still disagree with that figure. This allows for some plants to have a smaller footprint. If you read the associated text in Al’s book & his source material, you will see why it is that figure. Apparently, you have not seen the book yet before you launched an unjustified attack. The entire nuclear fuel cycle is included in the analysis as it should be. The EPA link you include doesn’t include the whole fuel cycle & therefore is a dishonest representation, just as the area of land required for nuclear power has also been misrepresented along with some other points. How about proving to us that low-grade uranium ore mining does not have a significant carbon footprint.
Your quote: “THUS nuclear replacement for coal and natural gas…both…would be a huge aid in lowering GHG emissions”. Unfortunately others have pointed out as well that ‘huge’ isn’t correct. There is no doubt the nuclear lobby are continually misrepresenting their data but you can’t be looking at the evidence for it.
Your Quote: “The overwhelming majority of studies that are not attached to advocacy groups show nuclear and wind CO2 to be almost identical”. Unfortunately you refuse to see that the nuclear lobby have already been caught out in some forms of dishonesty (falsifying documents) so they cannot be trusted with any in-house idealised figures. Advocacy groups are needed to check the nuke’s claims. There have already been new power generation ideas identified in recent years that will make nuclear power, coal & gas redundant very quickly. So why hang on to a flawed technology? We have a chance to benefit from the long experiences of other countries & avoid their unsatisfactory run with nuclear power.

DV82XL – 10 Nov
My included brief opinions are based upon the authentic sources included & are not ramblings. There were a lot of extracts that clearly many critics were unaware of, so they were included for their convenience in one place. When you do not agree with those extracts or my opinions, then you are required to show why those sources are flawed, rather than use ridicule. Just denouncing them without any evidence is hardly rational debate. I have provided sufficient references for you to follow up to check the context. The extracts were included for your benefit , & they can stand on their own merit. A considered reply involves useful counter evidence, not just ridicule. The research from Dr Wright is powerful enough on its own to limit nuclear expansion.

John Morgan – 10 Nov
If you took the trouble to check out the work of Dr Wing, it will be seen that it has been done satisfactorily, with his 1997 study being peer-reviewed. Again, ridicule cannot solve any difficult issues well enough. You need to provide useful counter evidence. Let’s see some to support your view about blood cell changes in some TMI residents.

perps – 10 Nov
I have limited my earlier entries, but the extracts were included all in one place for the convenience of others. Obviously, some people will not have the time to read the even longer web links in order to find the relevant sections, while others cannot fathom the importance of what is included, so use ridicule.


Allan McKay you have not provided evidence, in fact I now doubt you understand the meaning of the term. It is not up to us to sort out these disjointed comments of yours, but it is your responsibility to present them in a form that is at the very least readable.

I have looked through the links you posted, I have seen them all before, they were rubbish then as they are rubbish now, and it is you sir that obviously lacks the education and the background in these subjects to evaluate them critically.

I have argued with people like you on line, and in the flesh for years now, and it has become painfully apparent that as a class, your ignorance coupled with an arrogant belief that you are not, make rational debate impossible. Fortunately like all cranks you are in the minority and are thus no more likely to effect the opinions of ordinary people than any other raving lunatic on a soapbox.

Despite this I am willing to answer you in detail if you limit yourself to published materials (no antidotes) and they are presented in an orderly fashion, one topic at a time. If you not willing to extend that courtesy to us, than do not expect to be treated by anything better than contempt.


Well, what an extraordinary response from DV82XL.

1) The references I have provided can adequately stand as both testimonial & research evidence for those who are reasonably free of any major bias, unlike yourself apparently. As some of your posts show, you often rely on just your opinion to torpedo any alternative views regardless of what evidence they produce. Mr Brook accuses some people of giving “lazy recycled objections” to the UK nuclear plan, yet too many nuke supporters display even greater laziness by inadequately dealing with our genuine concerns of a significantly flawed industry. That’s why our objections are repeatedly put forward, only to be brushed off again. Without providing any references, they often resort to personal ridicule, exaggerated claims & evasion to distract attention away from their own weakness in providing any good counterevidence. Is that the scientific code of conduct these days? Even Mr Brook has opted out of answering some points in detail or at all, also appearing as laziness. When my original long (Oct 2) entry was written, it had the WORD doc’s usual features, so that quotations would stand out readily from other text & be neatly arranged. Unfortunately, I learnt the blog site has limitations & does not recognise or conserve the posted original & neater WORD doc. The resulting post (Oct 2) layout was not deliberate. I was unable to remove it from the site, adjust the text & resubmit it. The small blog window isn’t good enough to accurately allow a precise preview how a lengthy WORD doc will look once it is finally in place even after some modest editing.
2) It looks like your definition of critical evaluation is to reject opposing views by any means. Just your opinion of my references being ‘rubbish’ doesn’t make them so. Let’s see your evidence showing that mine are faulty. Unfortunately, too many people are engaging in a ‘life & death’ battle to demolish our concerns under the sham pretence of a rational debate using the denial & ridicule approach. They are frauds. Is this what it takes to ‘sell’ nuclear energy? Mr Brook has even supported contributors who openly, either state or imply that Helen Caldicott has included lies in some of her written claims. Now that’s a bit rich in view of the industry’s 0.0002mSv misleading emission claim & Henry Myer’s account of dishonest behaviour I included earlier. Where are the examples expected from those critics to support their ‘lie’ claims? Where is the ethical approach? She may have made the rare error occasionally – we all do – including Mr Brook. Public trust would also improve if Mr Brook made all company names from private industry sources that are financially supporting his work. We should not have a repeat of the CSIRO ‘Total Well Being Diet’ conflict with vested interests. (
3) Here you mention ignorance & arrogance & concede to have been often engaged in arguments with people having opposing views. Does this mean you cannot conduct a rational discussion, but prefer to argue? All I have done is to quietly present references from people with adequate qualifications for the matters they are reporting on wherever possible & some readers respond with obvious malicious intent. So I have to respond to their errors as well. When you continue giving us your unsupported criticism & expect us to accept your implied authority on it without including any references yourself, then that is considerably closer to a state of arrogance than anything I have ever engaged in, & the more likely cause of any failure of a rational debate between us. As for ignorance, you have displayed some (in the least), in the way you have failed the basic principles of conduct in countering our concerns in a civilised manner. Any raving is coming from a different direction.
4) Anyone has the freedom to answer one or more of my points or included references at their convenience, without me having to rewrite them. They are readable enough despite the difficulties I’ve had with the blog limitations & my substandard eyesight if you don’t try to rush through them. The amount of material I presented was due to its relevance. No one was expected to answer all points. I am not discourteous – for example, I included all the Nov 8, extracts in one place for the readers’ benefit. It would take even more time to go through the included weblinks to find the relevant text. Is your current attitude of ridicule & insult, an example of how to be courteous then? You have readily misunderstood the situation at my end & certainly ‘forget’ about a “rational, evidence-based communication” approach as Mr Brook has recently put it. Even he has lapsed sometimes. If it is good enough for people to be upset about blatant misleading claims in the food industry (a), then it is even more important for the nuclear advocates to clean up their act as well.



Allan McKay, true to form, you’ve given 4 responses in 1. Can’t you work out no one is going to take any notice of you if you continue to operate in this way. And he’s quite right, the anti-nukes are patently just as bad recyclers as the climate change deniers. That’s lazy and intellectually vapid. No wonder the author of this blog has opted out of engaging with you any further.

Oh, and it’s “Dr Brook” or “Prof Brook”, not “Mr Brook”. Trying to downplay his authority or qualifications to suit your own purpose does you no credit whatsoever.


@Allan McKay – You claiming that you are making a cognizant argument simply does not make it so. Lacing your tirade with accusations of payoffs to the site owner, is as I have said elsewhere on this site in another thread, generally an indication of intellectual bankruptcy by someone who has failed to establish any sort of credibility in one of these discussions.

To constantly have to cover the same ground on why the ravings of Helen Caldicott are of no value, or show that Wasserman & Solomon’s purported ‘evidence’ from Three-Mile Island are nothing more than a collection of anecdotes handed them by people that were attempting win money in a civil case against the plant, or why the endless amount of rubbish that is found in the popular press on radiation is not admissible in this sort of forum, has become tiresome. It is also a fool’s errand, since those that lack the capacity to vet this material themselves can almost never be convinced that they are in error.

Worse, once one is driven off or barred, a new crop show up, just as lii-informed and just as strident in their ignorance, and the cycle starts again.

It’s becoming tiresome, and little is being gained.


For David Walters (10 Nov) & DV82XL (11 Nov)

Let us return to the debate then after all the mud-slinging. Dave was surprised at the nuclear carbon footprint claim I mentioned earlier (10 Nov). For those who haven’t seen Al Gore’s new book yet (p 165), he is relying on the work of Mr Ben Sovacool. See the introductory link at (a). In the Further Reading list below the main article at (a) is the main source data from ‘Energy Policy’ for the nuclear footprint shown in Al Gore’s book. He is including all the sources of CO2 emission throughout the nuclear cycle. This is partially illustrated by what is involved with the mining & milling of uranium (b). The Olympic Dam project might reach similar levels of emissions & environmental upheaval when fully operational. Further bad news for the nuclear waste management experts at (c). And yes, we are entitled to know from where the private industry funding is coming from to support Mr Brook’s work. Too many examples of ‘monetary persuasion’ have surfaced in areas such as high-profile drug trials in recent years. Do read CSIRO Perfidy though – Geoff has done a good job. The meat & dairy industry provided significant finance for the dietary research.

a) (
b) (
c) (


Allan McKay, I currently receive precisely $0.0 income from private industry funding on any project, and my cumulative lifetime income from any energy generator (personal or research-based) has also been $0.0. All my research money comes from State and Federa competitivel grants agencies and leverage contributions for industry linkage grants from State Government departments. My salary is paid by the University of Adelaide and the State Government of South Australia. On this topic, you could actually, say I’m paying for this, as I meet all the costs of registering and running this website out of my own finances. So take your conspiracy theories and shove them up your ideologue.


this would require me to read Gore’s book. I’m not about to do that but the the B. Sovacool report is interesting. MORE interesting is how Bill Hannahan utterly destroys his methodology, and therefor his conclusions.

What Sovacool seems to agree wtih is that the *more* nuclear of Gen III variety we have, and the longer we can keep Gen II reactors on line, the lower their CO2 output becomes as a function of capacity. And that is where he is un does himself.

He is typical of a lot of people on both sides of these discussions that look at the static flow of power, and it’s EROI, it’s inputs, etc as if *they never change*. The reason the CO2 output in France is lower for it’s nuclear vs the U.S. is because the entire front end from yellow-cake through decommissioning is 80% nuclear and about 7% hydro. Thus, if the US were to increase it’s % of nuclear, the CO2 at the front and backend of the fuel cycle would drop immensly.

The emotionally driven Helen Caldicott used the converse of this argument to argue that the enrichment plant in Kentucky that has two coal fired plants to power it proves that nuclear is deadly from the CO2 output of those coal plants. How true. How sad. How utterly stangnet her thinking. I shot her a question which she didn’t reply to when I heard to argue this point: if we replaced those two coal plants with nuclear ones, how would she then feel about the drop to zero of the CO2?

Sovacool does something similar in his paper. I have actually read the entire paper. It’s sort of a ‘study on studies’ more than original thinking and research, IMHO. Hannahan simply cites other studies that prove how low the CO2 really is, including below that of wind.

It’s generally accepted that nuclear is way lower than gas and coal, and people who try to fake the opposite conclusion are simply going to loose the argument, as they have on this particular aspect of nuclear energy.

Nuclear energy is really attacked, publically, around three issues:

1. costs.
2. waste
3. proliferation

This is where the serious the discussion among policy makers rages.



PS… I’m unemployed and have never recieved a dime from anything nuclear. I am, however, a qualified power plant control operator.


Greenpeace used the slogan “Solar, not nuclear” for many years.
Its 1993 study, Commissioned from the “Stockholm Environment Institute” [Boston Center] said that renewables would allow us to retire nuclear by 2010.
Reality is that all renewables other than hydro made 2.3% of electricity in 2006 and solar thermal and PV made about 0.033% of world electricity.

Australia has a high per capita CO2 footprint because it supplies materials to the world and needs electricity and CO2 to do it.
Solar cells are not possible without lots of energy and the simple chemical reaction of Silicon dioxide plus carbon to make silicon and CO2.
Carbon neutral? Impossible.

To make steel and concrete without CO2 emissions is an impossible dream.
When we can convince the populace, we might get somewhere.


Allan McKay: Thanks for the kind words about Perfidy. Barry has
provided specifics about his funding, but let me just add my 2cents. I’ve worked
with Barry on a few things and had a fair amount of contact and while we
disagree about many things, I’m 100% sure he’s not for sale … and
in case anybody is wondering, I get $0.0 from Animal Liberation (or
any other animal group … but I did do 15 years voluntary work 1 day
a week writing software for the RSPCA after getting paid for about 6
months at a nominal rate) … but I am really keen to break even on my
book … I need my garage back, so tell all your friends to buy a copy!


tialsedov (18 Nov)

Are you able to provide a weblink to the Bill Hannahan counter arguements? Just a reminder of course, the nuclear footprint shown on p 165 in Our Chioce, indicates a worst case. There is a range mentioned there.

Barry Brook, Geoff Russell

You seem to have misunderstood. I was not referring to any personal additional income or even favours from other unidentified interests for either of you. If I had been, I would’ve included a reference to someone like Admiral Rickover at (,9171,951382,00.html) rather than the drug testing example I used. Unfortunately however, even on a personal level, some doctors have also provided a poor image. The main newspapers still have many accounts available online about rorting, even with some hospitals & police fudging records. These were professions that people used to look up to. On 18 Nov, I was referring more to the simple statement given in the media (2007) about obvious unspecified input from unnamed industries which Mr Brook must’ve been aware of.

“This joint initiative between the University of Adelaide and the State Government, and collaboration with industry and other research organisations”.
(See p10, at

It’s in the public interest then to know the extent & nature of that industrial input for transparency, when obviously very large amounts of money are hanging in the balance over opinions expressed from a university professor who is expected to be impartial, quite apart from the fact whether the nuclear road is the best technical solution. All sources of endowment, (whether direct or indirect) for the current Sir Hubert Wilkins chair of Climate Change to be viewed by the interested public would be a good start.


Allan McKay, the endowment for the Sir Hubert Wilkins chair of Climate Change comes 100% from the State Government of South Australia — a government who has expressed no interest in pursuing nuclear power. Now that I have answered you, multiple times on this matter, I request that you cease and desist from any further insinuations. Your crude attempts at a smear campaign against my professional integrity will no longer be tolerated. Pester my university if you wish to pursue this matter further, not me. This is your one and only warning on this matter. If you persist, then you are no longer welcome to comment on this blog.


People like Mc Kay talk about the carbon footprint of nuclear energy without telling us of the carbon footprint of solar cells and all the other CO2 emitting enterprises that make civilisation possible.
We have a society which lives with about 1.27 million deaths per year from automobile accidents but can’t cope with the thought that 60 years of stored nuclear waste has caused how many deaths?
We have been encouraged to fear nuclear power because of the threat its waste presents to future generations. Radioisotopes lose their radioactivity over time, so how can the waste present a danger to “future generations” ?

How things change, according to politics. Old nuclear hands will tell you that 50 years ago, SA was in the market for nuclear energy because it had no coal.

Interesting to see the output of its solar and wind compared with installed cost and return on investment.


Here’s something useful I was sent on radiation. It’s by Bill Sacks, a college physics teacher for 12 years:

This is in answer to a question about why plutonium can be held in your hand without rendering your grandchildren grandparentless, aside from the continued existence of the other 3 grandparents.
First, to remind you, the degree of radioactivity is inversely proportional to the half life, with one other important factor, namely the total amount of material. But equal numbers of atoms of Pu239, for example, and Cs137 will excite a Geiger counter at rates that are inverse to the ratios of their two half lives: namely 24,000 years and 30 years, respectively, i.e., 800 to 1 in favor of the Cs. However, if you had 800 times as many atoms of Pu239 they would register on the Geiger counter at equal rates. Then the next issue besides the rate of decay (a spontaneous event not requiring the influence of outside interactions, based on strictly internal contradictions) is the energetics of the decay particles, i.e., mainly alphas, betas, and gammas. Despite having 800 times as much Pu239 (in terms of the numbers of atoms, not in terms of their weights, which would have a much higher ratio than 800 to 1 and would be completely irrelevant), if Pu239 gave off less energetic decay particles than the Cs137, then the Cs137 would expose you to more damage, particularly if there are huge numbers of both. All of that makes all kinds of sense, right?

So when we talk about how radioactive something is, we generally understand by that the rate at which atoms in the material decay, not the total energy of this decay, just the number of decays per second, say. Cs137 therefore is 800 more radioactive than Pu239.

The reason you can hold small amounts of Pu239 in your hand is that it decays by emitting an alpha, which is so heavy that it can’t move very fast and can’t penetrate your skin easily or even a piece of paper. It also sometimes emits a beta (an electron), but not as often as an alpha. Remember that an alpha is a helium nucleus, i.e., 2 protons and 2 neutrons (each of which weighs approximately the same, with a neutron being minimally more massive). That, in fact, is why a lone neutron (i.e., one not bound in a nucleus) is very unstable, since it give off a beta (an electron) to become a proton, which is at a lower energy level (i.e., lower mass) and therefore more stable. Neutrons not in a nucleus, so-called free neutrons, have a very short lifetime, but they are not said to be radioactive, since you can’t collect a bunch in the first place, they decay to protons so quickly, a little less than 15 minutes to decay on average. However, note that this is a long enough life for free neutrons to travel from a U235 in a reactor to collide with either another U235 and cause fission, or hit a U238 and cause absorption and transmutation to Pu239, or hit a water or graphite molecule and simply lose some speed, or hit whatever is in the control rods and be absorbed.

