Emissions Renewables

BNC community analysis of the Zero Carbon Australia 2020 Report

A new report, Zero Carbon Australia 2020, has been released today. Its aim is to “show how Australia can reach 100% renewable energy within a decade, using technology that is commercially available right now“. From their website:

The guiding principles of ZCA 2020 include:

  • Australia’s energy is provided entirely from renewable sources at the end of the transition period.
  • All technological solutions employed are from proven, reliable technology which is commercially available.
  • The security and reliability of Australia’s energy supply is maintained or enhanced by the transition.
  • Food and water security are maintained or enhanced by the transition.
  • Australians continue to enjoy a high standard of living.
  • Social equity is maintained or enhanced by the transition.
  • Other environmental indices are maintained or enhanced by the transition.

The download is an 8.6 MB colour PDF, 194 pages long (including appendices). But it’s a nicely presented document, so it not a difficult read and can be done in parts.

Here, I throw a challenge down to the BNC community — analyse and critique! [I will also participate, of course]. Some guiding principles, in the spirit of TCASE:

1. Be fair — acknowledge what is good and useful about this effort. [From my first skim, I would say 50% is good to excellent, 15% is so-so, 15% is highly dubious and 20% is unmitigated nonsense]

2. Focus on key assumptions — how sensitive are the outcomes to these, and how grounded in reality are they? [Cost for CSP is a good example]

3. What are the gaps? This will help — print out and have it to hand: “A checklist for renewable energy plans

4. What are the biases? Are there examples of cherry picking? What important details have been glazed over?

5. Are the estimates of system reliability, build time and cost, acceptable? [Monthly averages…?]

6. What are the environmental impacts of this plan, compared to alternatives?

And so on. Perhaps the comments can also help me build up this list of guiding principles better aid later commenters.

Okay, BNCers unleashed!

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By Barry Brook

Barry Brook is an ARC Laureate Fellow and Chair of Environmental Sustainability at the University of Tasmania. He researches global change, ecology and energy.

560 replies on “BNC community analysis of the Zero Carbon Australia 2020 Report”

A quick (ongoing) summary of the first & only solar power towers operating (all none baseload) :

35MW global installed nameplate capacity over 3 plants 1 in USA and 2 in Spain ->

USA – Sierra SunTower 5MW

no storage (online July 2009)
cost appears to be NOT public. I can’t find any costs.
Incentives: Expected 30% Federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC, 5-year MACRS)
Supposed to be 8.5GWh in the first year, which is from following doc (not actual generated) ->

Country: United States
City: Lancaster
State: California
Lat/Long Location: 34°46′ North, 118°8′ West
Solar Resource: 2,629 kWh/m2/yr
Source of Solar Resource: NREL SUNY TDY data

Spain’s PS 10 & 20 are part of a larger 300MW demo plant of other mixed renewables. None of the remaining capacity will be power tower ->

From PS10 final report ->

Click to access ps10_final_report.pdf

“PS10 investment cost is about 35.000.000 €. The project has been granted with some public
contributions because of its highly innovative features. In this sense, 5th Framework Programme of
European Commission has contributed through DG TREN (Directorate General for Transport and
Energy) to PS10 investment costs with a 5.000.000 € subvention. In the same way, the regional
administration through the Consejería de Innovación Ciencia y Empresa in the Junta de Andalucía
Autonomic Government has supported PS10 project with 1.200.000 €. PS10 has also financial support
from low interest credit programs of Central Government through the Ministerio de Educación y
Ciencia and its PROFIT program.
Economical feasibility for PS10 project is supported by Spanish legislation that foresee a solar tariff
about 0,18€/kWh over pool market electricity price for –CST (Concentrating Solar Thermal)– plants,
this results in an approximate selling price for solar thermal electricity of about €0,21 per kWh.
Renewable regulations and solar premium are recognized in Royal Decree 436/2004 and some other
later dispositions.”

> PS 10 11MW

1h water storage / with 15% nat gas (online June 25 2007), NREL states : 23,400 MWh/yr (Expected/Planned)
Construction / break ground -> 28th of June, 2004 (3 years to build – not including planning)
Tariff Rate: 27.1188 Euro cents per kWh
Tariff Period: 25 years
Tariff Information: Total Price = Pool + Tariff Rate
Incentives: 1.2 million Euros from Andalusian Regional Government
5.0 million Euros from European Commission under FP5
Cost 35m Euro

25 km West from the city of Seville

Region:Sanlúcar la Mayor
Lat/Long Location:37°26′ 30.97″ North, 6°14′ 59.98″ West
Land Area:55 hectares
Solar Resource:2,012 kWh/m2/yr

More from the PS 10 Final Report ->

“At the present stage of Central Receiver technology development, it is considered a key point the scaling-up to a first generation demonstration system operating in a commercial basis and with a nominal power in the range of 10-50 MW. It is the goal of the PS10 project to design, construct and operate in a commercial basis a first-of-its-kind 10 MW solar CRS plant (Central Receiver System)”

“Abengoa pioneered the first formal proposal of a solar thermal power plant in summer1999, after having defined the main parameters of the project. In January 2000, Abengoa through its subsidiary company Inabensa, together with Ciemat, DLR and Fichtner successfully applied for a 5.000.000 € subsidy to European Commission.”

“Spanish regulations don’t allow hybridisation of CST plants out of the limits of 15% of annual
generated electricity from fossil fuels. In this sense one of the key factors for a CST plant design is
related to the decision of considering dailies shut-downs and start-ups of the steam turbine, or in the
other hand, to consider huge storage capacity to cover at least in several months in the year (summer
time) night periods in operation running the turbine from storage, reducing so the number of
stoppages and cools of the turbine. ”

“For cloudy transient periods, the plant has
a saturated water thermal storage system
with a thermal capacity of 20 MWh,
equivalent to an effective operational
capacity of 50 minutes at 50% turbine
workload. ”

> PS 20 20MW

1h water storage / with nat gas – have no exact % figure. (online April 22, 2009) NREL states : 48,000 MWh/yr (Expected/Planned)
Break Ground: 2006 (time to build 3 years – not including planning)

Tariff Rate: 27.1188 Euro cents per kWh
Tariff Period: 25 years
Tariff Information: Total Price = Pool + Tariff Rate
Project Type: Commercial plant
Incentives: 1.9 million Euros from Andalusian Regional Government

25 km West from the city of Seville

Region:Sanlúcar la Mayor
Lat/Long Location:37°26′ 30.97″ North, 6°14′ 59.98″ West
Land Area:80 hectares
Solar Resource:2,012 kWh/m2/yr

>Next expected online :

> Gemasolar 17MW

15h molten salt storage / 15% nat gas fossil fuel, expected on line early 2011
Cost (approx): 230,000,000 Euro (NREL)
100,000 MWh/yr (Expected/Planned)

City:Fuentes de Andalucía
Region:Andalucía (Sevilla) – about 20km east of Seville (someone please double check this distance)
Lat/Long Location:37°33′ 44.95″ North, 5°19′ 49.39″ West
Land Area: 190 hectares
Solar Resource:2,062 kWh/m2/yr

> Crescent Dunes Solar Energy Project / Tonopah 100MW

10h molten salt storage

Cost $700 to $800m US – estimated according to :

Click to access Tonopah_Crescent_Dunes_POD_2009_11_23.pdf

Expected online Aug 2013

Country:United States
Region:Northern Nevada, northwest of Tonopah
Land Area:1,600 acres
Solar Resource:2,685 kWh/m2/yr
Source of Solar Resource:NREL Solar Power Prospector
Electricity Generation: 480,000 MWh/yr (Expected/Planned)



do the problems around mining that lower eroei for nuclear do the same for wind/solar?

Well they would if the supply of silica for processing into silicon for PV substrate was getting low. Whatever is in shortest supply for the process will be the limiting factor – Indium for GaInAs for doping the silicon has been suggested as a bottleneck.

I suspect that it will be a shortage of oil to drive the entire transport network that hits first. That will have repercussions for every industry, including mining, the electricity generating industry and servicing the national grid and the road system.

US oil production rate peaked in 1970 and is now 40% off the peak, despite them still having 30 billion barrels still left underground, and being addicted to oil. Australia’s oil production rate peaked in 2000 and is now 31% off (BP2010).


Dave K since I had no backup copy of Excel after a computer crash I’ll have to buy it to see your spreadsheet. I note the UK Dept of Energy and Climate Change is now asking the UK public to comment on their spreadsheets that model 6 energy paths to 2050.

On the low carbon transition problem obviously higher EROEI (however defined) or shorter payback should be preferred for the replacement technology. This is a major shortcoming of ZCA2020. It blithely assumes we can drop current demands for fossil fuel and invest as much energy as needed in solar towers, windmills and transmission. Nor do they impose any CO2 constraints for the period 2010-2020.

Further complications lie ahead with EREOI calcs such as coupled system averages; example inefficient hydrogen production but efficient use in fuel cells. Now to get Excel.


The use of diesel to create and process yellowcake is a bunch of baloney. You could use nuclear power from existing plants to do all those conversions.


The environmentalist par excellence George Monbiot has been having a hard time opposing the introduction of a UK feed-in tariff for solar PV, with environmentalists displaying a “level of viciousness displayed (that has to) be seen to be believed.”

George argues along a similar line to Peter Lang :

Against my instincts I’ve come to oppose solar photovoltaic power (PV) in the UK, and the feed-in tariffs designed to encourage it, because the facts show unequivocally that this is a terrible investment…Money spent on ineffective solutions is not just a waste: it’s also a lost opportunity…Environmentalists have no trouble understanding this argument when lobbying against nuclear power…The real net cost of the solar PV installed in Germany between 2000 and 2008 was E35bn…By 2008 solar PV was producing a grand total of 0.6% of Germany’s electricity. 0.6% for E35bn. Hands up all those who think this is a good investment.


Mike S I just remembered myself that Open Office has xml capability . Even the student edition of MS Excel is around $US200. Copying software is like not paying fuel excise on biodiesel, only something you hear about.

Re which the Olympic Dam mine expansion will supposedly use 19 billion litres of diesel. The announcement on the expansion was due last month but silence. They not only need the diesel but 690 MWe of power and a 200 megalitre a day desal. BHP’s preferred site for the desal is on a narrow gulf and will draw ~40MW from the grid. If they had a NPP on the exposed coastline they could solve 3 problems
1) no drain on the State gas and coal fired grid
2) electric mining machinery not diesel
3) cheaper less controversial desalination.


Graham P….. PV power in the UK is a bit of a joke let’s face it. Last time I was there, I was told on a sunny day that summer was TODAY!


While I think there’s a lot of useful critique going on here, I don’t think the ‘he said, I said’ format of a blog post comment list is the best place to set it out.

Maybe a wiki format, with specific points from ZCA laid out in pages.

Or maybe, like nuclear, CST, and wind, it’s another technology that isn’t there yet.


Hi Tony,

We are sounding / researching through all the issues of the ZCA report. A document is being put together based on the discussion on the thread. We hope to have it completed fairly soon, most likely over the next week or so. Please also feel free to get involved in the discussion.

Good suggestion re wiki, you’ll have to take up the format with Barry, but for now this is it I’m afraid.

Hope you will find the critique useful and of course we welcome any input on it too.


Dave Kimble,

You seem to support the ISA’s figure of 57.8kg CO2-e/MWh for nuclear. I understand this is a highly conservative figure (i.e. high) and has been dismissed as troo high by most – other than by RE zealots :) .

