Nuclear Open Thread

Open Thread 20

The previous Open Thread has gone past is running of the recent posts lists and getting tough to find, so it’s time for a fresh palette.

The Open Thread is a general discussion forum, where you can talk about whatever you like — there is nothing ‘off topic’ here — within reason. So get up on your soap box! The standard commenting rules of courtesy apply, and at the very least your chat should relate to the general content of this blog.

The sort of things that belong on this thread include general enquiries, soapbox philosophy, meandering trains of argument that move dynamically from one point of contention to another, and so on — as long as the comments adhere to the broad BNC themes of sustainable energy, climate change mitigation and policy, energy security, climate impacts, etc.

You can also find this thread by clicking on the Open Thread category on the cascading menu under the “Home” tab.


A new temperature reconstruction by Foster & Rahmstorf (Env. Res. Lett.), which removes ENSO signals, volcanic eruptions and solar cycles, and standardises the baseline.

I’m currently in Auckland, New Zealand, attending the 25th annual International Congress on Conservation Biology. A 4-day event, it’s a great chance to network and catch up with my colleagues, hear the latest goings on in the field of conservation research, and also give a few presentations (me and my students). I’m talking tomorrow on the impacts of climate change in Oceania — this covers a co-authored paper I have coming out in an upcoming special issue of Pacific Conservation Biology (which was actually the first journal I ever published in, back in 1997), entitled: “Climate change, variability and adaptation options for Australia”.

A conversation starter: George Monbiot has written a superb piece on nuclear power and the integral fast reactor over at The Guardian. It is titled “We need to talk about Sellafield, and a nuclear solution that ticks all our boxes” (subtitle: There are reactors which can convert radioactive waste to energy. Greens should look to science, rather than superstition). My favourite quote:

Anti-nuclear campaigners have generated as much mumbo jumbo as creationists, anti-vaccine scaremongers, homeopaths and climate change deniers. In all cases, the scientific process has been thrown into reverse: people have begun with their conclusions, then frantically sought evidence to support them.

The temptation, when a great mistake has been made, is to seek ever more desperate excuses to sustain the mistake, rather than admit the terrible consequences of what you have done. But now, in the UK at least, we have an opportunity to make amends. Our movement can abandon this drivel with a clear conscience, for the technology I am about to describe ticks all the green boxes: reduce, reuse, recycle.

George’s essay includes details on the integral fast reactor and the S-PRISM modules that GEH hope to build in the UK (to, as a first priority, denature the separated plutonium stocks, and thereafter generate lots of carbon-free electricity). The fully referenced version is here.

Although the comments thread contains the typical lashing of misinformation and vitriol one would expect from such topics in a relatively unmoderated stream, it’s also clear George has created some converts — or at least people who are willing to reassess their preconceptions. Great stuff. Feel free to leave a few comments yourself on that post — Ben Heard has certainly weighed in a few times! This is becoming an inescapable reality for rational Greens now. I really feel some momentum, at last.

By Barry Brook

Barry Brook is an ARC Laureate Fellow and Chair of Environmental Sustainability at the University of Tasmania. He researches global change, ecology and energy.

436 replies on “Open Thread 20”

John Bennetts — You might have read the linked EIP report first. They seem to have a sufficiently solid case to pass the data to the (US) EPA as failures to meet federally set (EPA again) water quality standards.

[Of course not all coal, hence fly ash, has the same chmeical contaminents in the same proportions. Certain sources in the USA seem to be causing the problems.]


DBB, I read the linked article. You chose to criticise me for not following further links, which you did not cite. I find it odd that, despite the comments policy of this site, my supposed failure to follow unreferenced links could be construed as valid grounds for criticism.

Two links further on, in the actual report, we find that the real problem lies not with the 10ppb concentration of arsenic in groundwater, but the adoption of drinking water standards when clearly they are not relevant.

As I said – making a lot of noise about small problems is not the way to achieve optimal outcomes.


I beg to differ. (on substance): in the USA the expectation is that well water is saffe to drink. Therefore, ground water usede as drinking water needss to at least meet the 10 ppb standard:

Note from the EIP report that several monitoring wells express water with arsenic in excess of 100 ppb, clearly a health hazard for arsenic alone.

[I have considerable repect for my anatgonist on this matter when he stays within the areas with he knows (and clearly knows very well). However, water quality standards are a matter on which both of us needs to respect the staqndards set by experts.] Responsible disposition of fly ash is one matter, indeed one up for current EPA rule making review. The manner in which fly ash has been traditionally disposed of, at least in the United States, remains IMO a serious mark against all coal-comsuming industires; it is not a matter to be shrugged off as ‘too small to mention’.

[My antagonist on this issue is welcome enough to having the last word if he so choses; all here generally recognize the weight and quality in an argument.]


Contrary to affirmation, I have, through necessity and a modicum of postgrad study, had to become reasonably familiar with regulations affecting water and with management of contamination of land and water. Perhaps not expert, but certainly in possession of a working, practical knowledge of licence requirements and of means of testing and of compliance.

In NSW, it is certainly not automatically expected that the quality of bore water is adequate for human consumption. Distinction is made between water’s various purposes, eg process water, recreational, stock and human consumption. I am astounded to discover that “…in the USA the expectation is that well water is safe to drink.” My recommendation would be to be aware of which aquifer was being tapped, to test before use, to retest regularly and to assume nothing.

That said, I happily accept DBB’s olive branch. Different regulatory regimes clearly have different approaches.


@ Paul , Jek R – So the beautiful designs of 40 years ago are coming under attack, just when they should be paying off the last of their capital and producing electricity at maximum profit.

Much as we might want to defend them, the fact is that they were designed for the values of 40 years ago, so we must expect that sooner or later someone will be able to pick fault on a newly popular sentiment. Similarly, we must expect that the reactor designed to everyone’s satisfaction today, will one day be derided because it is old. It would seem logical to select designs that pay off soon enough to be written off before their welcome is up.

Fast neutron reactors don’t need particularly good thermal efficiency (as U238 is aplenty), which allows simplification of design. Molten salt reactors don’t need pressurised containment, which would similarly simplify costs.

Simplification of design allows for mass production too. The Liberty Ships were only designed to last five years, but many lasted 20 years. The world might benefit if we shortened reactor life to that of a work horse, instead of a museum piece.


Gene, I agree with your observations re storage properties of fly ash.

What I was addressing was the principle that I hold dear, which is that our criticisms and our supporting arguments must stand rational scrutiny, whether of fly ash or nuclear power or solar thermal salt storage or an whole slew of things.

Emotion is not sufficient, whether for or against things which we value or desire.

Our climate issues must be dealt with via principled, rational, nuanced, honest, inquisitive, numerate and objective analysis. Anything less is essentially politics or fluff.

There, that’s enough emotive fluff for one post. But that is where I stand.


I’m afraid we are stuck with the politics. There’s no way around the politics. Forget the rational approach. Lets hope that our best outcome will be to educate the public and our political leaders. Unfortunately they are being fed a lot of junk knowledge, such as the idea we can solve our energy supply problems with wind and solar. Another junk idea is that human CO2 release is not significant, it is. Another junk idea is that nuclear to too expensive to develop which is nonsense. Its the only valid path to the future. The main problem with nuclear is that there are too many options and we do not yet know the perfect solution, but its out there, believe me. Whereas solar is forever locked in low performance due to the low density of sunlight and fossil fuels are doomed and will be our downfall unless we get off fossil fuels as soon as possible.


@David M

It may seem obvious but I think that point nevertheless needs to be hammered home. There is a serious vulnerability here. Water supplies are not always assured.

Here is an actual licensing supplemental information request for an AP1000 dealing with the availability of water

Click to access ML11194A008.pdf

Assuring water supply is a question that gets asked and answered as part of the US Nuclear Licensing process. In the case of the proposed William States Lee III project in North Carolina that will involve building some onsite man made ponds/lakes.


I think coal mega mines (see link in sidebar) will prove as big an embarrassment as buying foreign offsets. Families hard hit by rising power bills will ask why foreign buyers of our coal and gas aren’t sharing the pain. More pointedly do those other countries have any real intention of cutting carbon?

My suggestion; invite foreign buyers of our coal and LNG to pay carbon tax on a voluntary basis as a gesture of solidarity. Since c.t. is revenue neutral they can ask for the money back for green programs. On thermal coal the tax would be about $55 per tonne and on coking coal about $62. However there is a major catch in that when we move to a CO2 cap in 2015 the absolute tonnage sold must reduce. That means other mines must close for the new mines to stay in business.

Funnily enough Abbott can see this but Gillard can’t i.e. being serious about global carbon cuts must mean reduced coal exports. I think there’s a good chance it could end up with those two swapping jobs as a result. It’s not hard to see media stories of 2013 asking ‘why are we doing this?’ with contrasting footage of homes getting the power disconnected the same time mega mines are going ahead.


Roger Clifton — In the USA the capital for NPPs is paid off in 30 years or less. After that there is just M&O. For example,
states Columbia Generating Station’s cost of power for fiscal year 2008, was 2.75 cents per kilowatt-hour. I therefore assume that the public bonds to finance the BWR were already paid off by 2008.


The South Texas Nuclear Plant O&M is 1.6 c/kwh and Austin’s debt on 400 MW coming on line in the late 1980’s is about 200 million US dollars. There is apparently no hurry to pay off that debt considering current cash flow is going into solar panels, wood burning plants, wind, and spot purchases of power off the grid, all very expensive compared to the energy from the nuclear plant.


It’s actually agriculture that gobbles up all the water. Power plants consume very little. Here’s a pie graph of the water consumption by sector in South Australia:

Total industry, manufacturing, and services is only 6% of water consumption.

Irrigation is 80%, the next biggest is domestic water, at 9%. Dryland farming and rural living is 4% but much of that is also for irrigation or other agricultural use.