You ask under what conditions Pu239 is dangerous, and the answer is if there’s a lot of it. But it’s the betas that carry most of the danger. Betas (electrons) have a mass about 1/2000 that of a proton or neutron, and therefore about 1/8000 of the mass of an alpha. But they can therefore travel much faster given the same order of magnitude of energy, and can penetrate skin and other organs. The reason alphas emitted in the lungs are more dangerous is that they don’t have to travel very far to hit vital functioning lung tissue. Such tissue is usually not very close to skin, which mainly stops external alphas. So when you inhale a small amount of Pu239 (try to imagine inhaling a truckload of it – your lungs don’t have room for a truck), you can do a little damage, but not much. After all, with so little of it and with a half life of 24,000 years, you’ll be long dead from second hand smoke, coal dust, or imperialist war before it does much damage to your lung.

And to answer your final question, it’s the fission products, not the actinides (of which transuranics make up a part), that are the most radioactive and dangerous in high level waste. Once the Pu239 is purified out of the fission products, it’s not so dangerous. Therefore since IFRs consume virtually all the actinides, i.e., heavy radioactive isotopes, before they are discarded, it is the continually created fission (i.e., light, not heavy) products that constitute the waste from IFRs. The once-through light water reactors discard not only the light fission products, but most of the actinides, which also includes uranium and plutonium.

Just in case, to review what actinides are you only have to glance at the periodic table, and realize that from, say lead on up, you have in this order: lead, bismuth, polonium, astatine, radon (a noble gas), francium, radium, actinium (after which the actinides are named, and meaning those elements from actinium on up), thorium, protactinium, uranium, neptunium, plutonium, americium (in smoke alarms), curium, berkelium, californium, einsteinium, fermium, mendeleevium, nobelium, lawrencium, and that’s all she wrote for the time being. I’ve bolded the even number elements (i.e., even numbers of protons, not neutrons, which depends on which isotope) in order to highlight the line of alpha decay. Remember every alpha reduces the number of protons by 2, as well as the number of neutrons, but that doesn’t determine the element. Only the number of protons does. So when one of the higher actinides decays by emitting an alpha it moves down to the next bolded element.

Also remember that uranium is the heaviest naturally occurring element on earth, not because transuranics (those higher than uranium) didn’t once exist on the earth when it formed from supernova dust, but rather because they all have half lives that are several orders of magnitude shorter than those of the common uranium isotopes (700,000,000 and 4,500,000,000 years, respectively for 235 and 238), e.g., consider Pu239’s 24,000 years, and much shorter than the age of the earth, so that by now they have all decayed away to undetectable levels. That’s also the reason that there is a helluva lot less U235 than U238, 0.7% versus 99.3%, since the half life of U235 is only about 1/6 that of U238, and therefore it has had 6 times as many half lives of decaying. [As a homework assignment you can figure out how long ago the amounts of U238 and U235 were about equal on earth.]

Lead is always the end product of these decays, because it turns out it is the most stable nucleus of all. Not only do heavier elements decay toward lead, coming down by emitting alphas (which contain protons), but the lighter radioactive elements generally also decay toward lead, but have to do so by emitting betas, which turn a neutron into a proton thus moving the element up the scale by one atomic number (number of protons). Clearly some of the heavier elements can also emit betas, but much more infrequently than they emit alphas. After all, if they didn’t emit betas, you couldn’t ever get from U238 to Pu239, which occurs by U238 absorbing a passing neutron, becoming U239, which is so unstable that it immediately emits a beta, becoming Np239 (note that emitting a beta doesn’t change the 239, which represents the atomic weight rather than atomic number, since a beta doesn’t weigh enough to change the atomic weight by one unit), which then is so unstable that it emits another beta to become Pu239, which is much more stable, again with a half life of 24,000 years. Pu239 doesn’t decay spontaneously very fast, nor does U235 or U238, but it fissions easily when hit by a neutron, as does U235, and all the other odd number atomic weights (not odd atomic numbers).

The one final thing worth mentioning is that the reason that midrange fission products are so unstable is that the ratio (there will be several simple steps of logic here, so be patient) of neutrons in heavier elements is higher than in lighter elements because neutrons are needed to lessen the repulsion among positively charged protons, and the more protons you have the more neutrons are needed. In fact, an excess of neutrons is needed such that the heavier the element the more the excess. So the ratio of Ns to Ps in heavy elements is on the order of 1.5 to 1, whereas in lighter elements it is closer to 1 to 1. So think about what happens when a heavy element with a ratio of 1.5 to 1 fissions: the two fission products, each close to half the atomic number and atomic weight of the heavy fissile element, also have a ratio of 1.5 to 1. To see that, just consider U235 which absorbs a neutron, becoming U236, and fissions, say, right in half, to form Pd118 (palladium, with an atomic number of 46, half of uranium’s 92, and with 46 protons and 72 neutrons, for a ratio of 1.6 to 1, much more than 1 to 1). Now Pd doesn’t need so many neutrons, so it fixes that imbalance by beta decaying to change a neutron to a proton several times, moving up the ladder each time. But the main point is that this kind of imbalance is corrected only in small steps, and each step still leaves that unstable ratio that is too high for that number of protons. Therefore the fission products are much more radioactive.


DV82XL 19 Sept 09
Additional evidence has emerged recently that Chernobyl was a very serious accident (a,b). The lack of details from the Russians in the early stages readily fuelled incorrect western speculation of the casualties. Dr John Goffman however estimated casualties from radiation induced illnesses would be at least 500,000 & likely reach 950,000. He had particular expertise in this area, yet many skeptics readily ignored him. It therefore looks more likely that Dr Goffman’s estimate was much better than he was ever given credit for.

The Hiroshima study has been adequately shown my many independent researchers to have had multiple errors (c,d,e,f) & has therefore been misleading.

Extract from ‘History’s Worst Inventions’ 2009 Chap 40

“The effects of the explosions continue to this day, affecting the health of the men & women exposed to radiation & of their children through genetic damage. The total number of people who have died directly or indirectly from the two bombs had reached 400,000 by 2007. The casualties from the initial blasts were startling: 70,000 in Hiroshima & 40,000 in Nagasaki. By the end of 1945, twice that number had died from burns, injuries or radiation sickness.”

All of these casualties as well as the ones in 1946-49 were excluded since they occurred before the study began in1950, thereby significantly affecting the conclusions. The figures given by DV82XL of only 700 dying of radiation related illnesses are therefore not believable, & is a typical example of the US government playing down the effects of their bombing. General Doulas MacArthur commenced an information blackout on radiation effects & downplaying their role in the casualties, as soon as he assumed control in Japan (g).



Machiavelli, the first thing you do is not to compare totally different radiation sceneros as they simply unrelated.

The two sources areas you us should be enough to tell you this. The Chernobyl deaths are still highly disputed (and illnesses) as there are direct counter positions over the decades on teh effects. Not so on Hiroshima/Nag…no serious study would back up my friend DV82XL on this question but does with Chernobyl.

In fact if you look at ‘Counterpunch’ it’s a poltiical rag who touts dillitantes like Harvey Wasserman as an ‘expert’ on nuclear energy. It’s not a ‘source’ and the articles in Counterpunch are *reveiws* or articles ON the Grossman report, and not very good ones at that.

The studies on HIroshima however are far more serious and there are lots of peer-reviewed reports out there that shown what the direct high exposure to ionizing radiation from WMD has done.

What is a major FAIL by nuclear energy opponents is their refusal to acknowledge that nuclear energy is the only way to really disarm the worlds nuclear WEAPONS by turning their uranium 235 and plutonium into energy. Oh well…perhaps your greatest contridiction, not ours.


On Chernobyl.

For a period of time the Ukraine gov’t attributed ALL cancer in Ukraine to Chernobyl. There are, unfortunatly, real financial incentives for this to occur, not to mention huge popular pressure to do so. Urkaine radiation and doctors chimed in on this and even teh maintaining of the ‘Exclusion Zone’ is there more for political satisfaction, than for a serious concern over health and safety.

Thus the data used by Grossman, et al, are often, and again unfortunatly, often manipulated by the very gathters of that data and I’m afraid we’ll really never know the truth.

I don’t think this is the case with Hiroshima and Nag because the Japanese gov’t seemed to of taken a quite serious attitude ABOUT data collection, especially in the 1950s when they really started studying the effects.

The fact is that people now live at ground zero because the inonizating radiation from the bombs has disappeared completely. That’s the good news. The bad news is that survivors did continuelly get sick and it *often* contributed to premature deaths.


Machiavelli – Every link that you have posted leads to absolute rubbish. Some of it, like pages from the Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility are a joke. That ‘organization’ consists of high school teacher and a box of slides. He lives in Montreal (Snowdon) and picked up the rights to the name when the original coalition disbanded itself decades ago.

The rest is not much better. CounterPunch? Are you kidding me? Rubbish from du deceptions. com titled “The Cult of Nuclearists, Uranium Weapons and Fraudulent Science” Really.

When you table something with more weight than garbage from discredited sources, I’ll address it, but this isn’t close.


Another fundamental point (and sorry I keep harping on this) is that 950,000 deaths utterly fails the ‘smell test’. Where are all the corpses? How are these distinguished from the ‘background’ cancer deaths, which kill over 1/4 of all people? What about the mounting evidence for hormesis? How is the Chernobyl radiation ‘different’ from natural radiation, such that it causes more deaths at low levels, which is totally contradictory to both common sense and all empirical measurements. The list can go on and on, but the bottom line is that such assertions are the absolute epitome of anti-science.


The numbers I quoited above for late deaths from the nuclear bombing in Japan are from: The Life Span Study cohort of atomic-bomb survivors from 1950 through 1990, published in Radiation Research (146:1-27, 1996)

At summery of their findings from that report can be found here:

Please note the column, where the percentages of the victims attributed to radiation exposure are stated


Machiavelli/DV8/Barry: I don’t claim to know my
way around the Japanese radiation mortality studies, but
I did have a look at (d) which is from a real journal and
isn’t rubbish. It shows increases in SMR (standardised
mortality rates) for people receiving 3 levels of doses of
radiation from the bombs. The cancer rate increases
range from a few percent to 20 percent for low exposure
through to 70 percent (high radiation exposure … Okayama). SMR’s are a little tricky because they reflect
medical treatment impacts as well as cancer. For
example, more people get cancer but die of something
else in countries with good medical systems.

The kind of SMR differences present are generally
less than that caused by lifestyle choices (smoking/alcohol/meat) which run at about 50

The study authors present a number of problems that
are tough to control for in such a study.
One they didn’t list was the
trauma of being bombed which may be expected to
have long time health impacts … BUT most groups
had an all cause mortality excess that was lower than
their cancer excess … ie they were healthier except
for the cancer!


OK, the paper in question is not junk, however I would hardly say that its concussions are all that firm, a situation they themselves are quick to identify. The major one, in my view is the means they used to estimate dose, thus rendering all of the exposure data very questionable. Related, the dosage from fallout related sources was not considered in any depth.

Single studies rarely can be used to draw any meaningful idea of what is going on, and that obviously applies to the one I linked to as well, however enough of these have been done to show that late mortality due to exposure to radiation is not a really significant factor, one way or the other. If it was, there would be no doubt, as it is for example with the link between tobacco consumption and cancer.


D. Walters 10 June 2010
I agree with your 1st point of what not to do, but no direct comparison between the Atom Bomb drops & Chernobyl was being made at all. Both topics were merely included in one entry like DV82XL did in his first entry due to the common theme he used. He was making a point that both incidents did not cause as many casualties through radiation effects as some people thought, while I presented references claiming the reverse. I don’t think either of us were comparing one tragedy with the other on a radiation basis.
The two Chernobyl references were included simply because no book extracts appear to be available yet on the net, (the book was recently published). The reviews are from writers with experience on that subject, having included some basic points. Neither of them are passing themselves off as nuclear experts but simply as reporters. Obviously, we all need to look at the book itself before ‘shooting from the hip’.
Yes, it is useful to be able to use ‘processed’ weapons-grade material in some reactors, but that isn’t really a sufficiently redeeming feature of nuclear power with all its other obvious disadvantages, being the more likely reason that alert people reject that form of energy. Virtually every aspect of that industry has an unusual, dangerous or expensive feature. Even modern engineering has not been able to cope with all the challenges to contain all of the radioactivity & build the plants economically, while heated disagreement about the effects of radiation releases continues unresolved due to huge amounts of money at stake. In any case, while nuclear power has cost so much being developed since the 1950’s, other lesser known forms of truly safer & much cheaper energy generation have been devised as well. This would be a far better way to dismantle most of the ‘insane’ nuclear industry. Yet the nuclear enthusiasts still don’t get it, having been totally mislead that the ultimate ‘Holy Grail’ in cheap, abundant energy has to be in some radioactive form, when it needn’t be. Even ‘the bomb’ wasn’t really needed to force Japan to surrender. The researcher Clay Blair found some US naval experts who felt their expanding submarine force (assisted by other services) could’ve blockaded Japan into surrender early enough without a large US invasion.
Chernobyl: I wouldn’t have thought the New York Academy of Science would publish the material without some reasonable checks being done. The nuclear industry doesn’t have any financial interests in playing down the radiation effects either I suppose. Be reminded then, that even at the highest level of US government (Bush Whitehouse) has had data manipulation & alteration taken place (a). It even looks like the Obama team is doing the same (b). The ‘peer reviewed’ process is apparently not immune from abuse by others with a hidden agenda. Jay Gould in ‘Deadly Deceit’ (US), included examples of blatant alteration of graphs about radiation. Both the British & Japanese have been caught out in data alteration in their own nuclear industries (c, d).
The Heidelberg Report in May, 1978, reveals the fraudulent methods used by the Atomic Energy Commission to alter their testing of radioactivity coming from a commercial nuclear power plant when those plants were first up for licensing. They routinely falsified their test samples by downgrading their radioactivity in order to establish that what a plant normally puts out into the environment is within ‘acceptable levels.’ (e)
When criticising Karl Grossman for manipulation, some evidence should be provided.

(e) ‘The People of Three Mile Island’ 1980 Chap 26


DV82XL 10 June 2010
Even if what you say is correct about the CCNR, that doesn’t mean individuals cannot make useful contributions to a cause. My included CCNR link was from Dr Rosalie Bertell, who is certainly a well qualified researcher. Paul Zimmerman’s subtitle “The Cult of Nuclearists, Uranium Weapons and Fraudulent Science” is derived from readily available extraordinary revelations from the US government’s activities over many years. They reveal a stunning collection of very unsatisfactory behaviour in their supposed ‘duty of care’ for the US public during the hectic nuclear bomb-making program. Similar careless attitudes continued during the civilian power generation phase (e – n). There is a good collection of examples from a different source about the US weapons program (a). The general public were shocked when these revelations (a – d) were made, including the incredible secret cold-war plutonium experiments on unwitting US citizens (b, c, d). What credibility does the US government & nuclear industry have left after these revelations both from the bomb & power industries (a, n)? Are Australians going to support that type of behaviour from their governments? Follow Harvey Wasserman’s lead (h) & tell them No.

(a) (11 chapters at the bottom of the page)
In view of these examples, we can’t really accept that level of performance & allow the nuclear power industry into Australia. It does not inspire any confidence in their abilities at all (g – o) along with the way the TMI (f) & Chernobyl accidents have been downplayed & the uncertainty about normal reactor releases (o). We cannot even cope with our existing waste monitoring yet, even without any heavy nuclear industry established here (p). Even SA Government’s EPA appears weak in protecting the public from coal plant pollution (q) & accurately maintaining & calibrating X-Ray machines in SA hospitals (r).

(k) (This article may now be restricted to subscribers)
(n) (He finds evidence of “science induced blindness”)


Atom Bomb Study: Two more references acknowledging on the first page some limitations (s, t).
(t) (pages 141-154)


Machiavelli – It is clearly apparent to me that you simply don’t have the background to evaluate the material you link to, what ever its source. Dr Rosalie Bertell, is not a well qualified researcher. She has written reams of utter rubbish on depleted uranium, that fails to have any connection with reality. Groups like The Institute for Energy and Environmental Research, have no standing in the legitimate scientific community, nor can items in the popular press be trusted, as those that write this article never examine the topic in any depth.

Arguing with people like you is a waste of both of our time, as you have made up you mind based on your own preconceived notions. There are many more that are open to reason out there that I can better explain these matters to, and with some possibility of having them see the truth.

One thing is for sure: we are on the cusp of an energy crises, coupled with an environmental/climate crises, the magnitude of which could destroy civilization, or set it back so severely that human culture would revert to a new dark age.

The only technology that we have available to maintain ourselves long enough that we might be able to ride this out, or take corrective action, is nuclear fission. Nothing else comes close that doesn’t involve burning something, the most likely reason we are in this mess in the first place. To discard nuclear as a option on the bases of unproven fears, is to condemn ourselves to an existence several orders of magnitude more deadly than the worse these objectors could possibly imagine if all of their unfounded accusations were true.

If you don’t want to accept the inherent safety of nuclear energy as it has been explained here on several occasions, then at least think about the consequences of not deploying it.


DV82XL (17 June)

This venue is supposed to be for a civilised debate on the main issues at hand, not an opportunity for unjustified personal attacks & insults just because you don’t agree with someone’s evidence. For someone to claim I “don’t have the background to evaluate links” when he was himself recently reminded of a failure in interpreting links as “absolute rubbish”, is a bit rich. Dr Bertell is well enough qualified for her role in assessing the radiation issues of this era. She wouldn’t have been invited to testify before a US Govt Senate Committee if she wasn’t (a). What I have seen of her depleted uranium points are adequately supported by such researchers as Dr C. Busby (UK), who certainly is well qualified.