I understand the Emissions Intensity of nuclear is genrally accepted as about 10 to 20 kg CO2/MWh, except by the RE zealots :)

The figure will decrease as we move away from fossil fules and as mining, processing and enrichment techniques improve, as they are doing all the time.
Whatever the figure is it is so low as to be negligible and not worth wasting time discussing.

By the way, I understand the Emissions Intensity of wind energy (when backup is included which it must be for a fair comparison with baseload generators) is around 600 kg CO2-e/MWh, or about 30 times higher than nuclear,


ZCA report p27 :

When comparing the solar power tower with ANU paraboidal dish :

Dish ->

“Energy storage is not yet demonstrated commercially, though it is compatible with molten salt storage, and others such as the ammonia thermochemical storage system at ANU.”

Power Tower ->

“Molten salt thermal storage has been demonstrated with power towers.”

Yes, at Solar 2, but NOT commercially. That’s one of the things that Gemasolar 17MW will be doing, when its finished.


Good to hear, Bryan.
(I got sent here by someone who dismissed the report as having ‘cringeworthy mistakes on every page he read’. I don’t know how many pages he read, but I don’t think it’s *that* bad!)


German power tower research at the German Aerospace Centre ->

“On 20 August 2009, the solar thermal experimental and demonstration power plant in Jülich (Solarthermisches Versuchs- und Demonstrationskraftwerk Jülich; STJ) was officially handed over to its future operator, the Jülich Department of Works, by the general contractor, Kraftanlagen München. The technology for the core of the facility, the receiver, was developed and patented by the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt; DLR).”

“The power plant will supply 1.5 megawatts when operated at its rated capacity. A heat storage module that extends across two stories of the tower is integrated into the plant. This heat storage module contains ceramic filling material through which hot air flows and which can thus be heated. When discharging, the process works in reverse: the heat storage module releases its energy so that power can also be produced when clouds pass overhead.”

“The project will be supported by a research programme spanning several years which, as well as providing scientific support for the operation of the power plant, will in particular develop methods for optimising operation, assuring quality and developing the technology in order to further improve the competitiveness of the facilities. “


Here is a good link to report about the German Aerospace Centre (DLR) Julich 1.5MW power tower ->

Click to access B_Hoffschmidt.pdf

Performance of Plant in Jülich
Maximal Electrical Power: 1,5 MW
Solar Radiation / DNI 800 kWh/m2a
Solar Multiple 1,2
Full Load hours 1000 h
Energy Production 1000 MWh/a
Ground Demand 18 ha (Algeria 6-8 ha)

Note it appears to be hybridised with gas. Cost unknown, running since 20 Aug 2009


I would be interested to see evidence that Ivanpah construction has started. Anyone ?? This looks like would be at least 6 years in the making, just from the CEC app date. I would then add at least a previous year to get the planning app together

This link ->

gives the California Energy Commission (CEC) page on the too be built Ivanpah (400MW) solar power tower system.

“On August 31, 2007, Solar Partners I, LLC, Solar Partners II, LLC, Solar Partners IV, LLC and Solar Partners VIII, LLC (Solar Partners) submitted a single Application for Certification (AFC) to the California Energy Commission to develop three solar thermal power plants and shared facilities in close proximity to the Ivanpah Dry Lake, in San Bernardino County, California on federal land managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). The proposed project would be constructed in three phases: two 100-megawatt (MW) phases (known as Ivanpah 1 and Ivanpah 2) and a 200-MW phase (Ivanpah 3). ”

“Project Description

The proposed project includes three solar concentrating thermal power plants, based on distributed power tower and heliostat mirror technology, in which heliostat (mirror) fields focus solar energy on power tower receivers near the center of each heliostat array. Each 100-MW site would require approximately 850-acres (or 1.3 square miles) and would have three tower receivers and arrays; the 200-MW site would require approximately 1,600-acres (or 2.5 square miles) and would have 4 tower receivers and arrays. The total area required for all three phases would including the administration building/operations and maintenance building and substation and be approximately 3,400-acres (or 5.3 square miles). Given that the three plants would be developed in concert, the proposed solar plant projects would share the common facilities mentioned above to include access roads, and the reconductored transmission lines for all three phases. Construction of the entire project is anticipated to begin in the first quarter of 2009, with construction being completed in the last quarter of 2012.”

“Each plant also includes a partial-load natural gas-fired steam boiler, which would be used for thermal input to the turbine during the morning start-up cycle to assist the plant in coming up to operating temperature more quickly. The boiler would also be operated during transient cloudy conditions, in order to maintain the turbine on-line and ready to resume production from solar thermal input, after the clouds pass. After the clouds pass and solar thermal input resumes, the turbine would be returned to full solar production.”

“Each solar development phase would include:

a natural gas-fired start-up boiler to provide heat for plant start-up and during temporary cloud cover;

an air-cooled condenser or “dry cooling,” to minimize water usage in the site’s desert environment;

one Rankine-cycle reheat steam turbine that receives live steam from the solar boilers and reheat steam from one solar reheater located in the power block at the top of its own tower adjacent to the turbine;
a raw water tank with a 250,000 gallon capacity; 100,000 gallons to be used for the plant and the remainder to be reserved for fire water.

a small onsite wastewater plant located in the power block that treats wastewater from domestic waste streams such as showers and toilets;

auxiliary equipment including feed water heaters, a deaerator, an emergency diesel generator, and a diesel fire pump.”


Ivanpah 1, 2 and 3 would be interconnected to the Southern California Edison (SCE) grid through upgrades to SCE’s 115-kV line passing through the site on a northeast-southwest right-of-way. Upgrades would include a new 220/115-kV breaker and-a-half substation between the Ivanpah 1 and 2 project sites. The existing 115-kV transmission line from the El Dorado substation would be replaced with a double-circuit 220-kV overhead line that would be interconnected to the new substation. Power from Ivanpah 1, 2 and 3 would be transmitted at 115-kV to the new substation.

Natural Gas

Natural gas supply for ISEGS would connect to the Kern River Gas Transmission Company (KRGT) pipeline about 0.5 miles north of the Ivanpah 3 site.”

“Water Use and Discharge

Raw ground water would be drawn from one of two wells, located east of Ivanpah 2, which would provide water to all three plants. Each well would have sufficient capacity to supply water for all three phases. Actual water is not expected to exceed 100 afy for all three plants. Groundwater would go through a treatment system for use as boiler make-up water and to wash the heliostats. No wastewater would be generated by the system, except for a small stream that would be treated and used for landscape irrigation.”


Status: Under development
Country: United States
City: Primm, NV
State: California
County: San Bernardino, CA
Lat/Long Location: 35°33′ 8.5″ North, 115°27′ 30.97″ West
Land Area: 4,073 acres
Solar Resource: 2,717 kWh/m2/yr
Source of Solar Resource: NREL Solar Power Prospector
Electricity Generation: 1,079,232 MWh/yr (Expected/Planned)

Break Ground: January 2010
Start Production: October 2013

Power Block
Turbine Capacity (Gross): 468.0 MW
Turbine Capacity (Net): 440.0 MW
Turbine Description: Gross is 117 MW per unit; net is 110 MW per unit
Output Type: Rankine
Cooling Method: Dry cooling
Annual Solar-to-Electricity Efficiency (Gross): 28.72%
Fossil Backup Type: Natural gas

NOTE : NO STORAGE listed by NREL or BrightSource or CEC

BrightSource page is here, has google map of location too ->

“BrightSource is currently developing its first solar power complex in California’s Mojave Desert. The Ivanpah Solar Power Complex will be located in Ivanpah, approximately 50 miles northwest of Needles, California, and about five miles from the California-Nevada border. ”

“Located approximately 4.5 miles southwest of Primm, Nevada, in the desert on federal land managed by the Bureau of Land Management.”

“The approximately 400 megawatt Ivanpah Solar Power Complex will consist of three separate plants and provide electricity to PG&E and Southern California Edison. Commencement of construction on the first plant is scheduled for the second half of 2010, following permitting review by the California Energy Commission and the Department of Interior’s Bureau of Land Management. The first plant is scheduled to come online in mid-2012.”

“The Ivanpah project has received a conditional commitment for a more than $1.3 billion loan guarantee by the US Department of Energy (DOE) to help fund this project. The loan is part of the DOE’s Title XVII loan guarantee program, which was started in 2005 under the Energy Policy Act, to support commercially viable technology in addition to innovative renewable energy technology.”

& a pdf flyer ->

Click to access Brightsource_Ivanpah_Fast_Facts.pdf


Have no other cost info, anyone?


This page gives a brief overview of the CSIRO’s 500kw power tower demo plant in Newcastle ->

“Solar towers

The high concentration array is used to provide the high temperatures needed to produce SolarGas, a syngas mixture that contains 25 per cent more energy than the natural gas feeding into the process.
Solar hydrogen can potentially be extracted from this SolarGas. SolarGas and solar hydrogen provide all the benefits of solar energy with the convenience of gas, and in this way enable solar energy to be stored and transported.
The technology also serves as a transitional route toward higher levels of solar penetration into the energy mix.”

Information on this power tower is practically none existent. No storage or costs etc are mentioned. Obviously it runs as natural gas/solar system.

Can anyone point me at something?



You seem to support the ISA’s figure of 57.8kg CO2-e/MWh for nuclear.

I’m not an expert in the technology, so for me to criticise ISA would be a bit rude. Their report contains an extensive meta-analysis and then justifications for the numbers they use for their Low-Medium-High scenarios. It is certainly transparent.

I think the ore grade sounds high at 0.15% for the next 40 years, and I think the Load Factor at 85% is high for a country’s first commercial reactor. I recall reading that the entire history of commercial reactors has a Load Factor of ~70% and for recent times ~75% worldwide. Experienced nations are getting 90% and I don’t know if there is anything further to be gained.

ISA used a 70-30 split between centrifuge and diffusion enrichment, reflecting the current state of play, so there is scope for that to improve.

It would be interesting to plug the numbers from other sources into the ISA spreadsheet so that we could be comparing using the same methodology.

If you can demonstrate a better methodology, I would be open to persuasion, but its not really me that needs to be persuaded, its the Australian Government.

I should just mention that the report and the spreadsheets are owned by Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, and they should be approached for rights to publish them. Use here is Fair Use in my humble opinion.

… the Emissions Intensity of wind energy (when backup is included which it must be for a fair comparison with baseload generators) is around …

I think we need to know what the Emissions Intensity of wind is, and for all the other technologies. We also need to know about their variability and their dispatchability, and hence their mixability, but that is really a separate issue, no less important though. I agree that the ZCA mix won’t work in adverse circumstances. Burning biomass would be a disaster.

Given the additional constraints of a reducing fossil fuel cap or going into run-away Global Warming, I don’t think there is a solution. We can certainly make a start on a Grand Plan, but at some stage we will run out of energy to complete it. We should have started fixing the problem 20 years ago when there was some spare capacity. As it is, understanding at the government level of what could work and what couldn’t is appallingly low, so we will end up wasting a lot of precious energy, making things worse.


The local group in Nevada examining the Ivanpah project ->

they also conveniently provide a link to the full Environmental Impact Statement documents at CEC, a total of 64 documents covering the planning application. :

“Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System- FSA and Draft Environmental Impacts Statement and Draft California Desert Conservation Area Plan Amendment” ->


All the CEC links and NREL links contain contact emails / phone nums etc.

