Nuclear Open Thread

Fukushima Daiichi Open and Update Thread #5

The problems at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant continue to be worked on, with no short-term resolution in sight. Here are eight recent notable happenings, compiled from various sources (see list below):

1. Reports indicate that some fuel melted and fell to the lower containment sections of units 1-3, where it dispersed in a fairly uniform residue — but this does not seem to have breached containment in any of the reactor pressure vessels. Re-criticality of this ‘corium’ seems very unlikely, but no details can of course be confirmed until the reactor cores are finally dismantled — which may be years away.

2. Two automated PackBot robots entered units 1 and 3, took photos, and measured temperature, pressure and radioactivity within the buildings. Peak levels were 40-60 mSv/hr.

3. An anti-scattering agent is being sprayed on the ground around the damaged units (about 1,200 square metres in area) to prevent further spread of radionuclides (see photo above).

4. Excess radioactive cooling water continues to be transferred from unit 2’s basement and tunnels to a waste processing facility.

5. Further surveys are being made of the area surrounding the Fukushima evacuation zone and the exclusion area is being policed more strictly. Highest levels were measured at Itate, at about 4 microsieverts per hour (by comparison, the background level is 0.2 — 0.4  uSv/hr).

6. TEPCO have now released a roadmap plan for the restoration of stable conditions at the site, over a 3 — 6 month timetable, leading to a cold shutdown at units 1-3 and various other stability targets. They also released a 27-slide presentation on the timeline of the accident and current situation, that is definitely worth a look through.

7. This is a really useful summary post describing one of the pressing needs facing engineers at Fukushima Daiichi: Day 42: How is a core cooled? In short, heat exchangers are the key…

8. From NEI Nuclear Notes, Russia’s atomic energy chief (Kiriyenko of Rosatom) sees Fukushima as a strong policy incentive for moving more quickly to current- and next-generation reactor designs (I’ll have more to say on this topic in future BNC posts):

Kiriyenko said the impact from the Fukushima plant disaster would not only increase safety concerns but also quicken demand for new reactors to replace the industry’s ageing plants.

“There will be a need to build new plants more quickly to more swiftly replace previous-generation plants,” he said.

He added that Russia may speed the retirement of its older generation plants in the wake of Japan’s nuclear accident.


Please use this post to put any new comments about the Fukushima situation (including technical information, situation updates, analysis, questions, reflections, etc.). As such, I consider the earlier FD Philosophical and Technical threads closed — these strands of discussion can now be carried on here, as the pace of comments has died down to a small fraction of that at the height of the crisis.

Here are some other channels I recommend you check on regularly, for up-to-date situation reports on Fukushima Daiichi:

— World Nuclear News (the two latest posts are Changes to evacuation zones and Dust control steps up at Fukushima)

ANS Nuclear Cafe news and updates (includes links to official reports like JAIF and TEPCO and news feeds from NHK, NY Times, etc.), see also NEI updates

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) update website (last updated on 21 April, has reactor status and radiation monitoring reports)

— Will Davis at Atomic Power Review blog continues to do an excellent job at providing regular updates and interesting technical analysis on the situation

Note that the Open Threads on are a general discussion forum; please follow the commenting rules, although the ‘stay on topic’ rule obviously does not apply as strictly here.

By Barry Brook

Barry Brook is an ARC Laureate Fellow and Chair of Environmental Sustainability at the University of Tasmania. He researches global change, ecology and energy.

378 replies on “Fukushima Daiichi Open and Update Thread #5”

@David B. Benson, the warm waters from cooling operations near NPP are just as often beneficial to fish. Some of the best fishing in the Greater Toronto Area is by the Pickering Nuclear Plant. This was even before the screens went on to keep eggs and fry from being sucked up after Greenpeace made a fuss.


@David B. Benson – I can find no good data for France, however the greatest losses of marine life near Southern U.S. thermal plants have been from temperature shock in the winter – when the plant shut down for some reason or another. This effect was not limited to NPP particularly.

The bottom line is that other than hydro, thermal plants are the only way to produce power in significant amounts, reliably enough to support industry, and thus thermal pollution is going to be an issue if not dealt with. Mitigation is the proper way of addressing the issue, not demands to stop building this sort of facility


DV82XL, on 4 May 2011 at 12:00 PM — Thanks for the infor. In France and in the SE US there have been times in the summer when the thermal plant had to shut down because of water temperatures and rgulatory requirements. So the ecology did not suffer.

There certainly are means of overcoming this thermal problem. One which might work in some locations is to have a sizable pond to let the once-through water cool before returning it to the river.


The point is that thermal pollution is not just a nuclear energy issue. Any heat-engine, (like from transportation) any metal conversion process, and most large-scale chemical processes are huge sources of waste heat that winds up in the environment. Attempting, as antinukes do, to tar NPP with this, as if this was a major issue, unique to this technology is hyperbole at best, mendacity at worse.


Woomera restricted military area will be opened to uranium mining

If new mines are developed where will the water come from? Olympic Dam gets water from two bores on the edge of the artesian basin. Woomera only 72 km away by road (per GoogleMaps) gets water from the River Murray hundreds of kilometres away. The proposed desal on enclosed Spencer Gulf appears doomed due to marine ecology concerns.

A magical new energy source is needed to desalinate seawater on more exposed coastline, pump that water inland to the mines and supply electricity as well.


@ Sod. Of course nuclear has better synergy with electric cars than wind! Nuclear is much more reliable and is there on almost all nights, thus nighttime excess electricity can be used for vehicle charging. That would not work with wind because often it is not there and its intermittency is greater than diurnal. With solar its worse because at night when all those EVs could be charged there is zero sunshine!!!

The nuclear plants can run full out during the night, retaining their advantages of very high capacity factors, while providing the very best of synergy with electric vehicles.

You really have not yet thought this through very well, have you Sod?


David B. Benson: that’s not my point. Fish are important, but:

1. Fish larvae kills have never been a major population killer for fish (unlike overfishing for example)
2. Global warming is worse in terms of livelihoods as well as ecoysystem impacts. Global warming can kill lots of fish populations – and then some.

In areas where fish larvae kills are a problem, wet cooling towers can be used. But they are ugly and people will wine about it. However cooling towers can be made quite beautiful in my opinion, take a look at this one, very nice I think:


@ Ted Nation. Like DV82XL says you have obviously not read the report.

Take a look at e.g. exhibit 3 for a case in point (Poland). You can see that before nuclear some 80 MTCO2eq of FUTURE abatement is possible at negative cost, out of total of 384 MTCO2eq of CURRENT emissions. Now what is your plan for the other 300 MTCO2eq of emissions? That’s the other 80% mind you, and that’s BEFORE economic growth negates much of the 20% you actually saved. The end result is that Poland will emit just as much CO2 in 2030 after the abatement as it does today!!!!

This is more of the 20% solution in 20 years nonsense. We need 90% and we needed it yesterday. Because of economic growth we need plans for deep reductions to eliminate fossil fuels. Otherwise you’re just playing at keeping the status quo.

We need to get CO2 emissions down to under 3 billion tonnes CO2eq/year. Energy efficiency is at best not nearly enough.

We need those nuclear builds. Even with lots of nuclear builds and electric vehicles and heat pumps it will be very very hard to get down to 3 billion tonnes of CO2eq/year, because we still have to find solutions to air and water transport and non-fossil CO2 emissions. Without nuclear we’ll have lost before we even get started.


Looks like I’ve even underestimated the CO2eq global emissions, they are currently around 50 billion tonnes CO2eq!!

Be sure also to check exhibit 5 here for global curves:

We can see that with only the energy efficiency measures (much less than 80 euros/tonCO2) emissions will increase all the way through the graph. Oops! So much for conservation. Now WITH nuclear power included and several others (up to 80 euros part of the graph) you can see that maybe we’ll only be emitting 50 billion tonnes of CO2 equivalents by 2030. Not good. Even with “all hands on deck” so to speak, it will be very hard to get CO2 emissions reduced.

You anti-nukes or efficiency-only delusionists really, really have to start reading your own references. They, uhm, might, just *might* not support your contentions.


“@ Sod. Of course nuclear has better synergy with electric cars than wind! Nuclear is much more reliable and is there on almost all nights, thus nighttime excess electricity can be used for vehicle charging. That would not work with wind because often it is not there and its intermittency is greater than diurnal. With solar its worse because at night when all those EVs could be charged there is zero sunshine!!!”