I do not have “preconceived notions” in the sense you imply, but have formed an opinion after basing it upon a variety of sources having evidence usually not seen on this site, that needs to be considered. The pro-nuke side has failed to provide adequate counter evidence yet, & appears more intent on dis-information especially after they joined TASSC in 1993 (b). How can we trust them?
(b) (may need to subscribe to view full article)
Your third paragraph I completely agree with, but not so with your fourth one. I may have an advantage here, even though you don’t give me any credit for having “the background to evaluate the material I link to”. Being adequately trained all the same, I am satisfied that there has been many individual researchers over the last 80 years who have made obvious advances in some form of machine or process, with many being suppressed – a technique used by some nuclear interests. These individual researchers have adequately demonstrated that the boffins do not know everything about even classical physics yet. I am currently aware of two groups here in Australia that seem to have demonstrated motors using different principles of operation to get substantially improved performance as well as other people around the world. In Prof Brook’s hometown, I know of an individual who is certain he has identified another way to generate much larger amounts of renewable power (when scaled up) while not having any of the disadvantages of current power plants, but he needs financing to make a model. I do not have to think about “not deploying” nuclear power as if it was the only option remaining, because I am satisfied there are better ways to replace it even without using wind, solar, tidal, geothermal, etc.
Especially after Chernobyl I am adequately justified in not thinking of nuclear power as “inherently safe” or of having “unproven fears”. In 1962, the Chairman of the Advisory Committee at the AEC admitted in Congressional testimony, that reactor fission products can be from a million to a billion times more toxic than any chemical, & that we can’t afford human weakness or equipment flaws. Even Dr Edward Teller had publically written in 1965, that “in principle, nuclear reactors are dangerous” & advocated building them well below ground level (c). Surely his opinion as a nuclear physicist is worth noting. Then in early 1979, the NRC repudiated the Rasmussen report on major nuclear accidents. In subsequent years, a trickle of industry professionals have recognised the dangers of nuclear power & have changed their opinion & had the courage to resign, often having to endure shabby treatment from their former industry associates. If Sidney Goodman is right, (“the true test of the health of a democracy is its attitude towards dissent”), then the nuclear industry’s public relations are totally unacceptable. The continuing attempt by some people to package nuclear power as ‘safe’ is therefore a blatant exercise in denial in view of several major identities in that industry agreeing that it is dangerous.
(Complete paragraph quote near the bottom of the page, beginning with the above quote).


Mr. Machiavelli, your concerns about nuclear power must surely be dwarfed by the terrible truth Dr.Bertell has revealed about the horrific threat of chemtrails and the murderous conspiricy of world governments experimenting on helpless poulations. Please review Dr. Bertell’s work on this matter and provide us with a summary of her findings. I’m sure this would allow us all to put your concerns in their proper perspective.



This venue is supposed to be for a civilized debate on the main issues at hand, not an opportunity for unjustified personal attacks & insults just because you don’t agree with someone’s evidence.

Mr. Machiavelli – I will be glad to engage in debate with you on this topic when you have done the groundwork to inform yourself on the subject sufficiently that you can evaluate yourself some of the more idiotic claims that you have tabled here.

It is apparent from the content of your posts that you do not have the faintest understanding of the science and engineering involved in in this subject, and as a consequence you are unable to weight opinions properly. Furthermore, like many others that show up on boards of this nature, you take an ascendant tone, demanding that we answer a collection of random objections, floated by those you have not taken the time to, or are incapable of, evaluating their standing. You have not checked to verify quotations you attribute, nor have you made any effort to determine if they were quoted in the correct context.

You have failed to make any real effort beyond floating a series of links, that you haven’t even bothered to check for relevancy, yet you demand to be taken seriously by those here. It just doesn’t work like that. If you want some respect you must show some.

Had you come here admitting you know little, and looking for guidance, everyone would have fallen over backwards to point you in the right direction. Instead you presumptuously assume that you can dump a list of undifferentiated nonsense on us, and demand we answer you like a peer.

I have run into too many like you in the past, and frankly, it is not worth the effort to convince your type of anything. Even in the unlikely event that I can. There are just too many others now, with open-minded questions on nuclear energy that are willing to learn and willing to make a fair evaluation of the subject. I don’t have to go after those who have made up their minds, and who won’t make a serious effort to understand.


B. Brook (10 June 2010)

I would’ve thought “all the bodies” would have been ‘processed’ in a similar manner as other forms of fatal illnesses. For example, at least 5 million people die worldwide each year due to smoking related conditions (a). There doesn’t seem to be any difficulties in arranging the final resting places for all those ‘casualties’ without the public noticing – how many people check the death statistics at any time? They have better things to do. Unlike the tragedy at Bohpal which killed at least 15,000 people in a small amount of time in one area, leaving a very noticeable death toll, global smoking & Chernobyl radiation related fatalities are spread out over several countries & are more readily hidden in their normal ‘processing’ system. We don’t get any indicators of these fatalities until we specifically look for them.


Being unable to see the book yet, I can only suggest at the moment that allowance is being made for ‘normal’ cancer rates using statistical expectancies, so that any excesses are indicative of Chernobyl effects. This technique has been used for decades. Be reminded that it is well known now that (speaking generally) radiation can cause (or act as a co-factor) in several other illnesses apart from cancers. Even without any nuclear industry in Australia, cancer figures are considered too high (b).
If there is a hormesis effect, then it would appear to have a very narrow dose range & would likely have vary on different parts of the body. The effect would likely to be identified when strictly controlled & calibrated external radiation is used. Other factors which would be expected to influence hormesis might be:
(1) type of radiation (alpha, beta, gamma, cosmic rays, X-Rays, etc)
(2) mode of delivery (strontium 90, iodine 131, plutonium 239, caesium 137, X-rays, etc)
(3) internal or external dose
(4) which body area or organs were radiated
(5) duration of dose
(6) type of dose (intermittent or continuous)
(7) general health status of recipient (infant, adult or fragile elder)
Just these factors alone would be expected to make any hormesis effect difficult to consistently formulate general guidelines for practical application in the real world outside of a radiology clinic. The history of the nuclear industry clearly shows anyway, that they cannot safely operate within such tight guidelines due to the known 1,000’s of curies released annually from many nuclear plants in gaseous or liquid form, making the idealised 0.0002mSv value (averaged over the whole population) an unacceptably misleading claim by the nuclear industry. Recall the German govt has accepted the results of the KiKK reactor emission study (c). Furthermore, the BEIR VII report still supports the linear-no-threshold (LNT) risk model (d) with no really safe dose, implying there has not been good enough evidence for hormesis yet (e). Dr R. Wakeford (British Nuclear Fuels) felt the Taiwan Apartment study (that appeared to support hormesis) was not adequately done (f).

(e) (see ‘No Threshold Hypothesis’)
(f) (Article starts at bottom of p33)

The differences between reactor radiation products & background activity has been well covered by other researchers such as Dr Rosalie Bertell & Dr C. Busby (UK) many years ago. Chernobyl radiation was very different from normal background radiation in its content, its intensity, its distribution & its mode of delivery to organic life-forms. There were even minute ‘hot’ particles (radioactive particulates) that were likely inhaled. It is readily known from nuclear engineering (without waiting for one to blow up), that a Chernobyl style reactor contained about 10-20 billion curies of radioactive inventory in its core, especially since that unit #4 had not been refuelled for a while. Even Dr Edward Teller warned against this danger in 1965. The core therefore contained significantly more highly dangerous radiation from the accumulated fission products over that period. When the top was blown off, (accounts vary), but possibly at least 60 – 80 percent of the multiple fission product inventory was released into the environment over a 10 – 12 day period. This must have deposited significant amounts of radioactivity depending on distance travelled. Just by analysing the fallout over Sweden scientists were able to identify certain fission products (with high melting points) that proved they were from a reactor with a total meltdown. It is highly unlikely that normal background radiation subjects humans to these sorts of fission products & ‘hot’ particles because they only come from bomb fallout & reactor releases. They have different biochemical pathways (with likely stronger doses) to gain access to our bodies via inhalation & the food chain due to fallout & are therefore more dangerous. Many residents in the path of the radioactive fallout appear to have absorbed at least 80 percent of the radiation internally (g).Unsurprisingly, any unborn infants are more susceptible to radiochemical ingestion by their mothers. Prior to the US bomb program, there were no man-made fission product releases possible to affect humans. But the Radium Dial painter (1920’s) tragedy showed that the power of radium alone was also underestimated. Internal radiochemistry is regarded as being significantly more dangerous due to the proximity & exposure time periods involved. Alpha, beta & gamma radiation differences also impact upon the severity of exposure, so all-up, “common sense” need not be violated at all, nor does “anti-science” need to be invoked once the multiple characteristics of reactor radiochemistry are better understood. The generalisation of “radiation is radiation” can therefore considered to be a significant over-simplification (g – j).



Since this debate seems to be about posting links to papers, here is a list for you to chew on:

The latest issue of the Dose-Response Journal, just released, has six important articles on health effects of ionizing radiation.

Special Issue Introduction

The Healthy Worker Effect and Nuclear Industry Workers

Observations on the Chernobyl Disaster and LNT

Radiation Hormesis: Historical Perspective and Implications for Low-Dose Cancer Risk Assessment

The Dose Window for Radiation-Induced Protective Adaptive Responses

Immunological Mechanism of the Low-Dose Radiation-Induced Suppression of Cancer Metastases in a Mouse Model

Low-Dose Cancer Risk Modelling Must Recognize Up-Regulation Of Protection

You will note all these come from a legitimate scientific journal, which carries as much weight, I would think, as the British and Irish Charity organisations on Mitigating the Consequences in Belarus of the Chernobyl Catastrophe, (one of the sources Machiavelli lists) and the output from the German Green Party’s propaganda mill, on these matters


DV82XL (22 June)
All you have managed is a repeat of the same unjustified ridicule, using insults & false claims as you have done with other anti-nuke contributors. Is this your way of ‘debating’ & “showing respect” by insulting others & accusing them of the very same flaws you have repeatedly displayed yourself? No disrespect has been posted by me. All of the insults are coming from others. If anyone is taking “an ascendant tone”, you are with the “come here admitting you know little” approach. No demands have ever been made by me for insisting others to “answer a collection of random objections” as you claim. Any included questions are a civilized invitation for anyone to fairly answer to show us why nuclear is supposed to be the great saviour. You’re still evading direct comment on key links like Scientific American & the New Scientist preferring to continue with false interpretations & insults deliberately designed to malign dissenters. My included links are definitely relevant to the points associated with them & any brief quotations used are adequately valid if you take the time to read the links. But that seems to be the problem – you cannot cope with all of the nuclear industry’s many exposed failings, so you ignore any counter evidence along with Dr Hugh MacKay’s book ‘Right & Wrong’ (or similar). So how about debating without the unjustified insults?


DV82XL (27 June)
“The hormetic zone is thought to depend on the type of radiation and how the radiation is delivered.”
“The hormetic zone is more pronounced for sparsely ionizing forms of radiation (x rays and gamma rays) than for highly ionizing forms.” (p123)

Your included links are interesting, but for different reasons & are unlikely to help your case. The above extracts are similar to my earlier points (26 June). Recall the Chernobyl case has recent claims of many ill-effects being ignored (a), so any hormesis claims there are also in doubt. In any case, I have already allowed for a possible hormesis effect & covered the main points for why such an effect would unlikely benefit the public under normal nuclear-powered environmental conditions. There are too many subtle factors influencing the effect, while there doesn’t seem to be an adequate safety margin between hormesis radiation doses & more dangerous doses. Not everyone has a strong immune system. Therefore hormesis cannot be relied upon outside of a controlled clinical application. The above quotes imply less hormesis effect for alpha & beta particles which are also present in nuclear radiation releases. There are still many studies of residents & nuclear workers showing a trend of ill-effects with low levels of radiation covering many years. Dr Webb has included some comments about his radiation research along with views about poor reactor safety (b). Recall that there are wide variations amongst the public’s health status. A resident near TMI (about 10 miles) related how she could sense a facial skin prickling sensation (also when living near the Prairie Island reactor) when radiation was present due to an unplanned release – being later confirmed by the media. Under strict clinical conditions, maybe calibrated doses could be used for treatment, but I doubt it for other reasons. Radiology has shown often enough that people can get overdosed too readily & some nearby cells may be damaged (c). The Petkau effect & Genomic Instability adequately show how low levels can still cause harm. A more likely better method to assist cancer patients is an understanding of biochemistry in strengthening their immune system. Similarly, the fluoride in our water supply has a very narrow dose range with some overdosing also occurring (d). Unfortunately, it doesn’t appear possible that an impartial & rigorous investigation can be designed to solve this question when cases are being ignored (a). Authors in the ‘Dose Response’ links are claiming “inappropriate methods” have been used for LNT studies while Dr R. Wakeford of British Nuclear Fuels, feels the Taiwan study was also inappropriately done. Ignoring Chernobyl victims would also be inappropriate. So until some able, impartial researchers who really know what they are doing can resolve the issue, we are better off still using the LNT model, which may be part of the reasoning BEIR VII is using in still accepting it (e). It wouldn’t surprise me if a “threshold” value turned out to be as low as background levels. Out in the real world of nuclear reactors that are designed, built & maintained by very imperfect personnel, there is enough evidence from several countries showing nearby residents are experiencing ill-health effects. Many of the reactors used in the recent German KiKK study were the leakiest kind – boiling water types so some ill-effects would be expected.

(c) pdf page 180
(e) (see ‘No Threshold Hypothesis’)


Finrod (22 June)
I have only seen one brief YouTube video of Dr Bertell discussing chemtrails. There are however many other sources showing photos & home video’s of obvious spraying activity where the unusual lingering trails could not possibly be just condensation (a). Soil samples have been taken from many areas showing high levels of Barium & Aluminium compounds well above the EPA limits. Additional areas of plant & shrub die-off are being identified widely in the US, possibly due to the alkaline metal fallout & perhaps sulphur compounds being also used (acid rain) (b). Since their government isn’t officially confirming it we are left in limbo again. With all the information available about geo-engineering however, we can easily see that experiments are already going on using many unmarked planes, because the global warming threat is real & urgent (c, d). Sure, it sounds incredible, but less so after you see the video footage & comments from scientists like Ken Caldeira (e). Notice his comments about trusting the government & some weaknesses of the peer review process, then check his very last response. If the above is correct, then it looks like humans are again stuffing up the environment in new ways & impacting upon our health hoping the net result will be beneficial. If Ken Caldeira is concerned about it, then why not Dr Bertell?
(a) See for example a DVD called ‘Sky Lines’ produced by Deborah J. Whitman 2008


John Morgan (12 July 2010)
Since apparently it is accepted that errors occur when using the small text window (due to the small text), then why aren’t I allowed similar latitude when preferring to conserve space? In a venue such as this (where others are making their own errors), paragraphs are not as necessary when saving space. In longer entries, I have been using ‘blocks’. On other occasions, when submitting an entry, the gaps I was using earlier were not conserved on the final loading – so it is hard to adjust to for larger entries. If you are so particular about layout, why aren’t you biased nit-pickers commenting on the many grammatical mistakes & layout variations made by many other contributors? No – selective criticism is conveniently reserved for those who can provide spirited counter-evidence to the predominant pro-nuclear views on this imbalanced site. How about concentrating more on the important issues of the ‘debate’ instead.


Very sensible article on radiation just published in New Scientist, by Wade Allison, a nuclear and medical physicist at the University of Oxford.

Who’s afraid of radiation?

A couple of passages to convey the flavour of it:

THE word “radiation” frightens people, and little wonder. Ever since the cold war, the prevailing view has been that ionising radiation can do real harm to us without being seen or felt – and should be avoided at all costs. In fact radiation is much less harmful than we feared. Given the availability of carbon-free nuclear power, this makes a sea change in our view of radiation rather urgent.


I suggest the upper limit might be reset at a lifetime total of 5 sieverts, at no more than 0.1 sievert per month. That would be a fraction of a radiotherapy dose, spread over a lifetime.

Given what we now know from Hiroshima and Nagasaki it is clear the safety limits are too low
Such a revision would relax current regulations by a factor of 1000. This may seem excessively radical to some, especially those in the safety industry who have spent 60 years trying to reassure the public by regulating against all avoidable sources of radiation – which, after all, is what society asked them to do.


Changing the limits would bring practical benefits. Radiation safety is a major contributor to the cost of nuclear power, so any relaxation should lead to big cost reductions. Given that we urgently need to develop carbon-free energy sources, that is hugely beneficial.

It should also lead to a more sensible attitude to nuclear waste. If treated properly, the quantities are small, it become harmless after a few centuries, and it may be buried at moderate cost. In any event, the effect of radioactive waste is a small matter compared with the global influence of carbon dioxide and leaked hydrocarbons. We should re-examine the environmental risks of radiation with the same radical attitude that is required for our own health.


Geoff Russell (21 Sept 2010)

“I have no idea what causes childhood leukemia….”

Although not directly about child leukemia, this link will still have some interest, being related to the nuclear industry workers. Since children are more sensitive to radiation, it will be relevant.

Click to access Leukemia_FactSheet.pdf


Radiation Releases from Nuclear Power Plants

“…if the radiation from NPP was causing a precise sort of damage that background radiation, which is 15,000 times stronger, was not, then it would have to be DIFFERENT. But it’s not. That’s based on fundamental physics….” B. Brook (a)

“…you simply cannot distinguish background radiation from radiation produced by NPP. Why? Because there is no difference – radiation is radiation is radiation (alpha, beta, gamma, x-rays, neutrons).” B. Brook (a)

“There is also consensus that radiation levels up to five (or even more) times the average background rate are harmless & may even be beneficial.” B. Brook (b)

Unfortunately, there are problems with the above points, despite Prof Brook’s reading on this (c).