Notice carefully the ownership to Rice Solar Energy, LLC.

CEC page for Rice Solar Energy Project, California – RSEP (150MW) ->

“Rice Solar Energy, LLC, (RSE) a wholly owned subsidiary of SolarReserve, LLC, proposes to construct, own, and operate the Rice Solar Energy Project (RSEP or project). The RSEP will be a solar generating facility located on a privately owned site in unincorporated eastern Riverside County, California. The proposed project will be capable of producing approximately 450,000 megawatt hours (MWh) of renewable energy annually, with a nominal net generating capacity of 150 megawatts (MW).

The RSEP will be located in an unincorporated area of eastern Riverside County, California. Land surrounding the project site consists mostly of undeveloped open desert that is owned by the federal government and managed by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM).”

“The proposed facility will use concentrating solar power (CSP) technology, with a central receiver tower and an integrated thermal storage system. ”

NREL page for RSEP ->

Country: United States
City: Rice
State: California
County: Riverside
Region: Mojave Desert, near Blythe
Land Area: 1,410 acres
Solar Resource: 2,598 kWh/m2/yr
Source of Solar Resource: NREL Solar Power Prospector
Electricity Generation: 450,000 MWh/yr (Expected/Planned)

Break Ground: 2011
Start Production: October 1, 2013

Power Block
Turbine Capacity (Net): 150.0 MW
Output Type: Rankine
Power Cycle Pressure: 115.0 bars
Cooling Method: Dry cooling
Fossil Backup Type: None

Thermal Storage
Storage Type: Other
Thermal Storage Description: Thermal energy storage achieved by raising salt temperature from 550 to 1050 F. Thermal storage efficiency is 99%

NO COST estimate – anyone ?


James hutchison, an author of the ZCA Plan, asked John Morgan:

James asked:

Ok I will spell it out again. My question is why do you continue to support Peter [Lang]’s costing of Solar thermal when he uses a report (NEEDs) that dosen’t back up what he says?”

I replied:

I believe I am interpreting NEEDS (2008) correctly. NEEDS starts by looking at the four main solar thermal technologies. It then looks in more detail at trough and tower technologies. It gives the current expected cost (2007 figures) for trough and tower (Table 2.3). The tower costs are mainly based on the ‘Solar Tres’ (Spain) now called’Gemasolar’. NEEDS derives a figures of EUR10,140/kW in 2007 Euros for their best guess of the current (2007 cost of solar thermal tower with 15 h energy storage at full power). If we convert that to Australian dolars at the rate of A$1 = EUR0.6 and escalate to 2010 A$ we get a figure of A$22.5/W. However, An updated cost were released in April 2009 soon after the start of construction. These convert to A$24.8/W for Gemasolar. I gave a rounded figure of $20/W in my previous discussions. The cost of ‘Gemasolar’/’Solar Tres’ has increased by a factor of 160% from 2005 to 2009, and more increase is likely before it is completed.

The figures you referred to on pages 31, 32 and 6x of NNEDS are not relevant because they apply to the trough technology not the tower. Also, you cannot read the cost from the projected learning curves for 2010 because the learning curve has not applied. In fact, the cost of solar have escalated at over 15% pa.

I uderstand ZCA is basing its costs on the forecast cost for Tonopah, USA. I understand the estimated cost is $700 to $800 million in 2009 US$. This converts to A$10.4/W. That figures agrees with the ZCA plan. However, Tonpah has not started. It is still a concept It doesn’t have approval yet. There is no final design or final cost exstimate, let alone the final cost from construction It will be years before it is completed. The costs can be expected to escalate by at least 50% during that time and probably more (in constant 2010 dollars).

Furthermore, I understand Tonopah is intended to have only 10h storage at full power compared with 15h at Gemasolar. So Gemasoiar needs a solar field roughly 30% more than Tonopah and energy storage 50% more. To compare the costs on an equivalent basis, Tonopah’s costs need to be increased by say 40%, to say A$15/W.

Then escalate this because the project has not begun yet and the csts will escalat until the project is completed.

I understand that Tonopah is expectd to have a capacity factor around 55% (100MW, 480,000 MWh/y) (

This, of course is nowhere near the 72% capacity factor assumed as the basis for the ZCA 2020 Plan.

If you have better information than I have, could you please post the links to the sources here.

Follow and contribute to the dialogue here:



I don’t suppose you’d have any idea why even after I register at climatespectator it doesn’t recognise my username when I try to log in?


Tom, both Peter and I had numerous difficulties with the Climate Spectator comment system. I can only suggest reregistering, possibly with an alternate email address.


Peter, one more factor about the Tonopah Nevada facility has been overlooked. The $700 to $800 million figure represents overnight costs. Were the Tonopah facility financed like an ordinary power generation facility, that figure would likely double when interest is included. The 55% capacity factor is based on performance estimates that were made before the less efficient air cooling system was mandated by the state of Nevada. That will lead to about a 10% reduction in system efficiency, so the real capacity factor is likely to drop to around 50%. Thus the unsubsidized cost of the Tonopah facility is likely to run to around $16 per kW for a facility that will produce little more than half as much power as a nuclear power plant. This points to a levelized cost of about 4 times the levelized cost of the nuclear facility. Given these facts, the choice of solar tower electrical generation facilities to provide future Australian electricity would be a colossal blunder.



None of the solar thermal power tower plants listed in ZCA 2020 report Table 3.5 are commercially operational. Those figures are estimates of outputs AFTER construction has taken place. In addition, I am not aware that Solar Tres was EVER built. That design ended up being Gemasolar.
These fact needs to be clearly labelled on the ZCA 2020 report Table 3.5, page 53. 

Also, the Solar 220 salt storage specified by S & L 2003 is 12.7h, see SunLabs capital costings page 5-21 Table 5-13.
S&L (2003) – Page 5-26 Table 5-19, Solar 220 thermal storage specified as 13.1h.
S&L (2003) – Page 5-38 Table 5-27 Solar 220 thermal storage specified as 16h.
So thats three different storage time figures, none of which are the 17h which ZCA 2020 report claims.

Regarding Gemasolar ->

S&L (2003) Section 5.8.1 Deployment, page 5-50 ->

“The earliest a plant would be operational in the United States is 2009 based on the first commercial plant going in service in 2006 in Spain or South Africa, operational experience of at least one year, and two years for design enhancements, manufacturing, and construction.”

So S&L are saying here that after Gemasolar goes online, the earliest they’d be prepared to build one in USA is 3 years later. Assuming that Gemasolar goes online early 2011, that would mean the USA’s first “gas / solar” power tower 17MW with 15h storage would go online in 2014 (according to S&L 2003).


In fact the discussion in ZCA 2020 on p53 is misleading again ->

“From the pipeline of actual projects seen in Table 3.5, it can
be seen that the commercialisation is following the scale-
up projected originally by Sargent & Lundy/SunLab, with
Torresol’s Gemasolar the equivalent of the Solar Tres, and
SolarReserve’s Alcazar equivalent to the scaled up Solar 50.”

Now the plants

It doesn’t even follow S&L 2003. Well not that I can see. i.e.

ZCA confusing trough with tower & installation timelines do not match S&L 2003

ZCA 2020 report P57, Stage 2
2015-2020 :
“It is expected that the construction time of a Solar 220 module will drop to 1.5 years, as the industry experience streamlines the rollout. The Andasol projects already completed in Spain took 1.5 years to construct”

Incorrect, Andasol’s are 50MW solar troughs with 12% natgas (according to NREL). They are all in Spain, not in Australia. And they are not Solar 220MW power towers (which haven’t ever been built in any case).

Also Andasol 2 is still being commisioned and Andasol 3 is still being constructed since construction began on it in Feb 2007, according to the company that runs them ->

“As Europe’s first ever parabolic trough power plant, Andasol 1 is in operation on the Guadix plateau in the province of Granada. In February 2007 the construction of Andasol 2 started in its immediate vicinity. Today, this second power plant is in the test phase.”

“Another power plant, Andasol 3, which is basically identical in construction, is being built in the direct vicinity. Andasol 3 is being realised by Stadtwerke München and RWE Innogy together with Ferrostaal, RheinEnergie and Solar Millennium and is scheduled to connect to the grid in 2011.”

“Each power plant has an electricity output of 50 megawatts and operates with thermal storage. A full thermal reservoir can continue to run the turbines for about 7.5 hours at full-load”

* ZCA report p57, Section 3.1.6 “Installation Timeline” ->

“Stage 1 (2010-2015): It is proposed that a target of 8,700
MW is set for installation by 2015, to be distributed across a
number of the 12 sites depending on least cost opportunities
for prioritising transmission infrastructure. An equal
distribution across the 12 sites would end up with 725 MW
at each one. This will involve fast tracking of site acquisition,
and other planning measures in order to meet these tight
timeframes. The plants will include 17 hours of storage — to
provide 55 TWh/yr. The Torresol/SolarReserve towers and
receivers would be built in module sizes such as 50, 75,
100, 150 and 200 MW. The first-of-a-kind plants will take
2.5 years to construct, as seen with SolarReserve’s Rice
and Tonopah projects8.”

SolarReserve’s Rice and Tonopah projects haven’t been built yet though. And yet this sentence from the ZCA report, to me at least, gives the impression that they are built.

RESP – Rice (150MW) Break ground estimated as 2011, online as October 1, 2013 ->

100MW Crescent Dunes Tonopah project which will

a) only contain 10h storage
b) isn’t expected to be finished until July 2013 (480,000 MWh/yr (Expected/Planned)) :

& also see the SolarReserve press release ->

Click to access SolarReservePUCNApprovalAnnouncement072810.pdf

“SolarReserve expects to receive environmental approvals by the end of 2010″

*** In addition the 100MW Ivanpah ->

is made up of smaller plant, i.e. its NOT a Solar 100.

My understanding of a Solar 100 (& indeed all the Solar XXX) is that it has a single tower. What I’m getting at is that there is the possibility in ZCA report p54-55 (possible elsewhere also) that they are conflating forthcoming plant with the Solar XXX of the same MW

e.g. a 100MW plant (which consists of say 2 x 50MW or 2 x Solar 50’s) is assumed to be a Solar 100, etc. But it isn’t. This would surely make the deployment timeline appear quicker & possibly alter other calculations (e,g, land area, water use …). I need to go over this more thoroughly, and would appreciate someone else checking this too.


Page 21:

A concentrated effort to flatten the Victorian winter gas usage peak would yield major gains in flattening the Australian energy demand profile over the year. The flattening would be achieved primarily by thermal insulation of Victorian commercial buildings and households. This can reduce heating loads by a factor of 2-4. A program of replacing gas furnace heating with heat pumps would further reduce space heating energy demand by a factor of 4, given an 80% efficiency for gas furnaces and 320% seasonal average efficiency for heat pumps. It is therefore reasonable to assume that given widespread implementation of heat pump and building efficiency improvement in Victoria, “winter peak”, space heating requirements could be reduced by around a factor of 10.

The concept of shifting Victorian gas heating to electric heat pump may have a greenhouse advantage in the context of low emission generation, such as renewables or nuclear, but most greenhouse reduction strategies to date have focused on maintaining Victorian gas heating in preference to electric heat pump. While peak demand for electricity supply is a major challenge, natural gas supply only needs to meet demand on a day by day basis, rather than a second by second basis. Natural gas pipelines provide both a short term storage facility and transmission medium. The main pipeline from Longford to Dandenong is 750mm diameter and 174 km long. The linepack is a measure of the quantity of gas in the pipeline, and typically varies by 50% according to the daily difference between the regular supply, and demand which peaks around breakfast and dinner during winter.