Cyril, you are wrong on several things.

for a start, electric cars will be plugged in for recharge all the time. (apart from while driving) they do NOT depend on a night time recharge, but will recharge while people are at work as well. sunshine will do a lot of recharging!

they do not need reliable (cheap) electricity either. for the start, electric cars will be introduced as secondary cars for shorter distances. (until we get (payable) solutions for really long ranges)
these cars can very often wait a week for reloading.


here is, why nuclear and electric cars will not work together:

in the long run, electric cars will only be successful, if they are cheaper in NORMAL USE than those running on gas. they also must have similar properties to the usual car. (range, space, speed, …)

but for introduction and a small penetration of the population, there are different rules.

1. people will buy electric cars, because they are “green”, if the cost is not totally absurd.
this will not work well with nuclear, as the majority of these type of customer does still not accept nuclear energy.

2. people will buy electric cars to go energy independent.
doesn t work with nuclear energy at all.

3. people will buy electric cars if they can save money by “atypical use”. these are people who are prepared to wait a long time for a recharge, in case prices are high because of little wind/solar. (can only be done by people who are ready to switch to bike or public transport to avoid costs)
very little opportunity for these people with nuclear power.

4. people will buy electric cars, because they think they can save/earn money and boost about it. even if in reality and the practical world this doesn t happen.
people are ready to invest significant money, into the feeling that they refuel their car for free )during peak wind) and reselling stored electricity at peak prices. (as with many gadgets, this is more about feelings than about it really being the best investment possible)
this depends on the massive price differences that only solar and wind provide.

in short, alternative energies will speed up introduction of electric cars by a lot. nuclear power will not do this and at best doesn t hinder the introduction.


sod, on 4 May 2011 at 6:30 AM said:

the electric car has immense synergy with alternative sources like wind,

If I pay attention to teh Bonneville Power Wind Statistics….

The wind blowing on average 1/3rd of the time doesn’t translate into 8 hours/day of ‘wind power’.

It’s just as likely to be it blows good for a week then not at all for two weeks.

I know of no electric car that can hold enough charge to accommodate a two week commuting period on a single charge.


DV82XLon 4 May 2011 at 9:46 AM; you mean “dissimulation”.

Ted Nation: I’m still waiting for your response on build rates for other generating technologies (excluding combustion).


EMP yes Hank you should pay attention better, because I replied to your earlier.

Here we go again. A nuclear plant is protected from EMP by the Faraday’s cage that is the reinforced concrete buildings, including containment, turbine and diesel buildings. EMP are radio waves and are stopped by the conducting metal rebar as its lattice pitch is lower than the magnitude of EMP waves (1 foot or more).


Hank, it’s more important to identify and acknowledge distractions (ie; fantastic disaster scenarios that have always been the bread and butter of the anti-nukes)… and ignore them. Trying to “fix” the endless mind games the anti-nuke imagination is constantly engaged in is frivolous and a waste of time.

Your concocted threat is being treated with the silent contempt it so richly deserves.

Move on to your next shotgun blast of vaguely connected cut and pasted non-arguments.


Ah, contempt. How charming the site becomes when the purveyors of attitude join the conversation.

Read, guys. We need all the power systems set up to support fission plants, to avoid more multiple-system failure events along the lines of Fukushima. These problems are predictable, describable, anticipated, observed, modeled.

Look it up for yourself.

Contempt doesn’t inform anyone; contempt for warnings of known problems characterized Tepco for years. Why play on the wrong team?

“… although the solar storm electric field is much lower than MHD-EMP, the solar storm effects on the power system are greater due to their much longer duration….”

“… current induced by solar storm, namely the geomagnetically induced current (GIC) has been discovered in Jiangsu and Guangdong power grids as well as in other provincial power grids with the development of the long-distance power transmission system in China in recent years …. GIC influence on Sichuan power grid under the strong magnetic storm is not optimistic; it should pay a sufficient attention to this problem.”

“… the occurrence of geomagnetic induced currents (GICs) in Southern America and its consequences. It shows that, although GICs have been believed to occur only at high latitudes, there are evidences of this phenomena in tropical regions-specially South America, deeply affected by the South Atlantic Geomagnetic Anomaly (SAGA)….”

“… Oak Ridge National Laboratories estimated that only a solar storm just slightly stronger than the
13 March 1989 storm (Dst = 589 nT) would have the capacity to produce a cascading blackout
involving the entire Northeastern sector of the United States. So the question is “What damage
would a spawned geomagnetic storm like the one of 2 September 1859 (Dst = 1,760 nT) bring?”

… With current technology, protecting the network from GICs would cost several billion dollars. Instead of making these costly investments, most utility companies rely on contingency strategies for weathering severe magnetic disturbances.15
A solar storm can attack the power grid across many points simultaneously and can produce a multi-point failure….”


@Joffan – The poor francophone is let down by the spell-checker again, thanks for catching it.

@Hank Roberts, – Nobody runs longer lines through a geomagnetically active an area as we do here in Quebec. Design and operating steps can be taken to reduce the risk from solar storms, and are. Is it a problem that needs to be addressed? Yes, however it is not one that requires the elimination of long transmission lines. This is yet another red herring that is being dragged through this debate in lue of real issues.


Eliminate long transmission lines because of solar storms?? — can you cite a source for that notion???

I agree it’s a red herring. I suspect it’s one of those debater’s claims made up to attribute to the ‘other side’ — but if you can cite it to an actual proponent I’d sure like to know who’s suggesting that solar storms require removing the grid.

Everything I’ve found says _protect_ the grid, _improve_ the grid, _harden_ the grid, and _supplement_ the grid, not eliminate it.

Weird notion. Citation, please?


DV82XL: you’re welcome. However I don’t know what excuse you can use for getting “lieu” wrong :-).

Cyril R., on 5 May 2011 at 1:53 AM: you have addressed it; Ted has not, and I do still await his response.


@Hank Roberts – This is one of the ‘issues’ raised by those that would see everyone generating their own power, or a best being part of some highly local ‘energy internet.’

I really don’t have the time or the inclination to look for references, if you haven’t seen this argument then consider yourself lucky that you haven’t had to wade through the dreck where it came from.


Hank Roberts, on 5 May 2011 at 2:32 AM said:

Read, guys. We need all the power systems set up to support fission plants, to avoid more multiple-system failure events along the lines of Fukushima.

I’m confused as to what a geomagnetic/solar storm would do to a NPP other then cause a grid trip. Grid trips happen frequently in NPP’s. Browns Ferry grid tripped just a few days ago.


I think Hank’s concern might be that the diesel generators will be destroyed by the EMP. However, the diesel generators will be ‘off’ when the solar storm hits. Such equipment is not particularly vulnerable to electromagnetic attenuation overload. The diesel generators are also in Faraday cages which go by the name of ‘rebar’. Ever tried listening to the radio in a bunker? Doesn’t work. EMP are radiowaves. Stopped by the rebar in reinforced concrete. If diesel generator buildings do not have lots of rebar, then that is a design flaw and has to be fixed; I’m not aware of any safety class diesel generators that are not in hardened locations, so doubt this would be a problem anywhere.

The discussion reminds me of a rather similar principle in those microwave oven grid protections. You know that sheet with little holes in it, in the transparent microwave glass/plastic door. It stops microwave frequencies because the holes are smaller than the size of the microwaves. So you can look at how your food is boiled without getting your own brains boiled.


sod, on 4 May 2011 at 10:31 PM said:
“electric cars will be introduced as secondary cars for shorter distances”

Well, the #1 most useful application for electric cars is the millions of people who drive their car to work & back each day, with a commute distance less than about 100 miles – I believe most electric cars can do at least that much between recharges?

Particularly given the rising price of oil & thus gas/petrol, a small electric car would be an awful lot cheaper to drive to work & back five days a week, not to mention significantly more efficient.

I average about 40km per day in my car. An electric vehicle would be *ideal* for my daily driving. Instead, I have a european-build turbo diesel, which uses about half the fuel of the japanese-build petrol vehicle I drove previously. I used to go through a tank of fuel a week, now I only fill up every 2-4 weeks (depending on how bad the traffic has been).

As it turns out, nuclear generation would probably result in a lot of cheap power overnight, just when everyone needs to recharge their electric vehicles…


I doubt that pure battery cars will catch on. A reality check is here
People with limited budgets and parking space want a vehicle that will travel say 300 km on a fill up or charge, that can run a heater or AC and zoom across mountain passes mixing it with SUVs. All for a sticker price less than say 50% of their annual salary.