Powerplants just aren’t the big water hog that you’d think they’d be. It’s irrigation. If we want to save water we need to innovate in irrigation systems, eg drip irrigation, closed greenhouse/aquaponic farms etc.


@ Cyril R raises the question of how much water would be needed by NP. That does assume the standard practice of raising steam to drive turbines.

If each of us consumes 1 kW of electricity, then about 2 kW of heat must be dumped. If that is taken away by evaporation of water at 2.45 MJ/L then 23.8 m3/a must be evaporated for each of us. We really should not be wasting 24 tonnes per annum per capita if we can avoid it. Currently each Australian uses about 150 m3/a of once-through fresh water (ABS) . In most places we have exceeded sustainability.

In an average year, the biggest river in Australia no longer reaches the sea, and its farmers are being pushed off the river. Most of the country has no brackish water to spare. We must find other ways of dumping heat. It would be pretty brainless to put our power stations beside the sea and have long powerlines that lead to a limited number of consumers in the near hinterland.

I reckon we should use air to drive our turbines. If we can do away with water, we can take the power to where it is needed and do away with a lot of transmission lines. If that power station is a nuke then that town doesn’t need a gas pipeline, a coal-bearing railway line or a water pipeline. It can even desal its own drinking water.


Of course you’re right, it is hopeless pie-in-the-sky to think of designing and proving a specialist (air heating) reactor for such a small market as inland Australia. However the case for a water-less reactor can be made for a majority of the worlds’ current industries. Even in the relatively wet US, existing power plants’ use of river water is under pressure from their EPA . In future, if industries can move away from existing water, then pressure is taken off the river valleys and coastal plains. That is particularly true of developing countries such as India that have no water to spare for any purpose, with many places in overdraft.

If there is ever to be a global rollout of a standard reactor design, water reduction would be a criterion with some priority.


The biggest single unit generator in Australia, the 750 MW Kogan Creek coal reactor, is air cooled. There should be no practical barrier to an air cooled design. The Hyperion SMR design is air cooled.


@ Roger Clifton,

Once through cooling doesn’t actually waste water: the issues are thermal pollution, chemical pollution, and sea-life kills due to the water intakes. The new EPA rule has nothing to do with wasting water, as the water just goes through once and is returned. The rule would force some of the effected power stations to install evaporative wet cooling to decrease the mentioned issues.

But, I don’t see why this is such an issue. Australia has an enormous coastline which is also where most of the electricity is required, any nuclear power station should be able to be located on the coast, with diffusers or screens to limit the damage to sea-life. If this is not permissible then they could use evaporative cooling or be located inland and utilize dry-cooling if required.

South Africa has many coal power stations that use dry-cooling, however they are more expensive (how much I don’t know) and they also have lower net efficiency of 35% compared with 37% of wet-cooling, which in turn is a few percent lower than that of once through cooling.

Click to access environbenefits.pdf

Click to access 260.pdf

Click to access fossil_fuel_fired.pdf


Localized thermal pollution from once through condenser cooling is just that: localized. Where it plays a more significant role is on river locations where the high temp effluent can cause major fish kills by funneling hotter water down stream. This is a major regulatory hurdle in France where most of their plants are on rivers.

Ocean based plants don’t have nearly the same issue and the local ecology adapts pretty quickly the slightly warmer temperatures.

Actual sea life damage through such thermal excursions, traveling screen kills and “fry” killed by overheating as they travel through the condenser tubes often sound high due to absolute numbers “Billions and billions” but are actually a small, single digit percentage of any localized ecology.


Air is not anywhere near as effective a coolant as water. If final heat rejection must be done with air, that means a bigger condenser with more tubes and a lot of big powerful fans. This does cost extra, not terrible but definately noticeable in the per kWh price. Worse, with air cooling a higher condenser temperature is needed, especially for the hot and arid Australian outback. Once through cooling is the most efficient, it does not consume water (well ok there is a 1% increased evaporation rate from the heatup) and it is possible to limit the ecological impact by various techniques such as replacing pulse chlorination with UV light, diffuser pipe systems to distribute the heat load, etc.

If you don’t have a sea or big lake/river handy, then there are two options. Cooling towers with air. Cooling towers with water. Water cooled reactors operate at lower temperatures and there is a big penalty on efficiency for dry cooling heat rejection. Especially if it is in a hot place like the Australian outback, you can lose over 5% of your output and combined with higher investments it means you can add over 10% to the cost per kWh. Roger says wet cooling towers use too much water. I somewhat disagree since agriculature uses almost all water (80-90%). Any investment made in dry cooling could also be made in drip irrigation systems where you might save a lot more water.

But it is possible to reduce the efficiency penalty with hybrid dry cooling wet cooling. Save water by using air fans but still use water to get to lower condenser temperatures leading to high efficiencies.

A good reference on this is a study on water consumption (and reduction) for solar power plants. Different technology but you can see how the numbers change for hot versus cold areas, high versus low steam temperature in the power cycle, etc.

Click to access csp_water_study.pdf

Check out figure 6 and you’ll see that a hybrid wet-dry cooling system can reduce water consumption by 80% compared to pure wet cooling towers, while only costing 2% of your output.


An alternate source of cooling water is a designed ‘lagoon’ with the warm water inserted at one end and the cool water pumped from the other end. There is such an NPP somewhere in the southeast USA and harrywr2 recently posted about Duke Energy’s plan for another.


@John Newlands — “is it an attempt to pre-empt gas processing in Timor when field outsides the Australian zone are developed?”

The map in John’s link shows the depths . The light blue area is the shallow waters of the Australian continental shelf, that is, the Australian plate before it plunges under the Asian plate. As it bends downward in the Timor Trench, the water (middle blue on the map) suddenly becomes very deep indeed, more than ten times deeper. The ground in the Trench is correspondingly steeper and prone to avalanches. A similar image , with two Z-scales, one for the shallow sea and the other in the deep ocean trench, shows that the challenges of laying a gas pipeline across the trench are more than an order of magnitude greater than laying it across the shelf.

There is an enormous area of sediments across the Australian shelf, with plenty of thickness to generate gas. The pipeline marked may well be the precursor of a grid of pipelines serving many wellheads. Readers may note that the Joint Petroleum Development Area that provides income to Timor Leste, is well and truly on the Australian shelf.

On a more familiar note, the 8,400,000 t/a of methane gas (@ 55 GJ/t) amounts to 14 GW (thermal). The quoted expenditure of 33 G$ implies a capital commitment of 2.36 $/W — thermal. The article doesn’t say if that is the amount of gas coming out of the ground, going on board the ship, landing in Japan or being burnt by its consumers. Even if all of that gets burnt efficiently to produce 7 GW (electric), the expenditure is already 4.72 $/W (e).


@Eamon — more questions. I’ve done some homework for you already — perhaps you could, as a Japan resident, prepare a short summary for us here on the political dynamics after the Tohuku earthquake?

One of the lessons learnt from the evacuation in Ukraine was how it damaged the health of hundreds and the quality of life of thousands of evacuees. Assuming the lesson had reached his advisers, why then did PM Kan order an evacuation from a 20 km radius of the damaged power station? Did competent authorities get excluded from the advice ?

Alternatively, the Japanese Cabinet may have been misled by other advice, that more deaths would result if these people were left rebuilding after the tsunami than if they were evacuated. If so, he would have quoted an estimate of the net number of deaths averted. Please advise us of any official estimates of the consequences of action and inaction.

Or could it be that the order to evacuate was just a placation of a public made needlessly frightened ?


My calculation, that each person’s 1 kW (e) requires 24 m3/a of cooling water to be evaporated, assumes that low-grade heat from a steam cycle is dumped into the environment mainly by evaporation of cooling water, either directly in cooling towers, or subsequently in cooling ponds.

WNN have a good summary page on page , which includes the line: “Sometimes in a cool climate it is possible to use simply a pond, from which hot water evaporates”. It seems that even a cold climate, heat loss by evaporation dominates conduction direct to the air.

Of course, heat diluted into a deep or fast flowing river may well stay in the water until it reaches the sea, but I was thinking of drier countries like Australia. In an earlier thread, I argued that small reactors could export their heat as clean water, hot from a desalination process. If a rough measure of the amount of heat dumped to air and water during desalination (perhaps by flash distillation) is equivalent to raising the water temperature by 100 K, then 2 kW (th) would be carried out of the plant by a flow of 150 m3/a of desalinated water — the average person’s water requirement. The overground hot pipe would be something of an environmental hazard for an unknown distance before it had lost its heat to the air — by conduction this time.


RC this reference says 23-27 kwh thermal per kL

whereas if I recall reverse osmosis needs 2-4 kwhe per kL. I guess if the heat was going to be dissipated anyway it could be used if it doesn’t reduce efficiency too much. I also understand the ideal RO inlet temperature for normal seawater is about 27C. Seaside thermal plant could be using seawater well under 20C most of the year so there is some leeway for pre-warming RO inlet water.

I seem to recall an aquaculture project on the NSW central coast was going to grow warmth loving sea worms in power station outlet water. I haven’t seen the packaged worms at the supermarket yet.


Roger Clifton, yes good points. Heat loss, other than evaporation, from a warm water pond is not very effective. However big blower fans are very effective. Especially in a cold climate. You can have full dry cooling in winter, and use some extra water to evaporate in the summer. Yearly water consumption can be cut 80-90% with low efficiency penalty.


John Newlands — thank you for the figure of 25 kWh/kL — in that case 2 kW per capita of exhaust heat from the reactor would supply a maximum of 700 kL/a of water warmed by 20°. A less efficient (perhaps less multi-) flash distillation would provide less water, but hotter. A range of choices, depending on the industry that town served.

Per capita arguments obscure implications of scale. A mine site and village consuming 20 MW (e) and dumping 40 MW (th) would hardly be worried about a few kilometres of hot pipe between the two plants. A city needing to dump 1 GW (th) probably could not send that amount of hot pipe into the suburbs, and might need to delay the water through a tangled pipe farm first.