In Victoria, there are approximately 780,000 gas ducted heating systems with an average 20 kW furnace consuming an average 58 GJ/annum, and 650,000 non-ducted gas heaters with an average 10 kW furnace consuming an average 29 GJ/annum. If there was a wholesale change-over to electric heat pumps, assuming a COP which is 3 times better than a gas furnace, would translate to 780,000 units at 6.7 kW(e) and 650,000 units at 3.3 kW(e). If all units were running at the same time, the total load would be 7.3 GW, which would likely lead to brown-outs based on current supply constraints. In practice, not all units would be on, and under normal circumstances, the units would be cycling. However, unlike commercial HVAC systems which are designed professionally and costed accordingly, domestic systems are sized according to budget and often aggressive quoted, and usually struggle in extreme conditions, so the assumption of cycling can lead to unpredicted outcomes. Peak demand is related to nameplate power and not “average” power, where extreme climatic conditions can result in the compressor running 100% of the time. Although the MEPS scheme for air conditioners is generally a step forward, budgetry constraints prevent a comprehensive audit process, leading to ongoing non-compliance with minimum standards

The report failed to observe that most heat pumps cut-out or perform poorly below around 5 degrees due to evaporator freezing and some utilize an electric element to provide back-up. In cool climates, such as North America, ground source heat pumps have been utilized for a number of years to overcome this problem, but costs are typically an additional $5,000 to $10,000 on top of the basic system cost. In the event of a wholesale conversion to heat pumps, there is likely to be significant problems with peak demand during the handful of near-freezing conditions that Melbourne experiences some years. It is also likely that a large number of households would need conversion to 3 phase power to provide the required power. Also note for reference that many Victorian households will typically consume twice as much gas as electricity, therefore probably doubling household electricity consumption with a switch from gas heating to electric. Of interest is that there is a substantial Australian manufacturing content in gas furnaces, but negligible manufacturing of domestic heat pumps.

The blase assumptions of reducing demand through insulation requires heroic assumptions regarding the existing stock of homes. Regrettably, we carry the legacy of poor efficiency standards with most homes generally rated from 0 to 2 stars. To bring a pre-90’s home to something remotely like current BCA 6 star building standards (first order anecdotal cost estimates) would require ceiling insulation (mostly already done now but $1,600 otherwise), wall insulation (blown in fibretex at $3,000 to $5,000), double glazing ($5,000 to $10,000), under floor insulation ($1,000 to $2,000), roof sarking ($1,000), sealing and draught prevention ($1,000 to $2,000). If we conservatively allowed $10,000 per home for 1 million homes comes out at $10 B. Some classes of homes, such as the post-war pre-fab concrete homes built for returned servicemen, will remain inefficient for the life of the home. Note that new homes make up an additional around 2% to 3% per annum of total homes so the legacy of existing stock is long lived. The report doesn’t appear to make recommendations as to who should pay for this. Despite a number of energy efficiency measures, some of which have significant scope for expansion, a combination of increasing house size, “comfort creep”, expanding population and Jevon’s Paradox suggest that space heating consumption will continue growing for the foreseeable future.

Of interest is that the Victorian VEET energy efficiency scheme already provides a rebate for the upgrade of a high efficiency gas furnace or the retrofit of new high efficiency ductwork, and the Victorian Government recently doubled the energy efficiency target.

In summary, given a conversion of generation to low emission sources, a long term strategy to space heating through electric heat pump may be sensible, but a prudent approach would be to put the low emission (renewables or nuclear) generation in place first with a planned conversion over years. Interestingly, there was a consumer led conversion from oil heating to gas heating in Melbourne in response to high oil prices in the 1970’s, leading to a 88% decline in oil consumption for domestic heating from 1977 to 1982. The issue of peak electrical demand would remain regardless, and in this sense, natural gas is a far better option. As a general principle, solar and winter are not good matches, particular in a context where solar has not reached viability in a summer context yet. The premature advocacy of the replacement of reliable, effective and relatively greenhouse friendly space heating with electric heat pumps is misguided and naive, and likely to lead to perverse outcomes.


Spain Alcazar :

Click to access Alcazar-Cinco_Casas_Permitting_ENG.pdf

“The Alcázar Solar Thermal Power Project is being developed near the town of Alcázar de San Juan, about 180 km south of Madrid.”

“The SolarReserve technology enables the power facility to generate electricity “on demand” from renewable solar energy including operation of up to 24 hours per day and annual capacity factors in excess of 80%. In addition, the project will utilize a dry-cooled design requiring just 15% of the water consumed by comparable solar thermal projects with wet cooling.”

Environmental permit issued : 2009 (Press release dated Nov 17 2009,
Construction expected to begin 2010
50MW @ 300,000MWh / yr

Costs ?
Storage ?
Gas hybrid ?

There is so little information on Alcazar (50MW).

Nothing at NREL.

lists its status as 2011 (whatever they take status to mean at ??)

The important thing to watch with Alcazar : Will it be a Solar 50, or will it be a bunch of smaller towers making up 50MW (in which case it would not be a Solar 50)

S&L 2003 (p3-6 / 7) – gives first Solar 50 as ->

Sunlab – 2006 (in which case its 5 years behind prediction assuming completion in 2011)
S&L – 2009 (in which case its 2 years behind prediction assuming completion in 2011)

Then according to S&L it would be 3 years in service until they build one in the USA. ->

S&L (2003) Section 5.8.1 Deployment, page 5-50 ->
“The earliest a plant would be operational in the United States is 2009 based on the first commercial plant going in service in 2006 in Spain or South Africa, operational experience of at least one year, and two years for design enhancements, manufacturing, and construction.”

* Basically, the ZCA plan doesn’t stack up in terms of deployment timeframes compared to their own preferred reference – S&L 2003.

ZCA report p 54 states ->

“Since the Sargent and Lundy report in 2003 the development of the CST industry has been progressing, as has research and development.”

NOT for solar power towers though!

According to US DOE May 24-27 – 2010, its only just restarted after it stopped after Solar 2! ->

Click to access prm2010_snl_kolb.pdf

“After a several year lapse, Power Tower R&D is once again a principal agreement within the DOE solar program”

US DOE with Industry Partners are still planning the power tower roadmap. US DOE also state in this 2010 document that storage is cost effective for 13h.

“In a molten salt power tower, LEC is reduced by adding up to 13 hours of storage”

ZCA ref a more recent Sargent & Lundy (2005) on p54 ->

Click to access sargent_lundy_2005.pdf

S&L 2005 also gives estimated deployment times and thermal storage times that are different from ZCA e.g. p15-16 ->

Solar Tres USA – 2006 – 16h storage
Solar 100 – 2008 – 13h storage
Solar 220 – 2020 – 13h storage

Copy and pasting from this S&L doc is protected, but the last para of conclusion on p24 again states that tower will need to be integrated with gas. This seems to be a copy and paste of their previous para on trough, because in tower paragraph it says trough also. I;ve noticed this slip in S&L 2003 in their tower section also.

There seems to be a world of confusion out their between the status of “trough” & “tower”. Even S&L get them mixed up in their reports…. a rush copy & paste job ??? hmmmmm.


Further comments regarding heating:

The adoption of reverse cycle heat pumps for winter would lead to increased penetration of refrigerated air conditioning during summer in preference to evaporative cooling, which has traditionally been widely used in Victoria. The Business Council for Sustainable Energy (2003) estimated that each additional 1 kW of load due to air conditioners costs an additional $3,300 in network and generation investment, translating to $10,000+ for an average home.

Click to access sub134.pdf

The encouragement of refrigerated cooling for Victorians is perverse in the context of the challenge of meeting the cost of network upgrades as well as the difficulty in meeting demand from non-schedulable generation assets.


Charles Barton, bryen, Graham Palmer,

Thank you for these excellent comments. They are all very relevant right now as we are trying to finalise the ZCA2020 Critique.

I’d encourage you to post them on the Climate Spectator thread as well because we know the authors are watching that thread, as are other lurkers.

Charles Barton, I copied your comment and pasted it there.


bryen and Graham Palmer,

We need to get the Critique finished quickly. Each of you has gathered a lot of information and have much of it in your head now. Could you contribute a critique on ZCA2020 ‘Appendix 7 – Implementation timeline’? We need comments today.

Start by defining and quoting the ZCA2020 assumptions then provide a revision supported by virtually irrefutable arguments and authoritative references.

Short and succinct and to the point is what we need. Maximum one page (plus a revised version of the ZCA table page 162 if that is possible but I doubt it is at this late stage)


PS – re Appendix 7

Should also mention that for jobs, most of those NREL links I’ve posted have construction / O&M jobs listed. Also the developers sites / press releases / planning apps (e.g. at CEC) also have job figures.


I need some feedback here please.

What would be the earliest feasible date we could commission out first solar thermal tower project of the scale assumed in the ZCA2020 plan (i.e., 100MW, 17h molten salt storage)? Thereafter what is the fastest rate we could roll them out?

Here is a quick brain dump from me:

1. May 2011 – Australian Government budgets funds for investigations and site selection
2. 2012 – Government departments award contracts to consultants to begin work
3. 2012-2015 – Site data collection, investigations, EIA and approvals
4. 2014 – Tonopah commissioned in USA (earliest date)
5. 2014-2017, evaluate Tonopah performance, redesign,
6. 2017 – award contract for construction of first plant
7. 2017-2020 – construction
8. 2020 – Commissioning

To change our planning laws requires legislation. This will take time and will be opposed in Federal and state parliaments if it is controversial and is seen be a potential waste of public funds.

How much better than this could we do, optimistically?


Something that jumped out at me on the RSEP: it will use up to 222 ML of water per year “for heliostat washing, steam cycle makeup and other process uses” (p.ES-3). Is > 1 ML of water per MW of nominal capacity a reasonable rule of thumb for solar thermal?

N.B. 222 ML is my translation of ‘180 acre-feet’; damn the Americans and their failure to go metric.

This seems to roughly equate with the ZCA2020 estimates (341 Litres/MWh), though only if you accept the RSEP apparent ~36% capacity factor assumption.



Forgot to mention earlier ->

Click to access csp.pdf

contains early EC costing / estimates for Spain. I dont know the date of the report, but looking at the text I’d guess around late 2005/early 2006

PS10 –
Contract NNE5-1999-0356 (Acronym PS10)
Title: 10 MW Solar Thermal Power Plant in Southern Spain
Start date: 01.07.01 Contract duration: 54 months
Final date: 31.12.05 Total cost (€): 29.437.787
Eligible costs (€): 16.649.508 EC contribution (€):4.999.963

Solar Tres / Gemasolar –

Contract NNE5-2001-369 (Acronym: Solar Tres)
Title: Molten Salt Solar Thermal Power 15 MWe Demonstration Plant
Start date: 01.01.03 Contract duration: 54 months
Final date: 30.06.07 Total cost (€):53.080.095
Eligible costs (€): 15.343.220 EC contribution (€):5.000.000

more on the timeline v. soon.


RESP quotes ->

Click to access RSEP_2.0_Proj_Description.pdf

“The project will be capable of producing approximately 450,000 megawatt hours (MWh) of renewable energy annually, with a nominal net generating capacity of 150 megawatts (MW). ”

Capacity factor = Wh/a / (W * 8760h/a)

I make that CF 50.5%

Conclusive proof that RSEP does NOT have 17 hours storage, or even close. Wonder what that equates to in hours?