(1) Prof Brook effectively acknowledges above that ill-effects are more likely if NPP radiation was different in some way from background values, but then continues to deny any such difference, even though he is obviously aware of the presence of NPP fission products (d) & that they are only obtainable from NPP’s & atmospheric bomb testing. By discussing just radiation only, Prof Brook is not allowing for the effects of multiple fission products from NPP releases & artificially enhanced isotopes from nuclear processing plants, that are very capable of entering our bodies & carrying their radioactivity right into our cells. It has been known for a long time that internal radiation is more damaging, with alpha particles having an obviously greater ill-effect (20x) than beta & gamma radiation for a given intensity. Therefore it is the uniquely different NPP released radionuclides acting as carriers of radioactivity via the food-chain that have a biochemical affinity for specific internal organs. Therefore Prof Brook’s claim, “there is no unique ’signature’ to the radiation from NPP” cannot be considered accurate. Swedish technicians were able to identify specific elements with high melting points from the Chernobyl fallout, clearly acting as a signature from a NPP with a serious meltdown. Other identifiable radionuclides can be found in less serious NPP releases. Given enough time, even subsequent decay products will also appear from the initial internal particulates possibly worsening the damage. Genuine background radiation does not normally contain any fission products, so does not target certain vital areas of the body. In the Chernobyl accident however, there are now many areas that are polluted with fission product fallout, so are now part of their background radiation profile. The effects of radon appear to be the worst offender as normal background radiation carriers in areas not being serviced by nuclear power plants.
(2) Prof Brook criticises Prof Lowe unnecessarily above for not providing more detail in a general comment (e), yet himself avoids detail in his own ‘consensus’ claim for safe levels of background radiation. We would like to know how many experts comprise his hormesis consensus? As mentioned earlier (f,) BEIR VII accepts the LNT model without any hormesis, basing it on a much larger consensus. Even back in 1954, Linus Pauling, felt there were about 1 ½ million US babies born annually with genetic birth defects attributable to background radiation, so how can 5x background radiation levels be harmless? An earlier discussion against the hormesis argument has been made on BNC (f, g). Any possible hormesis effect will unlikely apply in people with internal radiation from different elemental NPP fission product releases, but will more likely be seen with clinically controlled X-ray treatment over a narrow dose range.
(3) In any case, the ICRP themselves agreed back in 1953 at Copenhagen, that “no radiation level higher than the natural background can be regarded as absolutely safe”. So all attempts by the nuclear industry to convince the public otherwise will not be believable, especially in view of studies adequately showing ill-effects from just background radiation (h).

(b) ‘Yes’ case for nuclear Power (Why vs Why p29)
(d) ‘Yes’ case for Nuclear Power (Why vs Why p21) Prof Brook
(e) ‘No” case for nuclear power (Why vs Why p57) rebuttal by Prof Brook

“The United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) says the additional radiation exposure of living in the vicinity of nuclear plants is no more than 1/10,000 of normal background radiation most people live with day-to-day.” B. Brook (i)

“Natural radiation is due to everything from cosmic rays, to radon gas emissions from the ground, to eating a single banana.” B. Brook (i)

(“A banana gives you more radiation than a year’s worth of living near a nuclear power plant.”)

“By comparison, living near a coal-fired power station would give you 10 – 300 times more radiation exposure from fly ash….. “ B. Brook (i)

1) There is no cast-iron certainty that ‘routine’ NPP radioactive emissions are collectively as low as Prof Brook claims, for 24hrs of every day, since NRC sources alone adequately confirm gas releases can be as high as several hundred to 1,000 curies a month, even if we allow some improvements being made in recent years to the same old plants in the US. Any liquid releases are additional. Since gas releases are not readily visible like well known chimney smoke, then fraud & understating of figures can easily be done. There are already many examples of nuclear industry staff falsifying records, destroying public trust or failing to act in the public interest to the point where the residents have had enough (j). Any assurances from the NRC or EPA are hollow in view of such fraud examples. Any transient plant emissions implied from studies (k) indicate they are not really ‘benign’ in their population ill-effects.
2) Averaged idealised NPP population doses of 0.0002 mSv (0.02 mrem) are definitely NOT an accurate representation of concentrated gaseous plumes that are weather dependant & cover specific areas only, without subjecting everyone to such conveniently equally low doses. This was well demonstrated at the TMI accident in 1979 but deliberately obscured by the industry.
3) The only way the misleading ‘banana’ comparison can be valid, is when the nuclear plant isn’t releasing any radioactive gas or liquids, so that the shielded reactor is more ‘benign’. Furthermore, normal bananas do NOT have any fission products in them to target specific organs for internal radiation of say the bone marrow or the thyroid gland. Just eating a normally grown banana will not enable any (very low) radioactivity to reach these internal organs.
4) In any case, the German KiKK reactor safety study results have been accepted by their government. Other studies supporting likely ill-health effects at other reactors are available (k).
5) A similar point applies with the misleading coal fly-ash comparison. Not only does fly ash have NO (potentially more dangerous) radioactive fission products in it, but a ‘safe’ nuclear power plant is being used for comparison with the fly-ash that isn’t releasing any obvious gaseous or liquid radioactive discharges. When the nuke plant commences releasing a routine or unplanned amount of radiation, then it will be much higher than fly-ash radioactivity.

(i) ‘Yes’ case for nuclear power (Why vs Why p29) Prof Brook


Geoff Russell, on September 20th, 2009 at 8.32

“I haven’t read enough to make a decision, but if this cancer effect is real, then it’s no big deal but it should inform the placement of the plants. Just like we shouldn’t have lead smelters and children in close proximity, or have lead in petrol … etc. etc. G. Russell (a)

At first glance, Geoff’s approach seems logical. But with a closer look, it may not work. Even though routine plant emissions were not under consideration in the early 1950’s, accidental releases were. In 1953, Dr Edward Teller told the US Congressional Joint Committee on Atomic Energy:

“The “public hazard” arising from reactor accidents is due to the fact that nuclear plants contain radioactive poisons. In a nuclear accident, these poisons may be liberated into the atmosphere or into the water supply. In fact, the radioactive poisons produced in a powerful nuclear reactor will retain a dangerous concentration even after they have been carried downwind to a distance of 10 miles. Some danger might possibly persist to distances as great as 100 miles…The various committees dealing with reactor safety have come to the conclusion that none of the powerful reactors built or suggested up to the present time are absolutely safe. Though the possibility of an accident seems small, a radioactive release in a city or densely populated area would lead to disastrous results.”

“Dr Teller also mentioned past A.E.C. practices of requiring substantial “exclusion distances” around the experimental reactors it was building from which the public would be banned. The larger the reactor, the greater the required separation from the public. The Joint Committee did not pause to consider whether such practice should be required for the commercial reactor program it was considering. Nor did Dr Teller urge the congressmen to do so. To the contrary, he advised them that “rigid enforcement of such exclusion distances might hamper future development of reactors to a reasonable extent.” He also offered the general observation that “no legislation will be able to stop future accidents & avoid completely, occasional loss of life. It is my opinion that the unavoidable danger which will remain after all reasonable controls have been employed must not stand in the way of rapid development of nuclear power.” (b)

We know today, that Dr Teller’s warning about radiation releases were spot on – radioactive plumes DO indeed tend to remain concentrated for a surprisingly long distances. Perhaps he had some direct experience with now-known deliberate releases during the WWII bomb program. Yet despite this obvious danger factor, Dr Teller still advocated an unbelievable continuation of civil nuclear power program regardless of any likely casualties while utility providers were more concerned about economics.

“In reactor siting, for example, the companies pressed for permission to build nuclear plants close to the urban centres that would be consuming the power, rather than pay the cost of transmitting from more remote sites. This greatly increased the risk of exposing a large number of people to accidental nuclear radiation injuries. Abandoning their earlier siting practices, the A.E.C. were willing to accommodate the industry’s demand.” (b)

In 1969, Dr Teller made another simple prediction that was later tragically fulfilled at Chernobyl, effectively acknowledging how dangerous the technology was.

“So far we have been extremely lucky…..But with the spread of industrialisation, with the greater number of simians monkeying around with things they do not completely understand, sooner or later a fool will prove greater than the proof even in a foolproof system.” (c)

Additionally, it appears Australian safety issues wouldn’t be handled any better than other countries if nuclear power were introduced there. Several State Governments in Australia have already shown very inadequate performance in safeguarding the public’s health, with simpler issues (d, e, f). Furthermore, nuclear reactors require large amounts of cooling water which are more readily available near the coastline, which will mean closer proximity to varying population densities. Yet, if rising ocean levels do occur, then NPP’s shouldn’t be near the coastline. So Geoff’s initial logically sounding suggestion may not be possible. The Chernobyl disaster has adequately shown how even areas remote from the plant were subjected to considerable fallout.

“While gravity brought down a fine sprinkling of these radioactive particles over a broad territory, rainfall washed them out of the plume onto some places in much greater concentrations. The most contaminated patch of land recorded to date lies not inside the exclusion zone, but beyond it along the westward path taken by the plume in its early days. Last year (1990) scientists tested soil samples from this farmland between the evacuated village of Volodymyrivka and the still inhabited town of Poliske in northern Ukraine. They found radioactivity of 2667 curies (100 million million becquerels) per square kilometre. This level of radioactivity is more than 170 times the level that Soviet authorities regard as tolerable. They estimate that people exposed to radioactivity of 15 curies per square kilometre will absorb a tolerable lifetime dose of radiation of 350 millisieverts. Since 1987, Britain’s National Radiological Protection Board has recommended a maximum dose of 0.5 millisieverts a year for members of the public.” (g)

Let’s learn from the Chernobyl experience & NOT pursue this insane technology. How many of you would like to be confronted with having to be permanently evacuated from your home along with your neighbours, with likely health failures as well? We do not have to conned into accepting Alvin Weinberg’s ‘Faustian’ bargain’ at all just because nuclear physicists cannot improve their technology.

(b) ‘The Cult of the Atom’ by D. Ford 1982 Part 1
(c) ‘Poisoned Power’ by John Gofman 1979 Chap 6
(g) May need to subscribe to view this.



In regard of Chernobyl, it would seem incumbent on you to refute the statistical objections that have been raised to the methodology used by Greenpeace in its well-known study of the matter.

You will recall that Greenpeace says in that study that the figure of ca. 50 deaths from Chernobyl as stated by IAEA and WHO in (I believe) a prior report in 2000, notwithstanding WHO’s founding charter obligation to assist IAEA , is greatly understated. It is this figure of ca 50, however, which is widely believed and stated on this blog.

Late last year, NY Academy of Sciences published a book containing translations of Russian-language studies of Chernobyl. The line currently taken on her podcast by Dr Caldicott is that this shows how Western studies ie those not in Russian, greatly understated the effects of the explosion.

I look forward to you showing me how the NY book refutes the objections to the Greenpeace study and/or if it reaches identical conclusions to that study. Please also address pro-nuclear statements made recently by the radiation biologist writing a few weeks ago in New Scientist, which promptly drew Caldicott’s ire: as I recall, she said on her podcast that he was in some way beholden to the nuclear industry (my paraphrase)

I make these requests because I am getting tired of the Chernobyl controversy being wheeled out as settled fact by both sides to this debate. It is just treading water or running on the spot.


‘Let’s learn from the Chernobyl experience & NOT pursue this insane technology. How many of you would like to be confronted with having to be permanently evacuated from your home along with your neighbours, with likely health failures as well?’

(Sorry I still haven’t figured out how you do the quotations).

From this same logic, I could justify the following statement:

‘Let’s learn from the Hindenburg disaster, and not peruse this insane technology of jet aviation’.

Chernobyl was a military facility with virtually no safety features, built and operated in a backward despotic state. It can not be compared to a modern commercial plant, with multiple back-up systems, modern design, skilled operators, and most importantly of all, a containment dome.

Lets learn from Three Mile Island in that under worst case scenarios in the west, Nuclear Power is expected to kill no one, and damage no property.

Oh and Machiavelli, should we perhaps learn from the Banqiao Dam that we should persue this insane technology of Hydro-Electric Energy?

‘….just because nuclear physicists cannot improve their technology.’

Now this I take serious issue with. I was once against Nuclear Power as I was terrified that disasters would happen. I tried reading various people’s highly biased, and often highly emotional takes on this issue online (Nuke pros and antis), but it was only when I picked up a Nuclear Engineering textbook and started reading that I got anywhere near the truth.

I strongly suggest you read about Modern plants such as the EPR and AP1000. Come back and tell me if ‘Nuclear Physicists cannot improve their technology’.


Nuclear Plant Radiation Releases

Confirmation of a deliberately designed capacity to allow gaseous radioactive emission releases from nuclear plants can be readily seen in the simplified schematic diagram included in the TMI Accident, Kemeny Report (a). On the left side, in the auxiliary building, can be seen accessory equipment to enable releases via a ‘vent stack’ to be made of the radioactive gases accumulated in the primary cooling water circuit. Due to the high temperature conditions in the core, the approximately 40,000 fuel rods develop small leaks in their fuel cladding allowing some fission product gases into the water even under normal running conditions. A small part of the 10bn curie core inventory, is still a great deal more than the weak radiation from a banana. Dr Ian Fairly had suggested another possible way nuclear plants can release extra emissions during refuelling operations (b).

Under the far more serious meltdown failure, much more radioactivity will be released into the cooling water. At one early stage during the 1979 accident, a small water sample was obtained & found to have an activity of about 1,000 rads. Also at one point, the internal containment monitors recorded about 4,000 rads, while about 200 rads were found near the top of the vent stack by NRC staff. These figures are adequate to support Admiral Rickover’s later claim (along with other whistleblowers) of there being a much more serious emission release.

“In 1969, limits on the amounts of radiation that could be routinely emitted from a power plant were established by the AEC with guidance from the (then) Federal Radiation Council. The FRC, in establishing allowable exposure guidelines, had concluded that the average person should receive a radiation dose of no more than 5 rem in 30 years – excluding background, medical & dental x-rays. This made the yearly average allowable exposure 170 mrem. To ensure this average dose would not be exceeded, the highest dose allowed any individual would be 500 mrem per year. Gofman & Tamplin questioned those specific standards, that had been adopted by the AEC in their October 1969 statement. According to their findings, “if the yearly average exposure of the US population were to reach the allowable 170 mrems, there would in time, be an excess of about 32,000 cases of fatal cancer plus leukaemia every year.” (c)

“Gofman & Tamplin had concluded the safety standards were too high & should be reduced by at least a factor of 10. They also found in their own studies that absorption of 1 rem cumulative dose would cause a 2% increase in cancer in young adults (21-30 yrs). Thus if persons 30 years old had accumulated 170 mrem, exposure per year, the resultant would be 5 rem x 2% increase per rem, giving a 10% increase in expected cancer plus leukaemia cases. Radiation would thus cause about 32,000 extra deaths per year if the population received the allowable 170 mrem each year. Gofman & Tamplin’s conclusion was not that nuclear plants were killing 32,000 people a year, but (1) that the effects of low-level radiation had been seriously been underestimated; & (2) that if plants could be run at lower levels, they ought to be required to do so, particularly if the nuclear power was expanding.” (c)

In 1972, the BEIR committee, responding to the criticism of Drs Gofman & Tamplin over existing AEC radiation standards, & concluded:

“that exposure of the population to the 170 mrem limit could cause roughly 3,000 to 15,000 cancer deaths annually, with the most likely figure being 6,000. The BEIR Committee agreed that the hazards of radiation had in fact been seriously underestimated previously, & that the exposure standard of 170 mrem was “unnecessarily high”. (c)

Presumably, 170 mrem was in addition to the normal background radiation. So why are some nuclear advocates still claiming that 5x background levels would be harmless?

“Drs Gofman & Tamplin also estimated that each year in the US, natural radiation levels would cause about 19,000 cancer & leukaemia deaths & many thousands more deaths resulting from genetic defects which can cause problems like heart disease & diabetes.” (c)

“In 1998, the BEIR VI Committee of the National Research Council estimated that between 10% and 14% of lung cancer deaths in the US could be attributed to radon.” (d)

“According to the EPA, (just) Carbon 14 releases by the year 2000, will eventually cause 12,000 “health effects”. (c)

“As part of its early proposal, the AEC announced its intention to keep emissions “as low as practicable” (ALAP). By June 1971, the AEC had essentially proposed a hundredfold reduction in routine emission standards, corresponding to an individual dose 5 mrem per person per year at the power plant boundary. But the ALAP standard created another controversy, since by definition, “as low as practicable” implies that the role of the AEC was to determine the lowest level of emissions that could be attained without causing excessive economic penalties for the power producers, rather than the ‘safest’ level for the public.” (c)

“the EPA issued a draft environmental impact statement in May 1975 in which the agency proposed to limit “the annual dose equivalent to the whole body or any organ (except the thyroid) to 25 mrems.” Emissions from plants in the entire nuclear fuel cycle were not to cause those dose limits, for any individual to be exceeded.” (c)

“But the EPA’s proposed limits were flawed by some major loopholes. First, in limiting whole-body exposures to 25 mrems, the EPA stated that the limit would apply only to “planned releases.” A variance from the regulations could be issued to permit temporary operation during “unusual” conditions so as to ensue “orderly delivery of electrical power.” No guidelines were offered however as to how releases would be classified as “planned” or “abnormal”. Any discharge which proved to be uncomfortably large could be justified by a plant operator as “accidental” or “unplanned.” Thus an effective licence is given to the nuclear industry to release any effluent it cannot otherwise economically or effectively control.” (c)

(a) p 86 – 87
(b) see section (i) & fig 3
(c) ‘The Atomic Menace’ by Ralph Nader & Nuclear engineer, John Abbott.