Perhaps the piped heat would allow growth of a light industry, park, maybe including a thermal worm farm…


@ Cyril R., on 21 December 2011 at 4:35 AM and a few others:

Are there two different definitions of dry cooling?

Cyril appears to say that dry cooling involves transfer of reject heat from the spent steam in the condenser directly to air. I am not aware of such an arrangement being used in power generation anywhere.

For example, at Kogan Creek dry cooling involves a conventional water filled tubed condenser. The water is circulated by pumps through super-sized radiators similar in function to car radiators, through which fans blow air. This air becomes heated as it passes across the surface of the radiator. The cooling water does not come into contact with the air. That is why it is called dry cooled. South African dry cooled units and the proposed Bayswater 2 Power Station, also dry cooled, are similar.

Am I correct in thinking that this is what is generally meant in the power generation game by “dry cooling”? Is there an operating example of dry cooled power plant as defined by Cyril R, with air in the secondary side of the condenser box?

A reasonable Wiki article is at


Yes John Bennets, that’s how it works. Steam in condenser tubes. Air on the outside of the tubes, cooling them down. In the industry they are often called air cooled condensers, ACC.

There are many examples of this technique, most are used in combined cycle gas turbine plants, for the bottoming steam turbine. Such steam bottoming turbines operate at high temperature, and thus need less cooling, making dry cooling more attractive.

According to a 2006 Department of Energy (DOE) report discussed in the Appendix, in the USA 43% of thermal electric generating capacity uses once-through cooling, 42% wet recirculating cooling, 14% cooling ponds and 1% dry cooling (this being gas combined cycle only). The spreads for coal and for nuclear are similar. For 104 US nuclear plants: 60 use once-through cooling, 35 use wet cooling towers, and 9 use dual systems, switching according to environmental conditions. This distribution is probably similar for continental Europe and Russia, though UK nuclear power plants use only once-through cooling by seawater, as do all Swedish, Finnish, Canadian (Great Lakes water), South African, Japanese, Korean and Chinese plants.

Gas combined cycle (combined cycle gas turbine – CCGT) plants need only about one third as much engineered cooling as normal thermal plants (much heat being released in the turbine exhaust), and these often use dry cooling for the second stage.*

* CCGT plants have an oil or gas-fired gas turbine (jet engine) coupled to a generator. The exhaust is passed through a steam generator and the steam is used to drive another turbine. This results in overall thermal efficiency of over 50%. The steam in the second phase must be condensed either with an air cooled condenser or some kind of wet cooling.


The footnotes to the WNN page on cooling are revealing…

Kogan Creek PS (750 MW coal) uses air-cooled condenser (ACC), whose fans consume 1.0-1.5 % of its power output. “South African experience puts ACC [capital?] cost as about 50% more than recirculating wet cooling and indirect dry cooling as 70 to 150% more.” However it does not say what that amounts to in $/W, though Scott’s comment above gives some idea.

WNN goes on to say that air cooling is unlikely in a large nuclear plant because of the value of copious supplies of water for emergency cooling. However, JM’s comment above points out that (small) Hyperion is air cooled. At shutdown, Toshiba’s (small) 4S is passive air-cooled.


Cyril R and Roger Clifton:

Thanks for demonstrating that true air cooled (ACC) plant is far more common than I realised.

I was wrong about Kogan Creek, as well. ACC: 48 fans of 9 metres diameter are certainly not small.


Well, that all amounts to good news. Next time someone asserts that nuclear consumes too much water, we can reply that — nuclear power stations don’t have to have water for cooling, they can go wherever power is needed.

It is particularly important for our capacity to adapt to climate change. If the world’s industries can move away from the water’s edge, then the world’s population can move away from riverine floods, storm surge and sea level rise.


It’s certainly possible to have large amounts of freshwater stored onsite for emergency cooling, and still use dry cooling or hybrid cooling for normal operation. Increasing the demineralized feedwater supply in the condenser for example is really cheap. This would only be used in an emergency, for example in a PWR you can boil off the steam generator water inventory to cool the core without any AC power. In BWR the isolation condenser can perform the same function.

In a BWR it is less attractive to have dry cooling because the steam is radioactive and if there is no water on top of the condenser tubes then any leak could go outward without getting scrubbed out by the water. It wouldn’t be a safety issue but people will wine about any microcurie that comes out of a nuclear plant. The Vermont Yankee plant being a case in point.


Roger Clifton writes:

Perhaps the piped heat would allow growth of a light industry, park, maybe including a thermal worm farm…

And none of you technofix fantasists is fazed by the prospect of a countryside overrun by thermal worms.

The Twitter sidebar includes a link to an “Economic and energetic analysis of capturing CO2 from ambient air” that seems to be badly designed and misleading in that it doesn’t deal with enhanced weathering.


Backing wind with NPPs —
Prvided the NPPs are as agile as an ATMEA1, cycling at 5%/minute between 30% (minimum) and 100% with ‘instant’ return to full power, it appears that some penitration of wind power into a 100% NPP grid appears feasible. The economics, however, are a bit odd as a result of the necessity of providing backup to the variable wind generation combined with the lack of any signifcant variable costs associated with running NPPs; periodic replenishment is required irrespective of the attained capacity factor (CF).

Including reserves for NPPs undergoing replenishment & refurbishment, an additional 6% reserve margin for generator tripoffs and using believable (but approximate) costs and financing suitable for the USA, the NPPs daytime LCOE is US$0.0912/kWh (CF=86%) while the nightime LCOE is US$0.135/kWh (CF=60%) [assuming the load is 70% of the daytime load]. Suppose that customers and the NPP fleet operator are satisfied with this arrangment but that wind farm operators now want a piece of the action.

The difficulty is that all the NPPs must remain to act as balancing agents, i.e., backup, for the wind farms even though the NPPs will, on average, operate at lower CFs and so hgher LCOEs. Assuming an average of 5% of the energy is supplied by the wind farms: for the NPPs the daytime LCOE increases to US$0.0968/kWh (CF=81%) and the nighttime LCOE increases to US$0.1423/kWh (CF=55%). Since the NPP fleet operator cannot increase prices, she expects the wind farm operators to pay an integration fee to cover the difference; US$0.0056/kWh in the daytime and US$0.0073/kWh at night. Therefore so long as the wind farm operators can collect their LCOE and also the integration fee, everyone is satisfied at this level of wind penitration into the market. In particular then, the wind LCOE cannot exceed US$(0.0912-0.0056=0.0856)/kWh in the daytime and US$(0.135-0.0073=0.1277)/kWh at night. [For around here, both figures are more than enough; this might not be true in locations where the wind blows only at night.]

The limitation on wind penitration is set absolutely by the minimum CF of 30%; for 25% wind with an average of 5% penitration the maximum is 20% penitration during especially windy spells so half again as much wind could be accomidated provided the ever increasing integration fee can be met.

Unless someone finds a error, I’ll revise my prior claims to follow this analysis: if the LCOE for wind is low enough a modest penitration of wind into a low carbon grid can be accommidated.


Thanks, team!

Yesterday, I clarified that dry condensers are much more common than I had thought.

Today, I received bid drawings and tech spec for the next power station I will work on. Guess what? Yep, ACC’s.

Unfortunately, it will be coal fired. My initial expectations were that it would be an air cooled fission station, but that will not be the case. Don’t ask – I won’t say where, at least not yet.


DBB: Spelling. Penetration, not penitration. Yes, I know I’m being picky.

Interesting post, though.

A table of calculated integration fees rising through 5% penetration steps will be very interesting. I expect that there will be two penetration limits.

The first will be technical, when NPP loads drop below 30%, or whatever the lower limit is.

The second will be commercial, which is reached when the anticipated marginal value of wind power first exceeds the anticipated marginal cost of nuclear, due to reducing average CF of wind as wind turbines are forced to spill due to oversupply. These are tricky calculations.

I look forward to reading how the integration fee is calculated, or at least how it is determined to be at the various levels of wind penetration. Is that fee a given constant, as set by the system operator, or is there a sliding scale?


JB explicit factors in the optimum wind fraction and the integration fee must include the price of gas, the pre and post 2015 carbon price and the continuation of REC/FiT in the event the Greens decline politically. Santos said the price of gas will double in 20 years but I’d bet it will be faster. Here in Tas everyone is saying isn’t it wunnerful all the new wind farms being built to which I would reply take away the RECs and mandates and see what happens.

If the new air cooled coal station has made no promises on CCS and it is in Australia then Ferguson was wrong to say no more direct to atmosphere coal burners would be built. We’re living in carbon groundhog day.


Not Australia. No more hints. I guess that makes me a sell-out in some people’s eyes. Gotta eat.

Re FiT’s and REC’s. I’m with Garnaut. These tools of bribery and waste will go, the sooner the better. They are essentially irrelevant.

I have just read Paul Gilding’s “The Great Disruption – How the Climate Crisis Will Transform the Global Economy”. I expected to disagree with someone such as him who has a very long history of left wing environmental activism, at times, even by his own admission, as an extremist.

Surprising (to me) i found a very logical and persuasive book which, though much in need of a better editor, makes a very good case that climate damage and economic collapse are now inevitable and tries to articulate an alternative to the current view of the economy as something which must always grow GDP. I recommend it as holiday reading. It’s on the shelves now, at $33 – or less, via the internet and after a wait.

Perhaps BNC can accommodate a discussion about economic models and post-collapse economics, but like most economics, it would probably degenerate rapidly into factional name calling and clashes of opinions.


I hope Greenpeace will include wind integration fees paid to gas fired generators in their list of fossil fuel subsidies.


An interesting discussion about wind.