Tonopah 100MW is CF 55% @ 10h storage



Yes, I have all those costs. We’re done with the costs for now (for the first edition of the 2020 Critique). We just need to focus on the timeline assumptions in ZCA2020.


More information – smart grids

The ZCA plan aims to reduce total energy demand and variability, using a smart grid to smooth electricity demand. Although specific parameters are not provided, the program appears to rely on demand management as a key plank in the program. For example:

page 20

The energy demand profile will be further smoothed using smart-grids in combination with an electric vehicle fleet and demand-negating, small scale PV.

page 22

Under the ZCA2020 Plan, improved insulation and the use of ‘smart meters’ assists in levelling short term spikes in electricity demand.

page 93

The ZCA2020 Plan combats this variation in demand both through system design and active load management, using Smart Grid technologies.

There is substantial activity both in Australia and worldwide on researching and developing “smart grid” components. The future of smart grids is arousing a significant amount of interest and research funding, and offers some exciting possibilities, particular with remote appliance control and electric vehicle recharging. For example, the Federal Government has the “Smart Cities Smart Grid” program

and there are a number of initiatives including, for example, the development of Australian Standard AS4755.3.1 for smart meter interfaces.

Click to access 09%20BRWG%20Workshop%2007%20-%20NSMP%20and%20the%20AS4755%20Appliance%20Interface%20version%203%20-%2016-17%20Sep%202009.pdf

However, smart grids are in an early stage of development, and while there may be some rewarding payoffs at some stage, future outcomes remain uncertain. The inertia inherent in energy systems, the existing stock of consumer appliances and large penetration of air conditioners, and the usual development cycle mean that smart grid technology is inevitably a long term venture. The report appears to accept the most optimistic potential outcomes of smart metering as an article of faith, and appears to assume fast-track implementation, although no detail is provided.

One of the main planks of the report appears to be the ability to readily implement air conditioner demand management strategies, through smart metering, with, presumably, differential pricing. There is no a priori reason to believe that socially palatable differential pricing is going to drive substantial reductions in air conditioner demand on the hottest days. Indeed, anecdotal evidence suggests that even householders that use their cooling systems sparingly will nonetheless use them on the few 40 degree plus days.

In a submission to the Australian Energy Regulator, Origin Energy notes:

There is little evidence in the Australia context of significant reductions in energy consumption resulting from the move to interval meters. It is uncertain whether the meters will lead to a sustained reduction in consumption and, if so, over what period.

Click to access item.phtml

Contrary to the ZCA report, the (now suspended) Victorian smart meter rollout does not expect the meters to provide demand management in the early stages, but rather, the meters will assist customers to get real-time information, and allow retailers to implement differential pricing. For example a recent Essential Services Commission report notes:

Customer bills are most impacted by the costs associated with growing network peak demands and generation, which suggests that it would be beneficial for customers to see and be charged directly for these distribution and generation costs.

Click to access DDPDraftDecisionSmartMetersRegulatoryReview20100721.pdf

In summary, the report assumes a best-case, fast-track scenario for smart grids despite the available evidence suggesting a marginal role for the foreseeable future.



I think your timeline for solar rollout is fair / optimistic.

The other issues with that timeline are when Gemasolar 17MW is ironed out, expected as 2014 based on S&L 3 year post construction testing etc. Alcazar 50MW (Solar 50), is a total unknown at the moment, I haven;t looked very hard though. According to

its “status” is 2011, whatever they mean by status. Alcazar does not appear on NREL’s list either. So until someone can find info on Solar 50 FOAK that is unknown. Would estimate 2014 earliest.

Solar 100 Tonopah is estimated 2014 – still needs planning approval to start.
Solar 150 RSEP Rice is estimated 2014 – still needs planning approval to start.

I’ll be interested to see how long construction actually takes with those two, given how things have gone so far. 2.5 years is prob optimistic, but you never know.

This would put ZCA stage 1 (2010 – 2015) pretty much out the game. Earliest optimism is they could start solar by 2014, using 17MW towers.

More later


Oh, should point out this in S & L 2003 page 3-6 ->

“Solar 50 is the first commercial plant of sufficient size to allow a number of larger plants to be developed.”

So in reality then Gemasolar 17MW is not ever going to be a commercial rollout. ZCA are also assuming 50MW as smallest module.


Gram Palmer, I believe that air source heat pumps sold in the United States and Canada, are capable of operating in a much lower temperature than – 5 C, with -30 °C being quoted as the lowest practical figure. In areas where demand for summer air conditioning is in high demand, air source heat pumps make a great deal of sense. Winter demand for heating is balanced by summer demand for cooling. Although heat pumps will increase overall demand for electricity and hence required added electrical generation capacity, the net effect of a switch to heat pumps is a reduction in overall energy demand, and a reduction of carbon emissions.

So why do Greens prefer natural gas heating? The answer is simple, the greater the demand for electricity, the greater the pressure to go nuclear. My own view is that the cost of Molten Salt Reactors can be reduced to the point that peak load nuclear will be cost effective, and thus the demand for AC and heating electricity can be meet by from nuclear generation sources. This would be unacceptable to anti-nuclear Greens.



Agree about heat pumps. There is a small market in Australia, mainly in cool regions without articulated gas, such as inland NSW, where the only options are bottled gas (very expensive and requires regular bottle refills) or wood (ok if you have access to cheap local wood). The use of oil filled or similar resistance heating appliances will send you broke. There are a small number of hydronic solar with bottled gas backup, but these will set you back $30K.

I don’t agree that there is any hidden agenda with a preference for natural gas – given the option of coal fired electricity as the alternative, gas is the obvious choice.


Try this gov submission by BZE & note the estimated CF figures for the to be built Alcazar 50MW tower :

page 9 = 70%
page 12 = ~80%

Click to access Solar_Flagships_submission_31Jan10.pdf

compare with 68.5% calculated from this press release November 17, 2009 ->

Click to access Alcazar-Cinco_Casas_Permitting_ENG.pdf

Alcazar would be 50MW @ 300,000MWh = CF 68.5%

Back to BZE’s gov sub on solar flagships->

“The nature of progress in tower plants, however, is to build a larger plant than the last. For example, Abengoa built a 10MWe power tower, PS10, followed by a 20MWe tower, PS20. For this reason, we suggest that the definition of commercially proven projects be modified to add the words “or scalable”, so that it reads:

Commercially proven projects will be taken to mean those projects that have been demonstrated at an operational level of at least 30MW for twelve months or with a replicable or scalable module below 30MW, with backing from financial and construction firms for scale-up plans.”

This is a planning / fast track speedup that is being sought by BZE. This looks to me they want pre-Gemasolar to be proven commercial. Although still building with Solar 50’s, 100’s etc mainly. Also just because they obtain the planning speed up doesn’t mean a developer will build immediately. There is usually a 3 year time limit to begin. Extensions are also obtainable.


The ZCA plan aims to reduce total energy demand and variability, using a smart grid to smooth electricity demand. Although specific parameters are not provided, the program appears to rely on demand management as a key plank in the program. For example:

page 20

The energy demand profile will be further smoothed using smart-grids in combination with an electric vehicle fleet and demand-negating, small scale PV.

page 22

Under the ZCA2020 Plan, improved insulation and the use of ‘smart meters’ assists in levelling short term spikes in electricity demand.

page 93

The ZCA2020 Plan combats this variation in demand both through system design and active load management, using Smart Grid technologies.

There is substantial activity both in Australia and worldwide on researching and developing “smart grid” components. The future of smart grids is arousing a significant amount of interest and research funding, and offers some exciting possibilities, particular with remote appliance control and electric vehicle recharging. For example, the Federal Government has the “Smart Cities Smart Grid” program

and there are a number of initiatives including, for example, the development of Australian Standard AS4755.3.1 for smart meter interfaces.

Click to access 09%20BRWG%20Workshop%2007%20-%20NSMP%20and%20the%20AS4755%20Appliance%20Interface%20version%203%20-%2016-17%20Sep%202009.pdf

However, smart grids are in an early stage of development, and while there may be some rewarding payoffs at some stage, future outcomes remain uncertain. The inertia inherent in energy systems, the existing stock of consumer appliances and large penetration of air conditioners, the requirement for evidenced based analysis of developments, and bureaucratic processes mean that smart grid technology is inevitably a long term venture. The report appears to accept the most optimistic potential outcomes of smart metering as an article of faith, and appears to assume fast-track implementation, although no detail is provided.

One of the main planks of the report appears to be the ability to readily implement air conditioner demand management strategies, through smart metering, with, presumably, differential pricing. There is no a priori reason to believe that socially palatable differential pricing is going to drive substantial reductions in air conditioner demand on the hottest days. Indeed, anecdotal evidence suggests that even householders that use their cooling systems sparingly will nonetheless use them on the few 40 degree plus days.

In a submission to the Australian Energy Regulator, Origin Energy notes

“There is little evidence in the Australia context of significant reductions in energy consumption resulting from the move to interval meters. It is uncertain whether the meters will lead to a sustained reduction in consumption and, if so, over what period.”

Click to access item.phtml

Contrary to the ZCA report, the (now suspended) Victorian smart meter rollout does not expect the meters to provide demand management in the early stages, but rather, the meters will assist customers to get real-time information, and allow retailers to implement differential pricing. For example a recent Essential Services Commission report notes

“Customer bills are most impacted by the costs associated with growing network peak demands and generation, which suggests that it would be beneficial for customers to see and be charged directly for these distribution and generation costs.”

Click to access DDPDraftDecisionSmartMetersRegulatoryReview20100721.pdf

In summary, the report assumes a best-case scenario for smart grids despite the available evidence suggesting a marginal role for the foreseeable future.


Two of the key platforms of the ‘smart grid’ are smart meters and electric cars. Both are now found wanting. I suspect the real intent behind smart meters is getting people used to paying the same power bill for 20% fewer kwh i.e. pay the same get less. Now some are querying whether EVs and PHEVs will be affordable, sufficiently versatile and able to save much oil.

Way upthread it was pointed out ZCA2020 implies a 70% energy use cut across all sectors. The ‘smart grid’ won’t achieve that on current evidence. The system needs as much grunt as it has now, only with lower emissions.



Didn’t spot that.

Good sanity check on that RSEP CF then, thanks.

Any other info on RSEP would be very useful e.g. cost, storage time (I dont think it has much, probably just enough for intermittent cloud cover).


John Newlands,
Now some are querying whether EVs and PHEVs will be affordable, sufficiently versatile and able to save much oil.

If the same assumption re : affordable, were to be used for SUV’s we would also conclude that only a small portion of the vehicles would be SUVs because of the high price.
Whats being ignored is (1) many consumers only buy second and vehicles(2) oil prices are going to rise very dramatically.
What is the versatile problem with a PHEV?
Oil savings would range from 50% (never plug in) to >90% ( recharge every night and top up at work, shopping centers etc).
Way upthread it was pointed out ZCA2020 implies a 70% energy use cut across all sectors. The ‘smart grid’ won’t achieve that on current evidence
A smart grid will never save electricity, just time shift the load. The saving in energy is due to changing from FF( 15-50% efficiency) to electricity (80-300% efficiency in moving vehicles or low grade heat) on a MJ basis. So a PHEV running on electricity uses 0.2-0.4kWh/km(0.72-1.4MJ/km) compared to a ICE vehicle( 10-14L/100km=0.1-.14L/km or 14-20MJ/km, ) This gives a saving of >90% for the same work. Similarly replacing NG heat with heat pumps saves about 75% in energy use( on a MJ basis). Any improvements in insulation lighting etc would add to those savings.
Similar savings would occur if FF is replaced by nuclear based on MWe.