Tom Williams, on 1 September 2010 at 22.41 Said:

From this same logic, I could justify the following statement:
‘Let’s learn from the Hindenburg disaster, and not peruse this insane technology of jet aviation’. T.W.

No, I don’t think you could justify that comparison, even though Prof Brook has already used it. Unfortunately, it isn’t really valid when you think about it. The Germans were using a hydrogen-filled Hindenburg largely because they were forced to by the pre-war US embargo on Helium exports. So what happened after the tragic accident……the Germans ceased using that gas, forcing them to stop making dirigibles at that time. Whereas the conventional aeroplane manufactures all around the world weren’t affected so they continued production because the use of hydrogen gas wasn’t required in their industry (either then or now) in the large amounts being used in the Hindenburg.

The use of that inappropriate comparison is just another attempt to play down the real dangers of nuclear power. Looked at another way, the Hindenburg completely ‘failed’, as a result of the gas it was using on board for lift being somehow ignited. It is hard to imagine how the Hindenburg could have been more seriously destroyed when it was using only what technology it was carrying. Fortunately, there were still many survivors.
Now when a nuclear power plant completely ‘fails’, as tragically illustrated at Chernobyl (a), then the damage & casualties are far greater than the Hindenburg accident. Therefore, even though the Hindenburg had a much lower ‘uninhibited potential damage risk’, the design was still discontinued probably because they already had an adequate aircraft industry. Whereas even after several near-misses & the worst accident at Chernobyl, some nuclear supporters want to CONTINUE building MORE nuclear plants that contain even GREATER amounts of radiation inventory (f), while refusing to see anything wrong with their reasoning, & still use the flawed argument that there is ‘no other way’ other than going nuclear.
To many people, this is an insane approach, especially so when the lesser known nuclear engineering flaws are noted, which are NOT included in many text books. To make matters worse, they want to start building hundreds of Fast Breeder reactors that each require even greater attention to engineering rigor to extreme operating conditions while using several tons of plutonium. The operating temperatures are closer to the plutonium melting point – humans are not that good at quality control. Have a look at the failed THORP project in the UK.

“Let’s learn from Three Mile Island in that under worst case scenarios in the west, Nuclear Power is expected to kill no one, and damage no property.” T.W.

This statement reveals an extraordinary lack of research. The 1964 AEC WASH-740 extracts below clearly show your “expected to kill no one, and damage no property” line cannot be correct. How can you justify that claim? Chernobyl has demonstrated ‘worst case conditions’ where there has been a shocking ill-health & death toll along with large areas rendered unsuitable for food crops (b) not to mention the huge financial losses.

“Last year scientists tested soil samples from this farmland between the evacuated village of Volodymyrivka and the still inhabited town of Poliske in northern Ukraine. They found radioactivity of 2667 curies per square kilometre. This level of radioactivity is more than 170 times the level that Soviet authorities regard as tolerable.” New Scientist 1991

The industry has already demonstrated during the last 45 years that it cannot adequately prevent serious accidents. The AEC has commissioned their own studies, confirming the significant dangers. Admiral Rickover & President Carter both knew the TMI accident was much more serious than officially acknowledged. Even the French & Japanese had significant problems with their breeder reactors. Man-made machinery will always break down in a variety of ways, so we need much safer technology that doesn’t kill, injure or impair one’s health when it does malfunction in a totally unacceptable way that ‘Chernobyl # 4’ did. The nuclear industry cannot provide any safer technology, as defined by the public. Even the Kemeny Commission acknowledged that serious accidents cannot be stopped, even if their recommendations were implemented (b). The AEC deliberately with-held publication of their own WASH-740 update (1964) having accident casualty figures greater than their earlier assessments, so as not to interfere with the ill-fated Fermi fast-breeder being constructed then & LW reactor expansion.

If the insurance industry isn’t convinced by the nuclear assurances of ‘a remote chance of an accident’, then why should the public accept it?

WASH-740 1964 AEC – Brookhaven Update Extract
Theoretical Possibilities & Consequences of Major Accidents in Large Nuclear Power Plants
“It must be clearly recognised, however, that major releases of fission products from a nuclear power reactor could conceivably occur & that a serious threat to the health & safety of people over large areas could ensure”.
“The results of the study suggest that the Price-Anderson liability level should not be reduced. Rather an increase by a factor of 40 is suggested by the calculations (US$280bn).”
“Anticipated deaths from a single nuclear plant accident were increased by the US government to 45,000, & injuries up to 100,000 with property damage ranging from $17bn to $280bn.”

The nuclear industry has already spent huge amounts of money trying to make a viable fission-powered automobile, aircraft, surface ships, submarines, a rocket engine along with other expensive nuclear programs about x-ray lasers, fast breeder reactors & fusion reactors. Very poor value for money has been achieved for the low success rate. It still doesn’t dawn on some people that nuclear engineering has been the greatest modern-day technological failure in relation to the money spent & the shocking risk-benefit ratio.

(b) (see Overview)

“Chernobyl was a military facility with virtually no safety features, built and operated in a backward despotic state. It cannot be compared to a modern commercial plant, with multiple back-up systems, modern design, skilled operators, and most importantly of all, a containment dome.” T.W.

The Chernobyl complex was primarily for civilian power generation, just using their favourite carbon-pile design having descended from the military program. All your managing here is to support the proliferation argument that B. Brook doesn’t agree with. The safety systems, as they were then, were effectively rendered inoperable in order for their special tests to be done. Yes, no doubt modern designs do have greater safety features included – but there is still a problem. One engineering authority has pointed out that added complexity could even partially cancel out any added benefits (c), because there is still the fundamental reactor core that can readily melt down because there isn’t a convenient instantaneous ‘switch’ or ‘circuit breaker’ to turn off the nuclear fission process promptly or the ‘decay heat’. Huge amounts of radioactivity can be released from a melting core. The containment sealing integrity can be easily compromised by various doors or hatches being left open or blown open by a hydrogen explosion.
(May need to subscribe to view it)

“should we perhaps learn from the Banqiao Dam that we should pursue this insane technology of Hydro-Electric Energy?” T.W.

Care to show me where I have supported hydro-electric generation?

“I tried reading various people’s highly biased, and often highly emotional takes on this issue online (Nuke pros and antis), but it was only when I picked up a Nuclear Engineering textbook and started reading that I got anywhere near the truth.” T.W.

Unfortunately, you have been mislead, as many nuclear textbooks do not generally cover radiation issues or reactor disadvantages, but concentrate on educating the new engineer with the required practical maths & physics. I have included several references from US govt sources confirming the dangers of nuclear power. You can’t get much more authoritive than that. The Kemeny Commission Overview is also a must read (b). This is a ‘life or death’ issue – engineering texts are not enough.

“I strongly suggest you read about Modern plants such as the EPR and AP1000. Come back and tell me if ‘Nuclear Physicists cannot improve their technology’.” T.W.

Apparently, we do not have the same interpretation of ‘nuclear technology improvement’. Even though I have mentioned this point more than once before – the nuclear industry has had about 60 years to develop their reactors, having the advantage of modern materials science, huge government provided research facilities & finance with large numbers of scientists & engineers being trained over this period. What has it achieved? I accept there has been some improvement, but it is nowhere enough. Yucca mountain repository has been cancelled. Even with all the human creativity available, all reactors are still potentially very dangerous for a variety of reasons (c). They cannot make them truly safe as defined by the public, so they employ public relations firms (like big tobacco) to use psychological methods to convince them that all their defects are nothing to worry about. Many US industry insiders have taken action to try & bring the engineering faults to the attention of their government. In the Union of Concerned Scientists, there are many MIT & industry staff as members. If all these experts from that industry consider nuclear power unsafe, then the public is entitled to be treated a bit better than be accused of suffering from irrational ‘radiationphobia’.

I am aware of the EPR & AP1000 reactor designs. Apparently you are not aware of some of their identified faults (d -f). Another less well known fault is that the plutonium build-up in conventional reactors can pose a criticality risk under the right meltdown conditions, for a ‘low-order’ nuclear explosion (c). Would you really want to live near one of these reactors?

Wash-740 Update (suppressed AEC- Brookhaven 1964 report)
“In any machinery as complex as a reactor facility, it is inevitable that structural failures, instrument malfunctions, operators’ errors & other mishaps will occur, despite the most careful design & rigid schedules of maintenance. Such has been the experience with reactor installations.”
“The emergency Core Cooling System cannot be made foolproof.”

NRC ‘Special Inquiry Group’ on TMI Accident
“The generation of nuclear power can never be risk-free. It will inevitably present certain risks to public health & safety no matter how “safe” plants are made.”

If the US government agencies conceded safety issues in non-published reports, then why should we accept nuclear power? It is NOT the last choice.



Wow! Some scary sounding articles in the Independent and Guardian you found there. I’m convinced. Hand me a sign up sheet for the anti nuclear brigade, please, Machiavelli.


Below is a passage from Machiavelli’s Independent link:

“Data in one report, produced by EDF, suggests that they would produce four times as much radioactive bromine, rubidium, iodine and caesium as a present-day reactor. Information in another – by Posiva Oy, a nuclear waste company owned by two Finnish reactor builders – indicates that seven times as much iodine 129 is produced. And material in a third, by the Swiss National Co-operative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste, implies that they will give rise to 11 times as much caesium 135 and 137.

This happens because the reactors are designed to burn their nuclear fuel almost twice as thoroughly as normal ones. Independent nuclear consultant, John Large, says that this “changes the physical characteristics of the fuel” and increases the immediate danger if the radiation should escape. After comparing the consequences of an accident at the new EPR being built at Flamanville, Normandy with one at an existing reactor nearby, he found that, in the worst case, it would increase the number of deaths from 16,000 to over 28,000.

Areva, the French firm that designs the reactor, says that the total radioactivity of the waste is only slightly increased, but Mr Large points out that it is the very much greater part that can easily escape that is of most concern. Areva adds that the reactors are specially designed to stop radioactivity escaping, but Mr Large argues no system can be foolproof. And in an accident during the transport of waste such protection would be irrelevant.

EDF said: “We are confident that new plants can be built and run safely.”

what are the safeguards against this radiation release? what is the probabilistic risk assessment? how are we to evaluate this “possibility” of 28000 deaths? how many deaths are possible from using natural gas?

how are we to evaluate these worst case accident scenarios rationally?

Machiavelli, what would your worst case philosophy produce in total deaths if you evaluated other energy forms from this vantage point? are you not engaging in whopping if tacit double standards?

also: these deaths mentioned from release of fission products. how are they calculated? extrapolations from collective dose?

What, M, is your alternative to nuclear power, one that can withstand the criticism of renewables made here?


Poor Occupational Safety in the Nuclear Industry

Here is one of the worst examples of industrial radiation injury occurring to an employee (there are others). There are several points of interest in this tragic story, where each of the three sources has added some new details. Even though this 1973 example is from Sellafield, it still illustrates the unfortunate inability of humans to adequately foresee possible serious nuclear accidents, deal appropriately with them once they have occurred & honour any obvious liability after the event. Some employers still use any means to evade responsibility for their failings in providing a genuine ‘duty of care’ to their employees. The nuclear industry makes huge demands on many modern scientific, engineering, medical, human health & social knowledge bases. This example, along with others, still shows they have hopelessly failed to achieve any of their early engineering ‘vision’ statements & provide safe employment for trusting workers, while deserting them whenever possible. Needles to say, the public have been poorly protected as well.

The 1957 accident may have been the most serious that ever occurred at Windscale, but it certainly was not the last. Despite persistent claims by BNFL that their safety record is good, it has had one of the longest lists of incidents of any nuclear establishment in the world. At the 1977 Windscale inquiry, BNFL were asked for a detailed list of incidents. They submitted one with 177 cases occurring between 1950 & 1976. These included numerous spillages of plutonium & other radioactive materials, several fires & contamination of many individual workers. Between 1952 & 1981, official accounts show there were more than 100 incidents involving plutonium.
James Cutler & Rob Edwards 1988

The first attempt to reprocess oxide fuel involved the use of a Head End plant built on to the old military reprocessing plant at Sellafield & completed in 1969. The spent oxide fuel was chopped up into pieces & dissolved in boiling nitric acid before passing on for chemical separation in the new Magnox reprocessing plant.
The Head End plant operated for only 4 yrs, reprocessing only about 90 tonnes of spent oxide fuel. In Sept 1973 it had to be shut down when there was what was described as a small release of radioactivity into the operating area of the plant, contaminating 35 workers. As a result BNFL was left with about 350 tonnes of overseas fuel on site that it was contractually committed to reprocess. For several years, the company talked of refurbishing the Head End plant & reprocessing the remaining fuel, but finally the plant had to be written off. This leftover business from the Head End plant will cost BNFL a great deal of money, depending on how well THORP operates.
H. Bolter 1996

In September 1973 an unexpected chemical reaction in the Head End Plant led to a leakage of radioactivity which slightly contaminated thirty-five employees; the plant was shut down and eventually abandoned. The accident was caused by tiny granules of fission products, insoluble even in nitric acid and intensely radioactive, accumulating in a process vessel. The handling of these granules is one of several technical problems which arise in the reprocessing of high burn-up oxide fuel. The fierce radiation from fission products tends to tear apart the molecules of solvent, especially in the first stage of chemical separation; and the replacement and maintenance of key components, like the shear for chopping up the fuel, which operate in parts of the plant filled with searing radiation, continues to raise questions about the cost and feasibility of reprocessing oxide fuel. Several attempts to reprocess oxide fuel have proved unsuccessful. Walter Patterson 1983

On 26 Sept 1973, workers in Windscale’s Head End reprocessing plant noticed an acrid smell. Alarms began sounding & radiation monitors moved off-scale. A senior health physicist ran through the multi-story building shouting to everyone to leave. Most did, but two painters & two electricians were still found inside. The plant was closed down, never to reopen. Overheating of a process vessel due to radioactive deposits had caused a steam explosion with the resulting radioactive cloud being blown back into the building. The 35 workers were later found to have skin & lung contamination mainly from ruthenium 106. Levels of contamination inside the building were found up to 100 times the permitted maximum. But the Official Inquiry Report stated that no radiation above background levels were detected outside the plant boundary.
Stanley Higgins was on duty on 23 Sept 1973 when the ruthenium 106 release occurred. After assisting with the plant evacuation, he returned inside to try & determine the cause of the leak. From the account he left, he sniffed at the leaking ruthenium gas in an effort to pinpoint its source. It was later determined he had inhaled a massive dose of ruthenium 106. It contaminated his nasal passages, his throat & the upper lobes of his lungs. A swab from his nose gave about 100,000 counts per second, compared with the maximum permissible 5 cps or 20,000 times over the limit. Even then, the radiation was so intense that in order for the instruments to cope, they had to be held 12 inches away from the swab. Contamination on the outside of his body was giving about 2 rems per hour, or about 3,500 times the maximum whole-body annual dose for workers of 5 rems. After much ineffectual body scrubbing, the horrible truth dawned on the Windscale medical staff. What they first thought were persistent patches of external contamination on his chest & back were really radiation fields radiating out from inside his lungs. It was estimated that about 40 microcuries of ruthenium 106 (with smaller quantities of other isotopes) had become trapped in his upper lungs & lymph glands. This was estimated to give him a massive dose of about 800 rems over the following 12 mths. This was more than 50x the maximum permissible dose of 15 rems.
From a fit & well built rugby player, his health deteriorated dramatically over the remaining 5 years. His thyroid was later found to have atrophied, causing blood circulation problems. He died of a heart attack playing golf on a course near Sellafield, at 50 yrs of age. Near the end of his life, his wife developed breast cancer, possibly due to Stanley’s radiation.
The official inquiry into the accident accepted the company’s estimate of Stanley’s radiation dose would only result in a 1 or 2% increase of a cancer risk. Even in 1987, BNFL were still denying any responsibility. Even though BNFL has belatedly conceded a connection between radiation & cancer, they have only once admitted legal liability in one employee’s case despite all the (worker’s) contaminations & mounting toll of cancer victims at Windscale. All the other compensation cases have been settled out of court without any accompanying admission of legal liability. Although common sense suggests the substantial payments, implies guilt, the law suggests otherwise. It is this legal technicality that has enabled the nuclear industry to claim that no one has died as a result of radiation from the UK nuclear power program. J. Cutler & Rob Edwards 1988

For the industry workforce, there has been a reduction from 15 rems a year in the early 1950’s to 5 rems a year now, while BNFL voluntarily operates a stricter regime prompted by the Gardner report in 1990. Although the earlier 15 rem limit now looks far too high, it was exceeded fairly frequently in the early days of the industry, usually due to unplanned incidents rather than routine operations. Despite the best efforts of the regulators, unplanned incidents do & will occur. H. Bolter 1996

At a press conference to explain the changes, the NRPB’s new director Dr Roger Clarke, admitted there were about 2,000 British nuclear workers in 1987 occupationally exposed to more than the new limits, while thousands more had been similarly overexposed in earlier years. What he was in effect saying was that for the last 40 years, ever since the dawn of the nuclear age, the Government’s advice had been wrong. Radiation was in fact far more dangerous at lower doses than had been thought earlier. J. Cutler & Rob Edwards 1988


a) The first two accounts describe the released radiation as small, while the 3rd account gives figures of 100x permissible limits inside the building. Stanley most certainly did NOT get a small dose.

b) How were the boiling nitric acid vapours dealt with? Not just vented to the outside I hope.

c) The company clearly did not know enough about the process in failing to allow for highly radioactive insoluble fission granules to accumulate as they did. Walt Patterson confirms it is a difficult process. Isn’t this example able to show how dangerous nuclear processing is?

d) The building apparently had no emergency public address system or evacuation tone at that time. Someone had to run through the building to warn everyone. Gas masks may not have been available immediately. Similarly, in the TMI-79 accident, the authorities could not cope initially.

e) The employer then refuses to acknowledge any legal liability, even though it was an obvious work-related injury. How can Stanley’s internal dose-rate be regarded as being harmless?

f) The apparent uselessness of the official inquiry to learn the true facts of the radiation doses.

g) In hindsight, H. Bolter acknowledges that 15 rems was too high, making Stanley’s dose even worse.

h) Who would want to work in that industry once they know how dangerous it is & the employer abandons you in serious accidents using legal loopholes? Don’t think for one minute that industrial conditions have improved much since then.