The Danes have long planned the elimination of oil, gas, coal and nuclear energy from their society. Their new government has increased the targets for doing so from 20% to 40% on a whole of nation basis by 2020, with complete phasing out by 2050.

The linked article itself is critical of the proposal. The real value of this link is in the comments, which parallel much of the similar discussions on this site. We are not alone in considering intermittency, subsidies and much more. We also have company in the nature of the comments from both sides.

Some of the linked articles appear to be interesting, but I do not have time to check them out today.


Hmm, many of the commenters have shallow thinking.

“wind power works so we should do it”. And other nonsense.

A simple reality check is enough. Denmark is powered by fossil fuel; they just swapped some coal and oil for natural gas and burning more trash. Wind power is peanuts.

Click to access DKTPES.pdf

Any look at wind power production graphs shows you that wind is a natural gas lock-in. Denmark is empirical evidence.


John Bennetts — Thank you for the correction. I’m now not convinced by my own argument; I’ll attempt a more precise version. {Maybe even have all the spelling right as well.]

Cyril R. — Wherever wind farms go natgas burners are sure to follow. The Pacific Northwest and ERCOt are two more examples.


Agreed, Cyril R.

I wonder how long a nation of 5.5M people with a currency supported by a GDP of about $US200B (PPP) can continue to support its uncompetitive wind turbine manufacturers. It is comparable in size, population and GDP to Greater Sydney. There must be a limit to the direct subsidies for wind turbines, which include feed in tariffs. Ditto, indirect subsidies such as fixed sky-high domestic tariffs, used to pay neighbouring states to absorb surplus energy at zero or negative rates and then to purchase equivalent or greater amounts back later at peak market rates.

My guess is that Denmark will hang onto their dream until its North Sea gas runs out in 6 years ( and the Danish Krone comes under pressure, as surely it will due to declining terms of trade. By then, it will be far too late to avoid substantial decline in their standard of living.

Perhaps Danes will discover their mistake when their reticulated gas networks are progressively shut down, leaving Danish home heating dependent on imported woodpellets being burned in as-yet nonexistent community heat boilers.

The question is “How can we ensure that Australia does not follow Denmark along a ZCE2020 style pathway leading to unmet energy demand, waste of capital and gas lock-in?” At present, there is no politically or socially accepted answer.


# John Bennetts

I would very much like to endorse your suggestion that Barry invites a post from an economist. IMO, it should be one who accepts the scientific conclusions relating to global warming and its consequences and who has thought about the economic implications.

Can our existing capitalist model continue to exist in the absence of GDP growth?
Can liberal democracies exist in a system of zero or negative economic growth?
Can GDP growth be obtained in a biologically sustainable manner such that discretionary incomes can stabilise or increase?

If the answers to all three questions are negative, it would seem that our species, after a temporary escape from normal constraints made possible by fossil fuels, will revert to a situation in which the “laws of nature” once more obtain.

Happy Christmas!


And, dear Moderator, many thanks for your efforts, your patience and your consistency this year.

Barry should double your pay in 2012.
Thanks JB. Naturally I get my salary doubled every year;)


Merry Christmas to all BNC regular commenters and readers! I hope you have a wonderful Yuletide celebration of mid-winter (or mid-summer here in Australia), and enjoy the festivities of the season. Although it got to 40C here in Adelaide yesterday, the snow is now falling gently on the blog for a few days…


In the UK it seems the church wants the poor to give to the rich by maintaining high feed in tariffs for PV
I think a couple of new factors are at play
1) the need for a hedge against high power bills
2) a desire to be seen to be doing something.
If you turn down the thermostat on a water heater nobody notices but everybody gets to see the bling bling of silicon panels.

Nearly had a white Christmas hereabouts with a violent hailstorm. It caused unprecedented damage to roadworks so in my thinking it was an extreme. The day must come when people start wondering if the weather is changing.


Happy holidays to Barry, the moderator and all who make this blog the wonderful resource it is . And thanks for all the hard slog that must go into the production of it. Great work guys.


@JN, you may also recall the downpour(16 mm in 12 minutes, or something like that) in the vicinity of Hobart a few days earlier that the BoM described as a “once in a lifetime event”. As I tweeted at the time, I wonder about that assessment; it sure sounds like classic greenhouse weather to me. But I also wonder whether more, similar events will have the impact you suggest. The frog in a slowly heating pot of water story might be mythical, but I think it persists nevertheless because many of us realise that it speaks truth about human nature. On the whole, people are quite good at forgetting what is ‘normal’, and putting up with their new reality, whatever consequences that may entail.


Mark we are in a drought here in Texas that has been going on for a couple of years. Looking at data over the past few decades we should come out of it ok shortly. But the longer thousand year historical record in tree rings shows a couple of occurrences of drought lasting several decades and water planners are now being told they should be thinking about planning for those kinds of events. However I doubt they will be able to raise the capital to build systems for those conditions and then have them sit there unused for long periods of time. Some how we have to build new water supplies that are low cost enough to be used to supply water even during normal short term periods of dryness and not be 100% dependent on rainfall. Possibly nuclear waste heat could be used to produce fresh water. Since water is a bigger issue than electricity in Texas, I think our future nuclear plants on the coast should be fresh water producers also. But its hard to get the water planners and the electricity planners together. We’re just not advanced yet, but we should be.


The recent American Geophysical Union newsletter contained the following:

Reviewers for Climate and Energy Educational Resources Requested

The Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN) is stewarding a collection of climate literacy and energy awareness educational resources for grades 6–16. (Reviewers are needed to confirm the scientific accuracy of videos, visualizations, and lesson plans. Contact Tamara Ledley for more information.

I thought it appropriate to draw this to the attention of BNC readers, however it should be noted that those without a high-level scientific qualification specific to the area being reviewed need not apply. Also notable is that a quick scan of the educational resources vetted and endorsed by CLEAN revealed none primarily devoted to nuclear energy, though there are many devoted entirely to one of solar, wind or other renewables.


My comment just gave me an idea. The Canadian report that was posted here the other day i.e. presented an interesting idea for cycling nuclear. it was to keep the reactor running at full output and then dump excess heat when less heat is needed to run the turbine and generator at lower electrical output. I.e. a new way to cycle nuclear power that could potentially have a very fast response time. But the waste heat got me to thinking that both the waste heat and the normal heat could be used in a distillation process. I know that this subject has been discussed before and many planners are saying that more water can be produced cheaper using reverse osmosis. Then other people I talk to dont want to use reverse osmosis because of cleaning and maintenance requirements. I want to present a new idea. The idea is that if we had a variable water supply then the heat could be quickly directed between electricity and water production. This means that the nuclear plant could take up the slack instead of gas plants for cycling purposes. I.e it would be possible to build an integrated wind solar and nuclear system where nuclear plays the role of both water producer as well as electrically stabilizing the power balance on the grid. The nuclear reactor would run at full output all the time producing either water or electricity. You could introduce as much wind and solar as you can to the system and nuclear power could fill in the rest. All fossil fuels on the system would be eliminated. Well its just an idea I thought you might want to consider.


MD I live on a dirt road 70km out of Hobart. The Christmas day hailstorm is the first time I’ve had to fill deep ruts in the road. It’s also weird that two days later people are wearing jackets at the height of summer. Note Onslow WA recorded 49C earlier in the week.

GP I see the WNA page on small modular reactors refers repeatedly to desalination as an application and sometimes to district heating
A testing scenario might be a period of extended spring weather when demand is down for both water and grid power. Although normally considered wasteful perhaps surplus power could be used on hydrogen production.


John Newlands — I agree with your assessment of feed-in tariffs for somar PV; actually the situation is even worse than that as I’ll (eventually) explain in detail.

Gene Preston — I agree that keeping an NPP going (jearly) full bore is a good idea. I’ll soon propose another use for the excess heat, but if desalinization is more productive I’m all for that too.


David give me a hint what your other NPP excess heat is. Is it manufacturing or district heating? I had once seen that Germany was using waste heat to keep fields warm enough to keep them from freezing, extending the planting season. That didnt seem to be important enough to save their nuclear program though.


Backing wind with NPPs (draft 2, corrected) —

Assume NPPs are as agile as an ATMEA1, cycling at 5%/minute between 30% (minimum) and 100% with ‘instant’ return to full power. It then appears that some penetration of wind power into a 100% NPP grid is feasible. The economics, however, are a bit odd as a result of the necessity of providing backup to the variable wind generation combined with the lack of any significant variable costs associated with running NPPs; periodic replenishment is required irrespective of the attained capacity factor (CF). As a concrete example we assume a nominal 33 GW [nameplate] NPP fleet for the reference grid.

Including reserves for NPPs undergoing replenishment & refurbishment with an additional 6% reserve margin for generator trip offs and using believable (but approximate) costs and financing suitable for the USA, the NPPs daytime LCOE (Levelized Cost Of Electricity) is US$0.0912/kWh (CF=86%) while the nightime LCOE is US$0.135/kWh (CF=60%) [assuming the load is 70% of the daytime load]. Imagine that every 24 period’s load pattern is just like the previous, 8 hours at 70% followed by 16 hours at 100%. The diurnal averaged LCOE is, for wholesale, US${(2/3)0.0912+(1/3)0.135=10.58}/kWh. Suppose that customers and the NPP fleet operator are satisfied with this arrangment but that wind farm operators now want a piece of the action.

The wind statistics are from Pacific Northwest data: the nominal maximum CF of 30% translates into a (rounded down) 25% CF for wind farm operators. Treat wind as equally likely both night and day.

The difficulty is that all the NPPs must remain to act as balancing agents, i.e., backup, for the wind farms even though the NPPs will, on average, operate at lower CFs and so higher LCOEs. Unable to charge more than US$10.58/kWh, the NPP fleet operator requires a balancing agent fee from the wind farm operators.