If there was an industrial scale electrical load that could be switched on or off without causing problems, then this could help in demand matching.

I wonder if desalination is such a task – there is always a big buffer of fresh water (in terms of hours of supply) between the desalination plant and the consumer’s tap; the plant are distributed around the country, focused around urban centres; and they are controlled by government agencies. – Water Corp WA:
“To produce the 45 gigalitres of water each year that the desalination plant is designed for, the power requirement will be 24 megawatts. This represents 185 gigawatt hours of energy per year …” [88% load factor]

That doesn’t sound like much in terms of the total generating capacity, but if it is 100% dispatchable then it must help.


Neil with the SUV families can travel interstate, tow a trailer, go bush and take kids to soccer. Battlers can afford such vehicles 2nd hand. Efficiency aside the PHEV all-electric range won’t suit many eg the fringe suburb commuter with a night shift job in the city. I live 65km out of Hobart but I’m driving on modified chip oil so I hope to be OK. I’d say the take-up of EVs is unpredictable as this stage. You’d think Holden or Ford would market the NGVs their affiliates sell overseas.

ZCA want Australia to power down from 3900 PJ all up to 1100 PJ a year. That’s cutting demand, not shifting it.


Dave Kimble

Industrial scale load switching already occurs. One of the reasons the Portland smelter was able to negotiate such a good deal was an agreement to power down under certain predicted peak demand conditions. This is not a minute by minute proposition however, but a “whole day” exercise (I forget the specific details)

There are many barriers to demand management – would you want to power down your factory so that you can reduce your electricity bill? Here’s are good starting point:



RSEP cost is given as US$750-850 million (capital) plus US$5-7 million annually, here.

I can’t find any numbers regarding storage, just generic SolarReserve blather.


I understand supply interrupt clauses are quite severe for aluminium smelting as Wikipedia points out Power must be constantly available, since the pots have to be repaired at significant cost if the liquid metal solidifies. That is the electricity supplier may face penalties if it curtails supply beyond a few hours per year. That’s for molten salt refining but aqueous solutions are less vulnerable eg zinc plate electrolysis.

I believe both types of electro refiners, molten salt and aqueous, pay just a fraction of what households pay, perhaps 2-4c per kwh. The price differential could be seen as a blatant and unmerited subsidy. Moreover they operate at steady output around the clock. ZCA would have us believe that once fossil energy has built all the wind towers, mirrors and boilers then these sources will supply all the energy needed for their replacement. Presumably cement will no longer be made with coal or gas. I have trouble envisaging an aluminium smelter drawing 200 MWe at 2 a.m. on a calm night being powered by wind and solar.


The RSEP project turns out to have a capacity factor of .34, thus it would appear to have no more than 4 hours storage. The average annual output is will be 6% lower than that of the Tonopah Crescent Dunes Solar Energy Project, despite a nominal output rating that is 50% higher. Both projects are projected to have similar costs, so the levelized cost of electricity from the RSEP project will be similar to that of electricity from the Crescent Dunes project, ie., over $0.40 per kWh.



Thanks, that Rice Solar site displays a key point under RSEP project location ->


Previously disturbed site – former Rice Army Airfield and private airfield, which has been abandoned since 1958

Remote location – 10-mile new transmission line will interconnect with Western’s existing transmission system

Not located in any Area of Critical Environmental Concern (ACEC) or critical habitat areas for listed species

Central receiver tower is located one mile from State Route 62


This is a classic problem with ZCA report, they are saying these aren’t pilot plants when they clearly are! You dont stick the Solar 150 pilot plant somewhere too remote, you need decent access. That is why it will ONLY cost US$750-850 million (capital) plus US$5-7 million annually.

Another KEY point, notice construction time is estimated as 30 months (2.5 years). It will be interesting to see what that figure is when its finally online. Pretty handy having an abandoned airfield area too…

The lack of storage info given on the site you linked to is also a bit shoddy.

Don’t forget the CEC planning site is where to get the real info for California projects (well any planning dept site in fact in the county or state where the plant is located).

All California solar ->

Executive summary of the RSEP solar power tower project at CEC ->

Click to access RSEP_0%200_Executive_Summary.pdf

Keep your eye out on those CEC web pages, all the links to the planning docs for whatever project you have selected are in the left vertical frame column.

Planning docs are a long haul. the Environmental Impact Assess / Statements are usually the key docs to get stuck into. For each planning app there are thousands of pages, most of which is usually utter garbage anyway / copy & paste from previous apps then change the details. I kid you not I have seen the names of previous project titles in wind farm planning docs, some of these environmental assessment firms dont have a very high quality control level.

Detailed(ish) planning docs for RSEP are in these two folders ->

Public exhibition period here in NSW is still under fast track, so we only get 30 days to :

a) find out its on exhibition if the developer “forgets” to tell you or tells you late
b) do the research / find & pay an expert or experts
c) write up a submission
d) attempt to continue living your normal day to life at the same time, so you really have only the odd night a week and maybe a day at the weekend, to do the above, over 4 weeks! maybe 8 weeks if the developer feels generous (have a guess ? :)


Good comment about the average annual output & costs.


meant to add ->

30 days to research the EA / EIS and comment is peanuts compared to the post approval construction requirement. The approvals in NSW for Silverton wind farm for example gave the developer 5 years before they have to break ground. For Capital WF it was 3 years.


Re: portland Smelter

Hal Turton from the Australia Institute did a good report on the Australian smelter industry in 2002:

Click to access DP44.pdf

My understanding of the cost structure is that it came about because of the oversupply after the construction of Loy Lang B, which left the SECV in debt. Alcoa negotiated a price based on the marginal cost of electricity (very low in the case of brown coal) and varied according to the world price of aluminium. I always believe these things give cause for reflection – most of us thought that bringing this type of heavy industry to Victoria was a great idea at the time, just as many think it would be a great idea to end the subsidies now – what will we think in another 10 years?


A recent document by Save the River, which is relevant regarding environmental issues of large scale wind deployment of the kind suggested by ZCA.

Particularly as I have stated earlier that there is no acknowledgement or assessment at all in the ZCA report of the potential negative environmental impacts of their large scale wind rollout.


Save The River Position on Industrial Wind Development within the St. Lawrence River Valley

“The special nature of the place that we inhabit, including the importance of the habitat and flyway, when taken with the scale of the wind energy projects proposed, the lack of a process to assess cumulative review, and the initial indications of substantial impacts to birds and bats, all lead us to conclude that wind projects proposed for our area should not proceed further until the Wolfe Island Wind post-construction wildlife impact study is completed and a cumulative wildlife impact assessment involving the US and Canadian governments has occurred.”

+ also note ->

“To address these concerns, Save The River supports the following:

1. A three-year moratorium on wind project development in municipalities bordering the Upper St. Lawrence River, in the US and Canada.

2. A cumulative assessment of bird and bat mortality as well as other environmental impacts, for the upper St. Lawrence River valley, coordinated by agencies in the US and Canada, considering two regional scenarios, one for 500 wind turbines and the other for 1,000 wind turbines.”



John Newlands
Neil with the SUV families can travel interstate, tow a trailer, go bush and take kids to soccer. Battlers can afford such vehicles 2nd hand.
Most families have 2 vehicles, and there is no reason why a PHEV’s cannot go interstate and take kids to soccer. Not sure how many SUV’s ever go bush at present(definitely no SUV drivers I know).
Battlers will be able to afford PHEV’s second hand just like they can buy a Prius second hand or a Jazz or Mazda 2, cars that use one third two one half as much fuel as most SUVs. I mean be realistic, families in the 1950’s and 1960’s were larger and didn’t have SUVs, as kids we walked to sports, its a bit like people now-days going to gym and waiting for a lift so they don’t have to walk up 2 floors!
In any case there will not be enough oil for everyone to drive ICE powered SUV’s so it will be PHEV or EV or walk and public transport.

Efficiency aside the PHEV all-electric range won’t suit many eg the fringe suburb commuter with a night shift job in the city. I live 65km out of Hobart but I’m driving on modified chip oil so I hope to be OK. I’d say the take-up of EVs is unpredictable as this stage.
PHEV’s are ideal for fringe suburb commuters, they can save 65km -130km( depending upon work charging) of ICE driving every day. The 10km/day commuter will only save 10km of ICE travel.
Of course EV uptake is unpredictable, we don’t know if petrol is going to be $1.50/l or $15/l in 10 or 20 years. The critical issue is to have manufacturing capacity in place to respond to demand if be have $15/l petrol.

ZCA want Australia to power down from 3900 PJ all up to 1100 PJ a year. That’s cutting demand, not shifting it.
Thats cutting use of PJ present in FF, in fact electricity consumption is projected to increase by 50%, but because 98% of each kWh( 3.4MJ) is generated by renewable energy, we are saving about 10MJ of FF energy that is presently used to generate one kWh and replacing 35MJ /l of petrol with 2kWh( 7.2MJ) of electricity. The ZCA also projects less VMT and better insulation but the big savings are replacing FF (PJ’s) with 35% as many electric (PJ’s) and doing the same work.


Neil I admit there is a conundrum over high fuel prices; maybe the PHEV will be the least-worst alternative. However there are some major reasons why potential buyers will resist them
1) high sticker price over $40k
2) cost of fast chargers at home
3) lack of workplace charging
4) lack of zip in range extension mode.
Therefore I think ZCA are getting way ahead of themselves assuming there will be a wholesale rush to electric private transport. Strangely I agree that we shouldn’t burn too much gas in power stations as CNG looks like the logical replacement for diesel. When petrol gets over say $3/L I think there will be an economic slowdown that will make EVs less affordable. More subsidies perhaps.

I plead guilty to bush bashing my excuse being the fuel is made from waste veg oil. I’m working on a Facebook page (not yet uploaded) on some old overgrown platinum diggings nearby. I hope to touch on species extinction (thylacine) and silicate weathering.



“Strangely I agree that we shouldn’t burn too much gas in power stations…”

Funnily enough implementation of CST in the form of gas / solar hybrid & Integrated Solar Combined Cycle System (ISCCS) requires doing exactly just that.

Further funnily enough, this is extensively discussed in Sargent & Lundy 2003, which is ZCA’s favourite reference of all time. The bible… eeer except the bit about fossil fuels in Section 2.3, a couple of short excerpts ->

“Many solar-fossil hybrid options are possible with natural gas combined-cycle and coal-fired or oil-fired Rankine plants, and may accelerate near-term deployment of projects due to improved economics and reduced overall project risk. One opportunity for hybrid integration is with a power tower hybridized with a combined-cycle plant. In this power boost hybrid plant, a solar-only plant has, in effect, been “piggybacked” on top of a base-loaded fossil-fueled plant. ”

“When hybridizing a solar power tower with a base-load fossil-fired plant, solar contributes about 25% of the peak power output from the plant and between 10% and 25% of the annual electricity. (The higher annual solar fraction can be achieved with 13 hours of thermal storage and the lower solar fraction with just a few hours of storage.)”