Note liquid fuels currently retail for 4-5c per MJ of heating value. Natural gas for industrial users costs 10-15% of that. When $200 a barrel oil arrives in a couple of years I think CNG/petrol and CNG/diesel bi-fuel cars will be all the rage though NG filling stations will take a while to become common. Vehicle demand seems likely to make NG prohibitive for use in power stations.

Both Obama in the US and our own energy minister Ferguson have hinted at NG for vehicle fuel but nobody has hit the panic button yet. Right now we imagine the roads crammed with battery cars but let’s see if it happens.


> solar flare ….
> other then cause a grid trip

A long grid trip, of all the connected power systems. Fukushima started with a grid trip. Mostly they don’t get worse. But we know how big a flare can be and could get another big one any time, and we know it’d make Fukushima look like a little local problem.
“A recent report by the National Academy of Sciences found that if a storm that severe occurred today, it could cause $1-2 trillion in damages the first year and require four to 10 years for recover ….”
“Space Weather On the Radar Screen
Written by Marcia Smith
Tuesday, 08 June 2010 22:49

Quoting Woody Allen’s famous line — “One path leads to despair, the other to destruction. Let’s hope we choose wisely.” — Dan Baker wrapped up a one-day symposium on how the scientific community and the federal government are dealing with the potentially catastrophic effects of a major space weather event. …
The comment pretty much captured the mood at the meeting …. Speaker after speaker emphasized the challenge of getting the attention of the public and policymakers to the potentially catastrophic impacts of such a low probability event….”

There’s the place the local-electricity and the grid-protection people have the same problem the fission plant people do — nobody wants to fund the cost of protecting from the improbable failure of the grid.


John Newlands: I agree, pure battery cars aren’t likely to be the majority, but there’s still a very large niche where they could be of use. However, a plug-in hybrid where the ICE is replaced with a fuel cell might be quite a nice viable alternative (would still require significant investment in refuelling infrastructure, depending on what feedstock you use for the fuel cell).

Oil at $200/barrel might provide enough incentive for the relevant R&D. At the very least, it’ll provide incentive for people to get out of their 15mpg SUVs and into more fuel-efficient vehicles. I worked in Detroit for a while, and was amused by the number of people that would drive huge SUVs & pickups to work & back every day. I’d say 95% of the pickups I saw on the road had completely empty trays (i.e. they weren’t used for cargo during the work week). I heard one guy on the radio complaining, when fuel was $3 a gallon, about how he couldn’t afford to drive to work any more. His daily commute to his desk job was in a three-ton pickup with a 6-litre V8 engine that got 12 miles to the gallon…


Workers enter reactor building #1

Workers at Japan’s Fukushima nuclear plant have entered one of its reactor buildings for the first time since it was hit by a powerful quake on 11 March, say officials.
The plant’s operators said the workers were installing ventilation systems in reactor one to filter out radioactive particles from the air.
The Tokyo Electric Power Compancy (Tepco) said earlier on Thursday that the 12 workers would work inside the reactor building in shifts of 10 minutes.

According to TEPCO’s forward plan this air filtration should then produce an environment inside the bulding generally lower than 1mSv/hour, allowing the new cooling system to be installed.


Hank Roberts, why do you blatantly ignore my comments.

Fukushima was caused by 15 meter tsunami and indefinite station blackout due to all backup power failing in common mode by the tsunami. Just the eartquake didn’t do it – the diesel generators started fine and worked fine up until the tsunami hit.

If you have no power from the grid due to EMP, you still have the diesels as they are in Faraday cages. Large diesels and motors aren’t vulnerable to EMP anyway – the problem is in little tiny circuits that get fried because they don’t have enough heat capacity to soak up the EMP without overheating.


“The wind blowing on average 1/3rd of the time doesn’t translate into 8 hours/day of ‘wind power’.

It’s just as likely to be it blows good for a week then not at all for two weeks.

I know of no electric car that can hold enough charge to accommodate a two week commuting period on a single charge.”

the wind not blowing 24/7 is GOOD for electric cars. this gives big price differences at peak supply times.

please remember what people here repeat over and over: wind has a low capacity factor. having 20% wind energy actually means that at some time you have 100% of demand filled with wind. aiming for over 20% wind gives over 100% of demand at certain times.
(this causes trouble for grid and might also need back up at other times, but for electric cars it is wonderful!)

can you give an example of 2 weeks with no wind at all in the USA or Europe?


“I doubt that pure battery cars will catch on. A reality check is here
People with limited budgets and parking space want a vehicle that will travel say 300 km on a fill up or charge, that can run a heater or AC and zoom across mountain passes mixing it with SUVs. All for a sticker price less than say 50% of their annual salary.”

the average person that you talk about will NOT be a member of the avant-garde that will buy the first big wave of electric cars.

as i said, normal people will buy electric cars, if they get the same performance at a similar price. (at best, you can hope that they will do the exchange of a higher starting price for lower consumption costs)

the people who buy the first wave are different.

the people who have an electric car right now are “extremists”. they basically accept to pay twice the price for half performance, either because they don t care about costs at all, or because they really really want the electric car.
the problem with this group is, that it is too small to move the car into mass production and to have an effect on the electric power supply, which is the big hope of EVs.

the first big wave being sold, will go to a different group of people. this will happen, when prices and performance becomes reasonable. (though still above/below a normal car)

people will buy cars at such a higher cost, because they want to do something for the environment. and like it or not, but the majority of them doesn t thing that nuclear power is good for the environment.

people will also do this, because they see an opportunity to save money by using the car in a special way. for example reloading it only, when the price is incredibly cheap. (this does never happen with nuclear)


“I average about 40km per day in my car. An electric vehicle would be *ideal* for my daily driving. Instead, I have a european-build turbo diesel, which uses about half the fuel of the japanese-build petrol vehicle I drove previously. I used to go through a tank of fuel a week, now I only fill up every 2-4 weeks (depending on how bad the traffic has been).

As it turns out, nuclear generation would probably result in a lot of cheap power overnight, just when everyone needs to recharge their electric vehicles…”

your use of the car mine is very similar) sounds perfect for electric cars. i guess that you (like me) don t buy one, simply because the price is still much too high.

but for the second time now: electric cars will NOT depend on being reloaded at night. they will be plugged in whenever they stand still.

i do not think that nuclear energy and electric cars work together well, because having many electric cars will decrease the price difference for night electricity and will that for increase the cost of driving the car.
i saw numbers that suggest that an electric car might cost between 1/3 and 1/2 to drive. and with night time electricity being at 2/3 of daytime price (and increasing with increasing EV use), people might lose nearly the majority of the fuel price advantage.

the complete opposite happens with alternative energy. everybody understands the power of “refueling your car for free” or “making profit, by reselling car fuel”

this is a psychological effect that is much bigger than the actual money being saved might suggest it is.


Cyril asks Hank Roberts, why do you blatantly ignore my comments.

I’m not Hank, but I’m going to guess that Hank is looking for a little stronger backing for the assertion that the diesels will be just fine than what some guy on a blog says.

Hank’s a lot like that. He likes to see references, citations, published literature, peered review. He’s like that, mind you, for assertions that everything will be fine or that we’re all screwed and gonna die.

I understand what you’re saying. The diesel engines themselves should be fine from any sort of pulse. Whether the generators are fine depends on a number of things, like whether they’re connected to the grid or not, whether they’re adequately shielded via your faraday cage, whether the electronics that control the starting, stopping, and provide regulation and frequency control get fried in the hypothetical pulse.

It’s not that hard to imagine cascading failures where the diesels are fine but the starting and control mechanisms are lost, making them effectively useless. This is something that *could* be protected against. It’s not clear to me that it is automatically protected against, or that anyone is thinking about protecting against it.

Who would have said two months ago that they couldn’t just fly some replacement diesels in? Who would have believed that “the plugs wouldn’t fit”? I watched it happen and even in hindsight *I* can’t believe it. What higher priority did they have over there for a generator than emergency cooling of nuclear reactors? N/m, that’s clearly a rhetorical question.

Like Hank says, these are real concerns that ought to be addressed, not waved off. He’s ignoring your casual dismissal of the problem while looking for real answers. You might consider following his lead.


And, Joffan, with the grid out for months, transportation and fuel production also are impacted. Remember the problems hauling batteries and diesel fuel to Fukushima? Prolong that for months with far more widespread need for the fuel and power competing.