Consider the first 30 MW [nameplate] wind farm. Averaged over the course of an average day this wind farm generates 7500 kWh per hour. The NPP fleet, nameplate 33,222,591 kW, generates the remaining {(1/3)20,000,000+(2/3)28,571,143-7,500=25,706,595.33} kWh per hour so the forgone 7500 kWh per hour (0.00292% of generation) is down in the noise. Nonetheless, some very small portion of income has been forgone and the NPP fleet operator expects a balancing agent fee in recompense; to wit, US${7500(0.1058)=793.50} per day. But this is precisely what the wind farm operator receives on average for the energy provided. Is there another way? Not without some form of energy storage.

Consider pumped hydro as the energy store. Typical operation is to pump up at night when the cost of electricity is low and generate during the day when prices are high. For a pumped hydro unit with such diurnal activity every day, the cost equation is
LCOE(out) = f + LCOE(in)/0.8
where f is the fixed costs to be met and 80% is the efficiency factor. While the fixed costs depend upon location, for new pumped hydro f = US$0.06/kWh is a reasonable estimate. We asssume that the pumped hydro unit pumps 12 hours a day and generates the other half of the day when the demand is highest.

Suppose wind farms have a LCOE of but US$0.08/kWh, a current realistic estimate. Then the cost of daytime electricity provided by the combined wind + pumped hydro scheme is
LCOE(w+ph) = 2LCOE(wind) + 0.8f = US${0.16+0.048=0.208}/kWh
which is almost twice the LCOE from the NPP fleet. Moreover, such pump hydro facilities ordinarily require pumping (almost) daily — I only know of one unit which is capable of generating for at least three weeks without pumping; such would be desirable in regions, exemplified by the Pacific Northwest in December of 2011. However, the reference grid has ample excess NPP supplied energy for 8 hours at night and up to half of the reserve could also be committed to meeting the unavailabiity of wind. In such situations the LCOE(in) for the pumped hydro increases but the demand is met. In summary up to 1.8 GW of this 12 hour demand could be met in this manner, 1 GW from the reserve and 0.8 GW from pumped hydro generation. Of course this means the pumped hydro stations must be able to store at least a total of {0.8(12) = 9.6}GWh; this sets the absolute limit for wind penetration as 1 GW (average), hence 4 GW nameplate. The effect of seasonal periods of high wind has not been considered; the lack of sufficient storage may curtail substantial portions of wind in such periods with a resulting lower average CF for wind and hence a higher average LCOE(wind).

I conclude that a modest use of wind energy is compatible with a grid supplied mainly by NPPs; this use increases costs due to the pumped hydro then required but at least is entirely low carbon generation which is not subject to the vagaries of fuel markets.

Note below: The forgoing assumes an all new fleet of NPPs, all still paying down loans for capital construction. After such payment a modern NPP can be expected to have an equally long period of useful service and that for an LCOE of around US$0.0275/kWh, diurnally averaged. Assuming half are old and half are new the NPP fleet average LCOE is but US$0.06665/kWh. This may well be sufficiently low that wind generators are unable to compete into the foreseeable future.

Good discussion of wind power economics in the European markets although I do not agree with the conclusion:

More detail on merit order effect of wind:

Click to access MeritOrder.pdf


Water consumption for power production.

Macquarie Generation’s two power stations in the Hunter Valley are:
Liddell, 2000MWe capacity (sent out)
Cooling: Man-made cooling water pond, Lake Liddell.
Apart from insignificand events such as periodic testing of discharge valves, Lake Liddell is operated as a zero discharge facility.
Bayswater, 2640 MWe sent out.
Cooled by conventional cooling towers.
Several additional storage dams exist for off stream water storage and there are two ash dams, each of which consumes water through evaporation.

All station drainage, sewerage and water treatment is managed on site with zero discharge off site.

Effectively, water in = natural evaporation from storages plus forced evaporation due to heat loads.

The water licence is for 73GL/a, not all of which is available in any given year – assume 80% = 58GL.
Add overland flows, which are highly variable, an average of perhaps 5GL/a.

The annual gross water input is thus balanced via the usage and is of the order of 63ML total. An estimated 10GL/a is natural evaporation from storages.

Assume a CF of 75%.
Annual power production is thus 0.75 * 4640*8660 MWh/a sent out = 30GWh.

Annual water consumption of 58GL consists of:
10GL natural evaporation, plus
48GL @ 1.6GL/GWh.

Note that this is indicative only, but is relatively correct in real world scenarios at 30 degrees S. Note also, that this method of estimating consumption avoids the traditional theoretical thermodynamic method of calculation, which considers only the latent heat of evaporation and may avoid considering other losses, eg seepage from dams or evaporation due to normal action on surfaces of dams – about 1500mm per annum nett hereabouts.

Dry cooling is thus able to save about 1.6GL/a per GWh.

A proposed new power station of say 2GW, even if operated at a huge 85% capacity factor, would use about 23.5 GL more water if wet cooled than if dry cooled.

By comparison, the Murray Darling Basin needs about 3000 or 4000 GL/a returned to the rivers over historic usage to restore health. Discussion of adding or subtracting some water cooling or air cooling of condensers amounts to fiddling with the last percent or two of allocation while diverting attention from 98% of the source of the problem.

Agriculture must do the heavy lifting in the MDB. The other users are less than marginal.

(NB There are currently no large power stations in the MDB, nor are there plans for them. This is presented as a real world comparison of water consumption of wet Vs dry condenser cooling in thermal power stations, presented in as non-technical a way as possible.)


Consideration of accuracy of the above:
Because Macquarie Generation’s stations are essentially zero discharge via waterways and import no water from domestic systems, the foregoing avoids the need to specifically calculate water consumption due to:
Underground seepage
Evaporation from standing water storages (Approx 10 ML/a, as stated above).
Boiler Blowdown
Operation of safety valves
Domestic water supplies
Fire services
Washdown and cleaning
Dust suppression on roads and stockpiles
Sewage treatment and disposal
Ash and dust collection and disposal to storage, which is returned via pumps or via Lake Liddell.

There are small other extractions from Lake Liddell and other water sources within the power stations feeding:
Domestic water to Jerries’ Plains township – several tens of ML/a only.
Water to adjacent coal mines, etc for washdown or dust suppression. Again negligible, certainly less than 1GL/a.

Thus, averaged over a period of years, the probable error in the above gross consumption figures is certainly less than 3GL/a, ie 5 or 6 percent.

My estimate of the water consumption figure for these two sites at the current configuration of associated dams and current load profile, etc, is thus 1.6 GL per GWh, plus or minus 0.1GL per KWh. Say plus or minus 0.2GL/kWh to be on the safe side.


JN: I’m too lazy to look up details of Desertec’s condenser cooling proposal. However, I’d be amazed if they proposed wet cooling.

Even in an aged power station like Liddell, boiler makeup is not huge.

Novatec have developed a robotic, dry system for cleaning mirrors in their current ST power plant. I’m sure that adapting it to PV would be practical.

Desertec will thus need water only for boiler makeup, domestic, fire and dust suppression – at first guess, less than 100ML/GWh-e sent out, stored entirely in tanks and thus somewhat shielded from evaporative losses. While this may be a significant cost, it is within practical reach of desal plant, powered any way they like. A 150NB pipeline, running intermittently, could supply a 5 or 10 GWe nominal capacity facility comfortably, I would expect. Such a facility, with oversized collectors and adequate thermal storage, might operate at 50% CF and say 10% overall efficiency, sunlight to electricity.

The larger problem would be finding 300 to 600 square kilometres of land on which to place the mirror fields for such a plant, ie a square of 18 to 25km on each side.

One problem is that each parasitic load, such as dry cleaning systems, reduces the energy available for despatch and thus nett efficiency. Oddly, initial efforts to locate details of Novatec’s cleaning system have been fruitless.


@ JN, on 27 December 2011 at 4:27 PM:

The last line of this link says the Menindee Lakes in the MDB loses 426 GL per average year…

At ease, John. It’s not as bad as you think.

John, 460 of dams, evaporating 2.4 metres per year (ignoring rainfall) and assuming that not a drop of that water will precipitate elsewhere in the catchment subsequently, amounts to only 3GL/d, not the given figure of “5 or 6”.

That figure is for all 4 pondages in Menindee Lakes. The story says that at least three would be filled if water was prevented from entering the fourth till they were full.

So, only one quarter of the 3GL per day is additional due to the water being spread out in 4 storages.

The additional evaporation due to water flowing into the fourth storage is 0.75GL/d, ie one eighth of the scare figure which was provided by Ray Najar, the GM of the Murray Darling Association, who is thus discredited as a source.

The Adelaide Advertiser is in need of more numerate reporters and less gullible parrotting of unchecked opinion from conflicted sources.

John, there will be no charge for reducing your problem by 7 eighths. I leave the residual one eighth to you and your local reduce/reuse/recycle campaigners.



Gene Preston — If you are asking me, it does not matter how the reject heat is used (or just wasted). District heating is popular from the low countries across to at least Poland but I assume that the price received for the heat is only just enough to pay for the extra pipes and whatnot.