“The Integrated Solar Combined Cycle System (ISCCS) was initially proposed as a way of integrating a parabolic trough solar plant with modern combined-cycle power plants. The approach reduces the effective cost of the conventional power plant equipment, leveraging O&M and project development costs over a much larger plant and potentially increasing the solar-to-electric conversion efficiency. The initial concept was simply to increase the size of the steam turbine, use solar energy to generate steam, and use the waste heat from the gas turbine to preheat and superheat the steam. The general concept called for doubling the size of the steam turbine
in the bottoming cycle. The ISCCS plant would operate at the combined-cycle output during non-solar periods, and then output would increase by up to one third when solar energy was available (referred to as the solar increment). However if the combined-cycle plant is operated in a baseload operating profile, the annual solar fraction (percent of electric generation from solar) will only be about 10%. In addition, detailed design integration issues must be considered to make sure the solar integration does not have a significant impact on the combined-cycle fossil operation. A number of recent studies have looked at the best approaches for this integration. ISCCS plants are being considered for all four of the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) grant
projects (India, Egypt, Morocco, and Mexico).”


Take special note of the power tower storage time, 13h, which I think is looking to be the more financially preferred number of hours for storage.

Also take note that this solar thermal tower & trough hybridisation / ISCCS will be vital for keeping costs down, but again ZCA report deems this not worthy of a mention. One wonders how all these plants are going to be rolled out without gas.

And also I wonder how this removal of gas from the ZCA solar thermal equation may interact with cost calculations compared to S&L 2003 figures. As cost is not my area, someone else should look at that.

However, ZCA report & BZE have an amazing ability to ignore these basic gas/solar facts, whether in the brief discussion(?) as we found out on Climate Spectator or in their report.

This is possibly why they do not want to discuss the transition in detail, because as S&L 2003 point out, hybrid & ISCCS is really the initial route to getting CSP rolled out. Just look at those CST plants doing this already as I mentioned up thread.

Perhaps then, BZE didn’t closely read the comments by Andrew Dyer, Director, BrightSource Energy Australia that they themselves have quoted at the front of their ZCA report. 3rd page at front of the pdf ->

“With far greater efficiencies, higher capacity factors, lower capital costs and the ability to operate the plant in hybrid mode and/or with storage, the BrightSource Luz Power Tower is the proven technology of today and well into the future for delivering firm, renewable power”

Notice also the careful none use of the word “commercial” before the word “proven”.

Also notice at the beginning of Dyer’s comments in the same quote in ZCA report he refers to SEGS ->

“At BrightSource’s predecessor, Luz, they designed, developed, built and operated the nine SEGS parabolic trough plants in California that still operate today. Built in the 1980’s, these plants were the best that could be built with the available technology at the time and certainly proved beyond any doubt that one could capture the sun’s energy and convert it into steam for large scale electricity generation on a scale never before contemplated.”

Eeer, ahem, etc… SEGS plant is a classic example of solar combined with gas… i.e. none standalone, funny (not) again the none-mentioning of this crucial piece of info.

Take a look at the NREL pages for SEGS systems which are between 14MW to 80MW ->

e.g. SEGS IX (the last one they made) :

Power Block
Turbine Capacity (Gross): 89.0 MW
Turbine Capacity (Net): 80.0 MW
Output Type: MHI regenerative steam turbine, solar preheat and steam generation, natural-gas-fired superheater
Power Cycle Pressure: 40.0 bar
Turbine Efficiency: 37.6% @ full load
Fossil Backup Type: Natural gas

**Even Wikipedia know they run on gas too ->


John N,

Only $98million for 44MW, I wonder what Kogan Creek will do for storage when ZCA ban fossil fuels next year.

Kogan Creek cola fired power station is 750MW, I’d hardly call 44MW(nameplate!) a boost. S & L 2003 rightly describe this as ->

“…“piggybacked” on top of a base-loaded fossil-fueled plant. ”

i.e. it provides a tiny wafer thin feel good green veneer, but not much else.

So after the ZCA fossil fuel removal, Kogan Creek will need to do a fair bit of solar boosting…


But regarding gas / solar that leaves a few questions hanging in the air about ZCA report ->

Are any of the ZCA assumptions for solar based on figures that were originally calculated with gas in the mix?

If so, given that there is absolutely no mention of solar / gas in the ZCA report, was gas removed from the ZCA equation and how?


Oh and before I forget regarding the solar trough SEGS that is proudly mentioned by Dyer in the start of ZCA report.

Well SEGS II had a bit of bother back in 99. “Since the accident” it still uses gas I assume. I did read somewhere that they never bothered replacing the storage, but I can’t rem the source offhand. ->

Wikipedia :
In February 1999, a 900,000-US-gallon (3,400 m3) therminol storage tank exploded at the SEGS II (Daggett) solar power plant, sending flames and smoke into the sky. Authorities were trying to keep flames away from two adjacent containers that held sulfuric acid and caustic soda. The immediate area of 0.5 square miles (1.3 km2) was evacuated.[9]

& the ref [9] points to this news story


[9] ->

Storage Tank at Solar Power Plant in Desert Explodes; Immediate Area Is Evacuated –

“DAGGETT, Calif. — A storage tank exploded at a solar power plant Friday, sending flames and billows of smoke into the sky for hours and forcing authorities to evacuate the immediate area.

The fire, which broke out about 6 p.m., was still burning four hours later at the SEGS II power plant near Interstate 40 about seven miles east of Barstow, said San Bernardino County Fire Battalion Chief David McLees.

Firefighters “tried to put water on it and said it was like putting out a house fire with a garden hose,” he said.

The 900,000-gallon tank was holding a heat-transfer fluid called therminol, McLees said. Therminol is a hydraulic fluid that is heated to about 850 degrees and run through pipes to solar panels to help generate electricity, McLees said.

The fluid can be mildly toxic. Authorities were also trying to keep flames from leaping to two adjacent containers that held sulfuric acid and caustic soda, both toxic substances, he said.

An unspecified number of employees at the plant were evacuated. All known employees were accounted for, he said.

The cause of the blast was not known, McLees said.

Police and fire officials evacuated a half-square-mile area around the facility, said sheriff’s spokeswoman Sue Santana.”


Renewable Energy: Avoiding a National Security “Train Wreck”

Lenny Siegel
Center for Public Environmental Oversight
July, 2008

Click to access Renewables.pdf

An excerpt ->

“To learn to what degree renewable energy generation is compatible with desert
habitat and military operations, in April 2008 I joined a tour of the Solar Energy
Generating Systems (units III-VII) facility in Kramer Junction, California. ”

This is actually worth a look at because it gives you an idea geographically of how close all those solar plants in the Mojave desert are to both population areas, wildlife areas and military bases. There are some good map views also in the doc.


@Dave Kimble, I saw somewhere (might have been the RSEP material) that the molten salt is a mixture of sodium nitrate and potassium nitrate.


An Evaluation of Molten-Salt Power Towers Including Results of the Solar Two Project

Hugh E. Reilly and Gregory J. Kolb
Solar Thermal Technology Department
Sandia National Laboratories
P.O. Box 5800
Albuquerque, NM 87185-0703


2001 Nov 01


Pretty good report on the tech, also discusses the next one which will be Solar Tres / Gemasolar in Spain estimated 2011. (which will also have 15% nat gas)

“This report utilizes the results of the Solar Two project, as well as continuing technology development, to update the technical and economic status of molten-salt power towers. The report starts with an overview of power tower technology, including the progression from Solar One to the Solar Two project. This discussion is followed by a review of the Solar Two project–what was planned, what actually occurred, what was learned, and what was accomplished. The third section presents preliminary information regarding the likely configuration of the next molten-salt power tower plant. This section draws on Solar Two experience as well as results of continuing power tower development efforts conducted jointly by industry and Sandia National Laboratories. The fourth section details the expected performance and cost goals for the first commercial molten-salt power tower plant and includes a comparison of the commercial performance goals to the actual performance at Solar One and Solar Two. The final section summarizes the successes of Solar Two and the current technology development activities. The data collected from the Solar Two project suggest that the electricity cost goals established for power towers are reasonable and can be achieved with some simple design improvements.”

A great quote ->

“Dispatchability using storage was successfully demonstrated during the Solar Two project. Operation into the evening hours was routinely done, and on one occasion, the plant ran 24 hrs/day for nearly one week.”

Also has a good description of “Solar Two during the operational phase from February 1998 until plant shutdown in April 1999.”

On operational phase, note that planned operation start was Jan 96 & actual start was Feb 98.

***Power production started March 98 until shutdown April 99.

See Table 2.3 page 2-7.

The report is available here ->


Correction on last post power production started from Feb 98 but was concurrent with Test & Evaluation. Should have made that a bit clearer.


Neil Howes,

What do you think of the build rate for CST and wind power proposed in the ZCA2020 plan?

The reason I asked is because I recall you pointing out some time ago, following the posting of the “Emissions Cuts Realities” paper, that Australia could not build nuclear at the rate assumed in the paper (0.5GW per 2020 to 2025, 1GW per year to 2030, 1.5GW per year to 2035 then 2GW per year thereafter). You said that to do so would require a bigger effort than the NW Shelf and Australia could not affford it, or words to that effect.

However, the ZCA2020 plan is calling for 6 to 7GW per year of CST from 2015 to 2020. CST requres about 10 times as much material as nuclear per GW so the ZCA plan is calling for the equivalent in materials (and therefore workforce) of about 60 to 70 1GW nuclear power stations per year.

What do you think of this? Have you looked critically at the ZCA2020 plan?


Electric Cars

Electric cars have held allure since before Thomas Edison promoted the electric car in the early part of the twentieth century, utilizing the nickel-iron battery, competing with steam powered and internal combustion engines. The conjunction of climate change, predictions of peak oil, and improving battery technology has spurred renewed interest in electric vehicles, and the ZCA plan takes this interest to its (assumed) logical conclusion stating:

page 13

Under the Plan, oil and LPG production ceases and the inefficient internal combustion engine is replaced with a combination of electrified heavy and light rail, electric vehicles, and some range-extending biofueled hybrid- electric vehicles.

and achieving this through:

page 17

The plan proposes a large scale upgrade of public transport services, supplemented with a smaller-than- current private vehicle fleet, consisting of electric, battery swap and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. Where plug-in hybrid vehicles exist in the fleet, the plan proposes that they use green biofuels instead of petrol or diesel fuel. However, the plan recommends a focus on development and rollout of zero-emission electric vehicles, rather than that of low emission fossil-fuel-powered vehicles. Additional energy savings can be accessed by reducing average distances travelled through better urban planning and localised access to services. A renewed emphasis on cycling infrastructure will encourage the use of bicycles in urban areas.
The modal shift from private passenger vehicles to shared electric rail vehicles has the capacity to reduce the private car fleet by around 50%. The average car will travel 8000km p.a. instead of the 15,000km travelled today. ZCA2020 aims for Australia to have six million pure electric, plug-in hybrid electric and battery swap electric vehicles by 2020.


page 17

The introduction of 6 million new vehicles in 10 years may seem a challenge, but Australians currently purchases around 1 million new vehicles every year. Demand for new vehicles is therefore strong enough to drive the introduction of appropriately-priced zero emission vehicles. The Australian fleet currently numbers some 12 million private vehicles. The Plan does not attempt to replace all 12 million vehicles, as it anticipates vast improvements to public transport, higher fuel prices, and hence reduced demand for private vehicles.