The quake/tsunami was a small local example of the sort of disruption predicted for a flare like the one that took out the telegraph systems.

Those who ignore Cassandra hear from Murphy eventually.


Joffan, the blackout in 2003 was caused by a short on some powerlines and an overload of the system. There was no significant damage to the infrastructure. Starting the grid back up was a challenge.

What Hank is talking about is the loss of much/most/all of the infrastructure. Imagine bringing the grid back up when all the major transformers have been destroyed. Imagine the computer systems used to control the grid destroyed, as well as the systems required to make new ones. Imagine that at the same time all the global communications infrastructure is out.

Given those results from the EMP/storm how comfortable are you that a nuclear power plant can get to cold shutdown safely?

Have I got that right Hank? Those are possible/likely results of the sort of solar storm you’re thinking of?


Hank, it seems you’re not getting the main point – thick, heavily reinforced concrete is excellent EMP shielding. If the diesel generators are not within thick reinforced concrete hardened locations at nuclear plants, this is a major design flaw, as e.g. a design basis tornado or hurricane could take out the whole building, so yes in that case it has to be fixed anyway.


Hank Roberts, on 6 May 2011 at 1:20 AM said:

Remember the problems hauling batteries and diesel fuel to Fukushima? Prolong that for months with far more widespread need for the fuel and power competing.

The power required to achieve cold shutdown is an order of magnitude above the power required to maintain cold shutdown.


“Hank, it seems you’re not getting the main point – thick, heavily reinforced concrete is excellent EMP shielding. If the diesel generators are not within thick reinforced concrete hardened locations at nuclear plants, this is a major design flaw, as e.g. a design basis tornado or hurricane could take out the whole building, so yes in that case it has to be fixed anyway.”

when i visited a nuclear power plant the last time, the emergency diesels were inside a rather shabby looking shed. has anybody got any informations on this?


i do not think that EMP is among the worst problems that nuclear power faces, but i think it should be considered.

at the moment, the nuclear industry seems to be extremely reluctant about testing their power plants. the proposed European stress test has been turned into a farce. basically it will be restricted to only testing against natural disasters.,1518,760654,00.html


there also has been an important talk between the WHO and critics of the agreement with the IAEA..

i can t find a good english source, of the talk, only this:

but the leftish German paper TAZ has a very interesting summary.

the WHO doesn t have any significant expertise in radiation left and Chan promised to find out what happened to unreleased documents from the Chernobyl conferences.


at the same time, some additional German nuclear power plants have been switched of for regular maintenance, so there are only 6 out of 17 still running.
Had anyone proposed that this should be done, it would have been declared impossible 2 months ago…


You don’t need a lot of diesel. In the first day for a large reactor you’d need 200-400 kWe for the pumps. Long term its more like 10-20 kWe. Couple of cubic meters of diesel per month is plenty.

Data centers are far more serious, being real energy hogs.

You need a lot less to run the steam driven pumps valve automated systems, maybe half a kWe.

If submarine grade lithium-ion batteries (used by deep sea divers for underwater lights etc.) then a 1 month supply to power the steam driven cooling pumps would only be around 100k USD extra battery cost. That sounds like a good idea to me. Shutting down a good steam driven system because you’ve run out of juice is really stupid. The batteries can be inside containment as they have no exhaust or air intake requirement. Bunch of passive hydrogen recombiners around the spent fuel pool and all inside the containment, a hardened ground level standpipe connecting to an emergency spray system for the spent fuel pool, and maybe throw in an extra diesel generator at the top floor next to the refuelling crane, and you are all good to go. Fukushima-proof.


> this is a major design flaw

One last try:
Plan for the grid to go away _everywhere_ for months, from _all_ the facilities. Cassandra says so.

No diesel fuel deliveries.

When that happens you need local power beyond what diesel and batteries can provide.

It’s a business case, for the people maintaining and extending the service of any reactor currently in use.

It’s an opportunity to cooperate and share costs, by including as part of longterm backup power: local windfarms, solar thermal systems, hot salt storage — with a handy rare-emergency switch to divert output to the nearby fission plant.

For months. Until the grid comes back.

Yes, Gen4 will obsolete all the other stuff. So will fusion. But those are 30 years away.

Plan for trouble now. Cassandra says.

—- quote—
“[t]he commission estimates… that we could probably put ourselves into a situation where we could neutralize this particular threat, at least to the extent that it… wouldn’t be a catastrophic, society-destroying threat and we would be able to recover.” Some of the cost estimates have been reasonable, e.g., Dr. Pry has quoted a figure of about $2 billion. …. emergency responders ought to be trained in how to handle a large-scale outage as might be expected from a severe geomagnetic storm.
—-end quote—

The big utilities will opt for hardening the grid and stockpiling big equipment — leaving the whole fission power industry unprotected _until_ the grid is guaranteed not to fail. Anything to avoid supporting the alternatives.

But the alternative power sources could be building in around every fission plant right away — competing selling to the grid until the grid goes down, whenever it does.

Maybe we won’t need that kind of security.
I’m watching the Sun, not feeling particularly lucky.
As they say in the movies:

“It’s quiet. Too quiet…..”


People went into the first reactor on 10-minute shifts, says the press release. What’s new there?


People went into the first reactor on 10-minute shifts, says the press release. What’s new there?

Nothing new as such; they’re just quickly setting up the air extraction & filtration piping that will lower exposure rates in the building for subsequent work. See the Tepco presentation.


Unlike an earthquake, solar storms can be seen developing and the path of ejecta plotted giving a fair period of time to prepare for a major geomagnetic event. Simply shutting down the grid while the storm passes, and keeping breakers open would minimize the damage, and indeed plans to do just that are in place.

A NASA project called “Solar Shield” will provide a node-by-node forecast of geomagnetic currents. During extreme storms, engineers would safeguard the most endangered parts of the network by disconnecting them from the grid. This itself would cause a blackout, but only temporarily. Equipment protected in this way would be available again for normal operations when the storm is over.

So this is well in hand already, and it is unlikely that the die predictions of the Cassandras will come to pass.


@2v82xl 04 May

“One way or the other the McKinsey report does not support your arguments.”

And just what are my arguments?

On May 1st I posted a question about the seriousness of Dr. Ma’s concern about the design of the AP1000’s concrete shield building. (An NRC staff member commenting on a new reactor design,not a proposed plant). Later the same day Cyril R responded pretty much ignoring Dr. Ma’s issue but attacking the NRC for being too sluggish generally. I responded that maybe a little more regulatory delay might have avoided the Fukushima situation. Cyril then lauched into a tirade about how much worse coal fired generation was. On May 2 I posted a reply agreeing with him about the need to get rid of coal fired generation but suggesting that in developed economies there were safer, faster, and cheaper alternatives and calling particiular attention to improvements in the efficiency with which we use electricity and used the California experience as a example of what could be done utilizing only part of the efficiency potential. Cyril then responded attacking California energy policy and the potential of efficiency improvements plus solar and wind. On May 3rd I responded defending the California case linking the McKinsey abatement study and some other studies to show the potential for efficiency improvements. Later in the day I linked some per capita electricial usage charts for selected countries and called out Germany as an example. Cyril proceeded to dismiss the German case too, using an absurd date range covering a period before German energy efficiency policies were adopted. (Perhaps he should have used his vaunted skills to calculate just how much less CO2e the US would have added to the atmosphere had we matched the German experience over time?)

Now just how does the McKinsey report fail to demonstrate the huge potential of efficiency improvements?

I am not anti-nuclear. I don’t says there is no role for nuclear. I just insist on reactors being well regulated by indepent bodies. I also think nuclear is unlikely to play a big role in the US in the near term. (I think that agrees with an earlier statement you made about nuclear playing its greatest role in developing economies).

I am terrified and sadened by the effects of global warming. I think we have already destabilized the cryosphere and face the inevitability of rising sea levels for centuries. We may have already crossed other tipping points that could produce on-going feedbacks. I would welcome a WWII type of effort to mitigate the release of greenhouse gases even if it included constructing thousands of nuclear reactors. Unfortunately the fossil fuel industry blocks even a limited effort!


@Ted Nation – Let us get one thing straight, most of us here have been around too long to buy into the “I’m not antinuclear but..” posturing that some use in an attempt to avoid outright dismissal. You are antinuclear.

Now as a matter of convention in these matters the onus is on you to show how and where your references support your argument. You, after all are the one trying to convince us. Floating some document and stating that this shows you are right is just not good enough, because I don’t see anything in this report that shows that there is a huge potential of efficiency improvements, that does not involve moving the consumption elsewhere.