Don’t have anything to do with the nuclear industry. This & other examples adequately show it isn’t suitable for humans to work in as H. Bolter agrees that accidents will always occur. Workers cannot be totally protected at all times from radiation releases. Obviously employers & official inquiries cannot be relied upon to fair & honest. Any Hormesis effect will not save the industry.
Shut the industry down, as there isn’t a truly safe dose of radiation from their processes & already other dissatisfied residents in nuclear power countries are actively opposed to nuclear power (a, b).

Even the US EPA has stated:

It should be pointed out that radiation effects, including carcinogenesis, have been reported at doses 2 to 100 times the annual background dose for both high & low LET radiation. Chromosome aberrations & other radiation effects which, if not health effects per se, are closely related, have also been reported at dose-rates slightly above background & in areas of high-level background for high & low LET radiations.

‘Most Germans Don’t Want Nuclear Power’


greg meyerson, on 14 September 2010 at 1.17 Said:

EDF said: “We are confident that new plants can be built and run safely.” G. Meyerson

Well firstly, I wouldn’t accept any statement of confidence from the nuclear industry at face value, since their track record so far is absolutely terrible. I have recently posted an example (above) of a shocking radiation release accident at Windscale in 1973. As already pointed out by another contributor last year, the author Stephanie Cooke interviewed a US industry expert on nuclear safety:

“Henry Myers, (chief scientific advisor to the US House Committee on Interior & Insular Affairs 1980, with a Ph.D. in nuclear physics) in his role of highlighting nuclear safety issues, readily found people lied about what they had done to make plants safer, let problems fester until it was too late, & used psychological forms of avoidance to convince themselves & the public, that nuclear reactors were safe. The TMI accident revealed serious deficiencies in a system that was supposed to protect the public health & safety. Prior to the accident, the utility had provided false test results of leaking coolant pipes from the same pressuriser that was being monitored & misunderstood during the early stages of the accident. There were shortcomings found in the design of the plant & the approach used by the NRC in licensing all US reactors. Utilities in a hurry to build reactors & start profiting once they were running, pressured the regulators, potentially risking safety issues.” (S. Cooke 2009)

“Myers encountered human weaknesses far beyond what he had thought likely, or what his education & experience had prepared him for. Based on the subcommittee’s investigations, Myers estimated that as many as 75% of all the reactors in operation or under construction (at least 100) had “serious problems” that should’ve required costly repairs or closure. Myers often found cracks, leaks, faulty welds, false records & human vice in his investigations.” (S. Cooke 2009)

It seems to me these unfortunate human failings are still occurring today. We really need technology that isn’t so dependent on countless people doing the right thing, because humans ‘stuff-up’ all the time.

“Many industry experts were likely to concede when pressed, that a nuclear plant had so many variables that just about anything could malfunction. In early 1976, three engineers from General Electric resigned because they were convinced nuclear power threatened humanity. A few days later an NCR staff member also resigned, being satisfied the NCR were failing in their duty to ensure reactor safety. Even skilled operators with engineering backgrounds & good training can be overwhelmed when confronted with so many panel lights, gauges, monitors & alarms when in an a stressful emergency situation especially for shift workers near the end of their shift such as at TMI.”
(S. Cooke 2009)

“One main concern early in the industry was the viability of the Emergency Core Cooling System. Experiments done in the early 1970’s didn’t justify much confidence in their expected role in an emergency. Uncertainty over such an important safety system should’ve alerted regulators, but yet they continued to license new reactors without having resolved the ECCS uncertainties. They were even discouraged from doing so, where the director of AEC’s Division of Reactor Development & Technology to even forbid ECCS researchers at Idaho to talk with regulatory officials. The same director was later forced to concede in an AEC hearing that there was little good evidence the ECCS would work as designed.” (S. Cooke 2009)

“What are the safeguards against this radiation release? What is the probabilistic risk assessment? How are we to evaluate this “possibility” of 28,000 deaths? How many deaths are possible from using natural gas? How are we to evaluate these worst case accident scenarios rationally? G. Meyerson

The short answer is to use genuine common sense & well qualified independent researchers that are not benefiting from the nuclear industry in any way or having their funding provided by them. There has already been many industry insiders who have openly voiced their concerns about nuclear accidents & safety, because they definitely know their subject well (a, b). Even the first chairman of the US, Atomic Energy Commission later said:

“Once a bright hope, shared by all mankind, including myself, the rash proliferation of atomic power plants has become one of the ugliest clouds overhanging America.” David Lilienthal

As already covered, the Emergency Core Cooling System could not be made totally reliable (c). Therefore in the LWR, there is no foolproof safeguard against meltdown & the resulting radiation releases. The TMI accident showed how the containment building wasn’t truly hermetically sealed (d). In 1957, the WASH-740 study was released by the AEC frightening the insurance industry. A later update was even worse & was with-held from the public (c). Work soon commence on a more industry-friendly study, later known as the Rasmussen report, after the nuclear engineering professor that conducted it. There were so many objections to that report, that the NRC publicly repudiated it in early 1979. Any major gas explosion & fire cannot possibly cause the radiation contamination of the countryside & related injuries (e). Chenobyl radiation fallout has been confirmed in areas widely covering the northern hemisphere.

“After the Rasmussen report was issued (1974), an aerospace engineer, William Bryan, pointed out in a congressional hearing that the study was an exercise in futility, because it had used analytical methods that had been completely discarded by the aerospace industry as unreliable. Ralph Nader described it in part as “fiction.” Then an independent group of scientists headed by Dr H. Kendall at MIT, prepared a review of Rasmussen’s report. Based on the methodology used by Rasmussen, Kendall’s analysis indicated that a major nuclear plant accident could kill or injure at least 120,000 people, & Rasmussen was NOT using a breeder reactor for his analysis. Several other significant factors were being also ignored, allowing Rasmussen to arrive at a risk factor of about one in a million for the chance of 1,000 people to be killed by a reactor accident.” (J. Gofman & A. Tamplin 1979)

“Machiavelli, what would your worst case philosophy produce in total deaths if you evaluated other energy forms from this vantage point? Are you not engaging in whopping if tacit double standards?” G. Meyerson

I wouldn’t have thought so. Apparently you have not read my previous entries, where I make it clear enough that I do not support any coal fired plants. Even better if we can manage without hydro-power. Gas fired power is for short-term use only.

“These deaths mentioned from release of fission products. How are they calculated? Extrapolations from collective dose?” G. Meyerson

I think they are derived from known population dose relationships observed over many decades, being in turn formulated from WWII atomic bomb data & lengthy medical x-ray statistics covering decades. Chernobyl data also now being considered. Important assumptions have to be made for a nuclear plant accident risk assessment; reactor size, prevailing weather, population density, etc.

Here is one radiation dose relationship used by a former AEC staff member, also a medical doctor:

“Our best estimate is that there will be one death for every 300 man-rems received by a population whose average age at exposure is about 25 years.” (Dr John Goffman 1979)

Keep in mind however, there will be disagreement over his low value by other experts. Some authorities use the figure of one death per 5,000 person-rems.

“What, M, is your alternative to nuclear power, one that can withstand the criticism of renewables made here?” G. Meyerson

I have also covered this point elsewhere (f). I am very confident of new ideas for genuine centralised baseload power appearing soon. Even though there is no demonstration model yet, it is considered better to announce it before billions of dollars are utterly wasted on the highly defective nuclear solution. I would still expect well designed solar power stations to be very useful in a country that has so much land in sunshine.
(See the WASH-740 Update extract)


Poor Occupational Safety in the Nuclear Industry II

‘Rigged’ Studies

The first official study of the long-term health implications of low-level radiation for British nuclear workers was not published until December 1976 in the lead-up to the 1977 Windscale inquiry. Carried out by the Government’s radiation watchdog, NRPB, it only examined the incidence of leukaemias, lymphatic & bone cancers in Windscale workers between 1950 & 1974. This ‘interim report’ concluded, ….‘(it) shows that the number of cancer deaths in the working Windscale population is not significantly different from that expected.’
However, at the inquiry, two charges were levelled against the NRPB report. Firstly, its own figures showed that bone-marrow cancer was 4 x greater than expected. This cancer is considered to be the most readily induced & explainable by radiation. Secondly, the report had consciously left out of its calculations all the workers that had either left, retired or were too ill to continue. The study was therefore obviously biased as it had excluded the very likely group of workers that had experienced radiation ill-effect. It appeared to be rigged in order to endure an acceptable conclusion. J. Cutler & Rob Edwards 1988

Stung by the attacks on NRPB report, BNFL decided to establish a comprehensive & continuing health survey of all its employees, including those that had left for whatever reason. The study was meant to be monitored by an independent advisor, Dr Peter Smith from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. By 1983, after 7 years of waiting he started receiving some data from BNFL. They claimed there was no greater incidence of cancer among Sellafield workers than in the general population. Dr Smith however concluded that there were unexpectedly high rates of bone-marrow cancer, leukaemia & bladder cancer in Sellafield workers, & that the risk seemed in direct proportion to the amount received. In particular, they were 65% more likely to die of bone-marrow cancer than people of the same age & sex in the general Cumbrian population. He also found 30 workers who died of ill-defined cancers, were about double the expected number.
Dr Smith’s analysis was reinforced by another study conducted at Dounreay for the UK Atomic Energy Authority in 1986 by other epidemiologists from the same London school of medicine. They found that Dounreay workers were significantly more like to die from leukaemia & thyroid cancer than average. Further evidence came from an American study of nuclear weapons workers at Rocky Flats in Colorado, published in 1987. Conducted by a group from the Los Alamos National Laboratory, they found that workers who had ingested plutonium were 5-10 x more likely to contract cancer than those who had not. There were also noticeable incidences of lymphatic, oesophagus, stomach, colon & prostate cancers among the 5,400 workers. Once plutonium has entered the bloodstream, it migrates around the body, ending up being deposited in the bones & liver. J. Cutler & Rob Edwards 1988

Industrial Injury

On 30 June, 1971, Bill Sherwin was transferred to another building & preparing for work, he inserted his hands into the gloves of a ‘glove-box’ but found instead something sharp inside one of them. An abandoned screwdriver corroded from nitric acid & coated with plutonium had cut his hand. In the works surgery, strips of flesh were removed from the wounded hand, & the area scrubbed & washed for each of 14 days, but with minimal effect. In hospital, larger sections of flesh were removed. The plutonium that had entered his blood stream formed lumps in his arm & were surgically removed. In 1974, his gall bladder ruptured. While it was being removed, his liver was found to be damaged. BNFL’s own records showed Bill had been contaminated by about 50 x the permitted level yet they still refused to accept liability & initially offered him only £400.
Even more recent stringent precautions have not prevented human error that allows plutonium ingestion. An internal inquiry of a simple incident in April 1981, showed how plutonium was deposited in an operators nose by simply wiping his face inadvertently with his gloved hand.
J. Cutler & Rob Edwards 1988

The following two links are included only for general interest & do not appear to be directly referred to in the above extracts. Keep in the mind the real possibility of further bias as also illustrated in the above account. They are looking for a very subtle statistical trend, that can be easily missed with poor techniques.

Click to access 188.full.pdf

Click to access v056p00793.pdf


for G.R.L. Cowan 1 Oct 2010

Well hello there. Are you the same G.R.L Cowan (from Canada) who posted a response to Senator Ludlum’s recent article in the Australian, defending nuclear power?

If so, I’ve been waiting for you. Repost your comments on this site in the appropriate column so we can all see them. If you have already done so, point them out to me please.


Nuclear Industry Radioactive Pollution

Let’s see how good their record is in keeping the environment free from their garbage.

“As the Ministry of Agriculture confirmed to us, Sellafield is the largest recorded source of radioactive discharge in the world making the Irish Sea the most radioactive one in the world.” – House of Commons Environment Select Committee, January 1986

Today, Britain leads the world in only one aspect of civil nuclear power – pollution. For at least 30 years it has regularly & deliberately discharged more radioactivity into the environment than any other country via its notorious 2 mile long pipeline projecting into the Irish Sea. Even at Cap Le Hague in France, plutonium discharges have supposed to have been 400 – 2,000 times less than Windscale’s. Until 1986, the small reprocessing plant in Japan had a maximum plutonium discharge limit 10,000 times stricter than Windscale’s. J. Cutler & Rob Edwards 1988

About 1 million gallons of low-level waste are released every day, containing at least 30 different fission waste products, after most of the plutonium has been extracted. High-level wastes are stored in stainless steel tanks that require constant stirring & refrigeration, even after 30 years. The tanks have to be shielded with concrete about 9 ft thick (~3m) to protect passing workers from intense (gamma) radiation. Medium-level wastes are treated, so that most of the radioactive elements precipitate out into a sludge being then stored in silos. The liquid run-off from these is mixed with other low-level wastes (contaminated water from spent fuel cooling ponds) & eventually ending up in the Irish Sea. J. Cutler & Rob Edwards 1988

All forms of marine life in the area contain plutonium & other isotopes. Caesium 137 can be measured in every type of locally caught fish. The nearby Ravenglass estuary has mud with surprisingly high plutonium contamination. Windscale’s plutonium can be easily measured in sea spray, in the air & in house dust. It has been found in vegetables, grass, in animal livers & the bodies of local residents. After the 1977 Windscale inquiry, a Harwell research team discovered that sea spray blowing inland could contain plutonium concentrations of up to 300 x higher than the original seawater. As a result of this enriching effect, the Harwell team found it was possible for Cumbrian seaside residents to receive up to 70% of the plutonium limits (in air) used for Windscale workers. Despite it being known airborne plutonium dust was present, no attempt was made to see if it entered people’s homes. A visiting US professor Edward Radford took some local house dust samples back with him & was concerned at the analysed results. He tried to get the NRPB interested in monitoring house dust, but to no avail. Dr Phillip Day also analysed house dust from seven homes in Ravenglass & Seascale, confirming they all had plutonium, americium, caesium & ruthenium. The three more tested homes in Kippford (50 miles away) were also found with the same isotopes. Autopsies performed on a dozen Cumbrians in 1986 detected plutonium in their lungs, lymph nodes, ribs, vertebrae, femurs & livers. J. Cutler & Rob Edwards 1988

Windscale pollution can be identified all the way around to the coast of Scotland. In 1971, the permissible plutonium limits were increased to 6,000 curies a year to accommodate the industry. In 1986, the limits were tightened up again. In this period, there were estimated to be about several hundred kilograms of plutonium on the sea bed. Whereas today (1988) there would be at least ¾ of a tonne. It is now suspected the plutonium particles migrate towards the shore due to currents causing some patches of silt to contain high contamination – up to 500 x background levels. In 1984, Greenpeace members dumped a bin-full of Ravenglass mud in Whitehall as a protest against Windscale’s discharges. The Institute of Terrestrial Ecology had measured plutonium levels in the mud at about 26,500 x greater than nuclear bomb fallout in English woodland soil. J. Cutler & Rob Edwards 1988

Monitoring of Ravenglass mud has not been entirely accurate. In 1978, scientists from Lancaster University did a comprehensive survey in sediments at 40 locations along the estuary. When their results were compared with the Ministry of Agriculture, Fish & Food, it seemed MAFF used measurements from the single location with the lowest readings. They had also missed another point. Plutonium 241 was not given any waste discharge restrictions because it was not an alpha emitter & therefore considered less dangerous. But this totally ignored the fact that it decayed slowly into americium 241 which is an alpha emitter. J. Cutler & Rob Edwards 1988

The scientists from MAFF were charged with monitoring & controlling Windscale’s wastes. They initially failed to realise that plutonium would not remain trapped in the ocean bed silt. They then failed to control the toxic wastes being released from Windscale. Finally, they failed to properly monitor the pollution to provide a true picture of its widespread distribution. As a result of the 1983 Yorkshire Television Windscale documentary, tighter liquid discharge restrictions were commenced in July 1986. Later in January 1988, limits were also imposed on previously uncontrolled radioactive gaseous emissions from the many on site chimneys. Unfortunately, the plutonium on the seabed will be expected to continue coming ashore for at least the next 100,000 years. J. Cutler & Rob Edwards 1988

Are these examples of the nuclear industry being environmentally friendly, & how government watchdog agencies are so ‘effective’ in protecting the public’s health?
Yet they still claim no connection with ill-health effects near the processing plant.


Peter Lalor, on 1 September 2010 at 21.39 Said:

“In regard of Chernobyl, it would seem incumbent on you to refute the statistical objections that have been raised to the methodology used by Greenpeace in its well-known study of the matter.” P. Lalor

“I look forward to you showing me how the NY book refutes the objections to the Greenpeace study and/or if it reaches identical conclusions to that study.” P. Lalor

I would’ve thought a reading of the NY Academy book yourself would’ve been the best way for you to see the counter evidence. Any brief extracts I supplied here wouldn’t carry the same weight. In the meantime however, there are several interesting on-line sources for you to pursue. I have already supplied one of them earlier (a).
Can you provide the Greenpeace study link you appear to be referring to? I am aware of many Greenpeace studies, so we need the right one.