I feel obliged to enter this discussion after seeing the citation of Ontario’s Society of Professional Engineers paper on nuclear plants supporting wind. It’s a rather nonsensical paper written from the basic understanding of the engineer’s task: the task is how to had 8000MW of wind. Why anybody would try to is beyond me, and nothing in the OSPE paper indicates it is a good idea, but …
Gene Preston, the OSPE paper did note; “The Bruce A nuclear station provided process steam to the nearby heavy water plant and industrial/agricultural complex from the mid 1970’s to the mid 1990’s. At the time, some electrical generation was locked-in due to a limitation on transmission capacity. The surplus nuclear steam energy offset oil consumption at the heavy water plant.”
Just to put Ontario engineering might in an historical context — not only did we construct 8 nuclear units at Bruce without the capacity to get the output to market decades ago, Bruce is set to return to 8 operational units next year – without the transmission capacity to get all of the output to market.
Regardless, agriculture and heating are two uses in northern climates.
In the south, I read an article out of Jordan some time ago, which is looking to nuclear power both for security. Natural gas supply coming from Egypt isn’t seen as stable, security also in terms of water and food supply in using nuclear power for desalinating water. These uses seem appropriate in many southern climates


Thanks Scott. I am kicking around the idea that nuclear may integrate in well with wind and solar and water production. And without nuclear none of these can be complete non fossil solutions. The solution would have nuclear rapidly switching back and forth between electric production when wind and solar are insufficient and then when electric production of wind and solar is high, then the nuclear plant switches to water production. The water it produces is stored in a nearby lake and is then pumped by individual customers to their areas when needed. The electric pumps that move the water can be used as the spinning reserve of the system, thereby freeing the system of a need to run gas generators at low output. The electric water pumps can be powered by any of the sources wind solar or nuclear. However the water production occurs with the nuclear at reduced levels when electric power is at a maximum and then when the electricity is not needed the water production is increased to take up the excess heat from the reactors. The reactors run at maximum power steady state all the time and are not cycled. I am thinking of trying to design a total system for Texas using this concept and then showing that it can be made reliabile, as reliable as today’s system by performing an LOLP analysis, which I intend to do for Texas anyway, to determine the effective load carry capacity of wind and solar at different locations. ERCOT is currently doing this study anyway but they have not figured out a long range plan that actually works without having a high dependence on natural gas…..more later….


David, its simple for an interruptible load like a water pump to be used as a replacement for spinning reserve. All the operator has to do is turn off the motor and walla, there is extra power available on the network. Get enough pumping load running most of the time that could be interrupted at any time and that is effectively the same as quick start generation.


Gene and David. I agree re pumps. Also aluminium smelters. And air conditioners (if appropriate switching is available) etc.

That leads us to one beauty of smart meters, which is that they can be used to switch off loads in a discriminating manner, rather than settle for blackouts of whole suburbs and towns, which means that home dialysis will fail, also other high value but relatively low power consumption devices such as the radio.

Unfortunately, as with many tools, smart meters are able to be used in a ruthless manner by those with authority to do so. For example, if I were in such a position and if I was an anti-air conditioning zealot, then at least hypothetically, my air conditioner might be shut down during the daytime peaks of every day through summer, not because of system security but because I felt like it… or because it saves the retailer money in two ways – (1) by reducing the peak wholesale electricity tariff and (2) by reducing or shifting the load and hence the number of peak MWh’s that must be purchased.

Smart meters then become political tools for those who seek to ration that which is at present a commodity which is rationed only by pre-set price (tariff) in many jurisdictions. Money will not buy reliability of retail supply in such a world – influence will.

Extremists of the energy debate occasionally state quite baldly that smart meters are essential ingredients in thier view ot the energy future. I am convinced that taking away from the individual customer the decision whether or not to purchase electricity for any specific purpose is less than ideal.

I wait in vain for these same folk to say that the buyer should and could determine the values of the parameters which control their smart meters – eg, if the retail tariff goes above X cents per kWh, then stop the refrigerator, air conditioner and pool pump and water heater, then turn them off for 1, 2 and 3 hours, respectively or until the tariff falls back below Y cents per kWh, whichever comes first.

Perhaps a future BNC thread could look at demand management using smart meters and switchable loads, and the socio-political impacts of different control philosophies, at both the industrial scale and the domestic scale.

NB. I do not argue that the preset tariff system is efficient or ideal; indeed, it is not. However, where is the debate about the effects of smart meters on businesses and people?


John we might get into a mode of load shedding air conditioners even if we didnt have a demonic individual at the controls. There might not be enough capacity to go around and the loads are put in a pecking order of interruption and the computers decide who gets load shedded. This load shedding automation could be pre determined by humans but most likely machines will eventually make the second by second decisions. Geezz all we have to do to avoid this mad max of grid operation scenario is to build more plants. I just don’t get it when the greens say no more new power plants. Dont they realize the lights are going to go out some day?


Some philosophical points on the discussion.
A NY Times blog entry around Amory Lovins’ latest book informed us he was paraphrasing Eisenhower’s “if a problem seems to have no solution, the best approach is to enlarge it.”
That seems to me to also be the best way to really, really, really, mess something up. I think that connects to the work of Thomas Homer-Dixon, one of the speakers at the Equinox summit this summer (, where he notes complexity is how we solve things.
I’m skeptical, and tend to think simplicity is always desirable, so I would note:
My understanding is that municipal water treatment is one of the easiest energy intensive uses that can be altered to use low-demand periods (daily). Conversely, letting millions of stoves and refrigerators cycle on and off randomly, instead of operating the individual cycling remotely, seems like an intelligent thing to do.
All of which is to say that I think Gene is correct in looking for the simplest methods to use generation that can’t be consumed immediately.


John Bennetts — The residental (so-called) smart meters installed around here have no ability to act as a protecvtive relay, i.e., a resetable circuit breaker. Ed Schwitzer’s SEL up the street manufactures and sells digital protective relays to utilities. Those units are too expensive to install on every house even if reduced to residential scale:


There are those who like to tell nice sounding stories about smart grids and smart meters and how we can have our washing machine turn itself on at midnight etc, but what actually matters is how much demand is likely to be moveable, what are the time constraints (eg intra day, multi day etc) and what are the requirements for infrastructure changes over and above just the metering, signalling, control, power switching etc.

As part of the Renewable Energy Review, the UK Climate Change Committee commissioned a report on technical constraints on renewables:

Figure 29, page 81 shows projected movable demand in 2030 and 2050. In 2030, essentially all movable demand is intra day for a total of 56 TWh of 400 TWh annual demand being movable.

But the really important thing is that the 2030 movable demand is almost all heating or transport. Sorry, the smart washing machines don’t matter much. The significance is that the usefulness of the “smart grid” is highly dependent on the rate of deployment of EV and PHEVs and on the large sale replacement of gas heating by electric heating. The latter in particular is no trivial or cheap exercise.

The bottom line is that it’s not just the “smart grid” that matters – it’s also very much the infrastructure that plugs into it. Changes to the latter will be costly and may well not happen at the rate we may like. Making overly optimistic assumptions could lead to a mess and extended life for fossil fuel burners because the movable demand hasn’t arrived.

Of course the situation will be somewhat different in countries with predominantly warm climates such as Aus, but in colder climates the UK situation may be representative.


The problem with countries like Australia is that summer heat is going from annoying to deadly. The signs are that southern cities will hit 50C in years to come with temps up to 47 and 48 in Adelaide and Melbourne. A couple of percent of homes with modest PV won’t offset the grid demand for air conditioning which in any case continues into the early evening as the sun sets.

I’m not sure if proposals for radio switching of aircons (in Adelaide and Geraldton I think) will continue once smart meters are rolled out. Either ways the punters aren’t going to like it. Energy rationing and its many forms is going to be a major issue.


PV and aircon are a pretty nice fit. Not always – you can have hot hazy days – but in most places, especially arid desertlike place, there is a really good correlation.

The correlation can be much improved by making some cold water or ice. A big insulated tank of chilled water attached to the aircon as energy storage. The PV makes electricity at noon which is used to chill water in the big tank. It doesn’t have to be grid connected, per se. It could be a full standalone system with a small battery for pumps and fans in the evening.

The grid in aircon heavy places would be much relieved with such a PV cold store system rollout, allowing nuclear baseload plants to take up most of the grid demand. There will still be excess nighttime nuclear generation, we’ll dump that in plugin hybrids and other electric vehicles as nighttime charging.


CR the question must be how much the cold water tank system will cost. At present a tiny 2 or 3% of homes have ~ 1kw of PV which partially exports back to the grid. However most homes (I’d guess 80%) in the hot zone have air cons that draw 2kw or more. We’d want most homes to have this PV and cold water storage system hopefully at moderate cost. Feed-in tariffs would be pointless since every home should be fitted and the cross subsidy would cancel out.

I presume with advanced smart meters an in-house display will advise customers that electricity rates have gone up on hot days. The customers might have a cycling option for the air con so it switches off temporarily. This will require millions of homes to be rewired. Given Australia’s home insulation scheme caused several heat stroke deaths and electrocutions plus numerous electrical fires it seems unlikely this rewiring program will happen anytime soon.


Hi all. I rarely post around here as I’m not as knowledgeable as a lot of you folks, though I am definitely in the pro-nuclear camp, and learning more everyday.

I had a question I was hoping one of you could help me out with. First off, I’m part of a community of “traditional” environmentalists (read, do not support nuclear) and I do my best to make a pro-nuclear case to them when they post “we’re all going to die!” articles related to Fukushima. Here’s the latest one. A friend posted this link on their FB page:

And everyone on the FB thread seems to think now that all Japanese groundwater will kill you, and nuclear is the devil. etc etc. You’ve all heard the emotional rhetoric. This reaction is from a measured reading of 1.3-14.7 Bq/kg of cesium-137 in drinking water.

It is clear that no one who has commented on the link on FB thread knows anything about radioactivity or measuring dosage, so I want to post something intelligent to calm their fears (if possible!). I know that Bq is not a measure of radiation dose, and my understanding is that the human body is naturally radioactive at about 100 Bq/kg (mostly from potassium?). Also, the regulatory safe level for caesium-137 in drinking water in Japan is 200 Bq/kg. So is there reason to freak out about a reading of 1.3-14.7 Bq/kg in drinking water in Japan? What would you say to clam people’s fears?

Thank you!


So is there reason to freak out about a reading of 1.3-14.7 Bq/kg in drinking water in Japan? What would you say to clam people’s fears?

Maybe you could start by expressing doubt of the Japanese government’s truthfulness, then link . The evacuees of FD1 are a small enough fraction of Japan’s population that a cynical government might not mind harmfully evacuating them, when — if the persons making this decision had had to make it on their own behalf — they might have understood that the hazards of remaining would be much less. But by using some unimportant peasants as props in their radiophobia drama, they can get more natural gas revenue for their kind of people.