Now provide quotations, along with page numbers and we will debate. Do not and expect to be dismissed as not worth answering.


Ted Nation, the McKinsey report says even with all efficiency improvements together, global CO2 emissions WILL STILL RISE.

Since you can’t read properly, I will repeat.


Therefore efficiency is *NOT* an alternative to nuclear.

Furthermore, if the cost of the efficiency improvements is indeed largely negative as the McKinsey report suggest, then there is Jevon’s Paradox that comes into play.

Efficiency is at best not enough and at worst has zero effect due to various rebound effects (which makes its cost per ton of CO2 avoided infinite, ie ineffective).

Now try to polish up on your reading skills, or stop trolling. And try to actually *read* your own references, it makes you look so stupid if you don’t.



Cyril, i do not get your argument. Ted was speaking about electricity. about saving energy while saving money. and about the possibility that the entire USA could have a per capita electricity use like california or some European countries.

are you seriously trying to tell us, that CO2 output for electricity in the USA would still rise, if they would half their use? this would be a completely bizarre claim!


your link has basically no connection to what Ted said. it is talking about global energy use, is not restricted to electricity at all (Exhibit 6 contains stuff like reforestation) and it is also not restricted to measures that save money, while also saving electricity.


> solar storms can be seen developing
> and the path of ejecta plotted giving a
> fair period of time to prepare for a major
> geomagnetic event

This does not happen, as the links given above make clear. It’s wishful thinking.

> … NASA … solar shield

It’s a suggestion, not a program. Citing sources helps because it’s hard to deny what’s in the source if you actually read it.

I recommend reading this. It makes the point clearly that we have a problem being widely ignored.


@ Sod. Yes CO2 output rises because:

1. You can’t halve electricity use per capita. California electricity use per capita, as well as German electricity use per capita, have only INCREASED over the years. It DID NOT HALVE IT DOUBLED OR MORE.
2. When you get more efficient at negative cost (ie market failure alleviations) then you can produce more competitively. This increases electricity usage.
3. Reducing energy consumption can only be done by increasing cost of electricity, forcing conservation and chasing away industries, which is very hard politically. California has some of the highest rates in the USA, yet it has not reduced per capita CO2 emissions. It has increased per capita CO2 emissions, just a bit less fast than the average US.
4. Economic growth happens in all scenarios.

Don’t blame me for the data. I wish it wasn’t as bad as it is. Energy efficiency isn’t enough at best, and more likely doesn’t work at all. You can chase industries away and force conservation by high electric rates, requiring you to import more stuff “pollution elsewhere” but you won’t save energy or reduce CO2 on absolute terms.

Again Sod is quibbling and trying to divert attention from the main problems.

Are all you anti-nukes so innumerate? I can see with people like Sod that Germany has the worst energy transition policy in the world.



Thanks for reading my mind and telling me what I think! You guys are poor public advocates for nuclear power if you think you can overwhelm any safety and economic concerns with put downs.

@Cyril R.

“Furthermore, if the cost of the efficiency improvements is indeed largely negative as the McKinsey report suggest, then there is Jevon’s Paradox that comes into play.”

This effect is much exaggerated and could be entirely eliminated with a carefully designed rate system. See:

There have been several posts comparing electrlic rates by country and power source. These articles would indicate that rates are much more influenced by rate design than power source.


The summary from the NASA page:

“… CME … sun-Earth … typically takes 24 to 48 hours, the Solar Shield team prepares to calculate ground currents…. “at Goddard’s Community Coordinated Modeling Center (CCMC),” … The crucial moment comes about 30 minutes before impact ….
… With less than 30 minutes to go, Solar Shield can issue an alert to utilities with detailed information about GICs.
… A small number of utility companies have installed current monitors at key locations in the power grid to help the team check their predictions.”

More Information on Solar Shield from NASA:

Solar Shield — project home page
Community Coordinated Modeling Center (CCMC) — This is where Solar Shield calculations are done
Severe Space Weather-Social and Economic Impacts — (Science@NASA) A summary of the 2008 National Academy of Sciences report
High-Impact, Low-Frequency Event Risk to the North American Bulk Power System — A Jointly-Commissioned Summary Report of the North American Electric Reliability Corporation and the U.S. Department of Energy’s November 2009 Workshop”
Super Solar Flare — (Science@NASA)

Don’t miss the pictures.

Saying it’s not a problem won’t make it go away.
Coping with it might.



and the blog sotware borked the 3rd and 5th of those last five links quoted from NASA. If you click one that doesn’t work, look behind the colored text and delete the extra added crap to get the working link.


@ Hank Roberts, yes making energy expensive can be very effective in reducing energy consumption, both by chasing away industries and importing the embedded energy in products so that it looks like per capita energy is reduced (but of course its just imported to a greater extent in embodied energy from dirty Chinese energy systems), and by forcing people to use non-cost effective energy efficiency and lifestandard-reducing conservation down their throat.

Thank you for proving my point.

Meanwhile, CO2 emissions are still increasing, with or without energy efficiency.

We actually get more efficient all the time. It makes us more productive, allowing a better standard of life. It’s great. And it doesn’t reduce fossil fuel consumption.


Oops! Last post was addressed to Ted Nation.

To Hank Roberts I would say a strong drink would be a good idea.


Now, we can see how well California is not reducing CO2 emissions here:

Well, that didn’t work. Its not too late for California though – they can use nuclear power and electric vehicles plus heat pump heating in winter and ice storage airconditioning to take advantage of nighttime nuclear ‘cold charging’.


Just for the record, the previous graph completely ignored embedded energy in stuff and clutter that is imported from other countries, so is a gross underestimate of CO2 emissions for California. Want to guess what powers those Chinese factories?

And yet China is so good in energy efficiency!

China has the best energy efficiency improvement rate (GJ/GDP) of any country. Yet they are building a coal plant, sometimes two, every week.


Ted Nation, on 6 May 2011 at 8:55 AM said:

Dr. Ma’s concern about the design of the AP1000′s concrete shield building… I responded that maybe a little more regulatory delay might have avoided the Fukushima situation.

The original application for design certification on the AP1000 was submitted to the NRC in March of 2002.

The AP1000 is an enlarged version of the AP600 which was submitted to the NRC for approval in 1992.

19 years of review…how much more ‘regulatory review’ would be adequate?


@Ted Nation: I will take your long silence on other power generation build rates as an admission that nuclear build rates are acceptable and do not pose a real objection to nuclear power. I trust you will pass your new knowledge back to whatever source you originally used for the baseless objection.



I believe the AP1000 previously received certification but Westinghouse resubmitted design changes in May 2007 that would reduce costs. So the delay in the review wasn’t all the NRC’s fault. Still even 5 years seems a long time and I take your point.



“Ted Nation: I’m still waiting for your response on build rates for other generating technologies (excluding combustion).’

“Ted Nation: I will take your long silence on other power generation build rates as an admission that nuclear build rates are acceptable and do not pose a real objection to nuclear power. I trust you will pass your new knowledge back to whatever source you originally used for the baseless objection.”

I never raised other alternative renewables but focussed on improvements in efficiency. These are on-going but could be greatly accelerated with universal utility rules allowing ultility investments in customer efficiency improvement to be included in the rate base. Roll out is essentially as fast as improvements can be identified and completed.

The build rate of wind and solar obviously depend on the size of the project and whether the planning and permitting are included. For a medium sized wind farm five years from initiation to completion is fairly typical but only two years of this is contruction time. But of course there is the example of the offshore Cape Wind Project taking 10 years to get through the permitting and legal delays. Central solar facilities are also complex undrtakings taking several years to constuct..

The real issue is how much capital is tied up in the construction phase which is a much longer period for nuclear plants. This adds considerable to their cost and to risk incurred.


@ Ted Nation

The build rate of wind and solar obviously depend on the size of the project and whether the planning and permitting are included

You’re missing the point. For a proper comparison, you need to look at (for example) how long it will take to replace > 80 % of Australia’s electricity generation, which is currently supplied by fossil fuels. This could be assessed for a variety of energy mix options.

The fact still stands that France pretty much managed to do it in 10 years. The obstacles here are political, not technological or economic.

Of course we could throw all our eggs in one basket, go for the “100 % renewables” option, cross our fingers and hope that technologies which have never replaced a significant portion of fossil fuels will do the job. Of course, that would be plain stupid.