It is difficult to comprehensively critique the EV proposal because of a complete absence of detail. It is not clear whether the proposal is included in the plan as a serious proposition, or a thought experiment in what could be technically possible if Australians were to theoretically install a benevolent dictator or wise king. There is a fundamental tension between, on the one hand, considering the proposal as a legitimate starting point for a discussion about future possibilities, and on the other hand, the serious implementation of the plan, given the assumed reduction in oil consumption (page 13).

Possibly the most authoritative commentary on the future of EV’s is laid out in the International Energy Agency’s, Technology Roadmap: Electric and Plug-in Electric Vehicles (2009). The road-map suggests the possibility of global sales of

0.7 million PHEV and 0.5 million EV in 2015 and;
4.7 million PHEV and 2.5 million EV in 2020, noting

This is an ambitious but plausible scenario that assumes strong policies and clear policy frameworks, including provision of adequate infrastructure and incentives.

and further noting

This scenario achieves 50 000 units of production per model for both EVs and PHEVs by 2015, and 100 000 by 2020. This rate of increase in production will be extremely challenging over the short time frame considered (about ten years).

Click to access EV_PHEV_Roadmap.pdf

But, the ZCA plan states:

page 17

At the beginning of World War II, Holden was transformed from a struggling automotive manufacturer to a producer of high volumes of cars, aircraft, field guns and marine engines. Increased production to 900,000 vehicles per annum across the three existent auto plants is certainly achievable in the twenty-first century, and would allow the production of six million plug-in electric vehicles by 2020.

It is hard to reconcile these competing claims, particular given that Australia represents 2% of the global car market, and further, the ZCA plan does not make recommendations as to what type of regulation or legislative process would be used to implement the industry and transport policy. A myriad of questions are not addressed such as; what do the other 37 makes of cars, selling more than 200 models in Australia do, who will decide which models to produce, how will the political ramifications of denying consumers the right to purchase cheaper petrol or diesel cars of their choice be handled, what should happen to the existing fleet of cars, how will retraining of the motor mechanic workforce be handled, will compensation be provided?

Assuming that the EV proposal is plausible, the ZCA plan assumes a dramatic ramp-up in public transport, resulting in a 75% reduction in total passenger vehicle kilometres. Infrastructure Australia produced a recent report detailing which public transport projects it considered high-priority, noting

Australia relies heavily on the productivity of its cities for national prosperity. The majority of our population and businesses are located in urban areas, and our cities are hubs of economic activity that link Australia to the global economy. The rapid growth and development in these hubs has imposed challenges relating to patterns of growth, water supply, urban congestion, patterns of advantage and disadvantage, climate change and adaptation, and pressures on public finance. Australia’s transport systems are especially struggling in the face of these challenges with public transport growing rapidly in recent years and reaching capacity limits in most major cities.

Click to access National_Infrastructure_Priorities.pdf

To address the most the most immediate, Infrastructure Australia produced a list of 11 public transport projects, totalling $38B. The implementation of these projects would allow, broadly, Australia to maintain business-as-usual in the context of increased economic activity and population increase. It is difficult to estimate the cost of building public transport infrastructure, combined with improved town planning, that would allow a 75% reduction in total vehicle kilometres, and the absence of detail in the ZCA plan does allow allow a critique of the proposal. Indeed, such a dramatic reduction in the context of increasing vehicle usage seems implausible at face value and no evidence is provided to support the contention that such a dramatic shift has ever been achieved in a prosperous, functional, democracy at any time.

In summary, a considered debate might well conclude that carbon pricing, corporate average fuel economy standards, research and development funding, industry tax concessions, among other incentives, might assist Australia’s transition from oil dependence, and indeed, Australian policy development has lagged global developments. However the ZCA proposals appear to have emerged more as a thought bubble than a realistic appraisal of achievable outcomes, and perversely, retards genuine debate in making that transition a reality.


I note Crikey links to an article arguing the case for subsidising electric cars, the grounds being they could be the Next Big Thing. However subsidies for EVs pose the same problem as rebates for solar panels; why should the poor help pay for a middle class fashion statement?

An equal case could be made for petrol/CNG dual fuel vehicles of which several models exist. If the service station on the highway doesn’t have a CNG bowser top up with expensive petrol until you find somewhere else. Users of PHEVs like the GM Volt are told to make sure the battery is topped up before long hill climbs as the 3 cylinder engine struggles with a heavy car. Thus even short distance commuters on Adelaide’s Hills Freeway or Hobart’s Southern Outlet might not suit PHEVs.

Note Australia uses about a million barrels of oil a day, increasingly imported. To replace that as a fuel and plastics feedstock could take 50 Mt of gas a year. Not a peep out of the Federal govt on how to replace oil. Quick approvals however if anybody wants to export gas or burn it in power stations.


Peter Lang,
I think the ZCA2020 plan for building 42GW of CSP by 2020 is totally unrealsitic, and probably only need 21GW of CSP with balance wind.
I recall from memory that Canada built about 1GW per year of nuclear after a time lag. We have to consider how many reactors could be under construction in Australia with limited work-force, evern if many modules are imported as in done with CNG.
Wind instillation is starting from 0.5GW/year base, and many components are imported. If instillation continues to double every 3 years could have 70GW by 2030 built in higher capacity factor regions.
Anyway building nuclear, solar and wind at same time would seem a better option and use of various skilled work-forces and will get us to phasing out all coal faster than any one technology. Keepign present NG fired power would be a better option than new biomass.


John Newlands
However there are some major reasons why potential buyers will resist them
1) high sticker price over $40k

This hasnt stopped SUV’s being sold
2) cost of fast chargers at home
Not relevant in Australia, standard outlets 10Ax 220v is going to fully re-charge in 4 hrs, using on-board charger.

3) lack of workplace charging
most people work for >4h so standard outlets would be OK, many people would not need to top up, or only need 1-2 h charging. Replacing incandescent bulbs with higher efficiency fluro should free up capacity.

4) lack of zip in range extension mode.
Same zip what ever mode, since electric motor always powers the vehicle.


This is an interesting article + couple of snippets, and video of bat & wind turbine interaction :

Moreover, organisms that use the aerosphere are influenced by an increasing number of anthropogenic factors such as skyscrapers, air pollution, aircraft, radio and television towers, lighted towns and cities, and more recently from the proliferation of communication towers and wind turbines that now dot the Earth’s landscape. Human alteration of landscapes by forest fragmentation, intensive agriculture, and urbanization and assorted industrial activities are all rapidly and irreversibly transforming the quantity and quality of available habitats that airborne organisms rely upon for navigational cues, sources of food, water, nesting and roosting habitats: conditions that in turn are influencing the structure and function of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems and the assemblages of organisms therein. Climate change and its expected increase in global temperatures, altered circulation of air masses, and its effects on local, regional, and weather patterns have had and continue to exert profound influences on the dispersal, foraging and migratory behavior of insects, birds and bats. Ultimately, understanding ecosystem services provided by arthropods, birds, and bats that use the aerosphere will be important for maintaining biodiversity, human health, and ecosystem health of planet Earth.

The Effect of Wind Energy Development on Bats

“While this may seem like a step in the right direction, there are environmental consequences. Bats, which play an enormous and often underappreciated role in our ecosystems, are being killed by wind turbines in alarming numbers. Researchers predict that up to 111,000 bats will die due to wind turbines in 2020 in just the Mid-Atlantic Highlands region of the US.2 These deaths would not only pose an ecological problem, but would also prove to be an economic loss. In light of the economic and ecological value of bats and the growing popularity of wind energy, identifying ways to minimize bat fatalities on wind farms is essential.”

“Farmers rely on these bats to help increase crop yields. Researchers in Texas estimated the economic value of the pest-control service that bats provide to these farmers. According to their study, a lactating female bat can consume up to two-thirds of her body weight in insects in a single night.3 Considering that more than 100 million Brazilian free-tailed bats forage every night in Texas, the implications are enormous. Bats provide an economic service to farmers in two ways: first, they increase crop yield by reducing the number of pests, and second, they decrease the number of pesticide applications needed. Without these services, Texan farmers in the eight-county Winter Garden area would lose 13.5% of their annual income from the lost cotton production (worth an estimated $5.5 million/year).4 Moreover, pesticide use not only costs money, but also has its own environmental impacts. Increased crop pests make the possibility of organic farming less attainable. This analysis only accounts for the losses to part of Texas. On a national level, the economic losses due to decreases in bat populations would be devastating.”

“In a major Federal court decision in December 2009, a judge in Maryland ruled to stop the expansion of a $300 million wind farm on the basis that it would kill endangered Indiana bats.10 This ruling would require the wind energy company to obtain a permit from the US Fish and Wildlife Service before constructing additional turbines. The permit would restrict the operation of wind turbines during peak periods of migration. Rulings like this serve as a reminder that renewable energy is not always synonymous with environmental sustainability.”


+ also Aeroecology research on this issue snippets :

“The aerosphere represents one of three major components of the biosphere. From ecological and evolutionary perspectives it is one of the least understood substrata of the troposphere with respect to how organisms interact with and are influenced by this highly variable, fluid environment. ”

“Moreover, organisms that use the aerosphere are influenced by an increasing number of anthropogenic factors such as skyscrapers, air pollution, aircraft, radio and television towers, lighted towns and cities, and more recently from the proliferation of communication towers and wind turbines that now dot the Earth’s landscape. Human alteration of landscapes by forest fragmentation, intensive agriculture, and urbanization and assorted industrial activities are all rapidly and irreversibly transforming the quantity and quality of available habitats that airborne organisms rely upon for navigational cues, sources of food, water, nesting and roosting habitats: conditions that in turn are influencing the structure and function of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems and the assemblages of organisms therein. Climate change and its expected increase in global temperatures, altered circulation of air masses, and its effects on local, regional, and weather patterns have had and continue to exert profound influences on the dispersal, foraging and migratory behavior of insects, birds and bats. Ultimately, understanding ecosystem services provided by arthropods, birds, and bats that use the aerosphere will be important for maintaining biodiversity, human health, and ecosystem health of planet Earth.”


Neil – hill climbing in the Chevrolet Volt is discussed here. Next they should cross the entire Rockies on one charge. I would like to see a PHEV travel some mountainous commutes like Adelaide-Mt Barker or Hobart-Huonville and back, assuming no outdoor charging points were available.

Graham – the fact that our politicians last seriously thought about Peak Oil in 2004 is not reassuring.


10A x 220V x 4 hours = 8.8 KW.h
less the energy lost in charging and discharging.
The Miev is only small and its battery is 16 KW.h

If electric cars were to catch on, the load on the street-level/sub-station grid infrastructure will be severely overloaded unless smart meters are used, and who wants to wait for the meter to say you can charge now and start driving in 8 hours’ time ?

Changing from incandescent to compact fluoro would save you (60 – 11) = 49 W.h per standard bulb per hour, so you would need to be burning 45 bulbs for 4 hours/day/car for that to work out.

No doubt knowing the real figures wouldn’t actually stop the wasteful Australian car driver from buying an EV, but we are up against limits here and governments have to “keep the lights on”, and the air-con, and the cars. They will end up not retiring the coal-fired power stations because they can’t let people sit in the dark.


Graham Palmer you comment on electric vehicles:

“It is not clear whether the proposal is included in the plan as a serious proposition, or a thought experiment in what could be technically possible if Australians were to theoretically install a benevolent dictator or wise king. ”

It’s absolutely a necessary condition for their plan. Most of the energy savings by 2020 come from 100% electrification of all road vehicles. This is a core promise of the proposal.


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