I think the advice at is good, but what do I know. If you read it and try to follow it, please share your experience.


@ Chris. One thing you could do is show the natural radioactivity all around us, in the sea and in the soil. Seawater for example contains around 11 Bq/liter of K-40, a similar nuclide to radiocesium. Typical soil even contains 400 Bq/kg, which is around 800 Bq/liter, of K-40. There are other elements in soil and sea water as well, such as uranium and thorium. This is perfectly natural. You certainly won’t have to worry about a few Bq/liter in drinking water. Especially not for cesium which doesn’t bioaccumulate in small organs.



So is there reason to freak out about a reading of 1.3-14.7 Bq/kg in drinking water in Japan? What would you say to clam people’s fears?

I talk about ‘banana equivalent’ dosing when talking with folks with a poor grasp of radiation. Most people are familiar with bananas and see them as something ‘healthy’ to eat. A typical banana has about 15 becquerels of radiation from K40.


Slightly off topic, but the link below is to a news item which links cancer and breast implants, even though further down in the article, it is stated that no link has been demonstrated.

It seems to me that the whole purpose of the article is to get the trigger word “cancer” into the headline to attract eyeballs, even though in this case, as with so many other cancer scare items, there is no demonstrated link.

But the agency stressed that no link had been established between cases of cancer and having PIP implants. It said the number of breast cancer cases in women with PIP implants reported to date “remains lower than the rate observed in the general population”.

When it comes to presentation of the facts regarding the causes and incidence of cancer, whether in relation to radiation or otherwise, journalists have stirred up a lot of unwarranted fear and anxiety.


It seems clear that the State of Queensland has not the slightest intention of participating in the low carbon push. On ABC 7.30 (no transcript) was a discussion of fly-in fly-out mining employment. It was proposed to run a shuttle flight from the Gold Coast to a mine seeking another 1,000 employees. Commenters were at pains to say it produced ‘resources’ but BMA the company concerned mines coal. I’m sure asbestos was also once described as a resource not a harmful product. I think of coal as CO2 that was sequestered millions of years ago. Funny thing I’m sure all those countries now buying more and more Queensland coal recently put their hands up at the climate conferences to say they were cutting back.

Now Gladstone harbour wants to be exempted from the heritage area that helps protect the Barrier Reef coastal zone. The harbour dredging will facilitate liquefied coal seam gas export which they describe as natural gas. I guesstimate that CO2 from Australia’s exported coking coal, thermal coal and LNG is now about 800 Mt a year. Add CO2 from LCSG to that in future plus increased solid coal and natural (marine sediments) gas exports. Meanwhile domestic net CO2e from all sources should be around 550 Mt this year, aiming for 480 by 2020. I hope someone from the government can explain why we are even bothering with a domestic carbon tax.


John Newlands is fixated on a link between a domestic carbon tax and export of fossil fuels.

It does not need a government to explain that domestic release of CO2 is the subject of the CO2 tax and not exports.

Exports are different – for example, taxing them would apparently breach international trade agreements which must be altered BEFORE any tax can be levied on them.

I would like to see imported products taxed within Australia on the basis of the CO2-e released in their manufacture, but again, this has difficulties regarding trade agreements, which are enforceable in international courts. There is no magic wand which any one government can wave to unilaterally alter these agreements – that is precisely why they were made to be legally enforceable.

Those who share the frustrations expressed by John Newlands can draw some satisfaction from the positive aspects of a domestic tax, even if it is too low to immediately drive change. That was, IMHO, the only step available to the government thus far, and they were nearly unable to make even that small progress. It is a small, inadequate, positive response, but it is at least positive.

One step at a time. What John is advocating is desirable, even essential, but the rules mandate that the international game must be played with different tools and on a different playing field.


Clarification: JN asked for a response from the government. I am not a member of or spokesperson for any political party or government.


My compromise proposal… invite fossil fuel customers to pay carbon tax on a voluntary basis. Using the multipliers 2.4 for thermal coal, 2.7 for coking coal and 2.8 for LNG when we X$23 the export levy becomes about $55, $62 and $64 per tonne of respective fuel. The importing countries can ask for the levy to be refunded into their domestic green programs.

This lays the guilt trip on them. If they decline perhaps they weren’t serious about carbon cuts after all. Otherwise see how they go sourcing coal from some other politically stable country with 9 loading ports and more under construction.


I share Mark Duffett’s exasperation with BOM’s reference to a severe weather event as “a once in a lifetime event”. (BOM is Australian Bureau of Meteorology)

Such useage implies that the next lifetime’s weather is going to be the same as the last lifetime’s weather. And if anyone has the authority – and responsibility – of warning the public that it aint gonna be so, it is BOM’s.

Better to say “Records only indicate a 2% probability of it happening in past years”. This still allows a “gosh-spooky!” inference by the casual listener while allowing the more thoughtful to realise that severe weather is becoming more frequent.


Roger, when you say that severe weather is becoming more frequent, I did a bit of a double-take.

From somewhere else – source now forgotten – I picked up the notion that severe weather, eg cyclones, will probably become LESS frequent, but that extreme examples of same will become MORE frequent.

Further, not all extreme weather events are necessarily going to become more frequent/extreme.

For example, the frequency of cold spells may well decrease and that of hot spells may increase.

Your basic observation about the BOM’s unfortunate choice of words I agree with, however the reality may be more complex than a simple “She’s going to get worse… much worse”.


John Bennetts — Changes in the frequency and severity of tropical cyclones (hurricanes and typoons in the northern hemisphere) remain speculative.

Straightforward physical arguments suggest that globally averaged precipitation should increase with increasing temperature. However, over the satellite era [when global data can be acturately obtained] no such trend is observable with statistical significance. This is quite a mystery and may relate to changes in cloud cover.

What is observable is a marked increase in precipitation in mid and high latitudes; possibly also in the tropics. It follows that precipitation is declining, on average, in the semitropics, which includes the deserts, semi-deserts, savannas and steppes. There is some evidence for this as well, but the coverage is quite poor.

In regions with increased precipitaion, if all else remains the same [it doesn’t], the proportion of extreme precipitation events remains the same and so such occur more frequently. However, there perhaps is evidence that the proportion is increasing.

Rather than continuing to conduct this inadvertent experiment for knowledge’s sake, far better to bring it to an end in favor of conditions best conducive to the practice of agriculture.


@JB – you’re quite right in saying that cyclones may become less frequent, but that is because they can be killed by high altitude shearing winds. However the increasing frequency of high winds aloft is itself an example of an increasingly energetic atmosphere above an increasingly hot sea surface.

My beef with “once-in-so-many-years” is that we should shift from mere extrapolation from past records to “so-many-percent-next-year” so that the trends of the changing climate can be included. For a worsening likelihood of a severe event, we can be advised on how much worse it is likely to get.

For example, the trends in the records of minor floods going into Wyvenhoe Dam (a flood filter above Brisbane, Aust) could be used to annually publish an updated probability for an overflow that floods Brisbane in the next year. Estimates for decades ahead would warn buyers of real estate how long their purchase is likely to hold value.

(JB did you really mean 1.6 GL/GWh ? That’s 1.6 kL/kWh, 1.6 tonnes of water vaporised per unit sold ? )


Roger C:
You got me again. Factor of 1000 error. Work it out for yourself, from the figures I provided:
Installed capacity of MacGen’s two stations is 4660MW.
There are 8660 hours per year.
The water licence is for a max of 73GL/a.
Subtract for natural evaporation from storages, about 10GL/a.
Add for overland inflow, which is not much due to small catchment areas.
Subtract for shortfall on extracting 73 Gl, which is a bit of a moveable feast due to weather and license restrictions. Besides which, if water releases are ordered from Glenbawn Dam and, when they pass the river pumps mechanical failure prevents extraction of part of the released volume, that is lost. Similarly, in the uncommon situation when water is released back into the river, eg due to safety checks of the discharge valves, that is also lost.

Evaporation from dams is about 10GL/a excluding thermal forcing due to operating plant.

Adjust for typical unit loading – ranges between 75 and 85 percent, plus a further reduction for planned outages – say 3 x 500MW x two weeks per annum, max.

The number is of course as rubbery as is the weather, but 1.6kg/kWh is close to the actual end result.

My apologies – I used a small calculator which has limited significant figures, rather than XL or similar.

Another rough rule of thumb is that MacGen uses 12 to 14 million tonnes of coal each year. So, for every tonne of coal burned, about 5 tonnes of water are “consumed”, plus natural evaporation of a further 10GL, which is constant and independent of load. Of course, this varies with coal quality and opeally has higher ash content than export coal.

The main point that I set out to make, but mightily stuffed up, is that power generation uses far, far less water than cities. South Australia’s and the MDB’s water woes are hundreds or even thousands of GL/a. Australia’s largest power generator extracts not more than 73 GL each year from the Hunter River, with a long term average significantly below 70.


Roger, again:

My experience with hydrology and flood routing, etc, is rusty or worse. One thing I did notice when I returned to the subject in an academic environment the 1990’s and in relation to dam safety management, after a gap of a couple of decades, was that floods were described as 1% instead of “1 in 100 years”. This appears to be, at least in part, a response to the tendency of some to say that the 1955 flood was a 1-in-a-hundred, so the next time we expect to see it will be 2055, so why worry… it is only 2012.

This terminology also is well suited to reflecting the expectation, in a changing climate, of such an occurrence. It fits well with reviewed probabilities due to catchment modification due to land clearing or development, as well as to climate change and improved understanding of the science behind predicting rainfall and runoff in a catchment, or developments in the engineering disciplines relevant to stream flow. Things change with time, so the best way to report probabilistic events is by using probabilistic language, properly defined.