A useful definition of ‘irony’?

7) Are there any solutions, can we roll back denial?

Yes there are, which is the frustrating part. Denial is a delusion that has become a pathology that will cause huge impacts on ecosystems and the societies that rely on them. Yet we can break free of denial and accept reality – and we have to. We can roll back denial by examining our worldview and ethics, our ideologies, by accepting related problems such as population, by moving to a steady state economy, by focusing on ecological sustainability, by getting the message across better, and by using multiple strategies that work. The technological solutions exist, such as renewable energy and energy efficiency, and we discuss these. We also discuss ‘false’ solutions such as nuclear power and carbon capture and storage, which involve their own denial of problems.

I shakes me head. He wrote a whole book on this, and he never bothered to look in the mirror?


The debate at Skeptical Science continues:
Hayden Washington

Barry Brooks seeks to make an ad hominem attack that since I doubt the usefulness of nuclear power I am either ironic, insulting or misinformed. Well sorry Barry I am not being ironic, nuclear is too little too late, too expensive and too dangerous. You dont solve one major problem with another. You might consider it if it was the only alternative – but it isnt. As was shown in your debate with Dr Mark Diesendorf at UNSW, renewable energy is a far better alternative to put our development money into than nuclear. Issues such as baseload power are now solved. Spain is spending $20 billion on installing Concentrated Solar Thermal. It is time for Australia to make use of our fantastic renewable resources, not follow some Cornucopian nuclear fantasy. Renewable are both feasible and sustainable. Its time to accept reality and move rapidly to a renewables future. Both Mark Diesendorf and Barry Pittock in their books (plus Beyond Zero Emissions in their Stationary Energy Study)show this can be done.

My reply:

Hayden Washington, I cannot see how my comment would be construed as an ad homenim. To do this, I would have to disparage your character, and use that as a basis for dismissing your arguments. Instead, I saw in your comments a number of things:

1) Ironic: “using multiple strategies that work. The technological solutions exist, such as renewable energy and energy efficiency”

Multiple strategies that apparently do not include nuclear energy, which we know WORKS and has been the only low-carbon energy technology, excepting large hydropower dams, that has been successful to date at displacing coal, or in running an electricity system at high penetration (France). The best non-hydro renewables have done is 19% (Denmark).

2) Insulting: “We also discuss ‘false’ solutions such as nuclear power and carbon capture and storage, which involve their own denial of problems.”

You are disparaging me, as well as other climate scientists such as Jim Hansen and Tom Wigley, and other prominent thinkers like David Mackay, James Lovelock, Mark Lynas, George Monbiot, Chris Goodall, and many others, who have evaluated the situation logically and cannot see a viable solution without a significant role for nuclear (along with renewables and energy efficiency). Instead, you accuse us of denial and offering ‘false’ solutions, as though we were trying to hide from some truth or deliberately dissemble. As I said, this is insulting.

3) Misinformed: That applies to both 1 and 2 above. Further, if you would become better informed about nuclear power, then you might not be so ready to dismiss it. If you are as concerned about the extremely serious consequences of climate change, as you profess, you should judge nuclear power’s benefits alongside its faults (real and perceived) and make a prudent decision that is explicit about this very serious trade off.

I support renewable energy and any other practical solutions to displacing fossil fuels. I have set up a research project (Open Science) called Oz Energy Analysis ( to assess how Australia might reach as much as 50% renewables by 2030. However, I also subject renewable energy to the same scrutiny as I subject any scientific hypothesis, and that is why I am surprised and disappointed that the two critiques of the BZE 2020 plan has received exactly zero responses:


We must face up to reality if we are to solve these extremely difficult problems. Your approach seems cavalier at best and grossly irresponsible at worst.

“not follow some Cornucopian nuclear fantasy”

Throwing such straw men at me serves no purpose other than to undermine your credibility. Since when did I claim this? Indeed, my guest post on Skeptical Science, Can animals and plants adapt to global warming?, shows my research focus – ecology, evolution and extinction, and the impacts of human activity on the biosphere. I understand the concept of ecological limits better than most, so I’d ask that you do a little more background research in future before throwing around such aspersions.

In short, if the above arguments you presented are in any way indicative of the quality of writing in the book, then I’m unlikely to purchase a copy or recommend it. Which is a shame, because I have a great deal of respect for the work that John Cook does on this site.


@ Sod

the entire USA could have a per capita electricity use like california or some European countries.

Yes. And every government in the world could completely cut funding to military and warfare. Use that money to fix the energy and climate problems – also have world peace! On Planet Sod.

Not to mention (as others have pointed out) that these per capita energy uses, while still burning fossil fuels, simply don’t cut it.


Gas man favours nuclear and c.t.

I don’t see a line to the effect that NG is too valuable to burn in baseload power stations but that could be implied. The gas industry will make top dollar from CNG and GTL transport fuels before long and being forced to sell cheap to power stations could hurt the industry.

However I still think export LNG should be carbon taxed (say $25 a tonne on top of $400 ) which overcomes the question of domestic use of gas to power LNG trains. The importing country gets the tax refunded if they make a good enough case. We should aim to keep gas affordable by 2050 at least.


Both the USA and Germany have more than tripled their per capita electricity consumption. The Germans started out lower but grew almost as fast as the USA. This is not what traditional (ie those who are still innumerate) environmentalists have in mind when they think of saving electricity.

Even with a much stronger push to energy efficiency across the globe, and even assuming rebound effects are small, you will still have to deal with the reality of growing energy and CO2 emissions on the absolute scale.


Barry, remember the book-publishing schedule means they must have been done well before Fukushima. Everyone’s certainties have been shaken and some solutions have changed.

I recall Krugman pointing out that capitalism has survived several major crises, but not in its original form — a different capitalism emerged after each crisis.

Ditto nuclear power, it’s survived several major crises. The previous certainties about what’s reasonable and what’s too risky have changed each time, and are still changing.

Imagine the nuclear future as it was being imagined before the Japan events — lots more of the old Gen2 type reactors being built in China, extending the period they’re common for another 50 years or more.
That just changed, they’re reconsidering.

A whole lot of _bad_ choices that were being sustained by economic pressure and “hey what could go wrong?” thinking — are now reconsidered.

And a great many people who have had the chance to consider relative risks have gotten clearer about why a lot of biologists and climate scientists are favoring the new — not the existing, but the new — fission plant designs.

House of mirrors, lots of mirrors for everyone.

It will take some years to sort out which positions were proven false — with the prediction of force 8 _aftershocks_ from the force 9 earthquake, plus the odds of “ordinary” force 8 events, Japan has changed some permits dramatically. That’s the extreme case.

BUt don’t write off the book because it made a one sentence statement about the old solutions –t he ones everyone has reconsidered.

That’s a peril of publishing in paper form — the world can change between final editorial signoff and the press run. The world of nuclear power changed in the last few months, for the better.


the entire USA could have a per capita electricity use like california or some European countries.

In Washington State, we have 2% of the US population but we produce 25% of the US Aluminum.

There are reasons that other areas the the US have higher energy intensity then California that have absolutely nothing to do with how ‘environmentally aware’ or ‘environmentally responsible’ we are.


“Both the USA and Germany have more than tripled their per capita electricity consumption. The Germans started out lower but grew almost as fast as the USA. This is not what traditional (ie those who are still innumerate) environmentalists have in mind when they think of saving electricity.

Even with a much stronger push to energy efficiency across the globe, and even assuming rebound effects are small, you will still have to deal with the reality of growing energy and CO2 emissions on the absolute scale.”

you are wrong on several points again, Cyril. for a start, a comparison starting in the 60s is stupid. you have to compare what happened, after Germany decided to save energy/electricty. (about the 80s, with the rise of the Green party)

even if you ignore the drop in the 90s (this was caused by reunion with east Germany. a problem with per capita measurement) y<ou can clearly see a flattening of the curve, while the US keeps going up, possibly even faster.
it is also simple to show, that electricity use must not grow constantly. for example total energy use (per capita) didn t grow any longer and possibly is in decline.

neither Ted nor I can do more than say this: there are examples in the world and inside the USA, which use half the electricity of the whole USA per capita. they do so, while remaining economically competitive and reducing electricity consumption can even save a lot of money. (see Kinsey study often linked above)


but as this topic is about Fukushima, i think you folks do miss important developments. for example it turns out that TEPCO so far has not done medical examinations among the workers in the plant.

