Garnaut Climate Change Review Final Report – open thread

The long-awaited, much-anticipated Final Report of the Garnaut Climate Change Review has now been released. As per its website, the review was set up to: “…examine the impacts of climate change on the Australian economy, and recommend medium to long-term policies and policy frameworks to improve the prospects for sustainable prosperity.” It is an independent […]

Ongoing rise in global carbon emissions and the lazy audience

The Global Carbon Project just released their annual report (‘Carbon Budget 2007‘), which makes for rather depressing reading, at least if you were hoping for a turn-around any time soon in global carbon emissions. The media release associated with the report is packed with good information, and so I’ll reproduce it at the end of […]

Paying the climate change piper

Guest Post by Tony Kevin. Tony Kevin served as an Australian diplomat in Moscow (1969–71), UN New York (1973-76), and as Australian Ambassador in Poland (1991–1994). This opinion piece was originally published in Eureka Street. Ross Garnaut’s important public statement was largely overwhelmed by the welter of federal and state political news. It was a […]

CCQA4 Presentations Available

The PowerPoint presentations from the fourth of the Climate Change Q and A seminars are now available as PDF files. The presentations by Professor Barry Brook and Associate Professor Corey Bradshaw provide the scientific answers to questions about whether the impacts of climate change have been overstated. Please see at or for details. […]

3/3 CCQA4 Questions from the audience regarding the impacts of climate change

Listen to Barry Brook and Corey Bradshaw respond to questions from the audience at the 4th seminar in the series entitled Climate Change Q and A: Sceptical Questions and the Scientific Answers. Subscribe for podcasts at or go to for complete details about the series. Please note this recording has some silent periods […]

2/3 CCQA4 Barry Brook on the impacts of climate change

Listen to Prof Barry Brook’s presentation on the impacts of climate change. This is the 2nd of 3 recordings from the 4th seminar in the series entitled Climate Change Q and A: Sceptical Questions and the Scientific Answers. Subscribe for podcasts at or go to for complete details about the series.

1/3 CCQA4 Intro and Corey Bradshaw on marine impacts

Listen to the seminar introduction by Barry Brook and the presentation by Associate Professor Corey Bradshaw focussing on the impacts of climate change on marine ecosystems. This is the 1st of 3 recordings from the 4th seminar in the series entitled Climate Change Q and A: Sceptical Questions and the Scientific Answers. Subscribe for podcasts […]

Climate change and human health – inequities demand win-win solutions

One of Australia’s leading authorities on the ramifications of climate change for human health and welfare is Prof Tony McMichael from the Australian National University. Earlier this year he and three co-authors published an important review in the British Medical Journal entitled “Global environmental change and health: impacts, inequalities, and the health sector” [full text […]

Ethics and climate change

Dr Glenn Albrecht, an environmental philosopher from the University of Newcastle, has started a new blog on ethics and climate change, which according to its byline is: “A Blog devoted to critical evaluation and analysis of the ‘values’ that are implicit in global warming and climate change articles in the media”. Of particular interest to […]

How long will Old King Coal reign? Part II

As if ‘peak oil‘ – the point at which half of the available oil has been squeezed out of the surface rocks – weren’t enough, another freight train thundering towards us and picking up pace is ‘peak coal‘. It hasn’t gotten the attention yet of ‘peak oil’, but the implications just as huge. For instance, […]

Grim scenarios on a 2 to 6 degrees celsius hotter Earth

A stark appraisal of the synthesis report of the IPCC 4th assessment (AR4) reveals some disturbing realities. First, stabilisation scenarios indicate that to have a reasonable chance of avoiding 2 to 2.4°C warming, we will need to achieve global emissions reductions of 50 to 85 percent by 2050, relative to year 2000 output and a levelling off by no later than […]

Climate Change Q and A Seminar 4: Friday 19 Sept – Are the impacts of climate change being overstated?

Seminar reminder and Discussion Thread. Friday 19 September: What future climate change scenarios are possible? “Global warming is good, agriculture will flourish!” Such statements represent the tip of an iceberg of arguments suggesting that global warming isn’t going to have catastrophic impacts. Some of these are based on pseudo science regarding the effects of global […]

Target atmospheric CO2 levels, not vague emissions reductions

Some climate scientists choose not to talk specifically about emissions reductions. Dr James Hansen of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies and Columbia University is one of them. Prof John Schellnhuber of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research is another. Instead they refer to a level of atmospheric CO2 (plus other greenhouse gases that […]

Are voluntary actions meaningful where an emissions cap is introduced?

Guest Post by Tim Kelly. Tim is works as a Principal Climate Change Advisor in the Water Industry. The Federal Government released its Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (CPRS) in July 2008. Whilst much debate about the Green Paper has focussed on coverage of businesses and industries by the scheme, the impact on various industries, compensation […]

What if the sun got stuck?

“We’re heading into a new [little] ice age!”. This meme is a favourite of the denialosphere, I suppose because it is considered by them to be the ultimate counter to global warming. An inactive sun is fingered as the potential culprit in this alternative-universe prognostication hypothesis. But just how likely is such solar-driven cooling? What […]

Spot the recycled denial V – Prof Bob Carter

In this series, I aim to teach you to recognise the recycled denialism that is rife in the public arena these days. I don’t refute this nonsense by constructing a new argument each time which, point-by-point, shows why their claims are not supported by the evidence. This is pointless, since the majority of non-greenhouse theorists […]

Nitrogen, climate change and diet

Guest Post by Geoff Russell. Geoff is a mathematician and computer programmer and is a member of Animal Liberation SA. ———————— Barry has already published a blog on Australia’s biggest climate forcing, livestock. This has prompted some debate about whether to use the warming due to methane (its climate forcing) or its global warming potential […]

Spot the recycled denial IV – climate case built on thin foundation

In this series, I aim to teach you to recognise the recycled denialism that is rife in the public arena these days. I don’t refute this nonsense by constructing a new argument each time which, point-by-point, shows why their claims are not supported by the evidence. This is pointless, since the majority of non-greenhouse theorists […]

CCQA3 Presentations Available

The PowerPoint presentations from the third of the Climate Change Q and A seminars are now available as PDF files. The presentations by Professor Barry Brook and Dr Peter Hayman provide the scientific answers to questions about climate models and projections. Please see at or for details. If you believe copyrighted work is […]

3/3 CCQA3 Questions from the audience regarding climate models and projections

Listen to Barry Brook and Peter Hayman respond to questions from the audience at the 3rd seminar in the series entitled Climate Change Q and A: Sceptical Questions and the Scientific Answers. Subscribe for podcasts at or go to for complete details about the series. Please note this recording contains brief silent sections […]


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