Maybe other readers are closer to this subject and can advise more authoritatively, but I am sure that the 1-in-a-hundred-years terminology has baggage which detracts from the probabilistic nature of the concept of the probability of exceedance of an event under current circumstances. The old term, average return interval (ARI), has been superseded by the concept of probability of exceedance.

I expect to hear that a river hight of X metres or a stream flow rate of Y ML/hr at a certain location has an average annual probability of being exceeded of Z percent. That is subtly and significantly different from saying that its ARI is Z years, which may not, strictly, be true and infers that it is based only on historical observations. Consider also, those years which have several high or very high flows in a catchment. Formerly, only the highest flood in any year of data was considered, because otherwise there would be more data points than there were years. They are now handled differently than was the case when I first studied this subject in the 1960’s.

Those who use phrases like 1-in-a-hundred-years are using terminology which has been out of date for decades, and this may well include the Australian gurus in this discipline, the Bureau of Meteorology.

One of the saddest aspects of the Qld floods was that the weather bureau was unable to predict stream heights for streams which do not have gauges. This led to loss of life, because the alarm could not be raised by the SES, which is not equipped to provide such forecasts.

The SES and fire authorities rely on the Bureau of Meteorology for their forecasts, and must use them as one input in their planning. Whether or not to issue warnings to specific communities under threat in any particular event, and when to do so, is likely to remain problematic for many years.


JB – Thanks for the update. It’s good to hear that BOM and planners now use probabilities instead of average-return-intervals, as the latter are instantly outdated in a changing climate.

Also for the estimated water cost of electric power: 1.6 kg/kWh. Good for that 3-second sound-bite, too: “Every unit costs the rivers a litre of water and the greenhouse a kilo of CO2”.

That’s 14 kL/a too. In comparative terms, it means that a person using 1 kW of electric power and about 140 kL/a of clean water, has used 10% of one to make the other.

I wish it were the other way around, that in the creation of 1 kW (e) the exhaust heat created the 140 kL/a — as we discussed earlier.


I’ve just noticed on the ABC news that coal and liquid gas exports are euphemistically referred to as resources not singly or generically as fossil fuels. I hope that AGW attribution of extreme weather damages can be made rigorous. That way instead of
‘$2m beachfront mansion wiped out by storm surge’
if the AGW factor was 50% we’d have
‘beachfront mansion resourced by $1m’.

Yes I am a bit obsessed by Australia’s carbon hypocrisy. The new correct speak is another form of denial.


Integrating solar PV with NPPs —

Having discovered the value of energy storage in the previous installment,

Open Thread 20

we now equip every NPP with a thermbine. A thermbine is a thermal storage equivalent of a small and inexpensive pumped hydro unit. Rather than storing the potential energy of superior position a thermbine stores heat in a thermal store. Some solar thermal generators use much the same but these thermbines have lower efficiency since the thermal store can only be heated to the temperature provided by a typical nuclear reactor.[NB 1] Translated to electical equivalents for simplicity and comparison to a pumped hydro unit, the Levelized Cost of Electricity (LCOE) is given by
LCOE(thermbine) = US${0.0292 + LCOE(NPP)/.8}
for diurnal operation.

With these the reference grid can then be energized by 28 1.1 GW nameplate NPPs of which at any time two are off line for replenishment and refurbishment. The remaining 26 are all on line at all times so that the overall capacity factor (CF) is 86% which leaves a reserve of about 2.1 GW. The LCOE for NPP operations is US$0.912/kwh. Thence LCOE(thermbine) = US${0.0292+0.912/0.8=0.1432}/kWh. The reference grid requires 20 GW for 8 hours followed by 28.57 GW for 16 hours:
LOCE(day) = US${0.7(0.0912) + 0.3(0.1432) = 0.1068}kWh;
LCOE(average) = US${(1/3)(0.0912)+(2/3)(0.1068)=0.1016}/kWh;
this is a cost improvement in comparison to daily cycling of the NPPs to meet to varying load. Suppose that customers and the NPP fleet operator are satisfied with this arrangement for wholesale prices. However, retail markup adds about US$0.04/kWh for customers and as solar PV price come down, eventually LCOE(solarPV) is less than US$0.1416/kWh. What happens to the grid and its market?

Assume the sun shines enough for full solar PV generation 4 hours per sunny day, between 10 am and 2 pm, and otherwise there is no such generation. On average 90% of days are sunny but cloudy periods may last up to 40 days.

There are three issues:
(1) assuring a balancing agent, i.e., backup for cloudy days;
(2) resolving the matter of displaced fixed costs, if any;
(3) setting prices fairly so that those without solar PV are not subsidizing those with solar PV.

For the first few individual customers with solar PV (solars), a small portion of the reserve can act as balancing agent on cloudy days without significantly increasing the risk of load loss. Possibly solars should pay a small fee for the increase in loss of load probability. If these solars can be treated as new load equivalents in a grid with growing load, then there are no displaced, i.e., unbillable, fixed costs. Indeed the price structure needs no modification.

Now assume a more significant solar PV penetration which displaces existing load during the sunny interval on sunny days. The otherwise unused thermal energy is stored for later use in the thermbines. As this is used 10% of the time on average, to recover costs requires an
LCOE(backup) = US${0.300 + .0912/0.8 = 0.414}/kWh
billable to solars on cloudy days. On average the solars pay the utility US$0.0414/kWh betweeen 10 and 2 pm. Using solar PV then becomes financially attractive when LCOE(solar) is less than US${0.1016-0.0414=0.602}/kWh as the retail markup is a wash.

This works fairly up to 30% of the daytime load. If solar PV begins to displace the remaining 70% then alternate low carbon storage schemes appear to substantially increase the cost of providing a balancing agent capable of operating for 40 days.[NB 2]

To the extent that solar PV energy unneeded by the solars does not displace energy provided by fixed cost resources, utilities could pay the solars for that energy. The net effect is to keep the thermal storage units well energized. The details depend upon exact circumstances, but the net to solars might average one to two UScents per kilowatt-hour. This could slightly increase net LCOE(solar).

In summary, some customer owned and operated solar PV is compatable with the assumed NPP+thermbine fleet.

Questions and commentss are most welcome.

Notes Below:

NB 1: Part of the steam produced from the nuclear reactor is directed to a heat exchanger to energize the thermal store. The fraction os directed is not variable so energizes the thermal store whenever the NPP is on-line. At the other end of the thermal store there is anothr heat exchanger to produce steam for the Rankine cycle generator of the thermbine. This is analogous to a pumped hydro unit with a pump which runs continuously and a generator which runs as required. The fixed cost estimate of US$0.0292/kWh is based on costs for a combined cycle gas turbine but the efficiency is just less than the assumed (31/37) in comparison the usual Rankine cycle efficiency for the turbine of an NPP. Other arrangements might well be more efficient but these thermbines are assumed to be readily added to any NPP.

NB 2: Adding additional storage in the form of pumped hydro ends up being even more expensive than what has been discussed. The only low cost balancing agent appears to be combined cycle turbines powered by natgas (CCGTs) since the variable cost of the fuel is a significant portion of LCOE(CCGT). But natgass burning is not a low carbon source of electricity.


David Benson, they’re using an alkaline polymer (polyethyleneimine), deposited on high surface area fumed silica. Seems like a pretty effective CO2 scrubber, with cheap materials available in bulk.

As ever, the trick is the whole capture/release & recycle/compression/transport/sequestration process. A new scrubber material won’t necessarily change the big picture. And the fundamental thermodynamic limits on CO2 extraction from air mean atmospheric recovery is incredibly expensive, this PNAS paper estimating $2500 just from the thermodynamics of concentration, independent of materials.


John Morgan — There are two questions which are better separated: (1) carbon dioxide capture from exhaust gases; (2) carbon dioxide capture from air. The article I linked clearly aims only at the first question, a problem currently beset with difficulties. As for the second, I suggest simply growing lotsa trees.


Upthread I wondered if foreign countries buying our coal and LNG might like to pay refundable carbon tax on a voluntary basis as a gesture of solidarity. I’d say not given the reaction to EU airline carbon charges

This issue is far from over. When we are unimpressed with carbon tax in 2015 and the transition to an ETS looms we’ll have to consider what works and what doesn’t. A key element is assistance to allegedly trade exposed industries. Part of that will be taking away the free ride given to foreign airlines, steelmakers and so on using carbon fuels either mined or refined in Australia.


@JM – regarding the K-F Lenz blog – I wouldn’t give him any oxygen. As things stand he is getting few visits and no comments. He is in fact (as Barry would say) at home, shouting at the wall.


Nuclear power – exploding the myths
By Terry Krieg
On Ockham’s Razor

My comment:

Terry Krieg,

Excellent article. Bit by bit, you and others are getting through to the vast majority of people who have open minds and who just want to know the facts. Keep up the good work.

What an amazing coincidence in the first line of your article where you said “I converted from an anti to pro nuclear in 1981 …”. I did too*. My beliefs were strongly anti-nuclear. I knew all the arguments against nuclear and believed them. Then I was offered a job on site for the Wolsung Nuclear power plant in Korea. I did a hell of a lot of research before I accepted the job and came to the conclusion that the anti-nuclear scare mongering was fanatical hype by the usual suspects.

(Actually, it was 1980, so I am a year ahead of you, and decades ahead of most of the ABC regulars)


This twitter update “What if Low Energy Nuclear Reaction (LENR) really works? Interesting speculation on the ‘what if’ part…” really caught my attention and if true very exciting for the future of world energy generation. Does any one out there in BNC land have any more information on this technology or is this article purely spin.


Here’s some numbers that I found a bit interesting. According to this: new world wide PV capacity in 2011 was about 13 GW

And according to this shipments of PV panels in 2011 was 22.7 GW.

If these figures are accurate, then the over supply of PV panels on the world market is considerable.


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