“Please also address pro-nuclear statements made recently by the radiation biologist writing a few weeks ago in New Scientist……” P. Lalor

Can you clarify which “radiation biologist” you are referring to? I know of a British expert who has recently written in the New Scientist suggesting radiation limits should be raised, but he definitely is NOT a biologist of any kind.

“….I am getting tired of the Chernobyl controversy being wheeled out as settled fact by both sides to this debate. It is just treading water or running on the spot.” P. Lalor

The nuclear industry& the sympathetic radiation watchdogs are the only ones who are claiming that the accident casualties have been settled. ‘Both sides’ most certainly have never agreed to it being settled. I can understand how the subject can be daunting to newcomers, but if there wasn’t so much obvious evasion from groups with a clear interest in minimising the tragedy, then a clearer picture would’ve become available much earlier. Human attitudes are the main cause of the mess this planet is in.
ECRR Chernobyl: 20 Years On


Machiavelli said:

Here is one radiation dose relationship used by a former AEC staff member, also a medical doctor:

“Our best estimate is that there will be one death for every 300 man-rems received by a population whose average age at exposure is about 25 years.” (Dr John Goffman 1979)

M: first, “at exposure”? everyone is exposed to ionizing radiation all the time. does “exposure” here refer to ionizing radiation just from nuclear power plants? help me out.

second, one death per 300,000 mrems would mean that one of every three people in northeastern washington state would die from radiotoxicity? (1700 mrem/person/year) before they were 70.

did I do the math right? average resident in N.E. Wash (from Cravens) would receive 119,000 mrem in 70 years.

The facts don’t bear this out. You simply don’t find any noticeable correlation between higher low dose radiation and higher cancer incidence.

Look: the French get most of their electricity from nukes and live 4 years longer than people in U.S.

so if it’s radiation that’s killing them, whatever.


greg meyerson, on 5 October 2010 at 10.26 Said:

“The facts don’t bear this out. You simply don’t find any noticeable correlation between higher low dose radiation and higher cancer incidence.” G. Meyerson

Professionals do not form conclusions based upon incomplete understanding of the issues. There isn’t much I can do for you if you do not volunteer sources. Where is the Cravens reference – it needs to be verified.

“Look: the French get most of their electricity from nukes and live 4 years longer than people in U.S.” G. Meyerson

The above effort to interpret a correlation between reactor numbers & general population longevity is woefully inappropriate due to the many factors not being considered.


For a scientific and hopefully unbiassed assessment of radiation accidents, see Nenot, 2009 (J. Radiol.Prot.):

This also quotes heavily from a conprehensive study of Chernobyl by a WHO panel see Cardis Et Al 2006 (also in J. Radiol. Prot.):

Click to access 0952-4746_26_2_001.pdf

Both are publicly available as downloadable files. I won’t pretent to have the expertise to evaluate these but what I read is:
1. It is still too early to be certain of the health effects of Chernobyl on the wider population, even after more than 20 years.
2. There is a clear increase in Thyroid cancer especially amongst adolescents, but very few of these are fatal to date (15 at 2006 according to Cardis Et Al).
3. The number of directly-attibutable deaths is somewhere between 28-50, which is far lower than most people intuitively assume it to be.


So, the worst ever civil nuclear power accident, in a reactor type that will never be built again (it used a combustable graphite moderator and had no containment building) caused immediate fatalities which are routine in coal mining accidents and far less than the thousands and tens of thousands killed in hydro dam failures.

Regarding latent fatalities, this worst ever accident, and only sever accident (killing more than 5 people) in 50 years has killed about 28 to 50 for sure and WHO projects there may be some 4000 early deaths from a population of about 200 million over a period of 70 years (life expectancy). This should be compared with the roughly 25,000 early fatalities in the general US population due to coal fired generation.

When we put the anti-nuclear rhetoric and the “falacies and phobias” aside, and look unemotionally at the facts, it is clear the sooner we move to nuclear power the better. Who, amongst rational thinkers, could argue otherwise?

I wonder if Machiavelli would like to calculate how many lives would be saved if the world could immediately replace all fossil fuel electricity generation with nuclear power.


The Cravens reference is from Power to Save the World.

Read the book and check the notes, and affiliated articles.

the info about washington is from p. 71 of her book. Rip Anderson says this (the guy who designed the PRA for the Waste Isolation Pilot Project).

Ms. Cravens is a very nice person. I have communicated with her often when I had questions about her book. She answered them or tracked down her source and the source answered.

You should be able to find her email. if not, email me at


Peter Lang writes,

it used a combustable graphite moderator

That’s true, but carbon’s combustibility with air or steam is, by itself, forgiveable. For dense carbon it is a slow reaction.

When, in the late 1940s and early 1950s, Dr. Teller and the Reactor Safeguard Committee foresaw and cancelled Chernobyl in America, what they foresaw it could do was to suffer an explosive runaway, not of any chemical process, but of fission.

This was because it combined large amounts both of liquid water (as coolant) and carbon (as moderator). More here.

Either one, water or carbon, is OK by itself. Indeed helium/carbon reactors are one of the kinds that have demonstrated an inability to overheat themselves.

(How fire can be domesticated)


G.R.L Cowan,

Thank you for that info. However, this gives the imprerssion that the Chernobyl accident was a fission runaway reaction. I understood this was not the case. I understand it was basically steam pressure which blew the cap off the moderator, then the graphite caught fire and carried radioactive contamination into the atmosphere. (also the core melted). So the problems were the lack of a containment building and graphite that could burn and cause upward convection to carry the contaminants into the atmosphere. That is my simple view. Would you or anyone else like to elaborate of correct this – but in a way that will not cause confusion for the general readership.


greg meyerson, on 6 October 2010 at 22.37

Yes I gathered it was that book, but the chapter & page number would be more useful, not just for myself, but for others too. I have provided similar assistance to readers in some of my many links.

In reading the descriptions of the uranium fuel cycle in there, I did notice one very likely error (too many zero’s) in one figure. So we really need to check your quote as well. As for the book overall – it is a stunningly blatant exercise in propaganda presenting the many aspects in the most positive light possible, often at the expense of fairness & impartiality. It can be readily refuted on many points.


As for the book overall – it is a stunningly blatant exercise in propaganda presenting the many aspects in the most positive light possible, often at the expense of fairness & impartiality. It can be readily refuted on many points.

Interesting claim. Care to back it up? Try just one example.


The party line on BNC is that ca 55 people died after Chernobyl, because WHO and IAEA say so.

BNC bloggers also condemn the RBMK design, because it had no containment building.

Note that Russia still operates 11 of the Chernoybl RBMK reactor type: St. Petersburg, Smolensk, Kursk.

After Three Mile Island, ie before 1986, the USSR apparently did some safety retrofits and there were more after Chernobyl.

However, my understanding – gained from a few seconds on the Internet – is that none of the 11 RBMKs in operation has a full containment building as of 2010. This fact will naturally lead to a technical discussion of whether the retrofits have raised safety enough.

So as Tom Blees said here some while ago, keep hoping that nothing in the way of a nuclear accident happens.



i found one numerical mistake in the book. we may be talking about the same one. too many zeroes.

I’ll check it.

what are the other mistakes?

stun me with your examples of its propaganda. perhaps she can respond.

what led me to defend nuclear was my sense that I had been fed propaganda from anti nuclear people nearly all of my life: about radiation, about proliferation, about safety, about life cycle emissions, about the viability of hi penetration renewables, about peak uranium, etc. etc.


greg meyerson, on 8 October 2010 at 3.47 Said:

“I found one numerical mistake in the book. We may be talking about the same one. Too many zeroes. I’ll check it. What are the other mistakes?” G. Meyerson

No I don’t think so – I was referring to a different example just in passing. First things first: You still haven’t provided the relevant chapter or page I have asked for above (6 Oct). Going back even further, I see also you ignored my earlier request as well (a). P. Lalor & GRL Cowan have also appeared to ignore my requests for simple material recently. Then I will have a surprise for GRL Cowan soon.

“Stun me with your examples of its propaganda. Perhaps she can respond.”

G. Meyerson

Without deliberately targeting the G. Craven’s book, I have already adequately countered many of the points mentioned in it with my other entries. If time permits later, maybe I can specifically counter some of her key points.

“What led me to defend nuclear was my sense that I had been fed propaganda from anti-nuclear people nearly all of my life: about radiation, about proliferation, about safety, about life cycle emissions, about the viability of hi penetration renewables, about peak uranium, etc. etc.”

G. Meyerson

You have been totally mislead, while you are also certainly NOT helping your own case by refusing to provide links & references for viewing by others. It appears I will have to update my basic five-point response. They are all predominantly still valid & in our favour. Even though it is a very large subject, we are in the greatest information boom ever experienced, yet apparently you are not doing enough research to find answers or check the anti-nuke claims for yourself.

“Yes greg. If there’s one thing that makes me really angry, it’s the sense that I have been lied to.” J. Morgan 8 Oct 2010

Accusations of lying are coming from your side don’t carry enough weight & do you no credit. The nuclear industry has plenty of known examples of dishonesty & falsehoods, such as found by Henry Meyers (b). Then there were efforts to rig radiation health studies (c). Then read about falsified data in the US from ‘Deadly Deceit’. There are other examples. So guys, how about continuing with the debate & the supportive evidence?


@ Machiavelli:

You’ve claimed that there are easily contestable examples of misleading propaganda in Gwyneth Craven’s book. What are they? Show us just one. Put up or shut up.


Finrod, on 8 October 2010 at 13.22 Said:

“You’ve claimed that there are easily contestable examples of misleading propaganda in Gwyneth Craven’s book. What are they? Show us just one. Put up or shut up.”

Get on the end of the queue, I have to respond to G. Meyerson first, (then P. Lalor) now that he has provided a page number (have to relocate the book too). Similar to my comment above, if you were not so one-eyed, you would’ve spotted the suspect passages yourself now that I have provided many links recently covering similar points.



I gave you above the book and page number and who made the comment about n.e. washington (rip anderson) and offered to give you g. cravens email and you tell me I’m “refusing to provide links and references for viewing by others.” do you admit that this is a bogus accusation? if you don’t admit it, you’re dishonest and I won’t take you seriously.

I was persuaded by the argument from natural variation that has made been by Cravens and many others, including barry in this original post: if ionizing radiation is a powerful carcinogen, then the signal should be clear and cancer incidence should show up as appreciably higher in areas with appreciably higher background radiation.

if you can show that this argument is wrong, it would have some impact on my views, though not a decisive one due to the weakness of the overall argument for hi penetration wind and solar.

after all, according to the EPA, and various national labs, in the u.s., if you live within 50 miles of a nuke plant, you are getting an average dose of .009 millirem.

Now there are circumstances where major regulatory agencies distort the truth to favor corporations. but you’d really have to convince me that that’s what’s going on here.

Frankly, a wing of the anti nuke side would like to get rid of the millirem altogether and focus on curies, but as I noted in a previous post, curies alone can’t give you “body burden.”


machiavelli: there’s something you don’t seem to get.

“My side” was anti nuclear (Cravens was herself somewhat of an anti nuclear activist). I published an article in the journal socialism and democracy where I confidently asserted the standard caldicottisms (the green readers of the article basically themselves took caldicott on faith–they no longer do this).

I relied on her “peak uranium” argument and her “nuclear is not clean if you look at the whole fuel cycle” argument, not realizing that she was citing a single source (Smith/Van Leuwen) which was a true outlier among the life cycle studies and not at all well respected.

when i learned more, I realized my anti nuclear arguments were unconvincing at best–not really arguments at all but a kind of dogma.

so please cut out the know it all “you have been misled” b.s. I’ve published quite a few papers (a couple books worth) in the areas of marxism/critical theory/american literature. I know what a good argument looks like. I have been teaching argument for over 20 years. I know what cherry picking looks like. All sides cherry pick, but the anti nuke cherry picking is remarkable.

eclipse once referred to the rhetorical tactic of “argument by hyperlink.” I am less interested in your links than in your summary of the argument made in the link. If you can summarize the argument with a view to its direct relevance, I will look at the link. too often, you have cited largely irrelevant material about past accidents. we know about these accidents. worst case scenarios are only convincing to people with no understanding of risk assessment. it’s a shameful manipulative tactic, usually relying on double standards (worst case argument for nuclear but not for other forms of energy)

what fin and I want from you is a direct rebuttal of cravens. if it’s convincing, I’ll alter my views perhaps.

It would be great (looking only at the technology question) if wind and solar could provide enough energy to provide a decent standard of living for the world’s people (leaving aside the huge social question). but it can’t. and no argument you make will convince me otherwise, in part because there are no relevant real life examples of hi penetration wind and solar.


greg meyerson, on 8 October 2010 at 21.56 Said:

“I gave you above the book and page number and who made the comment about n.e. washington (rip anderson) and offered to give you g. cravens email and you tell me I’m “refusing to provide links and references for viewing by others.” do you admit that this is a bogus accusation? if you don’t admit it, you’re dishonest and I won’t take you seriously.” G. Meyson

Sorry about that, but I had a simple timing problem. Someone else offered to load my entry while I was busy, but it was either held up or they loaded it too late, after your page number entry. I did later acknowledge receipt of your reference.

“one death per 300,000 mrems would mean that one of every three people in northeastern washington state would die from radiotoxicity? (1700 mrem/person/year) before they were 70.” G. Meyerson

I’ll accept the 1,700mrem as being likely correct for now. What I was more interested in was, seeing if there was any mention of the use of 70 years. It appears then that your large 70 year result occurs because of a ‘magnified error’ effect, being possibly why it isn’t used in the book. This simple method of estimating risk (using a minimum of data), will likely tend to be most accurate in the short-term, but where the tolerance & inaccuracy increases with the time period used, then the error becomes more significant. Commonly, 12 month periods are used. No population size is mentioned, but if we use 100,000 people as an exercise, & still using 1 death / 300 rems, then we will end up with about 560 casualties over 12 months, being about 0.33% of that population. This is still well within the general limits given below. Death from malignant disease occurs in about 20% of the population.

“only a small part of the total cancer mortality burden in the United States can be attributed to radiation effects—less than 3%.” (Seymour Jablon and John C. Bailar III 2004)

I agree that 30% (or more) does appear large, even though a dose of 119 rems accumulated over 70 years is a significant level, it would be interesting to view cancer statistics for that area covering the long time.

Regarding the TMI reference on the same page 71, (lower down), I have already entered several points & links to support greater radiation releases (earlier in this column), so rendering Dr Anderson’s figures invalid.

Your mention of G. Craven’s offer of help is interesting, even more so if she could participate with comments on BNC soon, or, maybe Dr R. Anderson as well, since their book seems to be establishing itself as a ‘bible’ for your case.


greg meyerson, on 5 October 2010 at 10.26 Said:

“The facts don’t bear this out. You simply don’t find any noticeable correlation between higher low dose radiation and higher cancer incidence.” G. Meyerson

German authorities seem satisfied that low background radiation still causes some ill-effects (a).
Even as far back as the late 1950’s, Dr Linus Pauling also was satisfied background radiation caused or contributed to some cancers.

“The natural radiation dose contributes between 5 and 10% to the number of the annual cancer cases (425,000 in the year 2002).” (a)

I have provided this link before, but people seem to ignore it



you’re a funny guy. My (and all the references on this site connected to the radiation question) references are “bibles” and yours are the truth.


greg meyerson, on 9 October 2010 at 8.27 Said:

“machiavelli: there’s something you don’t seem to get.” G.M

Many of us would feel you are missing some important points.

“I relied on her “peak uranium” argument and her “nuclear is not clean if you look at the whole fuel cycle” argument, not realizing that she was citing a single source (Smith/Van Leuwen) which was a true outlier among the life cycle studies and not at all well respected.” G.M

I think you will find that one of the team (Smith) was a nuclear engineer himself, so he should know enough about it. That team was one of the earliest to present a CO2 analysis of the nuclear fuel cycle to the public. They felt the approximate value of CO2 releases resulting mainly from the front end of the fuel cycle was about 30-40% of a gas-fired plant when using ore grades like those from Roxby Downs in Australia & Nambia. Using a different analysis method, B. Sovacool has arrived at a roughly similar figure. Yes the industry has strongly disagreed with those results, but I have not yet seen any readily available reference clearly showing (with basic arithmetically worked examples) clarifying why Storm & Smith (& B. Sovacool) are wrong. If such a genuine, detailed rebuttal has been done, with included reasoning & worked examples, then by all means let’s hear about it. If on the other hand, it has not been done yet, then let B. Brook do a feature column on it or invite an expert to do so instead – but it must include genuine real-world data & detailed explanatory reasoning to show why the nuclear industry has a carbon footprint less than renewables even though nuclear has a significant mining & processing requirement when renewables do not.

“when I learned more, I realized my anti nuclear arguments were unconvincing at best–not really arguments at all but a kind of dogma.” G.M.

For anyone new to understanding the many aspects of the nuclear cycle, it can be daunting. But there are certainly enough people with some form of science, engineering, medical or technician training, that more readily recognise the many defects. There have already been several key experts from within their own industry publicly confirm the dangers (a, b). Isn’t Dr Caldicott then in good company among those industry insiders?

“so please cut out the know it all “you have been misled” b.s. I know what a good argument looks like. I have been teaching argument for over 20 years.” G.M.

This very involved & complex subject is predominantly science & engineering based, requiring a lot of accurate, impartial & rigorous data assessment to recognise the difference between likely correct & false claims. Just argument alone cannot decide the outcome. We need accurate data. We cannot possibly afford to get this decision wrong, so the technicalities should not be trivialised. We are therefore entitled to look very closely at ALL the aspects of nuclear power.

