The global food system and climate change – Part II

Guest Post by Geoff Russell. Geoff is a mathematician and computer programmer and is a member of Animal Liberation SA. ———————— This second part will cover chapter 3 of Livestock’s Long Shadow (LLS), which concern livestock’s direct impact on the climate via forcings and its impact on air. It will be more concise than PART […]

If attitudes can change on water conservation, then why not renewable energy!

Below is a short piece I was asked to write for the Messenger masthead of newspapers – a suite of community papers that are distributed across South Australia each week, free to each mailbox. So it’s an excellent place to put forward some simple ideas about renewable energy and climate change and reach a broad […]

Olduvai theory – crackpot idea or dawning reality?

Olduvai Gorge in East Africa is famous for its fossils of proto-humans and Palaeolithic (old stone age) tools. Fragmentary remains of some of the oldest representatives of hominids generally accepted to be our immediate evolutionary ancestors have been recovered there. To those interested in palaeoanthropology, it is a name steeped in (pre)history. So what of […]

CCQA6 Presentations Available

The PowerPoint presentations from the 6th and final seminar in the Climate Change Q and A series are now available as PDF files. The presentation by Professor Barry Brook considers whether greenhouse denial represents a coherent alternative to mainstream science while the presentation by Dr Michael Lardelli focusses on peak oil. Please see at […]

3/3 CCQA6 Questions from the audience regarding peak oil and greenhouse denial vs good science

Listen to Barry Brook and Michael Lardelli respond to questions from the audience at the 6th and final seminar in the series entitled Climate Change Q and A: Sceptical Questions and the Scientific Answers. Subscribe for podcasts at or go to for complete details about the series. Please note this recording contains brief […]

2/3 CCQA6 Barry Brook on greenhouse denial versus good science

Listen to Prof Barry Brook’s presentation on the claim of discord in the scientific community and whether climate change denial represents a coherent alternative to mainstream science. This is the 2nd of 3 recordings from the 6th and final seminar in the series entitled Climate Change Q and A: Sceptical Questions and the Scientific Answers. […]

1/3 CCQA6 Intro and Michael Lardelli on peak oil

Listen to the seminar introduction by Barry Brook and the presentation by Dr Michael Lardelli focussing on peak oil. This is the 1st of 3 recordings from the 6th and final seminar in the series entitled Climate Change Q and A: Sceptical Questions and the Scientific Answers. Subscribe for podcasts at or go to […]

Off to China

Well, I’m about to visit China for 16 days, visiting Universities in Guangzhou, Xiamen, Bejing, Xi’an, Lanzhou, Harbin and Jinan (see clickable map for locations). It’s part of a delegation from the University of Adelaide to foster research cross-collaborations between Australian and Chinese universities, and to encourage talented China Scholarship Council Research students to study […]

Climate Change Q and A Seminar 6: Friday 24 Oct – The popular media debate on climate change and peak oil

Seminar reminder and Discussion Thread. Friday 24 October: Greenhouse denial versus good science: The ‘pretend debate” “Even the scientists don’t agree.” Perfect agreement is hard to achieve, particularly on subjects as complex and expansive as climate change. However, a vast majority of scientists do agree that human activity is causing global climate change, that the […]

Nine policies to drag ourselves out of the climate change mire

Below is a statement prepared by Dr Barrie Pittock and Dr Andrew Glikson, which was co-signed by 40 leading environmental scientists. As noted in the media interest that followed this, the statement’s authors sought support primarily from non-climate scientists to refute the misconception that the only researchers concerned about global warming were climate scientists. I […]

Devouring the pale blue dot

Guest post by Andrew Glikson and Emily Spence (Andrew is an Earth and paleo-climate scientist, Australian National University who has contributed regularly to Brave New Climate. Emily Spence, environmental and social policy writer, Massachusetts, U.S.A.) “Dear Caesar Keep Burning, raping, killing But please, please Spare us your obscene poetry And ugly music “ – From […]

Two denialist talking points quashed

Two things that Professor Ian Plimer confidently touted during his presentation at the SA Skeptics annual conference was (1) the relevance of David Evan’s so-called missing tropical hotspot (as supposed proof against greenhouse theory) and (2) that sub-sea volcanoes along the Gakkel Ridge is likely to be the cause of accelerated melting of the Arctic summer […]

CCQA5 Presentation Available

Prof Barry Brook’s PowerPoint presentation from the fifth of the Climate Change Q and A seminars is now available as a PDF file. The slide presentation provides answers to questions about the economic costs of climate change. Please see at or for details. Notes: Additional slide presentations from this series may be posted […]

3/4 CCQA5 Barry Brook on the economic costs of climate change

Listen to Prof Barry Brook address the question: “Will it cost the earth to avoid climate change?” This is the 3rd of 4 recordings from the 5th seminar in the series entitled Climate Change Q and A: Sceptical Questions and the Scientific Answers. Subscribe for podcasts at or go to for complete details […]

2/4 CCQA5 Davide Ross on carbon abatement

Listen to Dr Davide Ross’ presentation on carbon abatement given from a business and economic perspective. This is the 2nd of 4 recordings from the 5th seminar in the series entitled Climate Change Q and A: Sceptical Questions and the Scientific Answers. Subscribe for podcasts at or go to for complete details about […]

Thinking big and fast on renewable energy

There is an old saying in strategic communications. Repeat your key point, again and again. Then repeat it once again. Keep doing this. When, at last, you are sick to death of saying it and can’t possibly imagine anyone would want to hear it again… say it again. That’s about the point when people really […]

The global food system and climate change – Part I

Guest Post by Geoff Russell. Geoff is a mathematician and computer programmer and is a member of Animal Liberation SA. ———————— Late in 2006 the United Nations Food and Agriculture organisation published one of those huge thick reports that gets a one column story in quite a few newspapers and then vanishes from sight. It […]

Climate Change Q and A Seminar 5: Friday 10 Oct – Will it cost the earth to avoid climate change?

Seminar reminder and Discussion Thread. Friday 10 October: Will it cost the earth to avoid climate change? “Mitigating carbon emissions will ruin the economy!” A host of wait-and-see stalling techniques have arisen out of fear that taking decisive action now to reduce emissions will throw us into an economic depression or back to the stone […]

How much warming in the pipeline? Part 1 – CO2-e

You may have heard that the planet is committed to further warming and sea level rise, irrespective of what choices we now make to reduce carbon emissions. The global warming century trend that was observed from 1906 to 2005 was 0.74°C (with a 90% uncertainty range of 0.56°C to 0.92°C), with more warming occurring in […]

Climate ripe for transformative change

Opinion Editorial published in the Herald Sun, Wed 1 October 2008. Note that the Herald Sun version was trimmed in editing. The full version, hyperlinked, with a few key statements about energy costs included, is reprinted below. ———— The Garnaut Climate Change Review is now complete. Its brief was to “examine the impacts of climate […]


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