TEPCO also has failed to improve working conditions so far, and is only starting with the most basic improvements (food, showers, beds) "soon".

temperature in Reactor 3 has been reported rising to 240°C.
Please be aware that giving a reference with a brief one-liner intro is outside the commenting rules and may, in future, be deleted


Hank Roberts, on 8 May 2011 at 2:31 AM — Earthquakes are measured in units of “moment magnitude”, often abbreviated “magnitude”. Only winds are measured in units called “force”.

And, by the way, there have already been two aftershocks of magnitude 8.0 from the magnitude 9.0 earthquake off the coast of Japan.


@ Ted Nation: You asserted that nuclear power plants “take a long time to build”. I gave you a reasonable mid-range figure for the rate at which bulding a nuclear power plant adds power to the generating grid – 200 MW/year, based on average power delivery. I challenged you to come up with other figures that demonstrate other build rates. You have so far failed to do so, although you attempted to cast doubt on my figures.

Numbers, please. Actual example projects. And when we’ve done that we can talk about other aspects, but let’s nail this “too slow” business first.

Incidentally, as you have been told by various people again and again, efficiency is not an alternative to nuclear power. It is a completely separate component of power management that is independent of what other generation choices are made. Nevertheless I’d be interested to hear you also describe a electricity use reduction rate for an efficiency project, as well as a generation project.


It is very difficult for me to keep track of comments here with respect to adherence to the basic rules — only so many hours in the day, and many tasks at hand! I also think the vast majority of us appreciated greatly the efforts put in my emergency moderator during the height of the Fukushima crisis. As I’d like to keep a consistent feel to the blog, and provide an environment where everyone can contribute comments collegiately and in keeping with the principles of BNC (evidence, logic, not playing the man, etc.), I’ve invited the moderator back in a permanent role. Thankfully, she has accepted. She has her own login now, to avoid confusion, BNC MODERATOR. The moderation brushstrokes will be applied as lightly as possible whilst still ensuring the rules — and the spirit of the rules — are maintained.


Thankyou Barry for inviting me back after a breather.
Although now a permanent moderator, I am still a part-time volunteer so moderation will occur only once or twice on most days. I ask BNC commenters to advise me of any breaches but to be aware that action on their concerns may not be immediate.


Don’t it always seem to go
That you don’t know what you got till it’s gone

Welcome back, moderator.



I don’t have a skeptical science login, but I feel compelled to point out that Diesendorf himself (whom Dr Washington appears to hold in high regard) pretty much slammed the BZE plan (which he also touted) here:

They never responded to that either as far as I’m aware.

Despite its flaws, this brave study prepares the ground for future studies that will be less constrained in their assumptions. The authors deserve recognition for their work.

Or in other words, “The report made wild, fantastical assumptions. But they tried hard.”

It’s obviously okay to throw around names when it suits one’s side of the story, and ignore it when it doesn’t. Denialism? Maybe.


Ted Nation above claimed that James Barret at Climate Progress debunks Jevons Paradox.

Not really. He at best debunks the claim that rebound effects at the level of the individual unit of consumption or production trump efficiency gains.

But the real question, as Barret himself realizes here and there and points to in his conclusion, is whether energy efficiency can trump exponential growth.

The focus on the strict version of Jevons paradox blinds the all renewables pro growth group to the obvious about capitalism. That capitalism contains a growth imperative and that exponential growth can never be trumped at the level of the world economy by energy efficiency savings. Even Barret notes that there has been no evidence for this up to now.

While it should be obvious that efficiency cannot trump economic growth so as to reduce absolute energy use in a capitalist world economy, that doesn’t keep people from trying to disprove the obvious.

So Makijani at IEER invents a hypothetical economy that grows 3% a year (his example is just the United States, not the world economy) while reducing energy use 1 % per year for 45 years. In this fantasy scenario, the economy would nearly quadruple in size by 2050 while energy falls from 100 to 66 quads.

While there’s nothing remotely resembling an empirical example of this for either the U.S. or the world economy, it’s still useful to think thru what happens after 2050.

Can anyone in all seriousness continue to assert 3% annual growth with 1% annual reduction in energy use? Exponential growth with exponential decline in energy use for the next 50 years–much less forever? The economy would grow to 14 times its current size while energy use would fall from 100 quads to 40 quads. Keep doing the iterations.

At some level, most pro renewables people realize that efficiency cannot trump growth which is why they call for a steady state economy–like Barry’s opponent above or someone like Ted Trainer.

But even a steady state economy on a world scale would require a large amount of energy such that it would be irrational and probably impossible to supply it cleanly and reliably without nuclear power.


“Dear Isaac, You frequently desire me to give you some Advice, in Writing. There is, perhaps, no other valuable Thing in the World, of which so great a Quantity is given, and so little taken. Men do not generally err in their Conduct so much through Ignorance of their Duty, as thro Inattention to their own Faults, or thro strong Passions and bad Habits; and, therefore, till that Inattention is cured, or those Passions reduced under the Government of Reason, Advice is rather resented as a Reproach, than gratefully acknowledged and followed.”
“Every prudent Man ought to be jealous and fearful of himself, lest he run away too hastily with a Likelihood instead of Truth; and abound too much in his own Understanding.”

“The strongest of our natural Passions are seldom perceived by us; a choleric Man does not always discover when he is angry, nor an envious Man when he is invidious; at most they think they commit no great Faults. Therefore it is necessary that you should have a MONITOR.”

“Most Men are very indifferent Judges of themselves, and often think they do well when they sin; and, imagine they commit only small Errors, when they are guilty of Crimes. It is in Human Life as in the Arts and Sciences; their Plainest Doctrines are easily comprehended, but the finest Points cannot be discovered without the closest Attention; of these Parts only the wise and skilful in the Art or Science, can be deemed competent Judges. Many Vices and Follies resemble their opposite Virtues and Prudence; they border upon, and seem to mix with each other; and therefore the exact Line of Division betwixt them is hard to ascertain.”

“It is therefore necessary for every Person who desires to be a wise Man, to take particular Notice of HIS OWN Actions, and of HIS OWN Thoughts and Intentions which are the Original of his actions; with great Care and Circumspection; otherwise he can never arrive to that Degree of Perfection which constitutes the amiable Character he aspires after. And, lest all this Diligence should be insufficient, as Partiality to himself will certainly render it, it is very requisite for him to chuse a FRIEND, or MONITOR, who must be allowed the greatest Freedom to advertise and remind him of his Failings, and to point out Remedies….”

“Most Men see that in another, which they can not or will not see in themselves… If such a Monitor informs you of any Misconduct, whether you know his Interpretations to be true or false, take it not only patiently, but thankfully; and be careful to reform. Thus you get and keep a Friend, break the inordinate and mischievous Affection you bore towards your Frailities, and advance yourself in Wisdom and Virtue. Remember that if a Friend tells you of a Fault, always imagine that he does not tell you the whole, which is commonly the Truth; for he desires your Reformation, but is loth to offend you.”

Benjamin Franklin – Excerpts from “A Letter from Father Abraham to his Beloved Son”

Due to the stakes involved, this conversation is understandably passionate… appropriately so. That there will be lapses in etiquette and protocols is natural… the inevitable result of the inherent weaknesses of the human condition.

Ol’ Ben would heartily approve of the insertion of a MONITOR into this debate, though he may have further advice for those that volunteer for the task… no doubt to warn them of its thankless nature. Dear Moderator, it is my hope that your contributions will be accepted in the grateful spirit Franklin advocates above. When it is not, take comfort in the knowledge that the blame falls on the offended party… they lack introspection/restraint. And “till that Inattention is cured, or those Passions reduced under the Government of Reason, Advice is rather resented as a Reproach, than gratefully acknowledged and followed.”

Thank you, and good luck… you’ve got your work cut out for you.

Thank you John for your encouragement. I do hope BNCers take time to read and assimilate your supplied Benjamin Franklin quote.
As I have already gone through the baptismal fires of moderator during the Fukushima crisis (1 million hits in a week)I think I can handle anything :-) – but I have to say it ain’t easy!


sod, on 8 May 2011 at 6:23 AM said:

there are examples in the world and inside the USA, which use half the electricity of the whole USA per capita. they do so, while remaining economically competitive and reducing electricity consumption can even save a lot of money. (see Kinsey study often linked above)

The paint is not even dry on BMW’s first ‘electricity intensive’ carbon fiber plant in Washington State and they are talking about building 5 more.