If hundreds (or thousands) of nuclear plants were to commence operation & it was later found after another 50 – 100 yrs to a certainty, that radiation releases really do impact upon people’s health & the ozone layer, or that plutonium was readily obtainable & used for terrorist activities, or that cooling tower plumes really did amplify the greenhouse effect, then the long delay in obtaining such conclusive evidence would be disastrous for humans, more so if Chernobyl-type or TMI accidents were still occurring. After having spent huge amounts of money & resources to build the plants, more money would then have to be found to decommission them & clean up the mess (assuming it was not too late), then to build different forms of power plants. Possibly even have to compensate the injured. More than at any other time in human history, we need to act responsibly, ethically & intelligently without any dysfunctional psychological persuasion techniques being used to truly implement the best solutions.

“I know what cherry picking looks like. All sides cherry pick, but the anti-nuke cherry picking is remarkable.” G.M.

For the benefit of keeping the peace momentarily, I’ll accept cherry picking occurs on both sides. But I do not agree that anti-nuke cherry picking is greater than pro-nuke efforts. I expect to have no problems in finding readily available examples from the pro-nuke literature, because hundreds of billions of dollars are riding on their technology.

“I am less interested in your links than in your summary of the argument made in the link. If you can summarize the argument with a view to its direct relevance, I will look at the link.” G.M.

The links are ‘primary’ sources & therefore carry more weight than any summary from me. The current method I have used was also done simply to minimise the length of the entry by avoiding duplication. I’d make a claim using usually one point at a time & wherever possible include the link reference for others to follow up, without any added summary taking up still more space. If a reader found the link daunting, they were free to ‘google’ for further explanations or ask directly on this site for anyone to assist. I would’ve thought any means to minimise my entry length (yet still cover the points) would be preferred by Prof Brook.

“too often, you have cited largely irrelevant material about past accidents. we know about these accidents.” G.M.

Judging from some previous comments by various contributors, I’m not convinced you do know about them or perhaps their relevance & seriousness. Their relevance is in showing more clearly how unsafe the industry has operated. Prof Brook has earlier agreed, that “the devil is in the detail.”

“worst case scenarios are only convincing to people with no understanding of risk assessment.” G.M.

There is really only one point about risk assessment the public appreciates the most. They want risks to be kept very simply, as low as absolutely possible & not to be mislead by deviously worded claims that slip past the public’s attention using carefully selected phrases. Nor will they appreciate blatant propaganda attempts to SELL us on the idea that we HAVE to go nuclear & to then put up with its many defects when there are other safer choices.

“It’s a shameful manipulative tactic, usually relying on double standards (worst case argument for nuclear but not for other forms of energy)” G.M.

I’m not manipulating anything, just providing accurate & relevant extracts from other researchers to allow you to read them from rare sources. Apparently you are STILL not convinced of significant statements of manipulation, double standards & even dishonesty from the nuclear industry, despite some of them already being posted here on BNC (c). Prof Ian Lowe has provided another one below.

I have already pointed out earlier I do not support any other dangerous form of energy, so that is why it isn’t being used for comparison.

Example of Pro-Nuclear Manipulation (from Prof Ian Lowe) QE # 27

How to interpret the same data to serve either side.

“Here is one example of such misrepresentation by the nuclear lobby. In 1980 Sweden held a referendum after a period of public debate to determine the country’s future involvement in nuclear power. Voters were given three choices:
a) To close down the reactors immediately.
b) To allow the existing ones to operate for their designed lifetime, then close them & not build any more.
c) Or to allow the industry to expand.
The voting was roughly 40% for immediate closure, 40% for phasing out the industry & 20% for its continuation. The Swedish government interpreted this as 80% of the people voting for the reactors to be shut down, either immediately or gradually, so they adopted that position.
In Australia however, the nuclear advocate Leslie Kemeny told a forum that Swedish people had voted 60-40 in favour of keeping or expanding nuclear power in their country.”

Which interpretation do you think is the most honest?



Frankly i do not know why this troll is being fed. He endlessly recycles old and thoroughly discredited studies that have demonstrated absolutely nothing of value in this matter. His deep ignorance of this subject is apparent, as his desire to use this thread as a personal soapbox for his idiotic ideas.

This is obviously someone that knows that if he started his own blog, no one would read it, so he parasitizes this one. He is not interested in a conversation or debate, he is only interested in vomiting antinuclear propaganda in front of the small group of people that follow this thread.

He will probably never stop, but that is no reason why he should be encouraged by acknowledging his existence.


greg meyerson, on 8 October 2010 at 21.56 Said:

“I was persuaded by the argument from natural variation that has been made by G. Cravens and many others, including Barry in this original post: if ionizing radiation is a powerful carcinogen, then the signal should be clear and cancer incidence should show up as appreciably higher in areas with appreciably higher background radiation.” G.M.

These effects ARE showing up in studies being done by independent & some industry researchers, but they are being ridiculed by hard-line nuclear interests. This has already been covered earlier (a), beginning with the quote below:

“Even the pro-industry, 1959 ICRP publication (# 2) stated:”

One leading independent UK researcher is certain of genuine ill-effects being present, along with accompanying official denial & cover-up occurring for years (b).

“In the US, a local medical health officer, Dr Carl Johnson, found adult cancer rates in the suspected plutonium polluted areas around the American Rocky Flats nuclear facility, to be 15-20% higher than expected. At least twice, there had been major fires spreading contamination downwind. Dr Johnson’s results were savagely attacked by the nuclear industry, & he even lost his job. A later study that allowed for the criticisms, still confirmed his original results.” G.M.


“It was the impact of the 1957 fire at Windscale which initially interested Yorkshire Television. In 1983, when the NRPB finally admitted that the released radiation could’ve caused about 33 deaths, researchers descended on the location to look for victims. Common sense suggested that the most likely victims would be the young children who lived nearby in the southerly direction which received the highest fallout. They would’ve consumed contaminated milk for the first two days before a ban was imposed & possibly locally grown vegetables that received no ban. Yet no follow-up studies were ever done of their health.” J. Cutler & Rob Edwards

“Months of research had produced a list of 11 children & young people under 25 yrs who had developed cancer in Seascale between 1954 & 1983. John Urqhuart from the Newcastle University quickly grasped that their uniqueness was that they had been drawn from very small areas where the contamination was the greatest. Seascale’s 5 known leukaemia cases meant that its early-childhood rate was 10 x the national average. The under-15 yr rate was also too high. When the other known cases from nearby Bootle, Waberthwaite & Muncaster were included, the under-15 yr cancer rate for the whole coastal region south of Windscale was found to be 5 x the norm.”
J. Cutler & Rob Edwards

The 1983 Yorkshire Television data clearly showed a distance-dose relationship with the Windscale plant.

While Dr Alan Craft & BNFL attempted to deny the existence of cancer clusters around Windscale, & the dose-distance relation, local doctors were submitting contrary evidence to the Black enquiry. Confidential minutes show that the two doctors that ran the group practice containing Seascale, confirmed the genuineness of the cases used by Yorkshire Television. They also pointed out that local children used Seascale beach & the Ravenglass estuary as their main playgrounds. The major fear of locals was the inhaling of beach-side air. The seaspray blowing in from the beaches can travel up to 1 ½ miles inland. J. Cutler & Rob Edwards

The Black Report was released in 1984, effectively saying that Windscale radiation was unlikely to be the cause of the cancers. Since its publication, it has attracted much criticism, even though its internal minutes show Windscale radiation was the only real suspect. The NRPB worked out how many leukaemia deaths would be expected in Seascale resulting from the admitted level of radioactive discharges. Since the actual casualty figure was much higher than expected from this value, the NRPB concluded Windscale could not be to blame, without ever questioning the scientific model used for that calculation. J. Cutler & Rob Edwards

A similar approach is being used to explain the German 2007 KiKK child leukaemia study.

An examination of the secret evidence to the inquiry showed some massaging of figures had been done to give a reassuring picture. In analysing the small area statistics for the northern region Dr Alan Craft compared the childhood cancer rates of Seascale with 765 other electoral wards. He drew up tables of the top 10 wards having the highest cancer rates. These were included in the Black Report to show that Seascale came only 6th in the table for all cancers, & 3rd in the leukaemia table. Dr Craft also restricted the time span used to 14 yrs (1968-82) thus conveniently ignoring Seascale’s high cancer rate either side of that period. When the time span was stretched by just 1 year, the two cases in 1983 put Seascale at the top of the leukaemia list in the northern region. A 3rd case was also omitted even though it was diagnosed within the 14 yr period (1975). With all three cases included, it became 1st in the top 10 for all cancers, with its leukaemia rate 24 x the national average. A leaked document of Dr Craft’s evidence also showed he had omitted 2 other cases in another key area. Their inclusion gave Bootle over 6 x the regional average, placing it well within the top 10. This correction also further highlighted an obvious geographical relation with Windscale’s location. J. Cutler & Rob Edwards

One of the Black Report’s recommendations was to set up a government advisory body. In 1985, COMARE was formed, delivering its first report in 1986. It concluded that substantial releases of radioactivity had occurred from Windscale in the early 1950’s that had not been revealed to Sir Douglas Black’s team. In particular there had been a release of about 20 kg of uranium oxide to the atmosphere beginning in 1954-55. J. Cutler & Rob Edwards

Another cancer cluster was found near the Berkeley & Oldbury Magnox nuclear power stations. It was later learnt these stations had a radioactive discharge limit 3 x higher than any other British nuclear plant. Radioactive gas releases were unlimited. The Department of Environment had measured doses of 23 x background radiation, or about 40 x the annual public dose limit at their perimeter fence. J. Cutler & Rob Edwards

By 1987, leukaemia clusters had been identified near 15 UK nuclear installations & was considered ‘overwhelming’ evidence. Sir Douglas Black even changed his mind, saying that there was a ‘high likelihood’ that in small areas near Windscale there was an increased risk of leukaemia in young children. He described the evidence around other installations handling radioactive materials as ‘disquieting’. There was now, ‘quite a likelihood that there is a genuine link’ between nuclear power plants & childhood leukaemias. J. Cutler & Rob Edwards

How can anyone have confidence in an industry & government regulatory bodies like these?

Rob Edwards, quoted, ad nauseam, by Machiavelli is an environmental journalist – see above link.
Correct me if I’m wrong :) but isn’t unfounded sensationalism the “bread and butter” of the press?
If you want to credibly support your views do so by quoting articles, written by research scientists, in peer-review scientific journals – not tabloid journalists.


Ms Perps

Still using unjustified ridicule? Is this the right way to “credibly support your views”? You’re only hurting your own case with such hypocrisy. Rob Edwards didn’t get his awards for any sensationalism, but rather his accurate reporting using witness accounts. How about providing actual alternative evidence to show why Sir Douglas Black shouldn’t have changed his mind & confirmed the cancer risk near UK nuclear plants?

Scientific articles are not automatically free for human errors & common weaknesses. Even Sir Richard Doll was later found to have a conflict of interest on key issues.

“We cannot deny that in science – more frequent than the scientists prefer – there are lies and deception, not only negligent sloppiness, but really intentional fraud.” (a)

DV82XL himself has made earlier unbelievable claims about proliferation risks from CANDU reactors, even though many sources agree that India obtained plutonium for its first explosive device (1974) from a small reactor supplied by Canada. His credibility has taken a hit.


Machiavelli (and others who may be sucked in by his hysteria) this is the scientific research I am talking about – watch and learn.


What is interesting about, which Perps,as recommended also by Brook in his Tweet, is attempting to impose on Macchiavelli is its cineastic post-1990 emotionalism. The film addresses only the LNT-hormesis topic, only one of many that Macchiavelli addresses :

we have on film the poor middle-aged female Chernobyl ex-resident on a nostalgic visit home to decayed Chernobyl town infrastructure and her pretty adult daughter (film’s message: if only the mother had sensibly stayed in Chernobyl after the accident, she too could have benefited from hormesis – any incipient tumours of hers would have been beneficially radiated away – and we and her daughter would not have to witness her weeping about her exile from Chernobyl on camera)

Secondly, we have the hormesis case presented in multiple interviews with 3 Anglo scientists and reverential voiceovers about the Chernobyl Forum’s findings.

But the LNT opposition is portrayed solely by means of multiple repeats of gutter press photos and headlines. Not a single toxicologist or doctor is interviewed. Greenpeace is thanked in the credits for its footage but there is no “socratic questioning” of Greenpeace, no pro and contra.

As I recall, the only mention of medical studies is by one by the 3 hormesis-type scientists, who says that if doctors want to find something, they will.

There is an implicit allegation in this film that the great bulk of USSR-based illness post-1986 is a giant nocebo (opposite of placebo). But the word “nocebo” is never used. Why?

No doubt the British film makers would say that given the dumbing-down of the UKL public since Thatcher, one has to fight gutter (press sales-enhancing) fire with emotional fire.

However, as all interviewees on film were nationals of nuclear powers (US, UK), I would have to look at the status of the debate on Trident in the UK the year the film came out, 2006. (by Jan. 2007 there had been hundreds of arrests at Faslane Naval Base, which hosts submarines armed with Trident). And also at the relations between BBC and the external production company, Dox.

The files of the IRD,, are under lock and key for decades. But to believe that the BBC and its external contractors make films in a way unrelated to and unpaid by UK foreign policy makers is to ignore the public record. That record is available to an extent under the 30-year release rule of Public Record Office.


Lalor – You obviously didn’t watch the whole video or you would have understood that a scientific study on the animals, notably voles who live underground and were thus most affected by the radiation, by Prof Ron Chesser and his team from Texas Tech University , showed no adverse effects from this exposure when compared with a control group.
So – Machiavelli (and now Lalor) – here is one example of the scientific studies you asked for.


I thought the video was excellent. Thanks Barry. It will go well with the hysterical “chernobyl battle.”

Peter Lalor, you are correct that it is not “fair and balanced” in the sense of giving equal time to LNT proponents. and it’s got its own rhetoric like any video. but you have to put this in the context of prior videos like “chernobyl battle” from PBS, which is largely a scare video (starring one of the physicists who put together the N.Y. academy of sciences report–Nesterenko), with a ralph nader view of plutonium: one microgram is lethal, it says.

according to bernard cohen, one trillionth of a pound of plutonium (a bit less than one microgram), inhaled (where it is 5000 times more toxic than if swallowed), gives a dose of 1300 mrem over a two year period. Smoking two packs a day for one year will give you more than that. Just to put it into perspective.
this would I assume lead to a slightly increased chance of lung cancer (not “lethal”).

Shots of the Cheernobyl sarcophagus are accompanied by music from “plan nine from outer space.” we are told that “even now the sarcophagus is 100 times more radioactive than normal.” Well, so are the springs in Ramsar Iran discussed in “Nuclear Nightmares.”

Look: the video has the all important map of cancer incidence in the United States superimposed on the map of variation in background radiation, and as has been shown in many other studies, there is no correlation or an inverse correlation.

The video is decidedly not an argument for the strong hormetic effect. it’s primarily a powerful argument against LNT. as one of the researchers notes, if radiation is a carcinogen, it’s a “piss poor carcinogen.”

For M’s arguments to be remotely persuasive, that map and all it implies has to be TOTALLY WRONG.

as for the voles, it is interesting to compare that study with the “SHOCKING PICTURES OF MUTANT MICE” shown in the chernobyl battle video.

while it’s good to put media in political context, it’s not clear how the truth or falsity of the video’s main assertions relates to U.K foreign policy.

The character of the argument and evidence in the video is distinct from the varied political interests the video may or may not serve. If you COLLAPSE (as opposed to connect) the question of evidence into the question of “who benefits,” clear thinking goes out the window and is inevitably replaced by a toxic guilt by association.


from texas tech website on Ron Chesser:

Texas Tech Professors Chronicle Decade of Chernobyl Studies in American Scientist Journal
Written by John W. Davis

After 12 years of studying the Chernobyl disaster and the repercussions radioactive fallout has had in the area, two Texas Tech researchers say populations of plants and animals in the area are better off than in non-affected areas.

The story, Growing Up with Chernobyl, was published in the October issue of American Scientist. It chronicles how the two scientists have learned that the answers to low-dose radiation exposure don’t come easily. Ronald Chesser, director for the Center for Environmental Radiation Studies, and Robert Baker, Horn professor of biological sciences, co-wrote the piece.

Though many studies claim radiation is responsible for genetic differentiation in wildlife populations and blame it for causing cancers in people, Chesser says many of those genetic differences could be a result of natural genetic variations and not mutations caused from radiation exposure.

“Chernobyl is a very emotional subject,” Chesser says. “People tend to choose sides, and I’m afraid we’re seeing a lot of that in the literature. The real work is trying to attach cause and effect. That’s a difficult piece of work for one to do. Most of these studies have put very little effort into trying to understand cause and effect.”

During the past 12 years, Chesser says it’s been difficult to grasp exactly how low-dose radiation exposure can affect plants and animal life. While scientists know that too much radiation can and will kill a living being, the exposure to low-dose radiation isn’t fully understood.

“We only know what happens when plants and animals are exposed to high doses of radiation,” he says. “At low doses, it seems to have very little effect. It takes very detailed, meticulous studies to find these answers. We haven’t had the money to do a study like that.”

Putting Bias Aside

Even Baker and Chesser admit they’ve had to rethink the way they conduct their experiments.

In the beginning of their studies, they concluded that certain rodents suffered significant genetic rearrangements, but more recent assessments suggest that these animals have not experienced mutations that can be attributed to the nuclear accident.

At the end, Chesser and Baker list suggestions for improving Chernobyl studies, such as having researchers archive tissues for others to replicate testing, reporting both positive and negative results from their experiments and using double-blind experimental standards to combat personal biases.

“Sometimes, you see what you want to see,” he says. “But in science, our own biases aren’t supposed to influence what we’re seeing.”

Visit the American Scientist Online to read the article abstract. Contact John Davis at (806) 742-2136 or e-mail for a copy of the story in PDF format.


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