Press article on BMW’s carbon fiber plant expansion in Washington State.


@ sod:

there are examples in the world and inside the USA, which use half the electricity of the whole USA per capita. they do so, while remaining economically competitive

Perhaps the true metric should be overall energy consumption, including the energy embodied in the production of goods produced elsewhere but consumed in these regions of lower than average energy production. California shifting its energy-intensive manufacturing to China, sourcing much of its power from out of state, and then claimin g great progress in green energy status is not exactly an uplifting model to follow. Neither is coal-addicted Germany.


Finrod is exactly right. This reminds me of the great gains claimed in pollution abatement made in the 70’s which were nothing more than shifting these processes to jurisdictions with softer laws. In some extreme cases the net emissions turned out to be worse than what was being done initially



Perhaps the true metric should be overall energy consumption including the energy embodied in the production of goods produced elsewhere

That gets closer but then we still have issues with how to account for energy consumed for basic adaptation.

How do we compare the efficiency efforts of someone in Fairbanks Alaska with someone in a Beach Front Condo in Southern California?


All strategies based on energy efficiency are red herrings, and completely miss the point. We need to expend a certain amount of energy to reach certain results. Good engineers will design systems that are as efficient as reasonably possible (which usually wont be as efficient as theoretically achievable, because that would require tradeoffs compromising the other aims of the system). What we are really after is an energy production system which minimises environmental impact while still providing for the needs of civilisation. Using efficiency as a metric of success implies a commitment to environmentally damaging generation systems. The aim should be to go to a system where efficiency has its usual place in the scheme of things, but no more than that.


Using efficiency as a metric of success implies a commitment to environmentally damaging generation systems.

The above should read:

Using efficiency as a key or sole metric of success implies a commitment to environmentally damaging generation systems.


@ Finrod, on 9 May 2011 at 12:50 AM

Well said and exactly right.

@ sod

You should read this book. Goes to the core of what Finrod said about needing to account for total energy consumption, including embodied energy.


“Perhaps the true metric should be overall energy consumption, including the energy embodied in the production of goods produced elsewhere but consumed in these regions of lower than average energy production. California shifting its energy-intensive manufacturing to China, sourcing much of its power from out of state, and then claimin g great progress in green energy status is not exactly an uplifting model to follow. Neither is coal-addicted Germany.”


this story is getting a little confused. i do not think that energy per capita is the best metric to use ever. but we were talking about saving energy as a mean to reduce electricity use. and for that purpose, electricity use per capita is obviously better than total electricity use. looking at totals, population growth can hide all effects of savings.

if you factor in products requiring energy produced elsewhere, you also have to deduct these numbers, when looking at the use in the other countries.


“You should read this book. Goes to the core of what Finrod said about needing to account for total energy consumption, including embodied energy.”

i have seen this link before. 8i have been often send there by climate change “sceptics”. i think it is a pessimistic approach.

for example on photovoltaics, the German wikipedia article makes this calculation:

“Energie erforderlich. Die heutige Stromerzeugungskapazität beträgt gemäß der gleichen Quelle ~138 GW. Bei einem Modulwirkungsgrad von z. B. 12 % und der Berücksichtigung eines Wechselrichterwirkungsgrades von 96 %[45] ist demnach für die Bereitstellung der Leistung von 726 GWp bei einem angenommenen Flächenverbrauch von 20 m²/KWp[46] eine Fläche von 14.520 km² nötig (12 % Modulwirkungsgrad entspricht 120 W/m2). Deutschland hat eine Fläche von ~357.112 km². Es würden dafür also 4 ,07 % der Fläche Deutschlands benötigt. Als Vergleich: 2007 belegte die Siedlungs- und Verkehrsfläche 46.789 km² oder 13,1 % der Bodenfläche Deutschlands[47].

Nach Ecofys eignen sich mehr als 2300 km² Dach- und Fassadenfläche (0,65 % der Gesamtfläche Deutschlands) für die Nutzung durch PV-Anlagen.”

so 5% of Germany would cover 100% of our electricity. (well, in reality, we would need some storage, of course) but 1% would be rather easy, and could mostly come from rooftops, with ZERO space being used.

that doesn t sound bad.

ps: i would move any further discussion of renewables to the new renewables topic.


finally Japan has made the decision to shut down the Hamaoka nuclear power plant at least until better tsunami protections are build. with 70000 people in a 6 mile zone, and a 125 mile distance to Tokio, the plant is a very big risk.

this list shows which nuclear reactors are down in Japan at the moment.

we have an update about radiation inside reactor1 of the Fukushima plant.

up to 700 millisieverts per hour, quite a harsh working condition.
Sod – you are again breaking the BNC citing rules. One liners plus links are not good enough, particularly when the article explains a lot more than your one-liner. Further breaches will be deleted.


On moderator request, re-posting of the recriticality concerns in the spent fuel pond of Daiichi number 4.

Its easy to see that this recriticality thing is plain nonsense; iodine is decreasing not increasing. The ‘new study’ cited uses VERY old data. Recently, more cesium has been leaching in from the rods in the nr. 4 spent fuel pool, increasing the concentration. When you add water the concentrations will all decrease again. Iodine however never increased, because it is not there in old fuel rods (well relatively; its still a highly active nuclide compared to cesium, even after a few months of storage you still get significant iodine in terms of Becquerel activity).

Click to access 110509e3.pdf


sod, on 9 May 2011 at 10:55 PM said:

but we were talking about saving energy as a mean to reduce electricity use.

That isn’t valid either. If total energy consumed to make a ton of steel using an electric arc furnace rather then other methods then reducing ‘electricity use’ becomes a poor goal.

We can also ‘save electricity’ by forgoing carbon fiber and aluminum manufacturing at the cost of increasing oil consumption.

We can also remove heat pumps as an efficient way to heat in some climates and replace it with direct fossil fuel heating.

There are hundreds of ways that ‘decrease electricity use’ that actually increase energy consumption.

In Washington State we use lots of electricity making light weight materials that reduce someone else’s energy consumption.

The same is true for Australia..1/6th of their electricity consumption is for Aluminum smelting. The Australian’s are not using all that aluminum themselves.


Discussion on this site suffers from a lack of focus on how decision on alternatives are made within a capitalist economy. These decisions are made at the margins by consumers and utility companies – not by gestalt analysis of one generalized alternative versus another. If one is going to promote a largely nuclear solution, it is necessary to show how deployment would occur decision by decision.

It also seems to me that there is a general assumption that nuclear is cheaper than alternatives which doesn’t jib with with any analysis I have read.

In the US, even with liability limited by Price Andersen and loan guarantees ($18.5 billion under Bush and now $36 billion under Obama) limiting the financing risks, utilities have been slow in committing to new nuclear plants. Here is a January, 2009 analysis the details of which you may disagree with, but which I thought stated tne need for a business case clearly:

Click to access nuclear-costs-2009.pdf

And here is a somewhat more authoritative analysis from July 2008 on nuclear construction costs:

Estimated costs and uncertainties have only gotten worse with some of the recent delays and cost overruns. Areva’s Olkiluoto EPR plant is a prime example. Originally, it was approved in 2000 and was to go on line in May of 2009. Now after a series of delalys and cost overruns it’s promised for the later half of 2013. The accident at Fukushima hasn’t helped the business case either. Citing the accident, NRG is writting down $481 million it has invested in 2 Texas reactors.

Its true that France, at the time of the 1973 oil shock, was able to make a national commitment and, using a state owned company, pick a uniform reactor design and convert fairly quickly to a largely nuclear power generation base. This was not without problems, however, and their success seems to have dissipated with the attempts to privatize Areva and adopt new non standard reactor designs. China may be attempting something similar (without the standarization). We will have to wait and hope for a successful outcome. Maybe the US can develop a few prototypes using the current subsidies, standardize on the best one, and rapidly deploy them as a national necessity to replace coal fired plants, once the public wakes up to the seriousness of climate change. (Assuming efficiency improvements and other alternatives have proven inadequate). Until then, I don’t see new nuclear as a large player in US energy supply.

Speaking of alternative renewables, here’s a hopeful article on whether they can scale today. Like nuclear, their deployment is limited by their ability to made the business case but they seem to be overcoming that obsticle.


> develop … and rapidly deploy them as a national
> necessity to replace coal fired plants

Replacing just the coal heat source with a reactor that operates below the temperature they get from burning coal cuts the efficiency of the plant. Matching the temperature from burning coal is a challenge, last I recall.


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